10 resultados para foto

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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This work presents the results on the development of a high pressure Xe gaseous detector envisaging medical imaging. The detector uses two VUV photosensors operating face-to-face, based on the CsI-MHSP with position discrimination capability. The known effect of the charge gain decrease with the gas pressure is compensated with a light gain using the electroluminescence process. Studies of signal amplitude, energy and position resolution are presented. On the second part, gaseous detectors based on THGEM where studied in order to fulfill the requirements of present and future high energy physics experiments. The work is focused on the application of THGEM in RICH detectors elements: a triple THGEM detector using CsI photocathodes in Ne mixtures was suggested. The ion backflow to the photocathode remains a concern and a limitation; to minimize it, the application of a new hole-structure, THCOBRA, was suggested. Preliminary results foresee good perspectives for the successful application of THCOBRA in ion back-flow suppression. This work contains several methods and measurements of the CsI photocathodes behaviour in radiation gaseous detectors. A long discussion on its issues and possible solutions are presented.


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Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento e aplicação de sistemas baseados em detetores gasosos microestruturados, para imagiologia de fluorescência de raios-X por dispersão em energia (EDXRF). A técnica de imagiologia por fluorescência de raios-X assume-se como uma técnica poderosa, não-destrutiva, em análises da distribuição espacial de elementos em materiais. Os sistemas para imagiologia de EDXRF desenvolvidos são constituídos por: um tubo de raios-X, usado para excitar os elementos da amostra; um detetor gasoso microestruturado; e uma lente pinhole que foca a radiação de fluorescência no plano do detetor formando assim a imagem e permitindo a sua ampliação. Por outro lado é estudada a influência do diâmetro da abertura do pinhole bem como do fator de ampliação obtido para a imagem, na resolução em posição do sistema. Foram usados dois conceitos diferentes de detetores gasosos microestruturados. O primeiro, baseado na microestrutura designada por 2D-Micro-Hole & Strip Plate (2D-MHSP) com uma área ativa de 3 3 cm2, enquanto que o segundo, baseado na estrutura 2D-Thick-COBRA (2D-THCOBRA) apresenta uma área ativa de deteção de 10 10 cm2. Estes detetores de raios-X de baixo custo têm a particularidade de funcionar em regime de fotão único permitindo a determinação da energia e posição de interação de cada fotão que chega ao detetor. Deste modo permitem detetar a energia dos fotões X de fluorescência, bem como obter imagens 2D da distribuição desses fotões X para o intervalo de energias desejado. São por isso adequados a aplicações de imagiologia de EDXRF. Os detetores desenvolvidos mostraram resoluções em energia de 17% e 22% para fotões incidentes com uma energia de 5.9 keV, respectivamente para o detetor 2D-MHSP e 2D-THCOBRA e resoluções em posição adequadas para um vasto número de aplicações. Ao longo deste trabalho é detalhado o desenvolvimento, o estudo das características e do desempenho de cada um dos detetores, e sua influência na performance final de cada sistema proposto. Numa fase mais avançada apresentam-se os resultados correspondentes à aplicação dos dois sistemas a diversas amostras, incluindo algumas do nosso património cultural e também uma amostra biológica.


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The development of a compact gamma camera with high spatial resolution is of great interest in Nuclear Medicine as a means to increase the sensitivity of scintigraphy exams and thus allow the early detection of small tumours. Following the introduction of the wavelength-shifting fibre (WSF) gamma camera by Soares et al. and evolution of photodiodes into highly sensitive silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs), this thesis explores the development of a WSF gamma camera using SiPMs to obtain the position information of scintillation events in a continuous CsI(Na) crystal. The design is highly flexible, allowing the coverage of different areas and the development of compact cameras, with very small dead areas at the edges. After initial studies which confirmed the feasibility of applying SiPMs, a prototype with 5 5 cm2 was assembled and tested at room temperature, in an active field-of-view of 10 10 mm2. Calibration and characterisation of intrinsic properties of this prototype were done using 57Co, while extrinsic measurements were performed using a high-resolution parallel-hole collimator and 99mTc. In addition, a small mouse injected with a radiopharmaceutical was imaged with the developed prototype. Results confirm the great potential of SiPMs when applied in a WSF gamma camera, achieving spatial resolution performance superior to the traditional Anger camera. Furthermore, performance can be improved by an optimisation of experimental conditions, in order to minimise and control the undesirable effects of thermal noise and non-uniformity of response of multiple SiPMs. The development and partial characterisation of a larger SiPM WSF gamma camera with 10 10 cm2 for clinical application are also presented.


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Os estuários são ecossistemas complexos, onde os processos físicos, químicos e biológicos estão intimamente ligados. A dinâmica bacteriana num estuário reflete a interação e a elevada variação temporal e espacial desses processos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elucidar as interações entre os processos físicos, fotoquímicos e microbiológicos no sistema estuarino da Ria de Aveiro (Portugal). Para tal, foi realizada uma abordagem inicial no campo, durante a qual as comunidades bacterianas na coluna de água foram caracterizadas em termos de abundância e atividade ao longo de 2 anos. O estudo foi realizado em dois locais distintos, escolhidos por tipificarem as características marinhas e salobras do estuário. Estes locais possuem diferentes hidrodinâmicas, influências fluviais e, quantidade e composição de matéria orgânica. Numa perspectiva mecanicista, foram realizadas simulações laboratoriais no sentido de elucidar a resposta das bactérias à matéria orgânica foto-transformada. As comunidades bacterianas no estuário adaptam-se a diferentes regimes de água doce, desenvolvendo padrões de abundância e atividade distintos nas zonas marinha e salobra. Os elevados caudais dos rios induzem estratificação vertical na zona marinha, promovendo o fluxo de fitoplâncton do mar para o estuário, do bacterioplâncton do estuário para o mar, e estimulam a importação de bactérias aderentes a partículas na zona salobra. O transporte advectivo e os processos de ressuspensão contribuem para aumentar 3 vezes o número de bactérias aderentes a partículas durante os períodos de intensas descargas fluviais. Adicionalmente, a atividade bacteriana no estuário é controlada pela concentração de azoto inerente à variações de água doce. O fornecimento de azoto em associação com a fonte dos substratos bacterianos induzem alterações significativas na produtividade. O padrão de variação vertical de comunidades bacterianas foi distinto nas duas zonas do estuário. Na zona marinha, as bactérias na microcamada superficial (SML) apresentaram taxas de hidrólise mais elevadas, mas menores taxas de incorporação de monómeros e produção de biomassa que na água subjacente (UW), enquanto na zona salobra, as taxas de hidrólise e incorporação foram similares nos dois compartimentos, mas a produtividade foi significativamente mais elevada na SML. Apesar da abundância bacteriana ter sido semelhante na SML e UW, a fração de células aderentes a partículas foi significativamente maior na SML (2-3 vezes), em ambas as zonas do estuário. A integração dos resultados microbiológicos com as variáveis ambientais e hidrológicos mostraram que fortes correntes na zona marinha promovem a mistura vertical, inibindo o estabelecimento de uma comunidade bacteriana na SML distinta da UW. Em contraste, na zona de água salobra, a menor velocidades das correntes fornece as condições adequadas ao aumento da atividade bacteriana na SML. Características específicas do local, tais como a hidrodinâmica e as fontes e composição da matéria orgânica, conduzem também a diferentes graus de enriquecimento superficial de matéria orgânica e inorgânica, influenciando a sua transformação. Em geral, o ambiente da SML estuarina favorece a hidrólise de polímeros, mas inibe a utilização de monómeros, comparativamente com água subjacente. No entanto, as diferenças entre as duas comunidades tendem a atenuar-se com o aumento da atividade heterotrófica na zona salobra. A matéria orgânica dissolvida cromófora (CDOM) das duas zonas do estuário possui diferentes características espectrais, com maior aromaticidade e peso molecular médio (HMW) na zona de água salobra, em comparação com a zona marinha. Nesta zona, a abundância bacteriana correlacionou-se com a350 e a254, sugerindo uma contribuição indireta das bactéria para HMW CDOM. A irradiação do DOM resultou numa diminuição dos valores de a254 e a350, e, em um aumento do declive S275-295 e dos rácios E2:E3 (a250/a365) e SR. No entanto, a extensão de transformações foto-induzidas e as respostas microbianas são dependentes das características iniciais CDOM, inferidas a partir das suas propriedades ópticas. A dinâmica estuarina influencia claramente as atividades heterotróficas e a distribuição dos microorganismos na coluna de água. A entrada de água doce influencia a dinâmica e os principais reguladores das comunidades bacterianas no estuário. Os processos fotoquímicos e microbianos produzem alterações nas propriedades ópticas da CDOM e a combinação desses processos determina o resultado global e o destino da CDOM nos sistemas estuarinos com influência na produtividade nas áreas costeiras adjacente.


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Cherenkov Imaging counters require large photosensitive areas, capable of single photon detection, operating at stable high gains under radioactive backgrounds while standing high rates, providing a fast response and a good time resolution, and being insensitive to magnetic fields. The development of photon detectors based in Micro Pattern Gaseous detectors (MPGDs), represent a new generation of gaseous photon detectors. In particular, gaseous detectors based on stacked Thick-Gaseous Electron Multipliers (THGEMs), or THGEM based structures, coupled to a CsI photoconverter coating, seem to fulfil the requirements imposed by Cherenkov imaging counters. This work focus on the study of the THGEM-based detectors response as function of its geometrical parameters and applied voltages and electric fields, aiming a future upgrade of the Cherenkov Imaging counter RICH-1 of the COMPASS experiment at CERN SPS. Further studies to decrease the fraction of ions that reach the photocathode (Ion Back Flow – IBF) to minimize the ageing and maximize the photoelectron extraction are performed. Experimental studies are complemented with simulation results, also perfomed in this work.


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The development of computed tomography systems with energy resolving detectors is a current challenge in medical physics and biomedical engineering. A computed tomography system of this kind allows getting complementary informations relatively to conventional systems, that can help the medical diagnosis, being of great interest in medicine. The work described in this thesis is related to the development of a computed tomography system using micropattern gaseous detectors, which allow storing, simultaneously, information about the interaction position and the energy of each single photon that interacts with the detector. This kind of detectors has other advantages concerning the cost and characteristics of operation when compared with solid state detectors. Tomographic acquisitions were performed using a MicroHole & Strip Plate based detector, which allowed reconstructing cross-sectional images using energy windows, applying the energy weighting technique and performing multi-slice and tri-dimensional reconstructions. The contrast-to-noise ratio was improved by 31% by applying the energy weighting technique, comparing with the corresponding image obtained with the current medical systems. A prototype of a computed tomography with flexibility to change the detector was developed, making it possible to apply different detectors based on Thick-COBRA. Several images acquired with these detectors are presented and demonstrate their applicability in X-ray imaging. When operating in NeCH4, the detector allowed a charge gain of 8 104, an energy resolution of 20% (full width at half maximum at 8 keV), a count rate of 1 106 Hz/mm2, a very stable operation (gain fluctuations below 5%) and a spacial resolution of 1.2 mm for an energy photon of 3.6 keV. Operating the detector in pure Kr allowed increasing the detection efficiency and achieving a charge gain of 2 104, an energy resolution of 32% (full width at half maximum at 22 keV), a count rate of 1 105 Hz/mm2, very stable operation and a spatial resolution of 500 m. The software already existing in the group was improved and tools to correct geometric misalignments of the system were also developed. The reconstructions obtained after geometrical correction are free of artefacts due to the referred misalignments.


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A agricultura foi a base de partida para a evolução do ser humano como civilização. Este projeto de dissertação consiste numa primeira instância uma análise que aborda historicamente a evolução humana como sociedade desde o Neolítico até aos tempos atuais e factos históricos imprevisíveis que influenciaram o seu percurso como sociedade. O desenvolvimento de um compostor com uma zona de cultivo modular tem o intuito de funcionar nos espaços das habitações urbanas como objectivo principal ser pedagógico e funcional. A metodologia utilizada remete para a análise de factos históricos da sociedade com posterior análise de produtos de excelência na área de compostagem e de cultivo. Para uma análise das necessidades dos utilizadores, foi desenvolvido um mind map, desenvolvido um questionário e analisado um conjunto de produtos do mercado. Estas análises deram origem a um conceito de um produto final, que posteriormente foi convertido no modelo CAD 3D, que serviu para simulações de pressão e para o processamento de renderes foto realistas que servem como representação do produto final. No contexto pedagógico foi desenvolvido um folheto focalizado na demonstração do funcionamento do produto.


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Alkali tantalates and niobates, including K(Ta / Nb)O3, Li(Ta / Nb)O3 and Na(Ta / Nb)O3, are a very promising ferroic family of lead-free compounds with perovskite-like structures. Their versatile properties make them potentially interesting for current and future application in microelectronics, photocatalysis, energy and biomedics. Among them potassium tantalate, KTaO3 (KTO), has been raising interest as an alternative for the well-known strontium titanate, SrTiO3 (STO). KTO is a perovskite oxide with a quantum paraelectric behaviour when electrically stimulated and a highly polarizable lattice, giving opportunity to tailor its properties via external or internal stimuli. However problems related with the fabrication of either bulk or 2D nanostructures makes KTO not yet a viable alternative to STO. Within this context and to contribute scientifically to the leverage tantalate based compounds applications, the main goals of this thesis are: i) to produce and characterise thin films of alkali tantalates by chemical solution deposition on rigid Si based substrates, at reduced temperatures to be compatible with Si technology, ii) to fulfil scientific knowledge gaps in these relevant functional materials related to their energetics and ii) to exploit alternative applications for alkali tantalates, as photocatalysis. In what concerns the synthesis attention was given to the understanding of the phase formation in potassium tantalate synthesized via distinct routes, to control the crystallization of desired perovskite structure and to avoid low temperature pyrochlore or K-deficient phases. The phase formation process in alkali tantalates is far from being deeply analysed, as in the case of Pb-containing perovskites, therefore the work was initially focused on the process-phase relationship to identify the driving forces responsible to regulate the synthesis. Comparison of phase formation paths in conventional solid-state reaction and sol-gel method was conducted. The structural analyses revealed that intermediate pyrochlore K2Ta2O6 structure is not formed at any stage of the reaction using conventional solid-state reaction. On the other hand in the solution based processes, as alkoxide-based route, the crystallization of the perovskite occurs through the intermediate pyrochlore phase; at low temperatures pyrochlore is dominant and it is transformed to perovskite at >800 °C. The kinetic analysis carried out by using Johnson-MehlAvrami-Kolmogorow model and quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrated that in sol-gel derived powders the crystallization occurs in two stages: i) at early stage of the reaction dominated by primary nucleation, the mechanism is phase-boundary controlled, and ii) at the second stage the low value of Avrami exponent, n ~ 0.3, does not follow any reported category, thus not permitting an easy identification of the mechanism. Then, in collaboration with Prof. Alexandra Navrotsky group from the University of California at Davis (USA), thermodynamic studies were conducted, using high temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry. The enthalpies of formation of three structures: pyrochlore, perovskite and tetragonal tungsten bronze K6Ta10.8O30 (TTB) were calculated. The enthalpies of formation from corresponding oxides, ∆Hfox, for KTaO3, KTa2.2O6 and K6Ta10.8O30 are -203.63 ± 2.84 kJ/mol, - 358.02 ± 3.74 kJ/mol, and -1252.34 ± 10.10 kJ/mol, respectively, whereas from elements, ∆Hfel, for KTaO3, KTa2.2O6 and K6Ta10.8O30 are -1408.96 ± 3.73 kJ/mol, -2790.82 ± 6.06 kJ/mol, and -13393.04 ± 31.15 kJ/mol, respectively. The possible decomposition reactions of K-deficient KTa2.2O6 pyrochlore to KTaO3 perovskite and Ta2O5 (reaction 1) or to TTB K6Ta10.8O30 and Ta2O5 (reaction 2) were proposed, and the enthalpies were calculated to be 308.79 ± 4.41 kJ/mol and 895.79 ± 8.64 kJ/mol for reaction 1 and reaction 2, respectively. The reactions are strongly endothermic, indicating that these decompositions are energetically unfavourable, since it is unlikely that any entropy term could override such a large positive enthalpy. The energetic studies prove that pyrochlore is energetically more stable phase than perovskite at low temperature. Thus, the local order of the amorphous precipitates drives the crystallization into the most favourable structure that is the pyrochlore one with similar local organization; the distance between nearest neighbours in the amorphous or short-range ordered phase is very close to that in pyrochlore. Taking into account the stoichiometric deviation in KTO system, the selection of the most appropriate fabrication / deposition technique in thin films technology is a key issue, especially concerning complex ferroelectric oxides. Chemical solution deposition has been widely reported as a processing method to growth KTO thin films, but classical alkoxide route allows to crystallize perovskite phase at temperatures >800 °C, while the temperature endurance of platinized Si wafers is ~700 °C. Therefore, alternative diol-based routes, with distinct potassium carboxylate precursors, was developed aiming to stabilize the precursor solution, to avoid using toxic solvents and to decrease the crystallization temperature of the perovskite phase. Studies on powders revealed that in the case of KTOac (solution based on potassium acetate), a mixture of perovskite and pyrochlore phases is detected at temperature as low as 450 °C, and gradual transformation into monophasic perovskite structure occurs as temperature increases up to 750 °C, however the desired monophasic KTaO3 perovskite phase is not achieved. In the case of KTOacac (solution with potassium acetylacetonate), a broad peak is detected at temperatures <650 °C, characteristic of amorphous structures, while at higher temperatures diffraction lines from pyrochlore and perovskite phases are visible and a monophasic perovskite KTaO3 is formed at >700 °C. Infrared analysis indicated that the differences are due to a strong deformation of the carbonate-based structures upon heating. A series of thin films of alkali tantalates were spin-coated onto Si-based substrates using diol-based routes. Interestingly, monophasic perovskite KTaO3 films deposited using KTOacac solution were obtained at temperature as low as 650 °C; films were annealed in rapid thermal furnace in oxygen atmosphere for 5 min with heating rate 30 °C/sec. Other compositions of the tantalum based system as LiTaO3 (LTO) and NaTaO3 (NTO), were successfully derived as well, onto Si substrates at 650 °C as well. The ferroelectric character of LTO at room temperature was proved. Some of dielectric properties of KTO could not be measured in parallel capacitor configuration due to either substrate-film or filmelectrode interfaces. Thus, further studies have to be conducted to overcome this issue. Application-oriented studies have also been conducted; two case studies: i) photocatalytic activity of alkali tantalates and niobates for decomposition of pollutant, and ii) bioactivity of alkali tantalate ferroelectric films as functional coatings for bone regeneration. Much attention has been recently paid to develop new type of photocatalytic materials, and tantalum and niobium oxide based compositions have demonstrated to be active photocatalysts for water splitting due to high potential of the conduction bands. Thus, various powders of alkali tantalates and niobates families were tested as catalysts for methylene blue degradation. Results showed promising activities for some of the tested compounds, and KNbO3 is the most active among them, reaching over 50 % degradation of the dye after 7 h under UVA exposure. However further modifications of powders can improve the performance. In the context of bone regeneration, it is important to have platforms that with appropriate stimuli can support the attachment and direct the growth, proliferation and differentiation of the cells. In lieu of this here we exploited an alternative strategy for bone implants or repairs, based on charged mediating signals for bone regeneration. This strategy includes coating metallic 316L-type stainless steel (316L-SST) substrates with charged, functionalized via electrical charging or UV-light irradiation, ferroelectric LiTaO3 layers. It was demonstrated that the formation of surface calcium phosphates and protein adsorption is considerably enhanced for 316L-SST functionalized ferroelectric coatings. Our approach can be viewed as a set of guidelines for the development of platforms electrically functionalized that can stimulate tissue regeneration promoting direct integration of the implant in the host tissue by bone ingrowth and, hence contributing ultimately to reduce implant failure.


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Esta dissertação investiga a localização em espaços interiores através da comunicação por luz visível para robôs móveis, com base nos LEDs fixos nos edifícios, dando particular atenção à simulação e desenho do sensor, com vista ao desenvolvimento de um sensor de localização. Explica-se o crescimento da tecnologia LED e da constante necessidade de localização do homem em espaços interiores. Apresentado algumas características do LED e dos foto-detetores existentes. Com uma breve referencia a algumas das comunicações por luz visível de baixo débito possíveis de implementar. O desenvolvimento do protótipo do sensor inicia-se, principalmente, pela simulação de alguns dispositivos essenciais e das suas caraterísticas, como o emissor LED no controlo do ^angulo de meia potência (HPA) e a altura a que se encontra, e no recetor foto-díodo e a sua restrição de campo de visão (FOV). Simula-se o sensor pretendido com o número de foto-díodos necessários otimizando o espaço físico disponível e fazendo não só um refinamento no FOV mas também na distribuição espacial dos foto-díodos com funções predefinidas para a redução de incertezas de decisão de localização do robô. Estes resultados permitiram a construção física do sensor, desde o suporte para os foto-díodos, tendo em conta todas as medidas durante as simulações, e terminando com o desenvolvimento dos sensores e a sua integração completa. O tratamento de dados da leitura dos sinais recebidos do sensor são tratados por um microcontrolador, permitindo calcular parâmetros fundamentais no cálculo da posição. No final, os resultados teóricos bem como os práticos obtidos ao longo do desenvolvimento e possíveis propostas para trabalhos futuros que beneficiam desta investigação


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The function of a complex nervous system relies on an intricate interaction between neurons and glial cells. However, as glial cells are generally born distant from the place where they settle, molecular cues are important to direct their migration. Glial cell migration is important in both normal development and disease, thus current research in the laboratory has been focused on dissecting regulatory events underlying that crucial process. With this purpose, the Drosophila eye imaginal disc has been used as a model. In response to neuronal photoreceptor differentiation, glial cells migrate from the CNS into the eye disc where they act to correctly wrap axons. To ensure proper development, attractive and repulsive signals must coordinate glial cell migration. Importantly, one of these signals is Bnl, a Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) ligand expressed by retinal progenitor cells that was suggested to act as a non-autonomous negative regulator of excessive glial cell migration (overmigration) by binding and activating the Btl receptor expressed by glial cells. Through the experimental results described in chapter 3 we gained a detailed insight into the function of bnl in eye disc growth, photoreceptor development, and glia migration. Interestingly, we did not find a direct correlation between the defects on the ongoing photoreceptors and the glia overmigration phenotype; however, bnl knockdown caused apoptosis of eye progenitor cells what was strongly correlated with glia migration defects. Glia overmigration due to Bnl down-regulation in eye progenitor cells was rescued by inhibiting the pro-apoptotic genes or caspases activity, as well as, by depleting JNK or Dp53 function in retinal progenitor cells. Thus, we suggest a cross-talk between those developmental signals in the control of glia migration at a distance. Importantly, these results suggest that Bnl does not control glial migration in the eye disc exclusively through its ability to bind and activate its receptor Btl in glial cells. We also discuss possible biological roles for the glia overmigration in the bnl knockdown background. Previous results in the lab showed an interaction between dMyc, a master regulator of tissue growth, and Dpp, a Transforming Growth Factor-β important for retinal patterning and for accurate glia migration into the eye disc. Thus, we became interested in understanding putative relationships between Bnl and dMyc. In chapter 4, we show that they positively cooperate in order to ensure proper development of the eye disc. This work highlights the importance of the FGF signaling in eye disc development and reveals a signaling network where a range of extra- and intra-cellular signals cooperate to non-autonomously control glial cell migration. Therefore, such inter-relations could be important in other Drosophila cellular contexts, as well as in vertebrate tissue development.