2 resultados para differences of opinion

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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The island of São Jorge (38º 45’ 24’’ N - 28º 20’ 44’’W and 38º 33’ 00’’ N - 27º 44’ 32’’ W) is one of the nine islands of the Azores Archipelago that is rooted in the Azores Plateau, a wide and complex region which encompasses the triple junction between the American, Eurasia and Nubia plates. São Jorge Island has grown by fissural volcanic activity along fractures with the regional WNW-ESE trend, unveiling the importance of the regional tectonics during volcanic activity. The combination of the volcanostratigraphy (Forjaz & Fernandes, 1975; and Madeira, 1998) with geochronological data evidences that the island developed during two main volcanic phases. The first subaerial phase that occurred between 1.32 and 1.21 Ma ago (Hildenbrand et al. 2008) is recorded on the lava sequence forming the cliff at Fajã de São João, while the second phase started at 757 ka ago, is still active, and edified the rest of the island. This second phase edified the east side of the island that corresponds to Topo Volcanic Complex, in the period between 757 and 543 ka ago, while the west side named Rosais Volcanic Complex, started at 368 ka ago (Hildenbrand et al. 2008) and was still active at 117 ka ago. After the onset of Rosais, volcanic activity migrates to the center of São Jorge edifying Manadas Volcanic Complex. The volcanism on São Jorge is dominantly alkaline, with a narrow lithological composition ranging between the basanites/tefrites through the basaltic trachyandesites, in spite of this the two volcanic phases show distinct mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical characteristics that should be related with different petrogenetic conditions and growth rates of the island. Abstract viii During the first volcanic phase, growth rates are faster (≈3.4 m/ka), the lavas are slightly less alkaline and plagioclase-richer, pointing to the existence of a relative shallow and dynamic magma chamber where fractional crystallization associated with gravitational segregation and accumulation processes, produced the lavas of Fajã de São João sequence. The average growth rates during the second volcanic phase are lower (≈1.9 m/ka) and the lavas are mainly alkaline sodic, with a mineralogy composed by olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase and oxide phenocrysts, in a crystalline groundmass. The lavas are characterized by enrichment in incompatible trace element and light REE, but show differences for close-spaced lavas that unveil, in some cases, slight different degrees of fertilization of the mantle source along the island. These differences might also result from higher degrees of partial melting, as observed in the early stages of Topo and Rosais volcanic complexes, of a mantle source with residual garnet and amphibole, and/or from changing melting conditions of the mantle source as pressure. The subtle geochemical differences of the lavas contrast with the isotopic signatures, obtained from Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes, that São Jorge Island volcanism exhibit along its volcanic complexes. The lavas from Topo Volcanic Complex and from the submarine flank, i.e. the lavas located east of Ribeira Seca Fault, sample a mantle source with similar isotopic signature that, in terms of lead, overlaps Terceira Island. The lavas from Rosais and Manadas volcanic complexes, the western lavas, sample a mantle source that becomes progressively more distinct towards the west end of the island and that, in terms of lead isotopes, trends towards the isotopic composition of Faial Island. The two isotopic signatures of São Jorge, observed from the combination of lead isotopes with the other three systems, seem to result from the mixing of three distinct end-members. These end-members are (1) the common component related with the Azores Plateau and the MAR, (2) the eastern component with a FOZO signature and possibly related with the Azores plume located beneath Terceira, and (3) the western component, similar to Faial, where the lithosphere could have been entrained by an ancient magmatic liquid, isolated for a period longer than 2Ga. The two trends observed in the island reinforce the idea of small-scale mantle heterogeneities beneath the Azores region, as it has been proposed to explain the isotopic diversity observed in the Archipelago.


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Acompanhando o crescente e recente interesse pela actividade do professor em sala de aula, esta investigação visa analisar, grosso modo, o papel assumido pelas ferramentas didácticas quer nas práticas docentes propriamente ditas quer no objecto efectivamente ensinado em sala de aula. Procuramos analisar, em síntese, de que forma a introdução de uma nova ferramenta de ensino – uma sequência didáctica – a mobilizar, in loco, pelo professor poderá gerar transformações não só nos próprios procedimentos de ensino do professor como também na própria forma como o objecto de ensino é (re)configurado no seio das interacções didácticas. Esta é, assim, a questãochave da nossa pesquisa, fundada em diferentes mas complementares correntes teóricas. De molde a procurar obter uma resposta a tal interrogação, desenhámos uma investigação em redor, concretamente, do ensino da escrita do texto de opinião, em turmas de sexto ano de escolaridade, que se desenrolou em duas grandes fases: i) numa primeira, cada professor ensina o objecto como lhe apraz; ii) numa segunda, cada professor procede, de novo, ao ensino desse objecto, mas, agora, com a nova ferramenta didáctica (a sequência didáctica) que a cada um é dada pela investigadora. A recolha dos dados efectuou-se mediante a gravação audiovisual das próprias aulas, realizando-se também entrevistas várias, com propósitos distintos, aos professores, antes e após cada uma das supracitadas fases. Os resultados demonstram a existência de uma série de transformações quer no plano das práticas dos professores quer no âmbito do objecto efectivamente ensinado. No entanto, foi também possível identificar aspectos vários em que a mudança não ocorreu ou, pelo menos, não foi significativa. Perante estes resultados, lançámo-nos ainda na formulação de determinadas perguntas, pistas para futuras investigações, cuja pertinência se nos afigura evidente, se se quiser reequacionar o papel das ferramentas didácticas no trabalho, em sala de aula, do professor.