31 resultados para Alga - Efeito da luz
Tese de dout., Ciências do Mar, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2010
Dissertação de mest., Ciências, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação de mest., História da Arte, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2011
A perturbação da personalidade anti-social, suscita particular interesse entre a comunidade técnica e cientifica porque são sujeitos agressivos que atentam contra si próprios e contra os que os rodeiam. Estudos recentes, revelam que indivíduos com esta perturbação apresentam, entre muitas outras características, um fraco entendimento de estímulos sociais e emocionais. Desta forma, investigadores dedicados ao estudo do processamento de emoções têm sugerido dificuldades destes sujeitos no reconhecimento, expressão e categorização de determinadas emoções, sobretudo no que se refere a emoções negativas. Esta incapacidade em decifrar signos emocionais promove uma fraca cognição social e uma fraca adesão às normas sociais. Dada a pertinência do tema, tivemos como principal interesse analisar de que forma sujeitos com perturbação anti-social da personalidade categorizam estados emocionais básicos e sociais e posteriormente compará-los com um grupo de sujeitos saudáveis. Para o efeito, foram avaliados 15 sujeitos com perturbação anti-social da personalidade, seleccionados a partir de uma base de dados do CAT de Olhão e um grupo de controlo constituído por 15 sujeitos saudáveis recolhidos ao acaso por conveniência. Foram avaliadas as características de personalidade e sintomatologia através do MCMI-III e aplicada uma prova de classificação de cartões “Card Sorting”. Os resultados sugerem que os sujeitos pertencentes ao grupo clinico têm maior dificuldade em categorizar emoções básicas e sociais, comparativamente ao grupo de controlo, sobretudo no que se refere a emoções com valência positiva. Os resultados serão discutidos à luz da literatura atual.
A criatividade é um potencial que cada indivíduo possui, encontrando-se relacionada com a resolução de problemas, a adaptação e o coping. Esta encontra-se ainda relacionada com indicadores de saúde mental, assim como de psicopatologia. No entanto, a literatura sugere algumas lacunas, havendo a necessidade de compreender melhor as relações entre essas variáveis, assim como de investir em estudos com grupos minoritários. Entre esses grupos, encontram-se a população reclusa, existindo muito pouco investigação nesse âmbito. Esta investigação tem, portanto, como objectivo estudar o possível efeito protector da criatividade face ao mal-estar experienciado durante a reclusão, em termos de depressão, ansiedade e stresse. Os instrumentos utilizados para a avaliação foram a Escala de Personalidade Criativa (EPC) e as Escalas de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stresse de 21 itens (EADS-21). A amostra era constituída por 107 reclusos pertencentes a estabelecimentos prisionais da região do Algarve. Através dos resultados observou-se que a criatividade está relacionada de forma negativa com a depressão e a ansiedade, actuando como um preditor da diminuição dos níveis de depressão, ansiedade e stresse avaliados. Isto sugere que a criatividade poderá ter um efeito protector face a estes indicadores de mal-estar, contribuindo para uma melhor saúde mental dos reclusos.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been widely proposed for conservation purposes and as a tool for fisheries management. The Arrábida Marine Park is the first MPA in continental Portugal having a management plan, fully implemented since 2009. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of protection measures on rocky reef fish assemblages and target invertebrates through before-after and control-effect (no-take vs. fished areas) underwater visual surveys and analysis of landings trends. Second, we used surveys before, during and after implementation of the management plan to understand fishers‟ preferences for fishing grounds and adaptation to the new rules, and evaluated the reserve effect through analysis of both ecological responses and fishing effort density. Third, we identified the main oceanographic drivers influencing the structure of reef fish assemblages and predicted the community structure for the last 50 years, in light of climatic change. Overall results suggest positive responses in biomass but not yet in numbers of some commercial species, with no effects on non-target species. The reserve effect is reinforced by the increase in landings of commercial species, despite increased fishing effort density in some areas, especially with octopus traps. Fishing grounds are mainly chosen based on the distribution of target species and associated habitats, but distance to port, weather conditions and safety also influence fishers‟ choices. Moreover, different fisheries respond differently to the protection measures, and within each fishery, individual fishers show distinct strategies, with some operating in a broader area whereas others keep preferred territories. Our results also show that wind stress and temperature are the main oceanographic drivers for rocky reef fish assemblages, with tropicalization of assemblages and polewards movements of species over the last 50 years consistent with temperature trends. We believe this study provides significant lessons for marine conservation and management of coastal systems.
This work describes the synthesis of nanosized metal sulfides and respective SiO2 and/or TiO2 composites in high yield via a straightforward process, under ambient conditions (temperature and pressure), by adding to aqueous metals a nutrient solution containing biologically generated sulfide from sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The nanoparticles‘ (NPs) morphological properties were shown not to be markedly altered by the SRB growth media composition neither by the presence of bacterial cells. We further extended the work carried out, using the effluent of a bioremediation system previously established. The process results in the synthesis of added value products obtained from metal rich effluents, such as Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), when associated with the bioremediation process. Precipitation of metals using sulfide allows for the possibility of selective recovery, as different metal sulfides possess different solubilities. We have evaluated the selective precipitation of CuS, ZnS and FeS as nanosized metal sulfides. Again, we have also tested the precipitation of these metal sulfides in the presence of support structures, such as SiO2. Studies were carried out using both artificial and real solutions in a continuous bioremediation system. We found that this method allowed for a highly selective precipitation of copper and a lower selectivity in the precipitation of zinc and iron, though all metals were efficiently removed (>93% removal). This research has also demonstrated the potential of ZnS-TiO2 nanocomposites as catalysts in the photodegradation of organic pollutants using the cationic dye, Safranin-T, as a model contaminant. The influence of the catalyst amount, initial pH and dye concentration were also evaluated. Finally, the efficiency of the precipitates as catalysts in sunlight mediated photodegradation was investigated, using different volumes of dye-contaminated water (150 mL and 10 L). This work demonstrates that all tested composites have the potential to be used as photocatalysts for the degradation of Safranin-T.
A literatura mostra que a empatia se relaciona com o reconhecimento de emoções (e.g., Dimberg, Andréasson, & Thunberg, 2011) e é influenciada pelo alvo percecionado (Rueckert, Branch, & Doan, 2011). Uma das justificações para o efeito do alvo parece dever-se ao self-construto interdependente (Davis, 2004). As diferenças de género são relevantes, uma vez que as mulheres demonstram ser superiores aos homens na capacidade empática (e.g., Davis, 1980), no reconhecimento de emoções (e.g., Hall & Matsumoto, 2004), no grau de empatia sentida face a relações próximas (Rueckert et al., 2011) e na tendência para ser interdependente (e.g., Gore & Cross, 2011). O objetivo deste estudo foi observar a relação da empatia com a capacidade de reconhecer emoções e com o alvo de empatia, tendo em consideração as diferenças de género do observador. Para a realização do estudo utilizou-se uma amostra de conveniência, constituída por 150 participantes (50% mulheres), com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 63 anos. Os resultados mostram que a empatia não se relaciona, no global, com a capacidade de reconhecer expressões faciais emocionais. Observou-se também que existe um efeito do alvo no grau de empatia sentida pelo participante. Os participantes empatizam mais quando o alvo é um amigo do que quando é um indivíduo desconhecido ou com o qual não se identificam. Ambas as escalas de empatia se correlacionaram positivamente com a Escala de Self-Construto Interdependente. As diferenças de género foram observadas na capacidade empática e limitadas a algumas emoções no reconhecimento de expressões faciais. Não se observaram diferenças no grau de empatia sentida pelo alvo de empatia nem no índice de interdependência dos participantes. Quanto ao reconhecimento de emoções, a alegria, a surpresa e a raiva foram as mais facilmente reconhecidas, sendo a alegria e a raiva as mais rápidas. O medo foi a emoção com um índice de acertos mais baixo e um maior tempo despendido com o seu reconhecimento. Os resultados foram discutidos com base na literatura já existente.
Climate change scenarios comprise significant modifications of the marine realm, notably ocean acidification and temperature increase, both direct consequences of the rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. These changes are likely to impact marine organisms and ecosystems, namely the valuable seagrass-dominated coastal habitats. The main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the photosynthetic and antioxidant responses of seagrasses to climate change, considering CO2, temperature and light as key drivers of these processes. The methodologies used to determine global antioxidant capacity and antioxidant enzymatic activity in seagrasses were optimized for the species Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica, revealing identical defence mechanisms to those found in terrestrial plants. The detailed analysis and identification of photosynthetic pigments in Halophila ovalis, H.stipulacea, Zostera noltii, Z marina, Z. capricorni, Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica, sampled across different climatic zones and depths, also revealed a similarity with terrestrial plants, both in carotenoid composition and in the pigment-based photoprotection mechanisms. Cymodocea nodosa plants from Ria Formosa were submitted to the combined effect of potentially stressful light and temperature ranges and showed considerable physiological tolerance, due to the combination of changes in the antioxidant system, activation of the VAZ cycle and accumulation of leaf soluble sugars, thus preventing the onset of oxidative stress. Cymodocea nodosa plants living in a naturally acidified environment near submarine volcanic vents in Vulcano Island (Italy) showed to be under oxidative stress despite the enhancement of the antioxidant capacity, phenolics concentration and carotenoids. Posidonia oceanica leaves loaded with epiphytes showed a significant increase in oxidative stress, despite the increase of antioxidant responses and the allocation of energetic resources to these protection mechanisms. Globally, the results show that seagrasses are physiologically able to deal with potentially stressful conditions from different origins, being plastic enough to avoid stress in many situations and to actively promote ulterior defence and repair mechanisms when under effective oxidative stress.
The objective of this thesis is to study the properties of resistive switching effect based on bistable resistive memory which is fabricated in the form of Al2O3/polymer diodes and to contribute to the elucidation of resistive switching mechanisms. Resistive memories were characterized using a variety of electrical techniques, including current-voltage measurements, small-signal impedance, and electrical noise based techniques. All the measurements were carried out over a large temperature range. Fast voltage ramps were used to elucidate the dynamic response of the memory to rapid varying electric fields. The temperature dependence of the current provided insight into the role of trapped charges in resistive switching. The analysis of fast current fluctuations using electric noise techniques contributed to the elucidation of the kinetics involved in filament formation/rupture, the filament size and correspondent current capabilities. The results reported in this thesis provide insight into a number of issues namely: (i) The fundamental limitations on the speed of operation of a bi-layer resistive memory are the time and voltage dependences of the switch-on mechanism. (ii) The results explain the wide spread in switching times reported in the literature and the apparently anomalous behaviour of the high conductance state namely the disappearance of the negative differential resistance region at high voltage scan rates which is commonly attributed to a “dead time” phenomenon which had remained elusive since it was first reported in the ‘60s. (iii) Assuming that the current is filamentary, Comsol simulations were performed and used to explain the observed dynamic properties of the current-voltage characteristics. Furthermore, the simulations suggest that filaments can interact with each other. (iv) The current-voltage characteristics have been studied as a function of temperature. The findings indicate that creation and annihilation of filaments is controlled by filling and neutralizing traps localized at the oxide/polymer interface. (v) Resistive switching was also studied in small-molecule OLEDs. It was shown that the degradation that leads to a loss of light output during operation is caused by the presence of a resistive switching layer. A diagnostic tool that predicts premature failure of OLEDs was devised and proposed. Resistive switching is a property of oxides. These layers can grow in a number of devices including, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), spin-valve transistors and photovoltaic devices fabricated in different types of material. Under strong electric fields the oxides can undergo dielectric breakdown and become resistive switching layers. Resistive switching strongly modifies the charge injection causing a number of deleterious effects and eventually device failure. In this respect the findings in this thesis are relevant to understand reliability issues in devices across a very broad field.
Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas (Aquacultura), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade do Algarve, 2015