3 resultados para Stunting wasting

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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Both skeletal and cardiac muscles daily burn tremendous amounts of ATP to meet the energy requirements for contraction. So, it is not surprising that the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology, number, distribution and functionality in striated muscle are important for muscle homeostasis. In these tissues mitochondria present the added dimension of two populations, the intermyofibrillar (IMF) and the subsarcolemmal (SS) mitochondria, being IMF the most abundant one. In the present thesis, the molecular mechanisms harboured in mitochondria of striated muscles were studied using animal models, to better comprehend the role of mitochondrial plasticity in several pathophysiological conditions such as aging, diabetes mellitus and bladder cancer. The comparative analysis of IMF and SS populations isolated from heart evidenced a higher respiratory chain activity of mitochondria interspersed in the contractile apparatus. The higher susceptible of SS respiratory chain complexes subunits to carbonylation, but not to nitration, seems to justify the lower respiratory chain activity observed in this mitochondrial population. Our results showed that in heart from aged mice there is an accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria. The age-related decrease of oxidative phosphorylation activity seems to be justified, at least partially, by the increased proneness of mitochondrial proteins as OXPHOS subunits and MnSOD to oxidative modifications. Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle seems to worsen the functional consequences of aging in heart by increasing mitochondrial proteins susceptibility to nitration. In skeletal muscle from rats with type 1 diabetes mellitus induced by streptozotocin administration, we verified the accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria due, at least in part, to the impairment of PQC system. Indeed, the decreased activity of AAA proteases was accompanied by the accumulation of oxidatively modified mitochondrial proteins with impact in respiratory chain activity. The diminishing of mitochondria activity also underlies cancer-induced muscle wasting. Indeed, using a rat model of chemically induced urothelial carcinoma we verified that the loss of gastrocnemius mass was related to mitochondrial dysfunction due to, at least partially, the down-regulation of PQC system involving the mitochondrial proteases paraplegin and Lon. PQC impairment resulted in the accumulation of oxidatively modified mitochondrial proteins. In overall, regardless the pathophysiological stimuli that promote mitochondrial alterations, there are similarities in the pattern of disease-related mitochondrial plasticity. The diminished capacity for ATP production in striated muscle seems to be due to increased oxidative damage of mitochondrial proteins, namely subunits of respiratory chain complexes, metabolic proteins and MnSOD. Our data highlighted, for the first time, the impact of mitochondrial PQC system impairment in the accumulation of oxidized proteins, exacerbating the dysfunction of this organelle in striated muscle in several pathophysiological conditions.


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The expectations of citizens from the Information Technologies (ITs) are increasing as the ITs have become integral part of our society, serving all kinds of activities whether professional, leisure, safety-critical applications or business. Hence, the limitations of the traditional network designs to provide innovative and enhanced services and applications motivated a consensus to integrate all services over packet switching infrastructures, using the Internet Protocol, so as to leverage flexible control and economical benefits in the Next Generation Networks (NGNs). However, the Internet is not capable of treating services differently while each service has its own requirements (e.g., Quality of Service - QoS). Therefore, the need for more evolved forms of communications has driven to radical changes of architectural and layering designs which demand appropriate solutions for service admission and network resources control. This Thesis addresses QoS and network control issues, aiming to improve overall control performance in current and future networks which classify services into classes. The Thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, we propose two resource over-reservation algorithms, a Class-based bandwidth Over-Reservation (COR) and an Enhanced COR (ECOR). The over-reservation means reserving more bandwidth than a Class of Service (CoS) needs, so the QoS reservation signalling rate is reduced. COR and ECOR allow for dynamically defining over-reservation parameters for CoSs based on network interfaces resource conditions; they aim to reduce QoS signalling and related overhead without incurring CoS starvation or waste of bandwidth. ECOR differs from COR by allowing for optimizing control overhead minimization. Further, we propose a centralized control mechanism called Advanced Centralization Architecture (ACA), that uses a single state-full Control Decision Point (CDP) which maintains a good view of its underlying network topology and the related links resource statistics on real-time basis to control the overall network. It is very important to mention that, in this Thesis, we use multicast trees as the basis for session transport, not only for group communication purposes, but mainly to pin packets of a session mapped to a tree to follow the desired tree. Our simulation results prove a drastic reduction of QoS control signalling and the related overhead without QoS violation or waste of resources. Besides, we provide a generic-purpose analytical model to assess the impact of various parameters (e.g., link capacity, session dynamics, etc.) that generally challenge resource overprovisioning control. In the second part of this Thesis, we propose a decentralization control mechanism called Advanced Class-based resource OverpRovisioning (ACOR), that aims to achieve better scalability than the ACA approach. ACOR enables multiple CDPs, distributed at network edge, to cooperate and exchange appropriate control data (e.g., trees and bandwidth usage information) such that each CDP is able to maintain a good knowledge of the network topology and the related links resource statistics on real-time basis. From scalability perspective, ACOR cooperation is selective, meaning that control information is exchanged dynamically among only the CDPs which are concerned (correlated). Moreover, the synchronization is carried out through our proposed concept of Virtual Over-Provisioned Resource (VOPR), which is a share of over-reservations of each interface to each tree that uses the interface. Thus, each CDP can process several session requests over a tree without requiring synchronization between the correlated CDPs as long as the VOPR of the tree is not exhausted. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate that aggregate over-reservation control in decentralized scenarios keep low signalling without QoS violations or waste of resources. We also introduced a control signalling protocol called ACOR Protocol (ACOR-P) to support the centralization and decentralization designs in this Thesis. Further, we propose an Extended ACOR (E-ACOR) which aggregates the VOPR of all trees that originate at the same CDP, and more session requests can be processed without synchronization when compared with ACOR. In addition, E-ACOR introduces a mechanism to efficiently track network congestion information to prevent unnecessary synchronization during congestion time when VOPRs would exhaust upon every session request. The performance evaluation through analytical and simulation results proves the superiority of E-ACOR in minimizing overall control signalling overhead while keeping all advantages of ACOR, that is, without incurring QoS violations or waste of resources. The last part of this Thesis includes the Survivable ACOR (SACOR) proposal to support stable operations of the QoS and network control mechanisms in case of failures and recoveries (e.g., of links and nodes). The performance results show flexible survivability characterized by fast convergence time and differentiation of traffic re-routing under efficient resource utilization i.e. without wasting bandwidth. In summary, the QoS and architectural control mechanisms proposed in this Thesis provide efficient and scalable support for network control key sub-systems (e.g., QoS and resource control, traffic engineering, multicasting, etc.), and thus allow for optimizing network overall control performance.


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A água é um recurso essencial e escasso, como tal, é necessário encontrar medidas que permitam o seu uso de modo sustentável e garantam a proteção do meio ambiente. Devido a esta crescente preocupação assiste-se a um movimento legislativo, nacional e internacional, no sentido de garantir o desenvolvimento sustentável. Surge assim, a Diretiva Quadro da Água e a Lei da Água, que é complementada com legislação diversa. Como elemento constituinte do ciclo urbano da água, os Sistemas de Abastecimento têm sofrido evoluções nem sempre adequadas. É neste contexto que, em Portugal, nascem as diversas ferramentas para a melhoria da gestão dos recursos hídricos. As Entidades Gestoras têm como finalidade a gestão eficiente do bem água, e dispõe de dois importantes instrumentos, o Programa Nacional para o Uso Eficiente da Água e o Guia para o “controlo de perdas de água em sistemas públicos de adução e distribuição”(ERSAR). Esta Gestão passa, não só pela abordagem da problemática das perdas de água, reais e aparentes, como também pela análise do comportamento que origina o desperdício. A APA, enquanto entidade gestora, procura maximizar a eficiência do seu sistema de abastecimento, para tal, foram aplicadas as ferramentas propostas pelo ERSAR. Concluindo-se que este sistema tem um total de perdas de água de 34%, devendo-se estas perdas essencialmente ao envelhecido parque de contadores e perdas nos ramais de distribuição (teórico). As perdas comerciais representam cerca de 69%, o que revela que os volumes de água não faturados (medidos ou não) são muito elevados. Por outro lado, a realização do cálculo do Balanço Hídrico e dos índices de desempenho permitem classificar a performance do sistema de abastecimento e compará-la com os seus objetivos de gestão. Atendendo ao volume de água perdido nos ramais, foram efetuadas medições noturnas, verificando-se que no Porto de Pesca Costeira existe um volume de água escoado não justificado. Neste sentido, elaborou-se um plano de ação para aumentar a eficiência do sistema, ou seja, reduzir as perdas totais de 34% para 15%.