548 resultados para trabajador aut??nomo


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Este artigo vem no seguimento de um trabalho anteriormente apresentado, designado por “O ensaio pressiométrico: Metodologia de Ensaio e Calibração do Equipamento”, pretendendo-se agora fornecer as bases para a interpretação dos resultados que dele provêm. No entanto, adverte-se desde já, para o facto de que estes carecem de correcção antes de serem utilizados para qualquer outro fim.


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Object recognition requires that templates with canonical views are stored in memory. Such templates must somehow be normalised. In this paper we present a novel method for obtaining 2D translation, rotation and size invariance. Cortical simple, complex and end-stopped cells provide multi-scale maps of lines, edges and keypoints. These maps are combined such that objects are characterised. Dynamic routing in neighbouring neural layers allows feature maps of input objects and stored templates to converge. We illustrate the construction of group templates and the invariance method for object categorisation and recognition in the context of a cortical architecture, which can be applied in computer vision.


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Os modelos matemáticos são ferramentas poderosas para avaliar o impacto humano em sistemas costeiros e estuarinos de estrutura complexa. Neste artigo utiliza-se um sistema de modelos para caracterizar o estado trófico do estuário do Sado e para prever a sua evolução baseada em diferentes cenários de intervenção humana. Analisa-se em pormenor o efeito do aumento de nutrientes introduzidos no estuário através do rio. Este estudo permite tirar conclusões sobre o impacte que esse aumento terá sobre o estuário. O sistema de modelação é composto por um modelo hidrodinâmico tridimensional às equações primitivas e modelos de transporte acoplados a modelos de transporte de sedimentos, modelos de qualidade da água e modelos ecológicos. O modelo hidrodinâmico encontra-se calibrado e validado para o sistema. Utilizam-se dados de campo de nutrientes e de fitoplâncton para comparação com os resultados do modelo. Analisam-se as características do sistema e efectua-se uma análise de sensibilidade do comportamento biológico do estuário face ao aumento da carga de nutrientes. As conclusões principais são: Confirmação da adequabilidade da metodologia utilizada para a simulação da situação actual do estuário; Pequena sensibilidade do estuário a aumentos moderados da carga de nutrientes; Sensibilidade moderada do estuário para elevadas cargas de nutrientes.


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In this paper we explain the processing in the first layers of the visual cortex by simple, complex and endstopped cells, plus grouping cells for line, edge, keypoint and saliency detection. Three visualisations are presented: (a) an integrated scheme that shows activities of simple, complex and end-stopped cells, (b) artistic combinations of selected activity maps that give an impression of global image structure and/or local detail, and (c) NPR on the basis of a 2D brightness model. The cortical image representations offer many possibilities for non-photorealistic rendering.


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This paper describes some of the needs and problems associated to assessment of coastal and estuarine problems (sediment transport and eutrophication). The development of an integrated system including EO data, local measurements with special emphasis on modeling tools, is presented as a solution for studying and helping decision making on the subject. Two pilot sites for the implementation and the present development status of the integrated system are depicted. This framework was already presented in a recent AO specific for Portugal, which is still under evaluation.


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Os recuperadores de calor para lareiras são dispositivos de aquecimento doméstico cuja utilização está em expansão. A sua correcta utilização, quer no que respeita à segurança quer ao desempenho energético requer a caracterização destes equipamentos. Desta necessidade nasceu o projecto RECUPERA realizado em parceria entre a EST–ADEM da Universidade do Algarve e a empresa Vale–Montanha L.da., fabricante destes equipamentos. Foram realizados ensaios segundo a norma europeia em vigor EN 13299:2001 dos quais se obteve a distribuição de temperaturas nos recuperadores e envolvente, potência média, carga de lenha recomendada, emissões de CO e rendimento térmico. O presente artigo tem por objectivo apresentar os resultados obtidos nos ensaios, descrevendo a metodologia seguida e comparando os custos de operação entre vários equipamentos de aquecimento doméstico alternativos.


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A Waste Water monitoring program aiming to help decision making is presented. The program includes traditional and inboard sensor sampling, hydrodynamic and water quality modeling and a GIS based database to help the decision making of manager authorities. The focus is in the quality of waters receiving discharges from Waste Water Treatment Plants. Data was used to feed model simulations and produce hydrodynamic, effluent dispersion and ecological results. The system was then used to run different scenarios of discharge flow, concentration and location. The results enable to access the current water quality state of the lagoon and are being used as a decision making tool by the waste water managers in the evaluation phase of the treatment plant project to decide the location and the level of treatment of the discharge.


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Vector sensors measure both the acoustic pressure and the three components of particle velocity. Because of this, a vector sensor array (VSA) has the advantage of being able to provide substantially higher directivity with a much smaller aperture than an array of traditional scalar (pressure only) hydrophones. Although several, most of them theoretic, works were published from early nineties, only in the last years due to improvements and availability of vector sensor technology, the interest on field experiments with VSA increased in the scientific community. During the Makai Experiment, that took place off the coast of Kauai I., Hawaii, in September 2005, real data were collected with a 4 element vertical VSA. These data will be discussed in the present paper. The acoustic signals were emitted from a near source (low frequency ship noise) and two high frequency controlled acoustic sources located within a range of 2km from the VSA. The advantages of the VSA over traditional scalar hydrophone arrays in source localization will be addressed using conventional beamforming.


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We present a 3D representation that is based on the pro- cessing in the visual cortex by simple, complex and end-stopped cells. We improved multiscale methods for line/edge and keypoint detection, including a method for obtaining vertex structure (i.e. T, L, K etc). We also describe a new disparity model. The latter allows to attribute depth to detected lines, edges and keypoints, i.e., the integration results in a 3D \wire-frame" representation suitable for object recognition.


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This paper addresses the subject of condition monitoring and diagnostics of power transformers. The main results of two reliability surveys, carried out under the auspices of CIGRE and IEEE in order to assemble objective data on the performance of transformers in service, are presented, providing useful information on the main causes of transformer failures, the most likely affected components and the related outages times. A survey of the most important methods, actually in use, for condition monitoring and diagnostics of power transformers is also given, which stresses the need for the development of new diagnostic methods, that can be applied without taking the transformers out of service, and that can also provide a fault severity criteria, in particular for determining transformers windings integrity. Preliminary results, concerning the on-going research activity on the development of a new approach for inter-turn winding fault diagnosis in three-phase transformers, are also reported in the paper.


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The assessment of human impact on complex estuarine systems is a multidisciplinary task that is highly demanding in terms of measurements and fieldwork. Nowadays the use of inexpensive and reliably modeling tools can substantially reduce the amount of measurements needed to characterize a system. These tools are also a convenient way to forecast the future evolution of the system and to study the impact of different scenarios of human influence. In this communication a modeling system composed by hydrodynamic, transport and ecological models is used to assess the current trophic state of Sado Estuary (Portugal) and to predict the future trends of the system based on different scenarios of human intervention. Special care is taken to the impact of changing riverine nutrient loads. Sado estuary is a large European estuary that has been considered until now in good trophic conditions with eutrophication appearing only in some isolated spots. Nevertheless in recent years some studies point out that the situation is changing. Sado estuary is a system with strong environmental opposing interests. It hosts a major industrial and urban center around the city of Setúbal and the upper reaches are used to intensive cultures such as rice. On the other hand the estuary possess an important ecological value since it is used by several important species of fish as a spawning and nursery area and it’s wetlands are used by many species of birds as winter shelters. Due to it’s importance the majority of Sado Estuary is considered as Natural Reserve.


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A new scheme for painterly rendering (NPR) has been developed. This scheme is based on visual perception, in particular themulti-scale line/edge representation in the visual cortex. The Amateur Painter (TAP) is the user interface on top of the rendering scheme. It allows to (semi)automatically create paintings from photographs, with different types of brush strokes and colour manipulations. In contrast to similar painting tools, TAP has a set of menus that reflects the procedure followed by a normal painter. In addition, menus and options have been designed such that they are very intuitive, avoiding a jungle of sub-menus with options from image processing that children and laymen do not understand. Our goal is to create a tool that is extremely easy to use, with the possibility that the user becomes interested in painting techniques, styles, and fine arts in general.


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O programa SRAPOR permite a realização de rápidas avaliações de risco sísmico de aglomerados habitacionais. A presente versão é constituída por uma base de dados de sismos, por um sistema simplificado de informação geográfica e por um módulo de avaliação da casualidade sísmica. A aplicação do programa é ilustrada com a análise da casualidade sísmica da cidade de Faro.


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We are developing a frontend that is based on the image representation in the visual cortex and plausible processing schemes. This frontend consists of multiscale line/edge and keypoint (vertex) detection, using models of simple, complex and end-stopped cells. This frontend is being extended by a new disparity model. Assuming that there is no neural inverse tangent operator, we do not exploit Gabor phase information. Instead, we directly use simple cell (Gabor) responses at positions where lines and edges are detected.


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Painterly rendering (non-photorealistic rendering or NPR) aims at translating photographs into paintings with discrete brush strokes, simulating certain techniques (im- or expressionism) and media (oil or watercolour). Recently, our research into visual perception and models of processes in the visual cortex resulted in a new rendering scheme, in which detected lines and edges at different scales are translated into brush strokes of different sizes. In order to prepare a version which is suitable for many users, including children, the design of the interface in terms of window and menu system is very important. Discussions with artists and non-artists led to three design criteria: (1) the interface must reflect the procedures and possibilities that real painters follow and use, (2) it must be based on only one window, and (3) the menu system must be very simple, avoiding a jungle of menus and sub-menus. This paper explains the interface that has been developed.