548 resultados para trabajador aut??nomo


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O processo da tomada de decisão sobre a avaliação de uma solicitação de crédito comercial é por vezes difícil para o julgamento humano, devido à imensidão de variáveis que estão em jogo e das suas inter- relações. Neste artigo propomo-nos identificar as características dos clientes associadas a alto e a baixo risco, com recurso a um modelo aplicacional. A partir de uma base de dados de um cartão de crédito, formada por variáveis de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, ajustámos um modelo logit binário, com o objectivo de tornar o processo de decisão mais objectivo e quantificável. Em seguida, identificámos oito classes de risco através da aplicação de um método de classificação não hierárquica (K-means) sobre o vector da pontuação do modelo logit. Aferimos temporalmente o comportamento de cada classe de risco ao longo de 70 meses, verificando-se que probabilidades baixas de default estão associadas a classes de risco baixo. As características dos clientes tipicamente associadas ao risco de crédito foram identificadas através de uma Análise Factorial das Correspondências.


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Tese dout., Ciências Agrárias, Produção Vegetal, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias Agrárias, Universidade do Algarve, 2000


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O objectivo principal deste artigo consiste na proposta de um novo estimador para parâmetros de interesse em pequenos domínios com dados de nível área.


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Local level planning requires statistics for small areas, but normally due to cost or logistic constraints, sample surveys are often planned to provide reliable estimates only for large geographical regions and large subgroups of a population.


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The high level of unemployment is one of the major problems in most European countries nowadays. Hence, the demand for small area labor market statistics has rapidly increased over the past few years. The Labour Force Survey (LFS) conducted by the Portuguese Statistical Office is the main source of official statistics on the labour market at the macro level (e.g. NUTS2 and national level). However, the LFS was not designed to produce reliable statistics at the micro level (e.g. NUTS3, municipalities or further disaggregate level) due to small sample sizes. Consequently, traditional design-based estimators are not appropriate. A solution to this problem is to consider model-based estimators that "borrow information" from related areas or past samples by using auxiliary information. This paper reviews, under the model-based approach, Best Linear Unbiased Predictors and an estimator based on the posterior predictive distribution of a Hierarchical Bayesian model. The goal of this paper is to analyze the possibility to produce accurate unemployment rate statistics at micro level from the Portuguese LFS using these kinds of stimators. This paper discusses the advantages of using each approach and the viability of its implementation.


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A metodologia baseada na melhor predição linear empírica não enviesada (Empirical Best Linear Unbiased Prediction), consagrada com o acrónimo EBLUP, é muito utilizada na estimação de parâmetros para pequenos domínios. Apesar da relativa facilidade de dedução dos EBLUPs, mesmo num contexto de um modelo longitudinal, a medição da sua qualidade é um problema complexo devido à di culdade de estimação do erro quadrático médio de predição (EQMP) de tais preditores. Neste trabalho utiliza-se um estimador de parâmetros de interesse em pequenos domínios assistido pelo modelo temporal de Rao-Yu (Rao e Yu, 1994). O EBLUP temporal é apresentado e é revisitada a aproximação analítica assimptótica do EQMP do EBLUP temporal proposta por Rao e Yu (1994). Sob o modelo de Rao-Yu, é proposta uma metodologia jackknife ponderada para estimar o EQMP do EBLUP, desenvolvida a partir dos trabalhos de Chen e Lahiri (2008). Foi realizado um estudo por simulação com o objectivo de comparar o desempenho do estimador proposto com o obtido por via da aproximação analítica do EQMP.


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Dissolved oxygen (DO) is one of the most important environmental variables of water quality, especially for marine life. Consequently, oxygen is one of the Chemical Quality Elements required for the implementation of European Union Water Framework Directive. This study uses the example of the Ria Formosa, a meso-tidal lagoon on the south coast of Portugal to demonstrate how monitoring of water quality for coastal waters must be well designed to identify symptoms of episodic hypoxia. New data from the western end of the Ria Formosa were compared to values in a database of historical data and in the published literature to identify long-term trends. The dissolved oxygen concentration values in the database and in the literature were generally higher than those found in this study, where episodic hypoxia was observed during the summer. Analysis of the database showed that the discrepancy was probably related with the time and the sites where the samples had been collected, rather than a long-term trend. The most problematic situations were within the inner lagoon near the city of Faro, where episodic hypoxia (<2 mg dm3 DO) occurred regularly in the early morning. These results emphasise the need for a balanced sampling strategy for oxygen monitoring which includes all periods of the day and night, as well as a representative range of sites throughout the lagoon. Such a strategy would provide adequate data to apply management measures to reduce the risk of more persistent hypoxia that would impact on the ecological, important natural resource. economic and leisure uses of this important natural resource.


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Regions of Restricted Exchange (RREs) are an important feature of the European coastline. They are historically preferred sites for human settlement and aquaculture and their ecosystems, and consequent human use, may be at risk from eutrophication. The OAERRE project (EVK3-CT1999-0002 concerns ‘Oceanographic Applications to Eutrophication in Regions of Restricted Exchange’. It began in July 2000, and studies six sites. Four of these sites are fjords: Kongsfjorden (west coast of Spitzbergen); Gullmaren (Skagerrak coast of Sweden); Himmerfj.arden (Baltic coast of Sweden); and the Firth of Clyde (west coast of Scotland). Two are bays sheltered by sand bars: Golfe de Fos (French Mediterranean); and Ria Formosa (Portuguese Algarve). Together they exemplify a range of hydrographic and enrichment conditions. The project aims to understand the physical, biogeochemical and biological processes, and their interactions, that determine the trophic status of these coastal marine RRE through the development of simple screening models to define, predict and assess eutrophication. This paper introduces the sites and describes the component parts of a basic screening model and its application to each site using historical data. The model forms the starting point for the OAERRE project and views an RRE as a well-mixed box, exchanging with the sea at a daily rate E determined by physical processes, and converting nutrient to phytoplankton chlorophyll at a fixed yield q: It thus uses nutrient levels to estimate maximum biomass; these preliminary results are discussed in relation to objective criteria used to assess trophic status. The influence of factors such as grazing and vertical mixing on key parameters in the screening model are further studied using simulations of a complex‘research’ model for the Firth of Clyde. The future development of screening models in general and within OAERRE in particular is discussed. In addition, the paper looks ahead with a broad discussion of progress in the scientific understanding of eutrophication and the legal and socioeconomic issues that need to be taken into account in managing the trophic status of RREs.


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O presente texto é uma tentativa de sistematização da experiência do Gabinete de Desenvolvimento Rural, da Câmara Municipal de Loulé, que funcionou entre os anos de 1990 e 1995. Em Portugal ainda são raras as sistematizações de experiências práticas enquadradas no âmbito do desenvolvimento rural. Por um lado, devido ao facto de as práticas de desenvolvimento rural serem recentes no nosso país; por outro lado, porque decorrendo do factor anterior, se acentua a tentação do voluntarismo que promove a acção em detrimento da reflexão.


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A partir de diversos projectos e experiências de educação comunitária, desenvolvidos em meio rural, piscatório ou urbano, no contexto das dinâmicas do Algarve, reflecte-se sobre as funções e os valores dos educadores comunitários.


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Em 1991 é estabelecido o Plano Museológico do concelho de Loulé, a partir de uma proposta discutida em reunião aberta com associações locais, investigadores e outros interessados. Desde aí, o Museu Municipal de Loulé tem desenvolvido esforços concertados com muitos actores locais, públicos ou privados no sentido de concretizar a instalação de uma rede de pólos museológicos diversificados – mas complementares – que permitam uma interpretação cultural do rico património do concelho.


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A partir da experiência acumulada ao longo de uma dezena de anos, na recolha de lições de música tradicional em vários concelhos do Algarve, reflecte-se a sua importância no contexto da etnomusicologia e do folclore do país.


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O artigo analisa a transformação da cultura tradicional do entrudo no Carnaval "normalizado", como meio de turistificação da cultura popular, usando como caso o exemplo de Loulé.


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Tendo como base o Projecto de Recolha de Literatura Oral Tradicional no Algarve, em particular o registo de espécimes do romanceiro tradicional, salienta-se a presença na nossa região de antigas e valiosas versões ditas e cantadas, apresentando-se alguns exemplos/tipo.


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The region of the Algarve shows huge differences between the coastline where population in the urban areas grows, and the inland rural areas, in some cases very isolated, which frequently have high ageing indexes. This general scenario, with an elderly population with very different economic and social conditions, frames the ongoing PhD research designed as a cross-sectional study of an intentional sample of elderly persons. The basic theoretical framework departs from the perspective of developmental psychology of life-span and the model of selection, optimisation and compensation for optimal ageing (Baltes & Baltes, 1990; Freund & Baltes, 2002). The present study is a first step in the analysis of empirical data collected in the PhD sample (N=156; age range 65 to 97 years; M = 80.4 years; SD = 7.2 years). Its purpose is to assess the cognitive functioning of participants, screening for cognitive impairment and examine the relations between the cognitive status of the subjects and a number of selected variables including educational level, age, physical activity and living contexts of the subjects. We accessed the cognitive status of the participants with the Portuguese version of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) finding a 10.3% prevalence of positive cases with cognitive impairment. The results also show significant relationships between the cognitive status accessed by the MMSE and educational level, professional qualification, age, living arrangement and activity level of the participants. The relationship verified between educational level and cognitive status of the participants was the largest correlation found in the study with the variability in educational level accounting for 44.8% of the variability in MMSE score. This results points in the same direction of several lines of research that corroborate the strong intercorrelation between education and cognitive functioning in old age.