6 resultados para high rainfall areas

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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O metano é um gás de estufa potente e uma importante fonte de energia. A importância global e impacto em zonas costeiras de acumulações e escape de gás metano são ainda pouco conhecidas. Esta tese investiga acumulações e escape de gás em canais de maré da Ria de Aveiro com dados de cinco campanhas de reflexão sísmica de alta resolução realizadas em 1986, 1999, 2002 e 2003. Estas incluem três campanhas de Chirp (RIAV99, RIAV02 e RIAV02A) e duas campanhas de Boomer (VOUGA86 e RIAV03). O processamento dos dados de navegação incluíram filtros de erros, correcções de sincronização de relógios de sistemas de aquisição de dados, ajuste de “layback” e estimativa da posição de “midpoint”. O processamento do sinal sísmico consistiu na correcção das amplitudes, remoção de ruído do tipo “burst”, correcções estáticas, correcção do “normal move-out”, filtragem passabanda, desconvolução da assinatura e migração Stolt F-K. A análise da regularidade do trajecto de navegação, dos desfasamentos entre horizontes e dos modelos de superfícies foi utilizada para controlo de qualidade, e permitiu a revisão e melhoria dos parâmetros de processamento. A heterogeneidade da cobertura sísmica, da qualidade do sinal, da penetração e da resolução, no seu conjunto constrangeram o uso dos dados a interpretações detalhadas, mas locais, de objectos geológicos da Ria. É apresentado um procedimento para determinar a escolha de escalas adequadas para modelar os objectos geológicos, baseado na resolução sísmica, erros de posicionamento conhecidos e desfasamentos médios entre horizontes. As evidências de acumulação e escape de gás na Ria de Aveiro incluem turbidez acústica, reflexões reforçadas, cortinas acústicas, domas, “pockmarks” e alinhamentos de “pockmarks” enterradas, horizontes perturbados e plumas acústicas na coluna de água (flares). A estratigrafia e a estrutura geológica controlam a distribuição e extensão das acumulações e escape de gás. Ainda assim, nestes sistemas de baixa profundidade de água, as variações da altura de maré têm um impacto significativo na detecção de gás com métodos acústicos, através de alterações nas amplitudes originais de reflexões reforçadas, turbidez acústica e branqueamento acústico em zonas com gás. Os padrões encontrados confirmam que o escape de bolhas de gás é desencadeado pela descida da maré. Há acumulações de gás em sedimentos Holocénicos e no substrato de argilas e calcários do Mesozóico. Evidências directas de escape de gás em sondagens em zonas vizinhas, mostraram gás essencialmente biogénico. A maioria do gás na área deve ter sido gerado em sedimentos lagunares Holocénicos. No entanto, a localização e geometria de estruturas de escape de fluidos em alguns canais de maré, seguem o padrão de fracturas do substrato Mesozóico, indicando uma possível fonte mais profunda de gás e que estas fracturas funcionam como condutas preferenciais de migração dos fluidos e exercem um controlo estrutural na ocorrência de gás na Ria.


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A ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde é uma ilha de origem vulcânica, constituída basicamente por lavas e piroclastos, localizada no Oceano Atlântico ao lado da costa ocidental de África. A ilha é caracterizada por três unidades hidrogeológicas, sendo estas a Formação de Base (semi-confinada), a Formação Intermédia (freática) e a Formação Recente (freática), que apresentam características geológicas e comportamentos hidráulicos que as diferenciam, recebendo recarga directa e/ ou diferida por infiltração das águas de chuva e descarregam ao mar, na rede hidrográfica ou, ainda, em outros níveis aquíferos subjacentes, desde que induzidos por gradientes hidráulicos favoráveis. O clima de Santiago é árido a semi-árido, com precipitações muito escassas e irregulares, condicionadas na sua distribuição pela altitude, ventos e orientação das vertentes, dando por vezes origem a períodos de seca prolongados. Em anos de ‘boa’ chuva, as precipitações propiciam a existência temporária de recursos hídricos superficiais e a recarga dos recursos de água subterrânea. Foi realizado um estudo hidrogeoquímico detalhado da ilha que incluiu a recolha de amostras em 133 pontos de água, entre furos, poços e nascentes. A composição química das águas analisadas na ilha de Santiago apresenta significativas variações em função da geologia e do tempo de residência. Na ausência de episódios de contaminação, as águas subterrâneas têm uma composição do tipo bicarbonatada-sódica (HCO3-Na) nas zonas mais altas da ilha, onde afloram as formações da Unidade Aquífera Intermédia. Nas zonas mais próximas da costa ocorrem águas de composição cloretada-magnesiana (Cl-Mg) ou cloretada-sódica (Cl-Na). Estas últimas predominam nas partes terminais das ribeiras, onde afloram materiais de elevada permeabilidade, e o excesso de bombagem para irrigação tem conduzido a um avanço da cunha de intrusão marinha. A ocorrência da fácies Cl-Na é neste caso o resultado de processos de intercâmbio catiónico que ocorrem durante o processo de intrusão e é concordante com os elevados teores de cloretos e de condutividade eléctrica observados. Os resultados das análises de isótopos estáveis de oxigénio-18 e deutério, realizadas em amostras recolhidas a distintas altitudes, revelam um gradiente negativo com a altitude, que já tinha sido verificado em outras ilhas com declives acentuados, permitindo assim determinar altitudes de recarga de água subterrânea. Os estudos hidrogeoquímicos até agora realizados permitiram caracterizar os principais níveis aquíferos da ilha de Santiago, colocando em evidência a limitada recarga do aquífero e o risco de gradual degradação dos recursos de água subterrânea por fenómenos de intrusão salina e contaminação agrícola. Estes resultados revelam a importância da gestão integrada da qualidade e quantidade dos parcos recursos de água subterrânea na ilha de Santiago.


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The development of a compact gamma camera with high spatial resolution is of great interest in Nuclear Medicine as a means to increase the sensitivity of scintigraphy exams and thus allow the early detection of small tumours. Following the introduction of the wavelength-shifting fibre (WSF) gamma camera by Soares et al. and evolution of photodiodes into highly sensitive silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), this thesis explores the development of a WSF gamma camera using SiPMs to obtain the position information of scintillation events in a continuous CsI(Na) crystal. The design is highly flexible, allowing the coverage of different areas and the development of compact cameras, with very small dead areas at the edges. After initial studies which confirmed the feasibility of applying SiPMs, a prototype with 5 5 cm2 was assembled and tested at room temperature, in an active field-of-view of 10 10 mm2. Calibration and characterisation of intrinsic properties of this prototype were done using 57Co, while extrinsic measurements were performed using a high-resolution parallel-hole collimator and 99mTc. In addition, a small mouse injected with a radiopharmaceutical was imaged with the developed prototype. Results confirm the great potential of SiPMs when applied in a WSF gamma camera, achieving spatial resolution performance superior to the traditional Anger camera. Furthermore, performance can be improved by an optimisation of experimental conditions, in order to minimise and control the undesirable effects of thermal noise and non-uniformity of response of multiple SiPMs. The development and partial characterisation of a larger SiPM WSF gamma camera with 10 10 cm2 for clinical application are also presented.


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Strong and sometimes extreme responses in runoff and soil erosion following wildfires have been reported worldwide. However, in the case of North-Central Portugal, little research had been carried out regarding the hydrologic and erosive impacts of several land management activities in recently burnt areas (such as ground preparation, post-fire logging or post-fire mitigation treatments). This study aims to assess post-fire runoff and soil erosion response on Eucalypt and Maritime pine plantations during the first, second and third years following wildfires. The effect of several pre-fire ground preparation operations (ploughed down-slope, contour ploughed and inclined terraces), post-fire logging activities (on both the eucalypt and pine plantations), as well as the application of hydromulch (a post-fire emergency treatment) on overland flow and soil erosion were compared to burnt but undisturbed and untreated areas. The intensive monitoring of runoff, soil erosion and selected soil properties served to determine the main factors involved in post-fire runoff and soil erosion and their spatial and temporal variation. Soil water repellency deserved special attention, due to its supposed important role for overland flow generation. Repeated rainfall simulation experiments (RSE’s), micro-scale runoff plots and bounded sediment fences were carried out and/or installed immediately after the wildfire on seven burnt slopes. Micro-scale runoff plots results under natural rainfall conditions were also compared to the RSE’s results, which was useful for assessing the representativeness of the data obtained with artificial rainfall. The results showed comparable runoff coefficient (20-60%) but lower sediment losses (125-1000 g m-2) than prior studies in Portugal, but especially outside Portugal. Lower sediment losses were related with the historic intensive land use in the area. In evaluating these losses, however, the shallowness and stoniness of the soils, as well as the high organic matter fraction of the eroded sediments (50%) must not be overlooked. Sediment limited erosion was measured in all the ploughed sites, probably due to the time since ploughing (several years). The disturbance of the soil surface cover due to post-fire logging and wood extraction substantially increased sediment losses at both the pine and eucalypt sites. Hydromulch effectiveness in reducing the runoff (70%) and sediment losses (83%) was attributed to the protective high coverage provided by hydromulch. The hydromulch significantly affected the soil cover and other soil properties and these changes also reduced the soil erosion risk. The rainfall amount was the main factor explaining the variance in runoff. However, a shift from rainfall amount to rainfall intensity was detected when either the surface cover or the infiltration capacity (hydrophilic conditions) increased. Sediment losses were controlled by rainfall intensity and surface cover. The role of soil water repellency on runoff generation was not consistent; the overall repellency levels alone were not enough to assess its hydrological impact. Soil water repellency explained runoff generation in the specific-sites model better than in the overall model. Additionally, soil moisture content was a better predictor for soil water repellency than antecedent rainfall. The natural rainfall results confirmed that RSE’s were able to capture the specific sediment losses and its organic matter content as well as the differences between the ploughed and unploughed sites. Repeated RSE’s also captured the seasonal variations in runoff and sediment losses attributed to soil water repellency. These results have implications for post-fire soil erosion modelling and soil conservation practices in the region, or areas with the same land use, climate and soil characteristics. The measured sediment loss, as well as the increasing frequency of ploughing in recently burnt and unburnt eucalypt stands, suggests ploughing is not an effective as a soil conservation measure. Logging activities with less impact are recommended in order to maintain the forest litter protecting the soil surface. Due to its high effectiveness in reducing runoff and soil erosion, hydromulch is recommended for highly sensitive and vulnerable areas.


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This study aims to measure the effectiveness of four post-fire emergency techniques for reducing overland flow and soil erosion on the central-Portugal typical forest. The selection and development of these techniques was based on the review of the scientific background, but specially after checking throughout field rainfall simulation experiments which factors were the key for runoff and soil erosion on the specific case of high repellent soils. The forest residue mulch, a new treatment never tested before, was highly effective in reducing runoff and soil erosion in recently burnt eucalypt forest. The logging slash mulch had no obvious effect, but it was attributed to the small amounts of runoff and sediments that the untreated plots produced due to the extensive needle cast following a low severity fire. The hydromulch, a mixture of water, organic fibres, seeds, nutrients and a surfactant used in cutted slopes rehabilitation was also highly successful and was specially indicated for especially sensible areas. The utilization of polyacrylamides, a chemical agent with good performance in agricultural erosion, was not successful in post-fire runoff and soil erosion control, once that did not alter the most important key factor for soil erosion: the ground cover. The development of a new fibre optic turbidity sensor was a successful development on the soil erosion determination methodology, and its patent is being processed in the mean time.


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The development of mining activities over thousands of years in the region of Aljustrel is nowadays visible as a vast area of ore tailings, slag and host rocks of sulphides mineralization. The generation of acidic waters by the alteration of pyritic minerals - Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) - causes a significant impact on the river system both in the south of the village (Rib ª. Água Forte) and in the north of it (Rib ª. Água Azeda and Barranco do Farrobo), which is reflected in extremely low pH values (< 3) and high concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn and sulphates. This study aimed to assess the environmental impacts extent, integrating geochemical (surface waters and stream sediments) and biological (diatoms) parameters. Three groups of sites were defined, based on sediments and water analysis, which integration with diatom data showed the same association of groups: Group 1- impacted, with acidic pH (1.9-5.1), high metal contents (0.4-1975 mg L-1) and Fe-Mg-sulphate waters, being metals more bioavailable in waters in cationic form (Me2+); mineralogically the sediments were characterized by phyllosilicates and sulphates/oxy-hydroxysulphate phases, easily solubilized, retaining a high amount of metals when precipitated; dominant taxon was Pinnularia aljustrelica (a new species); Group 2- slightly impacted, weak acid to neutral pH (5.0-6.8), metal contents not so high (0.2-25 mg L-1) and Fe-Mg-sulphate to Mg-chloride waters; dominant taxa were Brachysira neglectissima and Achnanthidium minutissimum; Group 3- unimpacted, alkaline pH (7.0-8.4), low metal contents (0-7 mg L-1) with Mg-chloride waters. In this group, metals were associated to the primary phases (e.g. sulphides), not so easily available; the existence of high chloride contents explained the presence of typical taxa of brackish/marine (e.g. Entomoneis paludosa) waters. Taxonomical aspects of the diatoms were studied (discovery of a new species: Pinnularia aljustrelica Luis, Almeida et Ector sp. nov.), as well as morphometric (size decrease of diatoms valves, as well as the appearance of deformed valves of Eunotia exigua in Group 1 and A. minutissimum in Group 2) and physiological (effective to assess the effects of metals/acidity in the photosynthetic efficiency through PAM Fluorometry) aspects. A study was carried out in an artificial river system (microcosm) that aimed to mimic Aljustrel’s extreme conditions in controlled laboratory conditions. The chronic effects of Fe, SO42- and acidity in field biofilms, inoculated in the artificial rivers, were evaluated as well as their contribution to the communities’ tolerance to metal toxicity, through acute tests with two metals (Cu and Zn). In general, the effects caused by low pH values and high concentrations of Fe and SO42- were reflected at the community level by the decrease in diversity, the predominance of acidophilic species, the decrease in photosynthetic efficiency and the increase of enzymatic (e.g. catalase, superoxide dismutase) and non-enzymatic activities (e.g. total glutathione and total phytochelatins). However, it was possible to verify that acidity performed a protective effect in the communities, upon Cu and Zn addition. A comparative study between Aljustrel mining area and New Brunswick mining area was carried out, both with similar mining and geological conditions, reflected in similar diatom communities in both mines, but in very different geographic and climatic areas.