5 resultados para anticorpos monoclonais
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
Helicobacter pylori is a bacterial pathogen that affects more than half of the world’s population with gastro-intestinal diseases and is associated with gastric cancer. The cell surface of H. pylori is decorated with lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) composed of three distinct regions: a variable polysaccharide moiety (O-chain), a structurally conserved core oligosaccharide, and a lipid A region that anchors the LPS to the cell membrane. The O-chain of H. pylori LPS, exhibits unique oligosaccharide structures, such as Lewis (Le) antigens, similar to those present in the gastric mucosa and are involved in interactions with the host. Glucan, heptoglycan, and riban domains are present in the outer core region of some H. pylori LPSs. Amylose-like glycans and mannans are also constituents of some H. pylori strains, possibly co-expressed with LPSs. The complexity of H. pylori LPSs has hampered the establishment of accurate structure-function relationships in interactions with the host, and the design of carbohydrate-based therapeutics, such as vaccines. Carbohydrate microarrays are recent powerful and sensitive tools for studying carbohydrate antigens and, since their emergence, are providing insights into the function of carbohydrates and their involvement in pathogen-host interactions. The major goals of this thesis were the structural analysis of LPSs from H. pylori strains isolated from gastric biopsies of symptomatic Portuguese patients and the construction of a novel pathogen carbohydrate microarray of these LPSs (H. pylori LPS microarray) for interaction studies with proteins. LPSs were extracted from the cell surface of five H. pylori clinical isolates and one NCTC strain (26695) by phenol/water method, fractionated by size exclusion chromatography and analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The oligosaccharides released after mild acid treatment of the LPS were analysed by electrospray mass spectrometry. In addition to the conserved core oligosaccharide moieties, structural analyses revealed the presence of type-2 Lex and Ley antigens and N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) sequences, typically found in H. pylori strains. Also, the presence of O-6 linked glucose residues, particularly in LPSs from strains 2191 and NCTC 26695, pointed out to the expression of a 6-glucan. Other structural domains, namely ribans, composed of O-2 linked ribofuranose residues were observed in the LPS of most of H. pylori clinical isolates. For the LPS from strain 14382, large amounts of O-3 linked galactose units, pointing to the occurrence of a galactan, a domain recently identified in the LPS of another H. pylori strain. A particular feature to the LPSs from strains 2191 and CI-117 was the detection of large amounts of O-4 linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues, suggesting the presence of chitin-like glycans, which to our knowledge have not been described for H. pylori strains. For the construction of the H. pylori LPS microarray, the structurally analysed LPSs, as well as LPS-derived oligosaccharide fractions, prepared as neoglycolipid (NGL) probes were noncovalently immobilized onto nitrocellulosecoated glass slides. These were printed together with NGLs of selected sequence defined oligosaccharides, bacterial LPSs and polysaccharides. The H. pylori LPS microarray was probed for recognition with carbohydratebinding proteins (CBPs) of known specificity. These included Le and blood group-related monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), plant lectins, a carbohydratebinding module (CBM) and the mammalian immune receptors DC-SIGN and Dectin-1. The analysis of these CBPs provided new information that complemented the structural analyses and was valuable in the quality control of the constructed microarray. Microarray analysis revealed the occurrence of type-2 Lex and Ley, but not type-1 Lea or Leb antigens, supporting the results obtained in the structural analysis. Furthermore, the H. pylori LPSs were recognised by DC-SIGN, a mammalian lectin known to interact with this bacterium through fucosylated Le epitopes expressed in its LPSs. The -fucose-specific lectin UEA-I, showed restricted binding to probes containing type-2 blood group H sequence and to the LPSs from strains CI-117 and 14382. The presence of H-type-2, as well Htype- 1 in the LPSs from these strains, was confirmed using specific mAbs. Although H-type-1 determinant has been reported for H. pylori LPSs, this is the first report of the presence of H-type-2 determinant. Microarray analysis also revealed that plant lectins known to bind 4-linked GlcNAc chitin oligosaccharide sequences bound H. pylori LPSs. STL, which exhibited restricted and strong binding to 4GlcNAc tri- and pentasaccharides, differentially recognised the LPS from the strain CI-117. The chitin sequences recognised in the LPS could be internal, as no binding was detected to this LPS with WGA, known to be specific for nonreducing terminal of 4GlcNAc sequence. Analyses of the H. pylori LPSs by SDS-PAGE and Western blot with STL provided further evidence for the presence of these novel domains in the O-chain region of this LPS. H. pylori LPS microarray was also applied to analysis of two human sera. The first was from a case infected with H. pylori (H. pylori+ CI-5) and the second was from a non-infected control.The analysis revealed a higher IgG-reactivity towards H. pylori LPSs in the H. pylori+ serum, than the control serum. A specific IgG response was observed to the LPS isolated from the CI-5 strain, which caused the infection. The present thesis has contributed to extension of current knowledge on chemical structures of LPS from H. pylori clinical isolates. Furthermore, the H. pylori LPS microarray constructed enabled the study of interactions with host proteins and showed promise as a tool in serological studies of H. pyloriinfected individuals. Thus, it is anticipated that the use of these complementary approaches may contribute to a better understanding of the molecular complexity of the LPSs and their role in pathogenesis.
O objectivo geral desta tese foi investigar diversas estratégias de síntese de nanocompósitos híbridos de matriz polimérica, contendo nanopartículas inorgânicas com funcionalidades diversas. O interesse nestes nanocompósitos multifuncionais consiste no enorme potencial que apresentam para novas aplicações tecnológicas, tais como em optoelectrónica ou em medicina. No capítulo introdutório, apresenta-se uma revisão das propriedades de nanopartículas inorgânicas e nanoestruturas obtidas a partir destas, métodos de preparação e de modificação química superficial, incluindo a formação de nanocompósitos poliméricos, bem como a aplicação destas nanoestruturas em medicina e biologia. O estudo das propriedades de nanopartículas de ouro é um importante tema em Nanociência e Nanotecnologia. As propriedades singulares destas NPs apresentam uma estreita relação com o tamanho, morfologia, arranjo espacial e propriedades dieléctricas do meio circundante. No capítulo 2, é reportada a preparação de nanocompósitos utilizando miniemulsões de poli-estireno (PS) e poli-acrilato de butilo (PBA) contendo nanopartículas de ouro revestidas com moléculas orgânicas. As propriedades ópticas destas estruturas híbridas são dominadas por efeitos plasmónicos e dependem de uma forma crítica na morfologia final dos nanocompósitos. Em particular, demonstra-se aqui a possibilidade de ajustar a resposta óptica, na região do visível do espectro, através do arranjo das nanopartículas na matriz polimérica, e consequentemente o acoplamento plasmónico, utilizando nanopartículas resultantes da mesma síntese. Na generalidade, é reportada aqui uma estratégia alternativa para modificar a resposta óptica de nanocompósitos, através do controlo da morfologia do compósito final face à estratégia mais comum que envolve o controlo das características morfológicas das partículas metálicas utilizadas como materiais de partida. No Capítulo 3 apresentam-se os resultados da preparação de vários compósitos poliméricos com propriedades magnéticas de interesse prático. Em particular discute-se a síntese e propriedades magnéticas de nanopartículas de ligas metálicas de cobalto-platina (CoPt3) e ferro-platina (FePt3), assim como de óxidos de ferro (magnetite Fe3O4 e maguemite g-Fe2O3) e respectivos nanocompósitos poliméricos. A estratégia aqui descrita constitui uma via interessante de desenvolver materiais nanocompósitos com potencial aplicação em ensaios de análise de entidades biológicas in vitro, que pode ser estendido a outros materiais magnéticos. Como prova de conceito, demonstrase a bioconjugação de nanocompósitos de CoPt3/PtBA com anticorpos IgG de bovino. No capítulo 4 é descrita a preparação e propriedades ópticas de pontos quânticos (“quantum dots”, QDs) de CdSe/ZnS assim como dos seus materiais nanocompósitos poliméricos, CdSe/ZnS-PBA. Como resultado das suas propriedades ópticas singulares, os QDs têm sido extensivamente investigados como materiais inorgânicos para aplicações em dispositivos ópticos. A incorporação de QDs em matrizes poliméricas é de particular interesse, nomeadamente devido ao comportamento óptico do nanocompósito final parecer estar dependente do tipo de polímero utilizado. As propriedades ópticas dos nanocompósitos foram estudadas sistematicamente por medidas de fotoluminescência. Os nanocompósitos apresentam propriedades interessantes para potenciais aplicações biológicas em diagnóstico in vitro, funcionando como sondas biológicas luminescentes.
O cancro é um dos maiores causadores globais de mortalidade e morbilidade, ocorrendo cerca de 14 milhões de novos casos por ano e 8,2 milhões de mortes anuais com esta patologia, números que tendem a aumentar 70% nas próximas duas décadas. A característica tumoral mais nefasta é a sua capacidade de metastização para outros órgãos, um mecanismo que pode ser despoletado pela falha dos mecanismos normais de controlo de crescimento, proliferação e reparação celulares, que facilita o processo de transformação de células normais em células cancerígenas. A oncogénese processa-se em três etapas, a iniciação, a promoção e a progressão e pode ter origem em células estaminais cancerígenas, que regulam as capacidades de propagação e recidiva do tumor. As neoplasias hematológicas resultam de alterações genéticas e /ou epigenéticas que conduzem à desregulação da proliferação, ao bloqueio da diferenciação e/ou à resitência à apoptose. Para além dos fatores de risco exógenos, como agentes carcinogénicos físicos, químicos e biológicos, existem também fatores endógenos, incluindo características genéticas, que podem alterar a predisposição para o aparecimento de neoplasias, bem como influenciar a resposta à terapêutica. Uma das terapêuticas aplicadas no tratamento do cancro é a quimioterapia. Os fármacos administrados a doentes oncológicos seguem normalmente o percurso de absorção, distribuição, metabolização e eliminação. Este curso pode sofrer alterações caso as proteínas transportadoras e metabolizadoras necessárias não atuem corretamente. Para um melhor conhecimento da influência das alterações provocadas por variações nos genes que codificam proteínas transportadoras de efluxo (MDR1, MRP1), proteínas de influxo (OCTN2) e proteínas metabolizadoras (UCK2), o objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na avaliação de polimorfismos nos genes MDR1, MRP1, OCTN2 e UCK2 e da sua relação com a predisposição para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas. Para isto, foram utilizadas amostras de 307 doentes com neoplasias hematológicas, 83 de Síndrome Mielodisplásica (SMD), 63 Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA), 16 de Síndrome Mielodisplásica/Neoplasias Mieloproliferativas (SMD/NMP), 77 de Mieloma Múltiplo (MM) e 68 de Gamapatia Monoclonal de Significado Indeterminado (MGUS) e 164 de controlos não neoplásicos e/ou indivíduos saudáveis. As amostras de ADN foram extraídas do sangue periférico com protocolo adequado. De forma a determinar os genótipos correspondentes a cada amostra, realizaram-se técnicas de RFLP-PCR e ARMS-PCR. Posteriormente, calcularam-se estatisticamente as frequências alélicas e genotípicas relativas às variantes polimórficas dos genes MDR1, MRP1, OCTN2 e UCK2 e verificou-se se estavam em Equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. De seguida, avaliou-se a força de associação entre as formas polimórficas e o risco de desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas, através do cálculo do risco relativo por análise de regressão logística. Avaliaram-se ainda os perfis genéticos e a possível relação com o desenvolvimento e progressão da neoplasia com recurso a regressão logística e análise de Kaplan-Meier. De um modo geral as frequências alélicas e genotípicas não se revelaram alteradas comparativamente ao esperado. A análise do odds ratio associado ao polimorfismo rs1045642 do gene MDR1 revelou que o genótipo CT pode constituir um fator de risco aumentado de 1,84x para o desenvolvimento de Gamapatias Monoclonais e 2,27x para o desenvolvimento de Mieloma Múltiplo. Por outro lado, a presença de genótipos portadores do alelo T têm um efeito protetor no desenvolvimento de MM (OR=0,41). O cálculo do risco associado ao polimorfismo rs4148330 do gene MRP1 revela que o genótipo AG é um fator protetor (OR=0,50) para o desenvolvimento de LMA, assim como o alelo G (OR=0,50). Além disso, verificámos que existe uma associação de risco de desenvolver neoplasia com o polimorfismo rs2185268 do gene UCK2. De facto, a presença dos genótipos CC e AC representam um fator de risco 4,59x aumentado para o desenvolvimento de SMD/NMP. O polimorfismo rs274561 do gene OCTN2 não apresenta relação com o risco relativo de desenvolvimento neoplásico. Da avaliação da influência dos polimorfismos em estudo na sobrevivência global dos doentes, podemos assumir que a presença do genótipo GG relativo ao polimorfismo rs2185268 do gene UCK2 representa uma diminuição da sobrevivência em 11 meses. Os resultados obtidos a partir do nosso estudo permitem-nos concluir que os polimorfismos podem ser fatores relevantes na predisposição para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias hematológicas e na progressão destas doenças.
Endothelial dysfunction and impaired endothelial regenerative capacity play a key role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease, which is one of the major causes of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Circulating endothelial cells (CEC) may be an indicator of vascular damage, while circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) may be a biomarker for vascular repair. However, the simultaneously evaluation of CEC and EPC circulating levels and its relation were not previously examined in CKD population. A blood sample (18ml) of healthy subjects (n=10), early CKD (n=10) and advanced CKD patients (n=10) was used for the isolation of early and late EPCs, CECs, and hematopoietic cells, identified by flow cytometry (BD FACSCanto™ II system) using a combination of fluorochrome-conjugated primary antibodies: CD31-PE, CD45-APC Cy7, CD34-FITC, CD117-PerCp Cy5.5, CD133-APC, CD146-Pacific Blue, and CD309-PECy7. Exclusion of dead cells was done according to a fixable viability dye staining. This eightcolor staining flow cytometry optimized protocol allowed us to accurate simultaneously identify EPCs, CECs and hematopoietic cells. In addition, it was also possible to distinguish the two subpopulations of EPCs, early and late EPCs subpopulation, by CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133+CD309-CD146- and CD45intCD31+CD34+CD117-CD133-CD309+CD146- multiple labeling, respectively. Moreover, the identification of CECs and hematopoietic cells was performed by CD45-CD31+CD34-/lowCD117-CD133-CD309-CD146+ and CD34+CD117+, respectively. The levels of CECs were non-significantly increased in early CKD (312.06 ± 91.34) and advanced CKD patients (191.43±49.86) in comparison with control group (103.23±24.13). By contrast, the levels of circulating early EPCs were significantly reduced in advanced CKD population (17.03±3.23) in comparison with early CKD (32.31±4.97), p=0.04 and control group (36.25 ± 6.16), p=0.03. In addition the levels of late EPCs were significantly reduced in both advanced (6.60±1.89), p=0.01, and early CKD groups (8.42±2.58), p=0.01 compared with control group (91.54±29.06). These results were accompanied by a dramatically reduction in the recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity indexes in CKD population. Taken together, these results suggest an imbalance in the process of endothelial repairment in CKD population, and further propose that the indexes of recruitment, differentiation and regenerative capacity of EPCs, may help to select the patients to benefit from guiding intervention strategies to improve cardiovascular health by inducing vascular protection.
The immune system is able to produce antibodies, which have the capacity to recognize and to bind to foreign molecules or pathogenic organisms. Currently, there are a diversity of diseases that can be treated with antibodies, like immunoglobulins G (IgG). Thereby, the development of cost-efficient processes for their extraction and purification is an area of main interest in biotechnology. Aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) have been investigated for this purpose, once they allow the reduction of costs and the number of steps involved in the process, when compared with conventional methods. Nevertheless, typical ABS have not showed to be selective, resulting in low purification factors and yields. In this context, the addition of ionic liquids (ILs) as adjuvants can be a viable and potential alternative to tailor the selectivity of these systems. In this work, ABS composed of polyethylene glycol (PEG) of different molecular weight, and a biodegradable salt (potassium citrate) using ILs as adjuvants (5 wt%), were studied for the extraction and purification of IgG from a rabbit source. Initially, it was tested the extraction time, the effect on the molecular weight of PEG in a buffer solution of K3C6H5O7/C6H8O7 at pH≈7, and the effect of pH (59) on the yield (YIgG) and extraction efficiency (EEIgG%) of IgG. The best results regarding EEIgG% were achieved with a centrifugation step at 1000 rpm, during 10 min, in order to promote the separation of phases followed by 120 min of equilibrium. This procedure was then applied to the remaining experiments. The results obtained in the study of PEGs with different molecular weights, revealed a high affinity of IgG for the PEG-rich phase, and particularly for PEGs of lower molecular weight (EEIgG% of 96 % with PEG 400). On the other hand, the variation of pH in the buffer solution did not show a significant effect on the EEIgG%. Finally, it was evaluated the influence of the addition of different ILs (5% wt) on the IgG extraction in ABS composed of PEG 400 at pH≈7. In these studies, it was possible to obtain EEIgG% of 100% with the ILs composed of the anions [TOS]-, [CH3CO2]-and Cl-, although the obtained YIgG% were lower than 40%. On the other hand, the ILs composed of the anions Br-, as well as of the cation [C10mim]+, although not leading to EEIgG% of 100%, provide an increase in the YIgG%. ABS composed of PEG, a biodegradable organic salt and ILs as adjuvants, revealed to be an alternative and promising method to purify IgG. However, additional studies are still required in order to reduce the loss of IgG.