3 resultados para RARE EARTHS COMPLEXES
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
During the last few decades, Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), also known as Coordination Polymers, have attracted worldwide research attentions due to their incremented fascinating architectures and unique properties. These multidimensional materials have been potential applications in distinct areas: gas storage and separation, ion exchange, catalysis, magnetism, in optical sensors, among several others. The MOF research group at the University of Aveiro has prepared MOFs from the combination of phosphonate organic primary building units (PBUs) with, mainly, lanthanides. This thesis documents the last findings in this area involving the synthesis of multidimensional MOFs based on four di- or tripodal phosphonates ligands. The organic PBUs were designed and prepared by selecting and optimizing the best reaction conditions and synthetic routes. The self-assembly between phosphonate PBUs and rare-earths cations led to the formation of several 1D, 2D and 3D families of isotypical MOFs. The preparation of these materials was achieved by using distinct synthetic approaches: hydro(solvo)thermal, microwave- and ultrasound-assisted, one-pot and ionothermal synthesis. The selection of the organic PBUs showed to have an important role in the final architectures: while flexible phosphonate ligands afforded 1D, 2D and dense 3D structures, a large and rigid organic PBU isolated a porous 3D MOF. The crystal structure of these materials was successfully unveiled by powder or single-crystal X-ray diffraction. All multidimensional MOFs were characterized by standard solid-state techniques (FT-IR, electron microscopy (SEM and EDS), solid-state NMR, elemental and thermogravimetric analysis). Some MOF materials exhibited remarkable thermal stability and robustness up to ca. 400 ºC. The intrinsic properties of some MOFs were investigated. Photoluminescence studies revealed that the selected organic PBUs are suitable sensitizers of Tb3+ leading to the isolation of intense green-emitting materials. The suppression of the O−H quenchers by deuteration or dehydration processes improves substantially the photoluminescence of the optically-active Eu3+-based materials. Some MOF materials exhibited high heterogeneous catalytic activity and excellent regioselectivity in the ring-opening reaction of styrene oxide (PhEtO) with methanol (100% conversion of PhEtO at 55 ºC for 30 min). The porous MOF material was employed in gas separation processes. This compound showed the ability to separate propane over propylene. The ionexchanged form of this material (containing K+ cations into its network) exhibited higher affinity for CO2 being capable to separate acetylene over this environment non-friendly gas.
Niobium oxides have been pointed as an alternative to tantalum in the production of solid electrolytic capacitors, with advantages regarding the dielectric constant, density and price. In this work, it is intended to create a new family of niobium oxides based capacitors, adapting the technology and production line currently used with tantalum. Despite the known potentialities of niobium oxides, and many types of niobates, in several technological applications, the understanding of these oxide systems is still noticeably insufficient. Hence, a careful bibliographic review is shown, which evidences the complexity of these materials, the difficulty in identifying of their different phases and polymorphs, as well as in the interpretation of their properties. In this context, several fundamental studies on niobium oxides are presented, namely structural, microstructural, optical and electrical characterizations, which allow not only to contribute in an important way for the general knowledge of the physical properties of these materials, but also to advance to a sustained development of the niobium oxides based solid electrolytic capacitors. Several processing parameters were studied, clearing the way towards the creation of a prototype. It was also decided to perform a preliminary study on the synthesis and characterization of other oxide systems based in niobium, namely rare-earth orthoniobates (RENbO4), which interest has been related to their optical properties and protonic conductivity. Hence, single and polycrystalline samples of RENbO4 were synthesized and characterized structural, optical and electrically, leaving open an interesting future work.
Os materiais microporosos e mesoporosos são potenciais catalisadores heterogéneos. Os zeólitos e outros materiais microporosos do tipo zeolítico tradicionais, têm átomos tetracoordenados no esqueleto. Nos últimos anos, um vasto número de titanossilicatos contendo Ti(IV) hexacoordenado e Si(IV) tetracoordenado, com estruturas tridimensionais, têm sido alvo de grande interesse. Um dos objectivos desta tese foi preparar silicatos microporosos, contendo átomos metálicos com número de coordenação superior a quatro, e possuindo quer novas estruturas quer propriedades físicas e químicas interessantes. Neste contexto, foi preparado um novo ítriossilicato de sódio, AV-1, análogo do raro mineral montregianite, Na4K2Y2Si16O38·10H2O. Este material é o primeiro sólido microporoso que contem quantidades estequiométricas de sódio (e ítrio) no esqueleto. Foi, também, sintetizado um silicato de cério, AV-5, análogo estrutural do mineral montregianite com potencial aplicação em optoelectrónica. Nesta tese é, ainda, descrita a síntese e caracterização estrutural de um silicato de cálcio hidratado, AV-2, análogo do raro mineral rhodesite (K2Ca4Na2Si16O38.12H2O). Na continuação do trabalho desenvolvido em Aveiro na síntese de novos titanossilicatos surgiu o interesse de preparar novos zirconossilicatos microporosos por síntese hidrotérmica. Foram preparados dois novos materiais análogos dos minerais petarasite Na5Zr2Si3O18(Cl,OH)·2H2O (AV-3) e kostylevite, K2Si3O9·H2O (AV-8). Foram, também, obtidos análogos sintéticos dos minerais parakeldyshite e wadeite, por calcinação a alta temperatura de AV-3 e de umbite sintética. A heterogeneização de complexos organometálicos na superfície de materiais mesoporosos do tipo M41S permite associar a grande actividade catalítica e a presença de sítios activos localizados típicos dos complexos organometálicos, com a robustez e fácil separação, características dos materiais mesoporosos siliciosos. Nesta dissertação relata-se a derivatização dos materiais MCM-41 e MCM-48 através da reacção de [SiMe2{(h5-C5H4)2}]Fe e [SiMe2{(h5-C5H4)2}]TiCl2 com os grupos silanol das superfícies mesoporosas. Os materiais MCMs derivatizados com ansa-titanoceno foram testados na epoxidação de cicloocteno a 323 K na presença de hidrogenoperóxido de t-butilo. Estudou-se a heterogeneização dos sais de complexos com ligação metal-metal [Mo2(MeCN)10][BF4]4, [Mo2(m-O2CMe)2(MeCN)6][BF4]2 e [Mo2(m- O2CMe)2(dppa)2(MeCN)2][BF4]2 via imobilização nos canais do MCM-41. A imobilização dos catalisadores homogéneos na superfície do MCM-41 envolve a saída dos ligandos nitrilo lábeis, preferencialmente em posição axial, através da reacção com os grupos Si-OH da sílica. Verificou-se que a ligação Mo-Mo se mantém intacta nos produtos finais. É provável que estes materiais sejam eficientes catalisadores heterogéneos em reacções de polimerização. As técnicas de caracterização utilizadas nesta tese foram a difracção de raios-X de pós, a microscopia electrónica de varrimento, a espectroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear do estado sólido (núcleos 13C, 23Na e 29Si), as espectroscopias de Raman e infravermelho com transformadas de Fourier, as análises termogravimétricas e as análises de adsorção de água e azoto.