3 resultados para Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale - Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
O stress é um processo presente nas vivências do quotidiano dos indivíduos com implicações a nível do seu bem-estar e saúde. No caso específico dos estudantes de Enfermagem, o ensino clínico tem sido identificado como uma componente de formação geradora de elevados níveis de stress. O presente estudo tem como principal objectivo analisar as inter-relações que se estabelecem entre a percepção de situações de stress, saúde, coping, suporte social, auto-estima e optimismo-pessimismo. Pretende-se construir e validar dois instrumentos, um de avaliação das situações indutoras de stress em ensino clínico de Enfermagem (ECE) e outro de avaliação dos sintomas de stress. Outro objectivo consiste em traduzir e adaptar duas escalas, uma de avaliação da auto-estima e outra do optimismo-pessimismo. Pretende-se ainda estudar referidos constructos em função de variáveis sócio-demográficas e de caracterização do ensino clínico realizado. O estudo desenvolvido, de natureza quantitativo, correlacional e transversal, baseou-se numa amostra de 1283 estudantes do Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem, de cinco Escolas Superiores de Saúde da Região Centro de Portugal. Foi utilizado um protocolo de investigação constituído por 7 instrumentos: Caracterização sócio-demográfica e do ECE, Escala de Stress em ECE, Escala de Sintomas de Stress, Questionário de Estratégias de Coping, Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social, Escala de Auto-Estima e Escala de Optimismo-Pessimismo. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que, ao nível das escalas, tanto as construídas no âmbito deste trabalho, como as traduzidas apresentam validade e valores satisfatórios ao nível da fidelidade, constituindo-se então como instrumentos adequados e úteis para o estudo dos constructos em questão. As situações percebidas como geradoras de maior stress referem-se à avaliação, aspectos pessoais e gestão do tempo e do trabalho. Em termos de sintomas de stress, os mais frequentes são de natureza física e cognitivoemocional. Em termos de estratégias de coping, os estudantes parecem recorrer com mais frequência às estratégias centradas nos problemas. Os estudantes da nossa amostra referem uma maior satisfação a nível do suporte social com a intimidade e evidenciam níveis positivos em termos de autoestima e optimismo. O sexo dos estudantes, o ano de frequência do curso e variáveis de caracterização do ECE exercem um efeito diferencial nas problemáticas em estudo. Consideramos que a identificação das situações indutoras de stress em ECE, bem como a avaliação dos seus efeitos na saúde dos estudantes e a compreensão dos mecanismos de coping podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de programas de gestão e controlo do stress que os capacitem para transformar os desafios em potenciais situações de desenvolvimento pessoal, social, académico e profissional.
The high dependence of Portugal from foreign energy sources (mainly fossil fuels), together with the international commitments assumed by Portugal and the national strategy in terms of energy policy, as well as resources sustainability and climate change issues, inevitably force Portugal to invest in its energetic self-sufficiency. The 20/20/20 Strategy defined by the European Union defines that in 2020 60% of the total electricity consumption must come from renewable energy sources. Wind energy is currently a major source of electricity generation in Portugal, producing about 23% of the national total electricity consumption in 2013. The National Energy Strategy 2020 (ENE2020), which aims to ensure the national compliance of the European Strategy 20/20/20, states that about half of this 60% target will be provided by wind energy. This work aims to implement and optimise a numerical weather prediction model in the simulation and modelling of the wind energy resource in Portugal, both in offshore and onshore areas. The numerical model optimisation consisted in the determination of which initial and boundary conditions and planetary boundary layer physical parameterizations options provide wind power flux (or energy density), wind speed and direction simulations closest to in situ measured wind data. Specifically for offshore areas, it is also intended to evaluate if the numerical model, once optimised, is able to produce power flux, wind speed and direction simulations more consistent with in situ measured data than wind measurements collected by satellites. This work also aims to study and analyse possible impacts that anthropogenic climate changes may have on the future wind energetic resource in Europe. The results show that the ECMWF reanalysis ERA-Interim are those that, among all the forcing databases currently available to drive numerical weather prediction models, allow wind power flux, wind speed and direction simulations more consistent with in situ wind measurements. It was also found that the Pleim-Xiu and ACM2 planetary boundary layer parameterizations are the ones that showed the best performance in terms of wind power flux, wind speed and direction simulations. This model optimisation allowed a significant reduction of the wind power flux, wind speed and direction simulations errors and, specifically for offshore areas, wind power flux, wind speed and direction simulations more consistent with in situ wind measurements than data obtained from satellites, which is a very valuable and interesting achievement. This work also revealed that future anthropogenic climate changes can negatively impact future European wind energy resource, due to tendencies towards a reduction in future wind speeds especially by the end of the current century and under stronger radiative forcing conditions.
Flow experience, a holistic sensation of total involvement in an activity, seems to have positive influences on musical performance activities. Although its main requirements (balance between challenges and skills, clear goals and unequivocal feedback) are inherent elements of musical practice, there is a lack of research about flow occurrences in the context of musical practice and on how specific practice behaviours affect the experience of flow and its particular dimensions. The aims of this thesis were to investigate advanced performersʼ dispositions to flow in musical practice, and to investigate whether the frequency of these experiences of holistic engagement with practice are associated with self-regulatory practice behaviours. 168 advanced classicallytrained performers (male = 50.0%; female = 50.0%), ranging in age from 18 to 74 years (m = 34.41, SD = 12.39), answered a survey that included two measures: the Dispositional Short Flow Scale, assessing performersʼ flow dispositions, and the Self-Regulated Practice Behaviours Questionnaire, developed specifically for the present research. The overall results of the survey suggested that advanced musicians have high dispositions to flow in musical practice, but not associated with the participantsʼ demographic characteristics. Three of the individual flow indicators were less experienced, suggesting that the most intense flow experiences are rare in musical practice. However, the results point to the existence of another relevant experience, named optimal practice experience. Practice engagement levels were positively associated with knowledge of oneʼs own personal resources and a capacity for practice organization, but not with inclusion/use of external resources. A capacity for setting optimal practice goals was related to self-regulation and to immersion aspects of flow. Current findings offer new clues about the assessment of flow dispositions in performers, helping to clarify how daily practice can heighten positive affective responses in musicians who are vulnerable to the requirements and difficulties of deliberate practice, as well as to other negative practice outcomes. The current research questions issues pertaining to the optimization and sustaining of flow in daily practice, suggesting future directions in the study of the affective subjective functioning of engagement with deliberate practice.