em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
Compostos do tipo pirazol e 1,2,3-triazol encontram-se presentes em inúmeras moléculas biologicamente ativas. Muitos fármacos atualmente comercializados ou em fase de estudos clínicos contêm na sua estrutura base núcleos de pirazol ou 1,2,3-triazol. Por isso, estes compostos têm sido alvo de intensa pesquisa na procura de novas moléculas com potenciais aplicações medicinais e agroquímicas. Nesta dissertação são descritas novas vias de síntese de novos compostos do tipo pirazol e 1,2,3-triazol. No primeiro capítulo apresenta-se uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre a atividade biológica, ocorrência natural e métodos de síntese de pirazóis e seus derivados. O segundo capítulo foca-se na síntese de (E)-2-estiril-3-halo-4H-cromen-4-onas e sua transformação em 3(5)-aril-5(3)-[2-(2-hidroxifenil)-2-oxoetil-1H-pirazóis. Em primeiro lugar faz-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as (E)-2-estiril-4H-cromen-4-onas e a sua semelhança estrutural com as flavonas, a sua importância e ocorrência natural e métodos de síntese. São ainda abordadas as metodologias mais utilizadas para a síntese de derivados halogenados de (E)-2-estiril-4H-cromen-4-onas. Seguidamente são apresentados e discutidos os resultados da síntese de (E)-3-bromo-2-estiril-4H-cromen-4-onas através da reação de 5-aril-3-hidroxi-1-(2-hidroxifenil)penta-2,4-dien-1-onas com NBS, sob irradiação com micro-ondas, tendo sido estabelecida uma nova metodologia mais eficiente, rápida e regiosseletiva para a síntese de (E)-3-bromo-2-estiril-4H-cromen-4-onas, na ausência de solvente. São igualmente apresentados os resultados da síntese regiosseletiva de (E)-2-estiril-3-iodo-4H-cromen-4-onas através da reação de 5-aril-3-hidroxi-1-(2-hidroxifenil)penta-2,4-dien-1-onas com NIS e TFA/TFAA/NaOAc. Em ambos os métodos de halogenação desenvolvidos, obtiveram-se como produtos secundários as (E)-2-estiril-4H-cromen-4-onas correspondentes. Seguidamente é apresentado o estudo da reação de (E)-2-estiril-3-halo-4H-cromen-4-onas com hidrato de hidrazina. Ao contrário do esperado, obtiveram-se os 3(5)-aril-5(3)-[2-(2-hidroxifenil)-2-oxoetil-1H-pirazóis através de uma reação de adição conjugada 1,6-, de hidrazina à posição C- da cromona com consequente abertura do anel, seguida de uma adição conjugada 1,4- intramolecular. Estes resultados demonstraram que esta reação segue um mecanismo diferente daquele que está reportado na literatura para a reação de (E)-2-estiril-4H-cromen-4-onas não halogenadas em C-3 com hidrato de hidrazina. No terceiro capítulo apresenta-se uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre as propriedades, aplicações e metodologias de síntese de 1,2,3-triazóis, dando mais relevância às reações de cicloadição 1,3-dipolar e de “click-chemistry”. Seguidamente descrevem-se os resultados obtidos na reação de (E)-5(3)-estiril-3(5)-(2-hidroxifenil)-1H-pirazóis com a azida de sódio para obtenção de díades pirazol-1,2,3-triazol. No entanto esta reação deu origem a novos 5(3)-(2-aril-2-azidoetil)-3(5)-(2-hidroxifenil)-1H-pirazóis e não às díades pirazol-1,2,3-triazol pretendidas. Como o resultado não foi o esperado, desenvolveu-se outra metodologia de síntese, que envolve, num primeiro, a reação de (E)-2-estiril-4H-cromen-4-onas com azida de sódio, dando origem a 5(4)-aril-4(5)-(cromon-2-il)-1H-1,2,3-triazóis. No passo seguinte, efetuou-se a reação destes compostos com hidrato de hidrazina tendo ocorrido a formação das diades 5(4)-aril-4(5)-[3(5)-(2-hidroxifenil)-1H-pirazol-5(3)-il]-1H-1,2,3-triazol pretendidas. No quarto capítulo, estudou-se a reatividade de (E)-5(3)-estiril-3(5)-(2-hidroxifenil)-1H-pirazóis em reações de iodação com vista à obtenção de 4-iodo-1H-pirazóis. Apresenta-se uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre os diferentes métodos descritos na literatura para a iodação de compostos heterocíclicos aromáticos, nomeadamente para a obtenção de 4-iodo-1H-pirazóis. Dos vários sistemas de iodação testados, o sistema oxidativo I2/CAN foi o que deu melhores resultados na iodação dos (E)-5(3)-estiril-3(5)-(2-hidroxifenil)-1H-pirazóis. Este método permitiu iodar a posição C-4 do núcleo de pirazol apenas para os derivados que possuem o grupo nitro ou o átomo de cloro no anel do grupo estirilo, obtendo-se o 3(5)-(2-hidroxifenil)-4-iodo-5(3)-(4-nitrofenil)vinil-1H-pirazol e o 5(3)-(4-clorofenil)vinil)-3(5)-(2-hidroxi-5-iodofenil)-4-iodo-1H-pirazol; no entanto, para os restantes derivados, verificou-se apenas a iodação nas posições ativadas do anel fenólico. Todos os novos compostos sintetizados foram caraterizados estruturalmente recorrendo a estudos de espetroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) mono e bidimensionais. Sempre que possível, para uma caraterização estrutural mais completa, foram efetuados espetros de massa (EM) e análises elementares ou espetros de massa de alta resolução (EMAR) para todos os novos compostos sintetizados. Finalmente são apresentadas as conclusões gerais deste trabalho e perspetivas futuras.
O trabalho apresentado nesta tese focou-se no estudo do amido, nomeadamente na avaliação das características físico-químicas, morfológicas, térmicas e reológicas do amido de seis variedades de milho crioulo, preservadas no estado de Santa Catarina (Brasil), com o intuito de contribuir para a valorização e preservação de variedades locais que são cultivadas em sistemas de produção orgânica, também conhecidas como variedades crioulas. Estas sementes são importantes quer para a preservação da biodiversidade quer para os pequenos produtores que as conservam e as produzem fazendo uso de uma agricultura sustentável e independente comercialmente. Para além da caracterização dos amidos crioulos foram também analisadas as alterações que ocorrem nos processos de gelatinização e retrogradação do amido quando realizados na presença de outros biopolímeros, nomeadamente a quitosana e galactomananas. No Capítulo I é apresentada uma breve revisão do conhecimento científico sobre o amido e sobre a quitosana e galactomananas, os outros biopolímeros utilizados. Igualmente é feita uma sucinta abordagem sobre as principais técnicas analíticas que foram utilizadas: reologia fundamental, calorimetria diferencial de varrimento, microscopia eletrónica de varrimento e espectroscopia de infravermelho médio. No capítulo II apresenta-se o isolamento dos amidos das seis variedades de milho crioulo e a sua caracterização junto com um amido comercial usado como modelo de comparação. Os amidos apresentaram genericamente características físicoquímicas semelhantes e o amido extraído das variedades crioulas MT e MPA 01 apresentaram menor temperatura de gelatinização e maior percentagem de retrogradação, respetivamente. Os efeitos da adição da quitosana e de três galactomananas (goma guar, goma de alfarroba e goma cassia) em sistemas mistos com o amido são analisados nos Capítulos III e IV respetivamente. A adição dos biopolímeros aos amidos resultou no aumento das temperaturas de gelatinização, na alteração da retrogradação do amido pelas galactomananas e na alteração das propriedades viscoeláticas dos géis formados. Os dados de infravermelho esclareceram que nos sistemas com quitosana, o amido formou complexos com o ácido acético usado para dissolver a quitosana e que esta por sua vez formou acetato de quitosana. O comportamento durante a gelatinização do amido comercial quando comparado com o amido do milho crioulo MPA na sua interação com as galactomananas é diferenciado.
Specific domains can determine protein structural functional relationships. For the Alzheimer’s Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) several domains have been described, both in its intracellular and extracellular fragments. Many functions have been attributed to APP including an important role in cell adhesion and cell to cell recognition. This places APP at key biological responses, including synaptic transmission. To fulfil these functions, extracellular domains take on added significance. The APP extracellular domain RERMS is in fact a likely candidate to be involved in the aforementioned physiological processes. A multidisciplinary approach was employed to address the role of RERMS. The peptide RERMS was crosslinked to PEG (Polyethylene glycol) and the reaction validated by FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectrometry). FTIR proved to be the most efficient at validating this reaction because it requires only a drop of sample, and it gives information about the reactions occurred in a mixture. The data obtained consist in an infrared spectra of the sample, where peaks positions give information about the structure of the molecules, and the intensity of peaks is related to the concentration of the molecules. Subsequently substrates of PEG impregnated with RERMS were prepared and SH-SY5Y (human neuroblastoma cell line) cells were plated and differentiated on the latter. Several morphological alterations were clearly evident. The RERMS peptide provoked cells to take on a flatter appearance and the cytoskeletal architecture changed, with the appearance of stress fibres, a clear indicator of actin reorganization. Given that focal adhesions play a key role in determining cellular structure the latter were directly investigated. Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is one of the most highly expressed proteins in the CNS (central nervous system) during development. It has been described to be crucial for radial migration of neurons. FAK can be localized in growth cones and mediated the response to attractive and repulsive cues during migration. One of the mechanisms by which FAK becomes active is by auto phosphorylation at tyrosine 397. It became clearly evident that in the presence of the RERMS peptide pFAK staining at focal adhesions intensified and more focal adhesions became apparent. Furthermore speckled structures in the nucleus, putatively corresponding to increased expression activity, also increased with RERMS. Taken together these results indicate that the RERMS domain in APP plays a critical role in determining cellular physiological responses. Here is suggested a model by which RERMS domain is recognized by integrins and mediate intracellular responses involving FAK, talin, actin filaments and vinculin. This mechanism probably is responsible for mediating cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth on neurons.
Rapid and specific detection of foodborne bacteria that can cause food spoilage or illness associated to its consumption is an increasingly important task in food industry. Bacterial detection, identification, and classification are generally performed using traditional methods based on biochemical or serological tests and the molecular methods based on DNA or RNA fingerprints. However, these methodologies are expensive, time consuming and laborious. Infrared spectroscopy is a reliable, rapid, and economic technique which could be explored as a tool for bacterial analysis in the food industry. In this thesis it was evaluated the potential of IR spectroscopy to study the bacterial quality of foods. In Chapter 2, it was developed a calibration model that successfully allowed to predict the bacterial concentration of naturally contaminated cooked ham samples kept at refrigeration temperature during 8 days. In this part, it was developed the methodology that allowed the best reproducibility of spectra from bacteria colonies with minimal sample preparation, which was used in the subsequent work. Several attempts trying different resolutions and number of scans in the IR were made. A spectral resolution of 4 cm-1, with 32 scans were the settings that allowed the best results. Subsequently, in Chapter 3, it was made an attempt to identify 22 different foodborne bacterial genera/species using IR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis. The principal component analysis, used as an exploratory technique, allowed to form distinct groups, each one corresponding to a different genus, in most of the cases. Then, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to further analyse the group formation and the possibility of distinction between species of the same bacterial genus. It was observed that IR spectroscopy not only is suitable to the distinction of the different genera, but also to differentiate species of the same genus, with the simultaneous use of principal component analysis and cluster analysis techniques. The utilization of IR spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analysis were also investigated in Chapter 4, in order to confirm the presence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. isolated from contaminated foods, after growth in selective medium. This would allow to substitute the traditional biochemical and serological methods that are used to confirm these pathogens and that delay the obtainment of the results up to 2 days. The obtained results allowed the distinction of 3 different Listeria species and the distinction of Salmonella spp. from other bacteria that can be mistaken with them. Finally, in chapter 5, high pressure processing, an emerging methodology that permits to produce microbiologically safe foods and extend their shelf-life, was applied to 12 foodborne bacteria to determine their resistance and the effects of pressure in cells. A treatment of 300 MPa, during 15 minutes at room temperature was applied. Gram-negative bacteria were inactivated to undetectable levels and Gram-positive showed different resistances. Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus decreased only 2 logs and Listeria innocua decreased about 5 logs. IR spectroscopy was performed in bacterial colonies before and after HPP in order to investigate the alterations of the cellular compounds. It was found that high pressure alters bands assigned to some cellular components as proteins, lipids, oligopolysaccharides, phosphate groups from the cell wall and nucleic acids, suggesting disruption of the cell envelopes. In this work, bacterial quantification and classification, as well as assessment of cellular compounds modification with high pressure processing were successfully performed. Taking this into account, it was showed that IR spectroscopy is a very promising technique to analyse bacteria in a simple and inexpensive manner.
The work reported in this thesis aimed at applying the methodology known as metabonomics to the detailed study of a particular type of beer and its quality control, with basis on the use of multivariate analysis (MVA) to extract meaningful information from given analytical data sets. In Chapter 1, a detailed description of beer is given considering the brewing process, main characteristics and typical composition of beer, beer stability and the commonly used analytical techniques for beer analysis. The fundamentals of the analytical methods employed here, namely nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, gas-chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy, together with the description of the metabonomics methodology are described shortly in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, the application of high resolution NMR to characterize the chemical composition of a lager beer is described. The 1H NMR spectrum obtained by direct analysis of beer show a high degree of complexity, confirming the great potential of NMR spectroscopy for the detection of a wide variety of families of compounds, in a single run. Spectral assignment was carried out by 2D NMR, resulting in the identification of about 40 compounds, including alcohols, amino acids, organic acids, nucleosides and sugars. In a second part of Chapter 3, the compositional variability of beer was assessed. For that purpose, metabonomics was applied to 1H NMR data (NMR/MVA) to evaluate beer variability between beers from the same brand (lager), produced nationally but differing in brewing site and date of production. Differences between brewing sites and/or dates were observed, reflecting compositional differences related to particular processing steps, including mashing, fermentation and maturation. Chapter 4 describes the quantification of organic acids in beer by NMR, using different quantitative methods: direct integration of NMR signals (vs. internal reference or vs. an external electronic reference, ERETIC method) and by quantitative statistical methods (using the partial least squares (PLS) regression) were developed and compared. PLS1 regression models were built using different quantitative methods as reference: capillary electrophoresis with direct and indirect detection and enzymatic essays. It was found that NMR integration results generally agree with those obtained by the best performance PLS models, although some overestimation for malic and pyruvic acids and an apparent underestimation for citric acid were observed. Finally, Chapter 5 describes metabonomic studies performed to better understand the forced aging (18 days, at 45 ºC) beer process. The aging process of lager beer was followed by i) NMR, ii) GC-MS, and iii) MIR spectroscopy. MVA methods of each analytical data set revealed clear separation between different aging days for both NMR and GC-MS data, enabling the identification of compounds closely related with the aging process: 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), organic acids, γ-amino butyric acid (GABA), proline and the ratio linear/branched dextrins (NMR domain) and 5-HMF, furfural, diethyl succinate and phenylacetaldehyde (known aging markers) and, for the first time, 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4(H)-pyran-4-one xii (DDMP) and maltoxazine (by GC-MS domain). For MIR/MVA, no aging trend could be measured, the results reflecting the need of further experimental optimizations. Data correlation between NMR and GC-MS data was performed by outer product analysis (OPA) and statistical heterospectroscopy (SHY) methodologies, enabling the identification of further compounds (11 compounds, 5 of each are still unassigned) highly related with the aging process. Data correlation between sensory characteristics and NMR and GC-MS was also assessed through PLS1 regression models using the sensory response as reference. The results obtained showed good relationships between analytical data response and sensory response, particularly for the aromatic region of the NMR spectra and for GC-MS data (r > 0.89). However, the prediction power of all built PLS1 regression models was relatively low, possibly reflecting the low number of samples/tasters employed, an aspect to improve in future studies.