em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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This study describes research on a postgraduate blended learning programme within the Department of Education at the University of Aveiro in Portugal. It is based on a multi-philosophical paradigm and examines students‟ satisfaction levels through the application of Herzberg‟s Motivation and Hygiene Theory. The main question being addressed in this research is: “Can the Motivation and Hygiene Theory be adopted as a means to measure student satisfaction with their blended learning environment?” Embedded within this research question are four fundamental questions which set the scene for the development of this research study and are explored in greater detail in Chapters 4 and 5 respectively: 1. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning satisfaction with their b-Learning course? 2. What are the factors responsible for bringing about learning dissatisfaction with their b-Learning course? 3. Can these factors be represented as Motivation and Hygiene factors? 4. Will this method of measuring learning satisfaction lead to a set of guidelines that could be considered as a framework for the development of b-Learning courses? The results indicate that the Motivation and Hygiene Theory or an adapted version such as the Enricher and Enabler Theory proposed in this study could be considered as a plausible means of analysing an institution‟s b-Learning processes. The opportunity to carry out future research is evident and can be varied depending on the research objectives in mind. Examples where further exploration would be beneficial lay within the application of this theory to the wider sector; the use of larger samples, focusing on the teachers, as well as the learners and the application of Web 2.0 technologies as means of gathering information. The results of this research will be of great significance to those areas of education that are interested in locating quick and efficient means by which to evaluate their b-Learning and to no lesser extent e-Learning environments.


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A reforma curricular do ensino secundário em Portugal, enquadrada pelo Decreto-Lei nº. 74/2004, de 26 de Março, com as alterações introduzidas pelo Decreto-Lei nº. 24/2006, de 6 de Fevereiro, integra no desenho curricular dos cursos Científico- Humanísticos a Área de Projeto (AP). Esta área curricular não disciplinar, inscrita no plano de estudo dos referidos cursos, centra-se na realização de projectos concretos por parte dos alunos tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de uma visão integradora do saber, a promoção da sua orientação escolar e profissional e facilitar a sua aproximação ao mundo do trabalho (DGIDC, 2006, p.5). Diversos autores (Caamaño, 2005; Cachapuz et al., 2002; Pedrosa, 2001; Santos, 1999; Pérez, 1998; entre outros) apontam para a necessidade de a escola criar situações formativas que permitam aos alunos não só desenvolverem competências de pesquisa, selecção e organização de informação, mas também de estabelecerem relações entre os conhecimentos, de forma a adquirirem um saber integrado e a desenvolverem ainda competências de vivência numa sociedade que se rege por princípios de uma cidadania democrática e participativa. Sendo recente a implementação da Área de Projecto no ensino secundário, e face às actuais exigências sociais de criatividade e de inovação e à necessidade de intervir no futuro e de o conter dentro de limites previsíveis, partimos para este estudo com a seguinte questão: Qual o contributo da área curricular não disciplinar Área de Projecto do 12º ano - cursos de Ciências e Tecnologias - para o desenvolvimento de competências requeridas a um cidadão do século XXI? Perante esta questão, definimos como objectivos para a presente investigação: (a) estudar as potencialidades educativas da AP (12º ano) como contributo para o desenvolvimento de competências de cidadania; (b) estudar as potencialidades educativas da AP (12º ano) para a educação em e pelas ciências e (c) contribuir para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento didáctico sobre a relevância da AP no ensino secundário. Face aos objectivos definidos, delineámos uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa com características de estudo de caso, fazendo recurso de diversos instrumentos de recolha de dados (entrevista, questionário, observação directa, análise documental), e da análise de conteúdo como técnica principal de análise de dados. Os participantes privilegiados do estudo foram, para além da investigadora, alunos de uma turma do 12º ano e a respectiva professora de Área de Projecto. O estudo de caso consistiu no acompanhamento da concepção e do desenvolvimento da AP, numa turma de 12 alunos do 12º ano de escolaridade da cidade da Horta (Açores/Portugal), bem como na avaliação do seu impacto nos alunos da referida turma. Os resultados da investigação apontam, no caso concreto em estudo, para um elevado potencial educativo desta área curricular (traduzido por exemplo, ao nível de competências processuais e atitudinais), mas também para uma natureza excessivamente formal no desenvolvimento curricular de AP, incluindo a avaliação das aprendizagens dos alunos. Os resultados sugerem ainda a necessidade de se desenvolver uma didáctica especifica desta área curricular, que valorize as características de cada aluno e as especificidades do seu contexto, bem como as metodologias de trabalho a serem utilizadas, por forma a evitar que esta área curricular se transforme em mais uma disciplina do plano de estudos dos alunos. Vários caminhos de investigação futura emergem do estudo realizado. A título exemplificativo refira-se a necessidade de estudar como a formação de professores pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento profissional dos mesmos no âmbito da leccionação de AP e de outras similares.


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The selection of the energy source to power the transport sector is one of the main current concerns, not only relative with the energy paradigm but also due to the strong influence of road traffic in urban areas, which highly affects human exposure to air pollutants and human health and quality of life. Due to current important technical limitations of advanced energy sources for transportation purposes, biofuels are seen as an alternative way to power the world’s motor vehicles in a near-future, helping to reduce GHG emissions while at the same time stimulating rural development. Motivated by European strategies, Portugal, has been betting on biofuels to meet the Directive 2009/28/CE goals for road transports using biofuels, especially biodiesel, even though, there is unawareness regarding its impacts on air quality. In this sense, this work intends to clarify this issue by trying to answer the following question: can biodiesel use contribute to a better air quality over Portugal, particularly over urban areas? The first step of this work consisted on the characterization of the national biodiesel supply chain, which allows verifying that the biodiesel chain has problems of sustainability as it depends on raw materials importation, therefore not contributing to reduce the external energy dependence. Next, atmospheric pollutant emissions and air quality impacts associated to the biodiesel use on road transports were assessed, over Portugal and in particular over the Porto urban area, making use of the WRF-EURAD mesoscale numerical modelling system. For that, two emission scenarios were defined: a reference situation without biodiesel use and a scenario reflecting the use of a B20 fuel. Through the comparison of both scenarios, it was verified that the use of B20 fuels helps in controlling air pollution, promoting reductions on PM10, PM2.5, CO and total NMVOC concentrations. It was also verified that NO2 concentrations decrease over the mainland Portugal, but increase in the Porto urban area, as well as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein emissions in the both case studies. However, the use of pure diesel is more injurious for human health due to its dominant VOC which have higher chronic hazard quotients and hazard indices when compared to B20.


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Palheiros are traditional timber constructions existing in the littoral centre region of Portugal. This is particularly the case of the Aveiro lagoon region where for many years many such constructions have existed. They were originally built to store working tools related with lagoon activity (fishing and sea salt extraction) and to give shelter for the fishermen during the fishing season. These constructions were built with superimposed veneers in vertical or horizontal directions. Since they are mostly located near the sea, they have started to be used as holiday houses and are often painted in vivid colours. Most of these buildings are being replaced by concrete constructions, since their preservation state is rather unsatisfactory or simply because there is a need to increase their size. Additionally, little knowledge about the possibilities of maintenance and building in timber structures exists. In some cases, although the structures were changed from timber to concrete, the exterior appearance of the palheiros remains the same, which might be interesting from the pictorial point of view but it isn’t certainly from a heritage preservation perspective. However in many other situations, they are being substituted by “modern” constructions that were not valuable in any of the previous viewpoints. Fortunately, there are also cases where palheiros have been preserved and remain in good condition. For how long these examples will remain is certainly the major question that must be answered since these are only on the dependence of owner’s will and not based on local authorities concern. A consciousness of local authorities and citizens is mandatory in order to preserve this heritage because it is perfectly possible to preserve the traditional constructions offering all the comfort of modern houses. Keywords: timber construction, vernacular construction, preservation.