5 resultados para Synthetic fuels

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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Dado o aumento acelerado dos preços dos combustíveis fósseis e as incertezas quanto à sua disponibilidade futura, tem surgido um novo interesse nas tecnologias da biomassa aplicadas à produção de calor, eletricidade ou combustíveis sintéticos. Não obstante, para a conversão termoquímica de uma partícula de biomassa sólida concorrem fenómenos bastante complexos que levam, em primeiro lugar, à secagem do combustível, depois à pirólise e finalmente à combustão ou gasificação propriamente ditas. Uma descrição relativamente incompleta de alguns desses estágios de conversão constitui ainda um obstáculo ao desenvolvimento das tecnologias que importa ultrapassar. Em particular, a presença de elevados conteúdos de matéria volátil na biomassa põe em evidência o interesse prático do estudo da pirólise. A importância da pirólise durante a combustão de biomassa foi evidenciada neste trabalho através de ensaios realizados num reator piloto de leito fluidizado borbulhante. Verificou-se que o processo ocorre em grande parte à superfície do leito com chamas de difusão devido à libertação de voláteis, o que dificulta o controlo da temperatura do reator acima do leito. No caso da gasificação de biomassa a pirólise pode inclusivamente determinar a eficiência química do processo. Isso foi mostrado neste trabalho durante ensaios de gasificação num reator de leito fluidizado de 2MWth, onde um novo método de medição permitiu fechar o balanço de massa ao gasificador e monitorizar o grau de conversão da biomassa. A partir destes resultados tornou-se clara a necessidade de descrever adequadamente a pirólise de biomassa com vista ao projeto e controlo dos processos. Em aplicações de engenharia há particular interesse na estequiometria e propriedades dos principais produtos pirolíticos. Neste trabalho procurou-se responder a esta necessidade, inicialmente através da estruturação de dados bibliográficos sobre rendimentos de carbonizado, líquidos pirolíticos e gases, assim como composições elementares e poderes caloríficos. O resultado traduziu-se num conjunto de parâmetros empíricos de interesse prático que permitiram elucidar o comportamento geral da pirólise de biomassa numa gama ampla de condições operatórias. Para além disso, propôs-se um modelo empírico para a composição dos voláteis que pode ser integrado em modelos compreensivos de reatores desde que os parâmetros usados sejam adequados ao combustível ensaiado. Esta abordagem despoletou um conjunto de ensaios de pirólise com várias biomassas, lenhina e celulose, e temperaturas entre os 600 e 975ºC. Elevadas taxas de aquecimento do combustível foram alcançadas em reatores laboratoriais de leito fluidizado borbulhante e leito fixo, ao passo que um sistema termo-gravimétrico permitiu estudar o efeito de taxas de aquecimento mais baixas. Os resultados mostram que, em condições típicas de processos de combustão e gasificação, a quantidade de voláteis libertada da biomassa é pouco influenciada pela temperatura do reator mas varia bastante entre combustíveis. Uma análise mais aprofundada deste assunto permitiu mostrar que o rendimento de carbonizado está intimamente relacionado com o rácio O/C do combustível original, sendo proposto um modelo simples para descrever esta relação. Embora a quantidade total de voláteis libertada seja estabelecida pela composição da biomassa, a respetiva composição química depende bastante da temperatura do reator. Rendimentos de espécies condensáveis (água e espécies orgânicas), CO2 e hidrocarbonetos leves descrevem um máximo relativamente à temperatura para dar lugar a CO e H2 às temperaturas mais altas. Não obstante, em certas gamas de temperatura, os rendimentos de algumas das principais espécies gasosas (e.g. CO, H2, CH4) estão bem correlacionados entre si, o que permitiu desenvolver modelos empíricos que minimizam o efeito das condições operatórias e, ao mesmo tempo, realçam o efeito do combustível na composição do gás. Em suma, os ensaios de pirólise realizados neste trabalho permitiram constatar que a estequiometria da pirólise de biomassa se relaciona de várias formas com a composição elementar do combustível original o que levanta várias possibilidades para a avaliação e projeto de processos de combustão e gasificação de biomassa.


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Solid oxide fuel (SOFCs) and electrolyzer (SOECs) cells have been promoted as promising technologies for the stabilization of fuel supply and usage in future green energy systems. SOFCs are devices that produce electricity by the oxidation of hydrogen or hydrocarbon fuels with high efficiency. Conversely, SOECs can offer the reverse reaction, where synthetic fuels can be generated by the input of renewable electricity. Due to this similar but inverse nature of SOFCs and SOECs, these devices have traditionally been constructed from comparable materials. Nonetheless, several limitations have hindered the entry of SOFCs and SOECs into the marketplace. One of the most debilitating is associated with chemical interreactions between cell components that can lead to poor longevities at high working temperatures and/or depleted electrochemcial performance. Normally such interreactions are countered by the introduction of thin, purely ionic conducting, buffer layers between the electrode and electrolyte interface. The objective of this thesis is to assess if possible improvements in electrode kinetics can also be obtained by modifying the transport properties of these buffer layers by the introduction of multivalent cations. The introduction of minor electronic conductivity in the surface of the electrolyte material has previously been shown to radically enhance the electrochemically active area for oxygen exchange, reducing polarization resistance losses. Hence, the current thesis aims to extend this knowledge to tailor a bi-functional buffer layer that can prevent chemical interreaction while also enhancing electrode kinetics.The thesis selects a typical scenario of an yttria stabilized zirconia electrolyte combined with a lanthanide containing oxygen electrode. Gadolinium, terbium and praseodymium doped cerium oxide materials have been investigated as potential buffer layers. The mixed ionic electronic conducting (MIEC) properties of the doped-cerium materials have been analyzed and collated. A detailed analysis is further presented of the impact of the buffer layers on the kinetics of the oxygen electrode in SOFC and SOEC devices. Special focus is made to assess for potential links between the transport properties of the buffer layer and subsequent electrode performance. The work also evaluates the electrochemical performance of different K2NiF4 structure cathodes deposited onto a peak performing Pr doped-cerium buffer layer, the influence of buffer layer thickness and the Pr content of the ceria buffer layer. It is shown that dramatic increases in electrode performance can be obtained by the introduction of MIEC buffer layers, where the best performances are shown to be offered by buffer layers of highest ambipolar conductivity. These buffer layers are also shown to continue to offer the bifunctional role to protect from unwanted chemical interactions at the electrode/electrolyte interface.


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For the past decades it has been a worldwide concern to reduce the emission of harmful gases released during the combustion of fossil fuels. This goal has been addressed through the reduction of sulfur-containing compounds, and the replacement of fossil fuels by biofuels, such as bioethanol, produced in large scale from biomass. For this purpose, a new class of solvents, the Ionic Liquids (ILs), has been applied, aiming at developing new processes and replacing common organic solvents in the current processes. ILs can be composed by a large number of different combinations of cations and anions, which confer unique but desired properties to ILs. The ability of fine-tuning the properties of ILs to meet the requirements of a specific application range by mixing different cations and anions arises as the most relevant aspect for rendering ILs so attractive to researchers. Nonetheless, due to the huge number of possible combinations between the ions it is required the use of cheap predictive approaches for anticipating how they will act in a given situation. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a statistical mechanics computational approach, based on Newton’s equations of motion, which can be used to study macroscopic systems at the atomic level, through the prediction of their properties, and other structural information. In the case of ILs, MD simulations have been extensively applied. The slow dynamics associated to ILs constitutes a challenge for their correct description that requires improvements and developments of existent force fields, as well as larger computational efforts (longer times of simulation). The present document reports studies based on MD simulations devoted to disclose the mechanisms of interaction established by ILs in systems representative of fuel and biofuels streams, and at biomass pre-treatment process. Hence, MD simulations were used to evaluate different systems composed of ILs and thiophene, benzene, water, ethanol and also glucose molecules. For the latter molecules, it was carried out a study aiming to ascertain the performance of a recently proposed force field (GROMOS 56ACARBO) to reproduce the dynamic behavior of such molecules in aqueous solution. The results here reported reveal that the interactions established by ILs are dependent on the individual characteristics of each IL. Generally, the polar character of ILs is deterministic in their propensity to interact with the other molecules. Although it is unquestionable the advantage of using MD simulations, it is necessary to recognize the need for improvements and developments of force fields, not only for a successful description of ILs, but also for other relevant compounds such as the carbohydrates.


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Cationic porphyrins have been widely used as photosensitizers (PSs) in the inactivation of microorganisms, both in biofilms and in planktonic forms. However, the application of curcumin, a natural PS, in the inactivation of biofilms, is poorly studied. The objectives of this study were (1) to evaluate and compare the efficiency of a cationic porphyrin tetra (Tetra-Py+-Me) and curcumin in the photodynamic inactivation of biofilms of Pseudomonas spp and the corresponding planktonic form; (2) to evaluate the effect of these PSs in cell adhesion and biofilm maturation. In eradication assays, biofilms of Pseudomonas spp adherent to silicone tubes were subjected to irradiation with white light (180 J cm-2) in presence of different concentrations (5 and 10 μM) of PS. In colonization experiments, solid supports were immersed in cell suspensions, PS was added and the mixture experimental setup was irradiated (864 J cm-2) during the adhesion phase. After transference solid supports to new PS-containing medium, irradiation (2592 J cm-2) was resumed during biofilm maturation. The assays of inactivation of planktonic cells were conducted in cell suspensions added of PS concentrations equivalent to those used in experiments with biofilms. The inactivation of planktonic cells and biofilms (eradication and colonization assays) was assessed by quantification of viable cells after plating in solid medium, at the beginning and at the end of the experiments. The results show that porphyrin Tetra-Py+-Me effectively inactivated planktonic cells (3.7 and 3.0 log) and biofilms of Pseudomonas spp (3.2 and 3.6 log). In colonization assays, the adhesion of cells was attenuated in 2.2 log, and during the maturation phase, a 5.2 log reduction in the concentration of viable cells was observed. Curcumin failed to cause significant inactivation in planktonic cells (0.7 and 0.9 log) and for that reason it was not tested in biofilm eradication assays. In colonization assays, curcumin did not affect the adhesion of cells to the solid support and caused a very modest reduction (1.0 log) in the concentration of viable cells during the maturation phase. The results confirm that the photodynamic inactivation is a promising strategy to control installed biofilms and in preventing colonization. Curcumin, however, does not represent an advantageous alternative to porphyrins in the case of biofilms of Pseudomonas spp.


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Post-synthetic modification (PSM) of metal-organic frameworks encompassing the chemical transformation of the linker present is a promising new route for engineering optical centres and tuning the light emission properties of materials, both in the visible and in the near infrared (NIR) spectral regions. Here, PSM of isoreticular metal-organic framework-3 (IRMOF-3) with ethyl oxalyl monochloride, ethyl acetoacetate, pentane-2,4-dione, 3-(2- hydroxyphenyl)-3-oxopropanal, 2-chloroacetic acid, glyoxylic acid, methyl vinyl ketone and diethyl (ethoxymethylene)malonate followed by chelation of trivalent lanthanide ions afforded intriguing near infrared (Nd3+) and visible (Eu3+, Tb3+) light emitters. IRMOF-3 was used as a case in point due to both its highly porous crystalline structure and the presence of non-coordinating amino groups on the benzenedicarboxylate (bdc) linker amenable to modification. The materials were characterised by elemental analysis, powder X-ray diffraction, optical, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and liquid and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance. The solid-state luminescence properties of Ln-modified-IRMOF-3 were investigated at room temperature. The presence of the bdc aromatic ring, β– diketonate and oxalate enhanced the Ln3+ sensitization via ligand-to-metal energy transfer (anthena effect). As far as photocalysis is concerned, we have synthesized metal−organic frameworks (Cr-MIL-125-AC, Ag-MIL-125-AC) by a green method (solid–vapors reactions). The resulting functionalized materials show a photocatalytic activity for methylene blue degradation up to 6.52 times larger than that of the commercial photocatalyst hombikat UV-100. These findings open the door for further research for improving the photocatalytic performance of metal-organic frameworks.