3 resultados para cell cycle proteins

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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The genetic code establishes the rules that govern gene translation into proteins. It was established more than 3.5 billion years ago and it is one of the most conserved features of life. Despite this, several alterations to the standard genetic code have been discovered in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, namely in the fungal CTG clade where a unique seryl transfer RNA (tRNACAG Ser) decodes leucine CUG codons as serine. This tRNACAG Ser appeared 272±25 million years ago through insertion of an adenosine in the middle position of the anticodon of a tRNACGA Ser gene, which changed its anticodon from 5´-CGA-3´ to 5´-CAG-3´. This most dramatic genetic event restructured the proteome of the CTG clade species, but it is not yet clear how and why such deleterious genetic event was selected and became fixed in those fungal genomes. In this study we have attempted to shed new light on the evolution of this fungal genetic code alteration by reconstructing its evolutionary pathway in vivo in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. For this, we have expressed wild type and mutant versions of the C. albicans tRNACGA Ser gene into S. cerevisiae and evaluated the impact of the mutant tRNACGA Ser on fitness, tRNA stability, translation efficiency and aminoacylation kinetics. Our data demonstrate that these mutants are expressed and misincorporate Ser at CUGs, but their expression is repressed through an unknown molecular mechanism. We further demonstrate, using in vivo forced evolution methodologies, that the tRNACAG Ser can be easily inactivated through natural mutations that prevent its recognition by the seryl-tRNA synthetase. The overall data show that repression of expression of the mistranslating tRNACAG Ser played a critical role on the evolution of CUG reassignment from Leu to Ser. In order to better understand the evolution of natural genetic code alterations, we have also engineered partial reassignment of various codons in yeast. The data confirmed that genetic code ambiguity affects fitness, induces protein aggregation, interferes with the cell cycle and results in nuclear and morphologic alterations, genome instability and gene expression deregulation. Interestingly, it also generates phenotypic variability and phenotypes that confer growth advantages in certain environmental conditions. This study provides strong evidence for direct and critical roles of the environment on the evolution of genetic code alterations.


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Cell cycle and differentiation are two highly coordinated processes during organ development. Recent studies have demonstrated that core cell cycle regulators also play cell cycle-independent functions in post-mitotic neurons, and are essential for the maintenance of neuronal homeostasis. CDC25 phosphatases are well-established CDK activators and their activity is mainly associated to proliferating tissues. The expression and activity of mammalian CDC25s has been reported in adult brains. However, their physiological relevance and the potential substrates in a non-proliferative context have never been addressed. string (stg) encodes the Drosophila CDC25 homolog. Previous studies from our group showed that stg is expressed in photoreceptors (PRs) and in lamina neurons, which are two differentiated cell types that compose the fly visual system. The aims of this work are to uncover the function of stg and to identify its potential neuronal substrates, using the Drosophila visual system as a model. To gain insight into the function of stg in a non-dividing context we used the GAL4/UAS system to promote downregulation of stg in PR-neurons, through the use of an RNAi transgene. The defects caused by stg loss-of-function were evaluated in the developing eye imaginal disc by immunofluorescence, and during adult stages by scanning electron microscopy. This genetic approach was combined with a specific proteomic method, two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), to identify the potential substrates in PR-cells. Our results showed that stg downregulation in PRs affects the well-patterned retina organization, inducing the loss of apical maintenance of PR-nuclei on the eye disc, and ommatidia disorganization. We also detected an abnormal accumulation of cytoskeletal proteins and a disruption of the axon structure. As a consequence, the projection of PR-axons into the lamina and medulla neuropils of the optic lobe was impaired. Upon stg downregulation, we also detected that PR-cells accumulate Cyclin B. Although the rough eye phenotype observed upon stg downregulation suggests neurodegeneration, we did not detect neuronal death during larval stages, suggesting that it likely occurs during pupal stages or during adulthood. By 2D-DIGE, we identified seven proteins which were differentially expressed upon stg downregulation, and are potential neuronal substrates of Stg. Altogether, our observations suggest that Stg phosphatase plays an essential role in the Drosophila visual system neurons, regulating several cell components and processes in order to ensure their homeostasis.


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Head and Neck Cancers (HNC) are a group of tumours located in the upper aero-digestive tract. Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) represent about 90% of all HNC cases. It has been considered the sixth most malignant tumour worldwide and, despite clinical and technological advances, the five-year survival rate has not improved much in the last years. Nowadays, HNSCC is well established as a heterogeneous disease and that its development is due to accumulation of genetic events. Apart from the majority of the patients being diagnosed in an advanced stage, HNSCC is also a disease with poor therapeutic outcome. One of the therapeutic approaches is radiotherapy. However, this approach has different drawbacks like the radioresistance acquired by some tumour cells, leading to a worse prognosis. A major knowledge in radiation biology is imperative to improve this type of treatment and avoid late toxicities, maintaining patient quality of life in the subsequent years after treatment. Then, identification of genetic markers associated to radiotherapy response in patients and possible alterations in cells after radiotherapy are essential steps towards an improved diagnosis, higher survival rate and a better life quality. Not much is known about the radiation effects on cells, so, the principal aim of this study was to contribute to a more extensive knowledge about radiation treatment in HNSCC. For this, two commercial cell lines, HSC-3 and BICR-10, were used and characterized resorting to karyotyping, aCGH and MS-MLPA. These cell lines were submitted to different doses of irradiation and the resulting genetic and methylation alterations were evaluated. Our results showed a great difference in radiation response between the two cell lines, allowing the conclusion that HSC-3 was much more radiosensitive than BICR-10. Bearing this in mind, analysis of cell death, cell cycle and DNA damages was performed to try to elucidate the motifs behind this difference. The characterization of both cell lines allowed the confirmation that HSC-3 was derived from a metastatic tumour and the hypothesis that BICR-10 was derived from a dysplasia. Furthermore, this pilot study enabled the suggestion of some genetic and epigenetic alterations that cells suffer after radiation treatment. Additionally, it also allowed the association of some genetic characteristics that could be related to the differences in radiation response observable in this two cell lines. Taken together all of our results contribute to a better understanding of radiation effects on HNSCC allowing one further step towards the prediction of patients’ outcome, better choice of treatment approaches and ultimately a better quality of life.