3 resultados para asymmetrical rolling

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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This Ph.D. research focuses on asymmetric rolling (ASR), as an alternative method for improving mechanical responses of aluminium-magnesium alloy and interstitial free (IF) steel regarding industrial requirements. Aluminium alloys are attractive materials in various industries due to their appropriate properties such as low density and corrosion resistance; however, their low formability has limited their applications. As formability of aluminium alloys can be improved through texture development, part of this dissertation is dedicated to producing the desired crystallographic texture with the ASR process. Two types of ASR (i.e. reverse and continuous asymmetric rolling) were investigated. The impact of shear deformation imposed by ASR processes on developing the desirable texture and consequently on mechanical behaviours was observed. The developed shear texture increased the normal and also planar anisotropy. Texture evolution during plastic deformation as well as induced mechanical behaviour were simulated using the “self-consistent” and Taylor models. Interstitial free (IF) steel was the second material selected in this dissertation. Since IF steel is one of the most often used materials in automotive industries it was chosen to investigate the effect of shear deformation through ASR on its properties. Two types of reverse and continuous asymmetric rolling were carried out to deform IF steel sheets. The results of optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy observations showed no significant difference between the grains’ morphology of asymmetric and conventionally rolled samples, whereas the obtained results of transmission electron microscopy indicated that fine and equiaxed dislocation cells were formed through the asymmetric rolling process. This structure is due to imposed shear deformation during the ASR process. Furthermore, the mechanical behaviour of deformed and annealed sheets was evaluated through uniaxial tensile tests. Results showed that at low thickness reductions (18%) the asymmetric rolled sample presented higher stress than that of the conventionally rolled sheet; while for higher thickness reductions (60%) the trend was reversed. The texture analyses indicated that intense rolling texture components which developed through 60% thickness reduction of conventional rolling cause a relatively higher stress; on the contrary the fine structure resulting from ASR appears to be the source of higher stress observed after pre-deformation of 18%.


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The work presented in this Ph.D thesis was developed in the context of complex network theory, from a statistical physics standpoint. We examine two distinct problems in this research field, taking a special interest in their respective critical properties. In both cases, the emergence of criticality is driven by a local optimization dynamics. Firstly, a recently introduced class of percolation problems that attracted a significant amount of attention from the scientific community, and was quickly followed up by an abundance of other works. Percolation transitions were believed to be continuous, until, recently, an 'explosive' percolation problem was reported to undergo a discontinuous transition, in [93]. The system's evolution is driven by a metropolis-like algorithm, apparently producing a discontinuous jump on the giant component's size at the percolation threshold. This finding was subsequently supported by number of other experimental studies [96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101]. However, in [1] we have proved that the explosive percolation transition is actually continuous. The discontinuity which was observed in the evolution of the giant component's relative size is explained by the unusual smallness of the corresponding critical exponent, combined with the finiteness of the systems considered in experiments. Therefore, the size of the jump vanishes as the system's size goes to infinity. Additionally, we provide the complete theoretical description of the critical properties for a generalized version of the explosive percolation model [2], as well as a method [3] for a precise calculation of percolation's critical properties from numerical data (useful when exact results are not available). Secondly, we study a network flow optimization model, where the dynamics consists of consecutive mergings and splittings of currents flowing in the network. The current conservation constraint does not impose any particular criterion for the split of current among channels outgoing nodes, allowing us to introduce an asymmetrical rule, observed in several real systems. We solved analytically the dynamic equations describing this model in the high and low current regimes. The solutions found are compared with numerical results, for the two regimes, showing an excellent agreement. Surprisingly, in the low current regime, this model exhibits some features usually associated with continuous phase transitions.


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O transporte marítimo e o principal meio de transporte de mercadorias em todo o mundo. Combustíveis e produtos petrolíferos representam grande parte das mercadorias transportadas por via marítima. Sendo Cabo Verde um arquipelago o transporte por mar desempenha um papel de grande relevância na economia do país. Consideramos o problema da distribuicao de combustíveis em Cabo Verde, onde uma companhia e responsavel por coordenar a distribuicao de produtos petrolíferos com a gestão dos respetivos níveis armazenados em cada porto, de modo a satisfazer a procura dos varios produtos. O objetivo consiste em determinar políticas de distribuicão de combustíveis que minimizam o custo total de distribuiçao (transporte e operacões) enquanto os n íveis de armazenamento sao mantidos nos n íveis desejados. Por conveniencia, de acordo com o planeamento temporal, o prob¬lema e divido em dois sub-problemas interligados. Um de curto prazo e outro de medio prazo. Para o problema de curto prazo sao discutidos modelos matemáticos de programacao inteira mista, que consideram simultaneamente uma medicao temporal cont ínua e uma discreta de modo a modelar multiplas janelas temporais e taxas de consumo que variam diariamente. Os modelos sao fortalecidos com a inclusão de desigualdades validas. O problema e então resolvido usando um "software" comercial. Para o problema de medio prazo sao inicialmente discutidos e comparados varios modelos de programacao inteira mista para um horizonte temporal curto assumindo agora uma taxa de consumo constante, e sao introduzidas novas desigualdades validas. Com base no modelo escolhido sao compara¬das estrategias heurísticas que combinam três heur ísticas bem conhecidas: "Rolling Horizon", "Feasibility Pump" e "Local Branching", de modo a gerar boas soluçoes admissíveis para planeamentos com horizontes temporais de varios meses. Finalmente, de modo a lidar com situaçoes imprevistas, mas impor¬tantes no transporte marítimo, como as mas condicões meteorológicas e congestionamento dos portos, apresentamos um modelo estocastico para um problema de curto prazo, onde os tempos de viagens e os tempos de espera nos portos sao aleatórios. O problema e formulado como um modelo em duas etapas, onde na primeira etapa sao tomadas as decisões relativas as rotas do navio e quantidades a carregar e descarregar e na segunda etapa (designada por sub-problema) sao consideradas as decisoes (com recurso) relativas ao escalonamento das operacões. O problema e resolvido por um metodo de decomposto que usa um algoritmo eficiente para separar as desigualdades violadas no sub-problema.