76 resultados para Correia transportadora


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Throughout the year and half of research developed during the times of crisis or economic crisis in Portugal due to the austerity measures, this thesis focuses on the cultural communication and museology in the area of cultural management in Portugal. With an ever growing number of research being developed over the world, this study is unique as it studies managerial diversity and organisational structures of Contemporary Art Museums that exist in Portugal but more importantly how they communicate their organizations within and beyond the Museum walls such as online or other technological media. As the communication management of the museums is one of aspects of culture in which cultural management intends to intervene. The research study that I proposed to analyse has at the forefront the intention to understand how the Contemporary Art Museums in Portugal manage their communication and respective organizations, whether they be a Public-Private/Foundation, State or Council run organizations but also understand if a strategic plan is designed and implemented in times of crisis, to withstand disruptive economic scenarios projected on a daily basis. The following Museums were selected due to the fact of being Contemporary Art Museums but also their respective diverse territorial distribution, one in the city capital of Portugal, Lisbon: MNAC – Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea, a stately run organisation; the second, in the north of Portugal: MACS – Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Serralves, a public/private organisation under the Foundation organics and the third Museum in interior central region of Portugal, Alentejo: MACE – Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Elvas, managed by the Elvas City Council.


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Vários investigadores têm considerado que a relação entre a família e a escola tem um impacto significativo no desenvolvimento da criança e, principalmente no caso de crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE). Atualmente, verifica-se que os serviços de Intervenção Precoce (I.P.) têm procurado envolver as famílias nas suas intervenções, de modo a se promover uma verdadeira parceria, como se encontra sustentado por Correia e Serrano (2002) que defendem que para que se obtenham resultados eficazes é fundamental que os pais participem no processo educativo e na intervenção com a criança. O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer a parceria e o envolvimento estabelecido entre Pais e Profissionais de Educação (Educadoras de Infância do Ensino Regular e do Apoio Educativo) face ao apoio de crianças com NEE. Para atingir os objetivos delineados utilizaram-se quatro instrumentos, um questionário sócio-demográfico dirigido a Pais e Profissionais de Educação; um inquérito dirigido aos Pais e outro aos Profissionais de Educação sobre a colaboração e o envolvimento (adaptado de Silva, 2004; Martins, 1996); e o último instrumento, Families in Natural Environment Scale of Services Evaluation (FINESSE). Aos questionários responderam 90 sujeitos (N=90), por 3 grupos amostrais (30 Pais de crianças com NEE, 30 Educadoras do Ensino Regular e 30 Educadoras do Apoio Educativo). Os resultados demonstram que os Pais encontram-se envolvidos e colaboram com o jardim-de-infância da criança e consideram importante o seu envolvimento na I.P.. Observou-se também que a prática típica e a prática ideal das Profissionais de Educação se aproxima, mas não corresponde exatamente à prática idealmente recomendada em I.P.. Verificou-se que existem relações significativas entre a média da prática ideal e as habilitações literárias das Educadoras do Ensino Regular [H(2)=6,604, p=0,037] e no que diz respeito à média da prática ideal e à idade das Educadoras do Apoio Educativo [H(2)=6,170, p=0,046). No que concerne ás restantes variáveis sóciodemográficas e à média da prática típica e ideal das Profissionais de Educação não se verificam diferença significativas. Diante dos resultados apresentados é essencial que a parceria entre Pais e Profissionais de Educação seja promovida através de estratégias que permitam melhorar essa relação. Torna-se importante responder às necessidades dos técnicos, de modo a que as suas práticas se aproximem das práticas recomendadas.


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O Algarve é uma região que apresenta algumas particularidades no que toca às necessidades hídricas e respetiva disponibilidade. O consumo de água é relativamente elevado e as necessidades hídricas são mais elevadas nos meses de Verão quando a precipitação é escassa. Deste modo é de grande importância a realização de uma boa gestão dos recursos hídricos de modo a garantir a sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais. Neste âmbito surge a aplicação de softwares de modelação hidrológica que permitem realizar prognósticos simulando as condições a que o meio está sujeito. Na presente dissertação pretende-se aplicar o modelo SWAT para modelar as condições atuais registadas na bacia hidrográfica da Ribeira de Quarteira. Pretende-se também realizar a modelação de cenários de alterações climáticas previstas para dois períodos futuros: 2020-2050 e 2069-2099. A construção do modelo foi realizada em ArcSWAT, a análise de outputs foi feita em SWAT_Check e para a calibração e validação do modelo utilizou-se o software SWAT-CUP4. Os resultados obtidos na calibração e validação são relativamente satisfatórios tendo em conta a fraca qualidade e quantidade dos dados de entrada disponíveis e considerando-se o meio geológico cársico onde se pretendeu realizar a modelação. Os cenários simulados tiveram como base dois modelos climáticos realizados no âmbito do projeto CLIMWAT (ICTP-REGCM3 e CNRM-RM5.1). Os resultados de ambos modelos apontam para um aumento de temperatura e diminuição generalizada de precipitação que têm como consequência um aumento significativo de evapotranspiração real e uma diminuição muito grande de recarga profunda e do caudal instantâneo. Um dos modelos aponta para, no período 2020-2050, um aumento de eventos extremos (secas e cheias). Estas previsões vêm reforçar a grande necessidade de uma boa gestão dos recursos hídricos.


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The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a measurement scale to assess golf destinations’ brand personality and therefore to perceive the destination personality of the Algarve as a golf destination. Based on literature review on human personality, brand personality, destination brand image and marketing scales validation procedures, an initial 36 unrepeated items were the base for a survey instrument. Those items were generated from the literature, from the results of individual interviews with experts in tourism and golf in the Algarve and from promotional texts in golf- related websites. After content validation, the items were allocated into categories of attributes by a panel of expert judges. A survey was then applied to a convenient sample of 600 golf players in the Algarve, and 545 (valid) questionnaires were analysed to refine the scale. Golf players assessed the components of the relational brand personality (functional, symbolic and experiential) as well as the Algarve as a golf destination. A taxonomy of brand personality was developed and tested in the Algarve as it is recognized as one of the world best golf destination. The developed taxonomy of brand personality was assessed in two ways: 1) through the overall perception of the Algarve as a golf destination and 2) through the perception of specific attributes of the destination grouped into three main categories (functional, symbolic and experiential). Therefore, two multi-dimensional brand personality models were estimated by using structural equation modelling. Findings of this study indicate that golf players ascribe personality characteristics to destinations. The brand personality of the Algarve is translated into three main dimensions enjoyableness, distinctiveness and friendliness when tourists/golf players reveal their overall perception of the destination. The brand personality of golf destination Algarve is reflected in the dimensions reliability, hospitality, uniqueness and attractiveness when tourists assess the components of the relational brand personality. Refined scales consisting of 10 and 12 items were finally derived meeting both reliability and validity requirements. This study does not replicate Aaker’s (1997) personality dimensions and very little parallelism can be drawn with Aaker’s (1997) brand personality scale since only three items from her scale were validated in both models: friendly and cheerful, (sincerity), reliable (competence). The same is verified concerning the ‘Big-five’. The human personality traits (HPT) validated to describe golf destinations personality are only four helpful, pleasant (agreeableness), relaxed (emotional stability), and innovative (intellect or openness). As far as destination image descriptors (DID) are concerned, the items appealing, relaxed and safe were validated, while traits suggested by the interviews and website promotional texts such as calm, natural, spectacular, unique, welcoming, and the best (destination-specific traits) appear to be appropriate to describe the personality of a golf destination. The results suggest that the overall perception of the Algarve´s brand personality is described by the dimensions enjoyableness, distinctiveness and friendliness. Moreover, the relational perspective revealed that the functional attributes of the destination are described by the dimension reliablility, while the symbolic attributes are described by the dimensions hospitablility and uniqueness and finally its experiential attributes are described by the dimension attractiveness. These results show that a golf destination´s brand personality should not just be based on good golf practices. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in the context of destination brand personality.


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This thesis contributes to the advancement of Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) access technologies, through the development of algorithms for resource allocation and energy efficient routing. FiWi access networks use both optical and wireless/cellular technologies to provide high bandwidth and ubiquity, required by users and current high demanding services. FiWi access technologies are divided in two parts. In one of the parts, fiber is brought from the central office to near the users, while in the other part wireless routers or base stations take over and provide Internet access to users. Many technologies can be used at both the optical and wireless parts, which lead to different integration and optimization problems to be solved. In this thesis, the focus will be on FiWi access networks that use a passive optical network at the optical section and a wireless mesh network at the wireless section. In such networks, two important aspects that influence network performance are: allocation of resources and traffic routing throughout the mesh section. In this thesis, both problems are addressed. A fair bandwidth allocation algorithm is developed, which provides fairness in terms of bandwidth and in terms of experienced delays among all users. As for routing, an energy efficient routing algorithm is proposed that optimizes sleeping and productive periods throughout the wireless and optical sections. To develop the stated algorithms, game theory and networks formation theory were used. These are powerful mathematical tools that can be used to solve problems involving agents with conflicting interests. Since, usually, these tools are not common knowledge, a brief survey on game theory and network formation theory is provided to explain the concepts that are used throughout the thesis. As such, this thesis also serves as a showcase on the use of game theory and network formation theory to develop new algorithms.


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Enquanto o processamento local foi robustamente demonstrado, a literatura diverge relativamente ao processamento global nas perturbações do espetro do autismo (PEA). Este estudo teve como objetivo explorar a capacidade para processar informação global, enfatizando a sua trajetória desenvolvimental, em indivíduos com PEA. Os participantes foram avaliados em duas tarefas, utlizando objectos ecológicos, que requeriam processos de agrupamento distintos: a primeira, envolvendo estímulos que permitiam o recurso ora de ambas as frequências espaciais ora de frequências espaciais baixas para agrupar; e a segunda, envolvendo estímulos que não permitiam o recurso a frequências espaciais para agrupar. As crianças com PEA mostraram, ao contrário das crianças com desenvolvimento típico, dificuldades em algumas formas de processamento global mas não noutras, dependendo dos processos de agrupamento exigidos. Os adultos com PEA mostraram um processamento global idêntico ao dos adultos com desenvolvimento típico. Estes resultados vão de encontro às conclusões de estudos recentes, que sugerem que o processamento global em indivíduos com PEA se desenvolve com a idade. A discrepância na literatura sobre o processamento global nas PEA pode, então, ser explicada pela exigência do processamento do estímulo e a etapa de desenvolvimento dos indivíduos.


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In the present experiment, we studied the interaction between copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) in strawberry plants grown in nutrient solutions containing different concentrations of Fe. Plants grown in the absence of iron (Fe0) had the characteristic symptoms of Fe deficiency, with smaller chlorotic leaves, less biomass, acidification of the nutrient solution, and roots that were smaller and less ramified, while no symptoms of Fe deficiency were observed in plants grown with Fe. A greater amount of Cu was found in roots of chlorotic plants than in those grown with Fe, while plants grown with 20M of Fe (Fe20) in the nutrient solution had a greater amount of Fe compared with plants from the other treatments. Chlorotic plants (Fe0) and plants grown with the greatest level of Fe (Fe20) had a greater root ferric chelate reductase (FC-R; EC activity compared with the other treatments with 5 or 10M Fe in the nutrient solution. The same pattern was obtained for relative FC-R mRNA concentration and for the sum of Fe and Cu contents in shoots (leaves plus crowns). The DNA obtained from amplification of the FC-R mRNA was cloned and several of the inserts analysed by single strand confirmation polymorphism (SSCP). Although there were different SSCP patterns in the Fe20 treatment, all the inserts that were sequenced were very similar, excluding the hypothesis of more than one FC-R mRNA species being present. The results suggest that Cu as well as Fe is involved in FC-R expression and activity, although the mechanism involved in this regulation is unknown so far. Both small contents of Fe and Cu in plants led to an over-expression of the FC-R gene and enhanced FC-R activity in strawberry roots.


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Bycatch and discards are a cause of great concern in commercial world fisheries, with important ecological, economic and conservation implications. With the recent inclusion of a discards ban (‘landing obligation’), in the reform of the EU CFP, these issues have gained a tremendous attention from the economic, scientific, political and social point of view. Demersal trawl fisheries off the southern coast of Portugal capture an extraordinary diversity of species and generate considerable amounts of bycatch and discards. Bycatch includes commercially valuable target-species and bycatch species with low or no commercial value, but the great majority consists of unmarketable species, that are discarded. Bony fishes are dominant in bycatch and discards and the most discarded are of low or no commercial value. The reasons for discarding are fundamentally economic in nature (lack of commercial value) for bycatch species, and legal and administrative (legal minimum landing size) for commercially important species. The study of the reproductive biology of Galeus melastomus, discarded by crustacean trawls, suggests that a minimum landing size should be established for this species, and explains the importance of such a study in the assessment and management of fisheries. The discovery of a new species of the ray Neoraja iberica n. sp. contributes to the knowledge of the local marine biodiversity in Portuguese waters and of the global marine biodiversity. The three cases of abnormal hermaphroditism recorded in Etmopterus spinax, are the first cases known to date of hermaphroditism in this species. There is a need to find solutions to the problem of bycatch and discards of trawl fisheries in the Algarve coast. A combination of technical, regulatory and economic measures to minimize bycatch and reduce discards, before implementing a ‘landing obligation’, is thought to be the best approach to apply in the southern Portuguese multispecies trawl fisheries.


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Tese de doutoramento, Economia, Unidade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Universidade do Algarve, 2000


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Nowadays the importance of websites to the tourism and hospitality industries is fundamental. Hotels, for instance, spend a huge amount of money improving their websites to show all the activities and amenities that they can provide. There are studies to evaluate website performance based on functionality, usability and other factors; nevertheless, they are not exhaustive. This paper presents a framework for the characterization of hotel and resort websites, that was applied as a case study to the websites of 5-star hotels and resorts that operate in the tourism region of the Algarve, Portugal. This framework allows us to identify a set of features for the hotel and resort websites characterization. From these features, we propose a set of comprehensive indicators, grouping them into ten fundamental information dimensions, as well as the application of these indicators and information dimensions, which allows obtaining quantitative and qualitative results.


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Revenue Management’s most cited definitions is probably “to sell the right accommodation to the right customer, at the right time and the right price, with optimal satisfaction for customers and hoteliers”. Smart Revenue Management (SRM) is a project, which aims the development of smart automatic techniques for an efficient optimization of occupancy and rates of hotel accommodations, commonly referred to, as revenue management. One of the objectives of this project is to demonstrate that the collection of Big Data, followed by an appropriate assembly of functionalities, will make possible to generate a Data Warehouse necessary to produce high quality business intelligence and analytics. This will be achieved through the collection of data extracted from a variety of sources, including from the web. This paper proposes a three stage framework to develop the Big Data Warehouse for the SRM. Namely, the compilation of all available information, in the present case, it was focus only the extraction of information from the web by a web crawler – raw data. The storing of that raw data in a primary NoSQL database, and from that data the conception of a set of functionalities, rules, principles and semantics to select, combine and store in a secondary relational database the meaningful information for the Revenue Management (Big Data Warehouse). The last stage will be the principal focus of the paper. In this context, clues will also be giving how to compile information for Business Intelligence. All these functionalities contribute to a holistic framework that, in the future, will make it possible to anticipate customers and competitor’s behavior, fundamental elements to fulfill the Revenue Management


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Nowadays many travelers use online travel agency (OTAs) to book flights, hotel rooms, rent-a-cars, cruises or entire vacation packages. Usually OTAs allow their users to give scores and to write reviews about what was used. Each OTA defines the terms and conditions for guest rating or review score and hoteliers are giving increasing importance to the scores and reviews their guests do in OTAs. This paper proposes two guest reputation index to help hoteliers to monitorize their presence in OTAs. The Aggregated Guest Reputation Index (AGRI), which shows the positioning of a hotel in different OTAs and it is calculated from the scores obtained by the hotels in those OTAs. Another one, the Semantic Guest Reputation Index (SGRI), which incorporates the social reputation of a hotel and that can be visualized through the development of word clouds or tag clouds. Examples of usage of these indexes are given with data extracted from 5-stars hotels in the Algarve, south region of Portugal, that are available on Booking and Expedia.


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Tese de Doutoramento, História da Arte Moderna, Unidade de Ciências Exactas e Humanas, Universidade do Algarve, 1999


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2006


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Neste estudo analisaram-se duas séries de manuais escolares de duas editoras (oito manuais) de forma a conhecer como são apresentados os temas Animais e Plantas. Com a sua análise qualitativa e quantitativa, pretendeu-se conhecer que conteúdos são mais valorizados nos livros escolares, que exemplos são apresentados e a relevância de imagens, relativos a animais e plantas. Relativamente aos conteúdos analisados verificou-se uma ligeira valorização dos animais sobre as plantas em ambas as editoras. De entre as categorias definidas distinguem-se com maior domínio a Classificação, a Nutrição e as Utilidades, sendo que cada uma das editoras valoriza de modo diferente os dois temas. Também o número de imagens é bastante assimétrico entre as editoras já que na editora A o número de imagens de plantas e animais é semelhante e a editora B apresenta aproximadamente o dobro de imagens de plantas relativamente aos animais. O número de exemplos apresentados sobre as plantas também supera os exemplos sobre os animais.