24 resultados para Lino

em SAPIENTIA - Universidade do Algarve - Portugal


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Tese de dout., Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente (Ecologia Marinha), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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The striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus, used for this population dynamics study were obtained from longline catches and market sampling in the Algarve (south Portugal). The macroscopic analysis of the gonads and the gonad somatic index showed that the south Portuguese population of L. mormyrus spawns mainly between late spring and summer (June to August). The length at first maturity was similar for males and females and the value for both sexes combined was estimated to be 16.08 cm, corresponding to an age between 1 and 2 years. Fish age classes (0 to 13) were determined by reading growth rings on whole otoliths. Age determination was validated by marginal increment analysis. The estimated parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were L infinity = 35.30 cm, K = 0.264 and t(0) = -0.809. Mortality rates were calculated for fish captured with longlines, and the estimated parameters were M = 0.356, Z = 0.622 and F = 0.266. From an Algarve fishery management perspective, these results suggest the need for an increase in the minimum landing size (from 15 to 17 cm), which should be beneficial for the sustainability and conservation of this species. The results also showed that fishing with longlines off the Algarve coast may allow for a sustainable use of the resource.


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Samples of Boops boops ranging from 7.4 to 30.5 cm were obtained mainly by longline, supplemented by beach seining in the Ria Formosa lagoon, and by market sampling in the Algarve (southern Portugal). The macroscopic analyses of the gonads and the gonad somatic index showed that the south coast of Portugal B. boops spawn mainly from late winter to spring, between February and May. The length at first maturity was similar for males and females and the value for both sexes combined was estimated to be 15.22 cm, corresponding to an age range of 1-3. Age was determined by reading growth bands on otoliths. Age determination was validated by marginal increment analysis. The estimated parameters were L-infinity = 28.06, K = 0.22 and t(0) = -1.42. Mortality rates were calculated for fish captured with longlines, and the estimated parameters were M = 0.33, Z = 1.04 and F = 0.71. Relative yield per recruit analysis and sensitivity analysis showed that the resource is moderately exploited. From the perspective of sustainability, these results provide support for the use of longlines as a gear that is among the least harmful for species such as the bogue.


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Otoliths and scales were used to determine age and growth of: Boops boops (Linnaeus, 1758), Diplodus vulgaris (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817), Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758), Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827), Pagellus erythrinus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Spondyliosoma cantharus (Linnaeus, 1758). These structures came from previous studies conducted in southern Portugal, and complemented by market sampling and beach seining. Von Bertalanffy growth functions were estimated with otolith and scale readings. Results indicate that otoliths are better structures for ageing these species but scales can also be used as a non-destructive technique and with satisfactory results. The exceptions were R erythrinus and S. cantharus for which scales provided better results. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The catches and discards of trawlers, seiners and trammel netters were studied in the Algarve (southern Portugal) using observers onboard commercial fishing vessels. Species diversity was high, with 236 species recorded as occasionally, frequently or regularly discarded. Mean discard rates per trip were 0.13, 0.20, 0.27, 0.62 and 0.70, respectively, for trammel nets, demersal purse seines, pelagic purse seines, fish trawls and crustacean trawls, with high variability in terms of discard volume and discard rate, This was especially so for se ncrs where from 0 to 100% of the total catch might be discarded. No significant relationships were found between discard quantity or discard rate and characteristics of the fishing vessels sampled within each metier (total length, TAB, hp, kW). Based on the above discard rates and the official landings, it was estimated that in 1996, Algarve trawlers discarded 9000-13000 tonnes (t) while seiners discarded 5500-8200 t. Discarding practices in these fisheries are reviewed and the reasons for discarding are presented by species and metier basis. The results support the need for more studies on the factors contributing to discarding, variability in discard quantities and rates, the fate of discards and their importance to the marine ecosystem, and on ways of reducing by-catch and discarding in these fisheries.


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Three hatchery produced and reared (HPR) and five wild white sea bream (Diplodus sargus) were double tagged with Vemco V8SC-2L acoustic transmitters and Floy Tag T-bar anchor tags, and released on artificial reefs located near a natural reef off the southern coast of Portugal. Passive telemetry was used to monitor movements of the white sea bream over a nine week period from April to June 2007. Differences in behavior at release, habitat association (artificial vs. natural reef), and in daily movements were registered. Wild fish moved from one habitat to the other with increased preference for the artificial habitat during the day, whereas HPR fish showed no site fidelity or consistent daily movement pattern and left the release site soon after release. Comparison of Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) showed a higher area usage by wild fish. This experiment shows that these artificial reefs are used on a daily basis by wild white sea bream but apparently are not optimal release locations for hatchery produced white sea bream.


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The common pandora, Pagellus erythrinus, is a commercially important seabream for coastal fisheries in the north and central eastern Atlantic. Age, growth and reproductive aspects of the southern Portuguese population were estimated by analysing 386 specimens ranging in total length (TL) from 12.0 to 44.8 cm. Ages were estimated by counting growth bands on otoliths and verified by marginal increment analysis, with specimens ranging in age from 1 to 21 years. The von Bertalanffy growth function was selected as the most adequate model to fit this species' growth, with the estimated parameters being L-inf = 47.14 cm TL, k = 0.084 year(-1) and t(0) = - 4.42 year. The gonads were analyzed macroscopically over a one-year period and the reproductive spawning season found to occur from March to July. The length at first maturity for males occurs at 17.58 cm TL and 1.15 years while females mature at slightly smaller sizes (17.29 cm TL) and younger ages (1.04 years). The results presented in this study are important for comparing this population's parameters with those of other populations of the same species occurring in other areas, as well as for future studies, for assessing eventual changes in population parameters over time.


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Fish communities of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (south Portugal) were sampled on a monthly basis with a beach seine at 4 sites, during two different time periods: 1980-1986 and 2001-2002. Community indices, species ranking and multivariate analysis were used in order to identify changes in the fish community between the two time periods. A total of 153,511 fish representing 57 taxa were recorded. Although species composition was very similar for both sampling periods, multivariate analysis performed on annual species abundance in number and weight revealed differences in fish community structure between the two periods. Structural changes in fish community were related mostly to a sharp decrease in the abundance of Mugilidae from 1980-1986 to 2001-2002. These changes were probably associated to a decrease in organic matter contents and nutrients concentrations due to improvements in sewage treatment and better water circulation inside the lagoon. The changes in fish community structure are more evident in the inner areas of the lagoon than near the inlet. The association between changes in sewage patterns and changes in the ichthyofaunal community structure reinforces the importance of fish communities as a biological indicator of human induced changes in marine systems. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Non-commercial invertebrate discards in an experimental trammel net fishery were studied in relation to selectivity of the gear, depth, soak time and season. Forty experimental fishing trials were carried out over a 1-year period with six combinations of small mesh (100, 120 and 140 mm) inner and large mesh (600 and 800 mm) outer panels. On average, 43.8 +/- 12.2 (SD) (individuals 1000 m(-1) of net) of non-commercial invertebrates were discarded, accounting for 48% and 65% of the total catch and total discards by numbers, respectively. Within non-commercial invertebrates discards, the six most abundant species by number were Phallusia mammillata (Cuvier) (27.5%), Cymbium olla (L.) (13.0%), Sphaerechinus granularis (Lamarck) (11.3%), Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck) (10.9%), Astropartus mediterraneus (Risso) (8.2%) and Astropecten aranciacus (L.) (8.1%); Echinoderms (43.1%) particularly important. The highest and lowest discard ratios were found in autumn and winter, respectively. Discards generally decreased with depth, varied considerably in relation to soak time and were not related to mesh size combinations. Trammel nets seem to be the most important gear in terms of ecological impacts on benthic invertebrates compared with other coastal fishing gears and at the depths studied (15-60 m).


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Fishing trials with monofilament gill nets and longlines using small hooks were carried out in Algarve waters (southern Portugal) over a one-year period. Four hook sizes of "Mustad" brand, round bent, flatted sea hooks (Quality 2316 DT, numbers 15, 13, 12 and 11) and four mesh sizes of 25, 30, 35 and 40 mm (bar length) monofilament gill nets were used. Commercially valuable sea breams dominated the longline catches while small pelagics were relatively more important in the gill nets. Significant differences in the catch size frequency distributions of the two gears were found for all the most important species caught by both gears (Boops boops, Diplodus bellottii, Diplodus vulgaris, Pagellus acarne, Pagellus erythrinus, Spondyiosoma cantharus, Scomber japonicus and Scorpaena notata), with longlines catching larger fish and a wider size range than nets. Whereas longline catch size frequency distributions for most species for the different hook sizes were generally highly overlapped, suggesting little or no differences in size selectivity, gill net catch size frequency distributions clearly showed size selection. A variety of models were fitted to the gill net and hook data using the SELECT method, while the parameters of the logistic model were estimated by maximum likelihood for the longline data. The bi-normal model gave the best fits for most of the species caught with gill nets, while the logistic model adequately described hook selectivity. The results of this study show that the two static gears compete for many of the same species and have different impacts in terms of catch composition and size selectivity. This information will I;e useful for the improved management of these small-scale fisheries in which many different gears compete for scarce resources.


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Elasmobranch fish, particularly deep-sea sharks, are the most important component of the by-catch of the hake semipelagic near-bottom 'pedra-e-bola' longline fishery in the Algarve (South Portugal) and most of these fish are discarded. The effects of the removal of the lower hooks were evaluated, in terms of target and by-catch reductions, by quantifying the catches of each hook relative to the distance from the bottom. The analysis showed that most European hake (Merluccius merluccius), the target species of this fishery, were caught in the middle range of the hooks, with very few individuals caught near the bottom, whereas for sharks the situation was the opposite, with most hooked near the bottom. The removal of the lower three pairs of hooks would result in a small reduction in the catch of the target species, but a much more significant reduction in elasmobranch by-catch. In the specific case of the blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus), discard mortality would be further minimized due to the fact that the lower hooks capture significantly smaller animals that are always discarded compared with hooks that are more distant from the bottom.


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Artificial reefs are used as management tools for coastal fisheries and ecosystems and the knowledge of habitat use and fish movements around them is necessary to understand their performance and improve their design and location. In this study wild specimens of Diplodus sargus were tagged with acoustic tags and their movements were tracked using passive acoustic telemetry. The monitored area enclosed a natural rocky reef, an adjacent artificial reef (AR) and shallower sandy bottoms. Most of the fish were close to full time residents in the monitored area. Results revealed that D. sargus use the natural reef areas on a more frequent basis than the AR. However, excursions to the adjacent AR and sandy bottoms were frequently detected, essentially during daytime. The use of acoustic telemetry allowed a better understanding of the use of artificial reef structures and its adjacent areas by wild D. sargus providing information that is helpful towards the improvement of AR design and location. (c) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.