8 resultados para Oil soluble dyes
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
Da totalidade da água existente na Terra, somente 1% diz respeito à água subterrânea, recurso finito e essencial para a sobrevivência do Homem. A composição química das águas subterrâneas é influência não só pela actividade humana, mas também pelas características químicas do substrato geológico. As rochas e os sedimentos funcionam como meio de transporte e armazém desse tipo de águas e a presença de certos minerais pode originar a contaminação natural das águas subterrâneas em elementos prejudiciais para o Homem. Um desses elementos é o arsénio. Uma vez que a concentração máxima admitida de arsénio para água consumo humano diminuiu dos anteriores 50 mg.l-1 para os actuais 10 mg.l-1,a probabilidade de encontrar concentrações naturais em arsénio em águas subterrâneas acima desse limite aumentou. Este trabalho visa estudar e compreender, através de ensaios laboratoriais, a interacção água/rocha em termos químicos e a mobilidade/comportamento do arsénio em seis zonas de Portugal Continental com contextos geológicos diferentes (Vila Flor – Formação Filito-Quartzítica, Baião – granitos, Cacia – sedimentos do Cretácico, Mamodeiro – sedimentos do Neogénico, Escusa – calcários dolomíticos e Beja - gabros). Para o efeito, nas zonas de estudo mencionadas foram colhidas amostras de rocha ou sedimento e de água subterrânea que foram analisadas para 36 e 76 elementos, respectivamente. A componente mineralógica e as fases suporte do As foram estudadas recorrendo à análise por difracção de raios X, microssonda electrónica e à aplicação da extracção química selectiva sequencial. A mobilização do As foi avaliada através da realização de ensaios de coluna e de agitação com hidrocarbonetos derivados do petróleo. No primeiro ensaio, a circulação de diferentes soluções com diferentes velocidades lineares no interior de colunas de vidro cheias de rocha moída, avaliou a presença de As associado a fases hidrossolúveis e biodisponíveis. No segundo, a agitação de rocha moída com água e hidrocarbonetos derivados do petróleo pretendeu avaliar o comportamento do As quando um aquífero apresenta uma contaminação com aquele tipo de hidrocarbonetos.
A crescente procura de recursos fosseis a que se tem assistido nos ultimos anos, tem resultado num crescimento sem precedentes dos precos, com consequencias imprevisiveis e que levara, no espaco de decadas, ao seu inevitavel esgotamento. A procura de um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentavel, baseado em recursos renovaveis e o grande desafio que se coloca a civilizacao no seculo XXI. A biomassa vegetal, atraves das designadas gBio-refinarias h, e uma alternativa logica para a producao de produtos quimicos e de materiais mas tambem de combustiveis e energia. Os oleos vegetais constituem uma das fracoes da biomassa vegetal, cuja exploracao tem merecido redobrada atencao nos ultimos anos, como fonte de materiais e de combustiveis. Assim, a presente dissertacao tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de novos materiais polimericos derivados de oleos vegetais, seguindo duas abordagens distintas, nomeadamente a preparacao de polimeros atraves de polimerizacao por etapas e polimerizacao em cadeia (Parte B e C, respetivamente). Em primeiro lugar, foram sintetizados poliesteres alifaticos de cadeia longa a partir de monomeros provenientes do oleo de colza (Capitulo III). A auto-metatese do acido erucico com catalisadores de rutenio, seguida de hidrogenacao da ligacao dupla, originou o acido 1,26-hexacosanodioico, que por sua vez foi convertido em hexacosano-1,26-diol. Subsequentemente, a policondensacao do acido ƒ¿,ƒÖ-dicarboxilico de cadeia longa com o hexacosano-1,26-diol originou o poliester 26,26. O diacido C26 foi tambem polimerizado com outros alcano-diois de cadeia curta, nomeadamente o dodecano-1,12-diol e o butano-1,2-diol, produzindo, respetivamente, os poliesteres 12,26 e 4,26. Estes poliesteres de fontes 100% renovaveis possuem valores de Mn na ordem dos 8-14 kDa e valores de PDI entre 2.1 e 2.7. As propriedades destes poliesteres alifaticos foram avaliadas atraves de varias tecnicas, revelando elevada cristalinidade (com uma estrutura cristalina como a do polietileno) e elevadas temperaturas de fusao (74-104 ‹C), cristalizacao (68-92 ‹C) e degradacao (323-386 ‹C). Em segundo lugar, foram sintetizados polimeros lineares termo-reversiveis a partir de derivados do oleo de ricinio (Capitulo IV). Para tal foram preparados monomeros que incorporam aneis furanicos inseridos atraves do acoplamento tiol-eno, e que posteriormente foram polimerizados pela reacao de Diels-Alder (DA) entre os grupos furano (dieno A) e estruturas complementares do tipo maleimida (dienofilo B). Para as polimerizacoes DA foram consideradas duas abordagens diferentes, nomeadamente (i) o uso de monomeros com dois aneis furanicos terminais em conjunto com uma bismaleimida (sistemas AA+BB) e (ii) a utilizacao de um monomero que incorpora ambos os grupos reativos, furano e maleimida, na sua estrutura (sistema AB). Este estudo demonstrou claramente que ambas as estratégias foram bem sucedidas embora com diferentes resultados em termos da natureza dos produtos obtidos. Estes polímeros lineares apresentam valores relativamente baixos de Tg (-40 to -2 °C) devido à natureza flexível dos grupos separadores das funções reativas, e de Mn (4.5-9.0 kDa) dada a observada tendência de ciclização associada a concentrações baixas de monómero. A aplicação da reação de retro-DA aos polímeros em causa confirmou o seu caráter reversível, ou seja, a possibilidade de promover, em condições controladas, a despolimerização com recuperação dos monómeros de partida. Esta particularidade abre caminhos para materiais macromoleculares originais com aplicações promissoras tais como auto-reparação e reciclabilidade. Em terceiro lugar, sintetizaram-se polímeros não-lineares termo-reversíveis a partir de derivados do óleo de ricínio (Capítulo V). Para tal foram preparados monómeros trifuncionais e posteriormente polimerizados através da reação de DA entre os grupos reativos complementares furano/maleimida. Foram consideradas três abordagens distintas para preparar estes polímeros não-lineares, nomeadamente através da utilização de (i) um monómero bisfurânico em combinação com uma trismaleimida (sistema A2+B3) e (ii) um monómero trisfurânico em conjunto com uma bismaleimida (sistema A3+B2) que originaram materiais ramificados ou reticulados, e ainda (iii) a utilização de monómeros assimetricamente substituídos do tipo A2B ou AB2 capazes de originar estruturas macromoleculares hiper-ramificadas. Todos os sistemas apresentaram valores de Tg perto de 0 °C, o que era de esperar para estes materiais não-lineares. A aplicação da reação de retro-DA comprovou mais uma vez o caráter termo-reversível das polimerizações em causa. Em quarto lugar e último lugar, foram preparados copolímeros de acetato de vinilo (VAc) com monómeros derivados de óleo de girassol (Capítulo VI). Ésteres vinílicos de ácidos gordos (FAVE) foram sintetizados por transvinilação dos ácidos oleico e linoleico com VAc catalisada por um complexo de irídio. Os monómeros vinílicos preparados foram caracterizados e posteriormente homopolimerizados e copolimerizados com VAc através do uso dos grupos vinílicos terminais como função inicial de polimerização. A variação do tipo e quantidade de monómero FAVE e da quantidade de iniciador radicalar originou copolímeros de VAc com valores de Mn na gama de 1.2-3.0 kDa e valores de Tg de -5 a 16 °C. Os copolímeros foram avaliados em testes de cura oxidativa através das insaturações nas suas cadeias alifáticas para formar materiais reticulados, e os resultados sugerem que eles podem ser sistemas efetivos de cura para aplicações como tintas, vernizes e outros tipos de revestimento. Todos os materiais poliméricos preparados ao longo deste trabalho constituem contribuições atrativas para a área dos polímeros oriundos de recursos renováveis e representam uma prova indiscutível de que os óleos vegetais são percursores promissores de materiais macromoleculares com potenciais aplicações.
The ability of microorganisms to use oil hydrocarbons as a source of carbon and energy is crucial for environmental oil detoxification. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on fundamental aspects of this process on specific habitats and under different climate scenarios. In the first phase of this work, the culturable fraction of the oil hydrocarbon (OH) degrading bacteria from the sea surface microlayer (SML) of the estuarine system Ria de Aveiro was characterized. In the second phase, the impact of oil contamination on the active bacterial community was studied under climate change scenarios. Pseudomonas emerged as the prevailing genera among OH degrading bacteria in the SML. Moreover, culture-independent methods revealed that the relative abundance and diversity of Gammaproteobacteria, in which Pseudomonas is included, varies along an estuarine gradient of contamination. In order to access the impact of oil contamination on microbial communities under climate change scenarios, an experimental life support system for microcosm experiments (ELLS) was developed and validated for simulation of climate change effects on microbial communities. With the ELSS it is possible to simulate, in controlled conditions, fundamental parameters of the dynamics of coastal and estuarine systems while maintaining community structure in terms of the abundance of the most relevant members of the indigenous bacterial community. A microcosm experiment in which the independent and combined impact of ultraviolet radiation, ocean acidification and oil contamination on microbial communities was conducted. The impact on bacterial communities was accessed with a 16S RNA (cDNA) based barcode pyrosequencing approach. There was a drastic decrease of Desulfobacterales relative abundance after oil contamination under the reduced pH value estimated for 2100, when compared to present values. Since members of this order are known OH degraders, such a significant decrease may have consequences on OH detoxification of contaminated environments under the pH levels of the ocean expected for the future. Metagenome predictions based on the 16S RNA database indicated that several degradation pathways of OH could be affected under oil contamination and reduced water pH. Taken together, the results from this work bring new information on the dynamics of OH degrading bacteria in coastal and estuarine environments under present and future climate scenarios.
Bioprocesses use microorganisms or cells in order to produce and/or obtain some desired products. Nowadays these strategies appear as a fundamental alternative to the traditional chemical processes. Amongst the many advantages associated to their use in the chemical, oil or pharmaceutical industries, their low cost, easily scale-up and low environmental impact should be highlighted. This work reports two examples of bioprocesses as alternatives to traditional chemical processes used by the oil and pharmaceutical industries. In the first part of this work it was studied an example of a bioprocess based on the use of microorganisms in enhanced oil recovery. Currently, due to high costs of oil and its scarcity, the enhanced oil recovery techniques become very attractive. Between the available techniques the use of microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) has been highlighted. This process is based on the stimulation of indigenous microorganisms or by the injection of microorganism consortia to produce specific metabolites and hence increase the amount of oil recovered. In the first chapters of this work the isolation of several microorganisms from samples of paraffinic Brazilian oils is described, and their tensioactive and biodegradability properties are presented. Furthermore, the chemical structures of the biosurfactants produced by those isolates were also characterized. In the final chapter of the first part, the capabilities of some isolated bacteria to enhance the oil recovery of paraffinic Brazilian oils entrapped in sand-pack columns were evaluated. In the second part of this work it was investigated aqueous two-phase systems or aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) as extractive strategies for antibiotics directly from the fermented broth in which they are produced. To this goal, several aqueous two-phase systems composed of ionic liquids (ILs) and polymers were studied for the first time and their phase diagrams were determined. The novel ATPS appear as effective and economic methods to extract different biomolecules or/and biological products. Thus, aiming the initial antibiotics extraction purpose it was studied the influence of a wide range of ILs and polymers in the aqueous two-phase formation ability, as well as their influence in the partitioning of several type-molecules, such as amino acids, alkaloids and dyes. As a final chapter it is presented the capacity of these novel systems to extract the antibiotic tetracycline directly from the fermented broth of Streptomyces aureofaciens.
O transporte marítimo e o principal meio de transporte de mercadorias em todo o mundo. Combustíveis e produtos petrolíferos representam grande parte das mercadorias transportadas por via marítima. Sendo Cabo Verde um arquipelago o transporte por mar desempenha um papel de grande relevância na economia do país. Consideramos o problema da distribuicao de combustíveis em Cabo Verde, onde uma companhia e responsavel por coordenar a distribuicao de produtos petrolíferos com a gestão dos respetivos níveis armazenados em cada porto, de modo a satisfazer a procura dos varios produtos. O objetivo consiste em determinar políticas de distribuicão de combustíveis que minimizam o custo total de distribuiçao (transporte e operacões) enquanto os n íveis de armazenamento sao mantidos nos n íveis desejados. Por conveniencia, de acordo com o planeamento temporal, o prob¬lema e divido em dois sub-problemas interligados. Um de curto prazo e outro de medio prazo. Para o problema de curto prazo sao discutidos modelos matemáticos de programacao inteira mista, que consideram simultaneamente uma medicao temporal cont ínua e uma discreta de modo a modelar multiplas janelas temporais e taxas de consumo que variam diariamente. Os modelos sao fortalecidos com a inclusão de desigualdades validas. O problema e então resolvido usando um "software" comercial. Para o problema de medio prazo sao inicialmente discutidos e comparados varios modelos de programacao inteira mista para um horizonte temporal curto assumindo agora uma taxa de consumo constante, e sao introduzidas novas desigualdades validas. Com base no modelo escolhido sao compara¬das estrategias heurísticas que combinam três heur ísticas bem conhecidas: "Rolling Horizon", "Feasibility Pump" e "Local Branching", de modo a gerar boas soluçoes admissíveis para planeamentos com horizontes temporais de varios meses. Finalmente, de modo a lidar com situaçoes imprevistas, mas impor¬tantes no transporte marítimo, como as mas condicões meteorológicas e congestionamento dos portos, apresentamos um modelo estocastico para um problema de curto prazo, onde os tempos de viagens e os tempos de espera nos portos sao aleatórios. O problema e formulado como um modelo em duas etapas, onde na primeira etapa sao tomadas as decisões relativas as rotas do navio e quantidades a carregar e descarregar e na segunda etapa (designada por sub-problema) sao consideradas as decisoes (com recurso) relativas ao escalonamento das operacões. O problema e resolvido por um metodo de decomposto que usa um algoritmo eficiente para separar as desigualdades violadas no sub-problema.
The conversion of plant biomass-derived carbohydrates (preferably non-edible) into added-value products is envisaged to be at the core of the future biorefineries. Carbohydrates are the most abundant natural organic polymers on Earth. This work deals with the chemical valorisation of plant biomass, focusing on the acid-catalysed conversion of carbohydrates (mono and polysaccharides) to furanic aldehydes, namely 2-furaldehyde (Fur) and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (Hmf), which are valuable platform chemicals that have the potential to replace a variety of oil derived chemicals and materials. The investigated reaction systems can be divided into two types depending on the solvent used to dissolve the carbohydrates in the reaction medium: water or ionic liquid-based systems. The reaction temperatures were greater than 150 ºC when the solvent was water, and lower than 150 º C in the cases of the ionic liquid-based catalytic systems. As alternatives to liquid acids (typically used in the industrial production of Fur), solid acid catalysts were investigated in these reaction systems. Aiming at the identification of (soluble and insoluble) reaction products, complementary characterisation techniques were used namely, FT-IR spectroscopy, liquid and solid state NMR spectroscopy, TGA, DSC and GC´GC-ToFMS analyses. Complex mixtures of soluble reaction products were obtained and different types of side reactions may occur. The requirements to be put on the catalysts for these reaction systems partly depend on the type of carbohydrates to be converted and the reaction conditions used. The thermal stability is important due to the fact that formation of humins and catalyst coking phenomena are characteristically inherent to these types of reactions systems leading to the need to regenerate the catalyst which can be effectively accomplished by calcination. Special attention was given to fully inorganic nanoporous solid acids, amorphous or crystalline, and consisting of nano to micro-size particles. The investigated catalysts were silicoaluminophosphates, aluminosilicates and zirconium-tungsten mixed oxides which are versatile catalysts in that their physicochemical properties can be fine-tuned to improve the catalytic performances in the conversion of different substrates (e.g. introduction of mesoporosity and modification of the acid properties). The catalytic systems consisting of aluminosilicates as solid acids and water as solvent seem to be more effective in converting pentoses and related polysaccharides into Fur, than hexoses and related polysaccharides into Hmf. The investigated solid acids exhibited fairly good hydrothermal stabilities. On the other hand, ionic liquid-based catalytic systems can allow reaching simultaneously high Fur and Hmf yields, particularly when Hmf is obtained from D-fructose and related polysaccharides; however, catalyst deactivation occurs and the catalytic reactions take place in homogeneous phase. As pointed out in a review of the state of the art on this topic, the development of truly heterogeneous ionic liquid-based catalytic systems for producing Fur and Hmf in high yields remains a challenge.
Water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) from atmospheric particles comprises a complex array of molecular structures that play an important role on the physic-chemical properties of atmospheric particles and, therefore, are linked to several global-relevant atmospheric processes which impact the climate and public health. Due to the large variety of sources and formation processes, adequate knowledge on WSOM composition and its effects on the properties of atmospheric aerosol are still limited. Therefore, this thesis aims at providing new insights on the molecular composition of WSOM from fine atmospheric aerosols typical of an urban area (Aveiro, Portugal). In a first step, adsorption phenomena of semivolatile organic compounds on quartz fibre filters employed in the collection of atmospheric aerosols were assessed. Afterwards, atmospheric aerosol samples were collected during fifteen months, on a weekly basis. A mass balance of aerosol samples was performed in order to set the relative contribution of elemental carbon, WSOM and water-insoluble organic matter to the aerosol mass collected at the urban area of Aveiro, with a special focus on the assessment of the influence of different meteorological conditions. In order to assess the chemical complexity of the WSOM from urban aerosols, their structural characteristics were studied by means of Fourier transform infrared infrared - Attenuated Total Reflectance (FTIR-ATR) and solid-state cross polarization with magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS 13C NMR) spectroscopies, as well as their elemental composition. The structural characterization of aerosol WSOM samples collected in the urban area highlighted a highly complex mixture of functional groups. It was concluded that aliphatic and aromatic structures, hydroxyl groups and carboxyl groups are characteristic to all samples. The semi-quantitative assessment of the CPMAS 13C NMR data showed different distributions of the various functional groups between the aerosol samples collected at different seasons. Moreover, the presence of signals typical of lignin-derived structures in both CPMAS 13C NMR and FTIR-ATR spectra of the WSOM samples from the colder seasons, highlights the major contribution of biomass burning processes in domestic fireplaces, during low temperature conditions, into the bulk chemical properties of WSOM from urban aerosols. A comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC x LC) method, on-line coupled to a diode array, fluorescence, and evaporative light scattering detectors, was employed for resolving the chemical heterogeneity of the aerosol WSOM samples and, simultaneously, to map the hydrophobicity versus the molecular weight distribution of the samples. The LC x LC method employed a mixed-mode hydrophilic interaction column operating under aqueous reversed phase mode in the first dimension, and a size-exclusion column in the second dimension, which was found to be useful for separating the aerosol WSOM samples into various fractions with distinct molecular weight and hydrophobic features. The estimative of the average molecular weight (Mw) distribution of the urban aerosol WSOM samples ranged from 48 to 942 Da and from 45 to 1241 Da in terms of UV absorption and fluorescence detection, respectively. Findings suggest that smaller Mw group fractions seem to be related to a more hydrophobic nature.
Salt marshes are highly productive intertidal habitats that serve as nursery grounds for many commercially and economically important species. Because of their location and physical and biological characteristics, salt marshes are considered to be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic inputs of oil hydrocarbons. Sediment contamination with oil is especially dangerous for salt marsh vegetation, since low molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons can affect plants at all stages of development. However, the use of vegetation for bioremediation (phytoremediation), by removal or sequestration of contaminants, has been intensively studied. Phytoremediation is an efficient, inexpensive and environmental friendly approach for the removal of aromatic hydrocarbons, through direct incorporation by the plant and by the intervention of degrading microbial populations in the rhizosphere (microbe-assisted phytoremediation). Rhizosphere microbial communities are enriched in important catabolic genotypes for degradation of oil hydrocarbons (OH) which may have a potential for detoxification of the sediment surrounding the roots. In addition, since rhizosphere bacterial populations may also internalize into plant tissues (endophytes), rhizocompetent AH degrading populations may be important for in planta AH degradation and detoxification. The present study involved field work and microcosms experiments aiming the characterization of relevant plant-microbe interactions in oilimpacted salt marshes and the understanding of the effect of rhizosphere and endosphere bacteria in the role of salt marsh plants as potential phytoremediation agents. In the field approach, molecular tools were used to assess how plant species- and OH pollution affect sediment bacterial composition [bulk sediment and sediment surrounding the roots (rhizosphere) of Halimione portulacoides and Sarcocornia perennis subsp. perennis] in a temperate estuary (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) chronically exposed to OH pollution. In addition, the 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieved in this study were used to generate in silico metagenomes and to evaluate the distribution of potential bacterial traits in different microhabitats. Moreover, a combination of culture-dependent and -independent approaches was used to investigate the effect of oil hydrocarbons contamination on the structure and function of endophytic bacterial communities of salt marsh plants.Root systems of H. portulacoides and S. perennis subsp. perennis appear to be able to exert a strong influence on bacterial composition and in silico metagenome analysis showed enrichment of genes involved in the process of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) degradation in the rhizosphere of halophyte plants. The culturable fraction of endophytic degraders was essentially closely related to known OH-degrading Pseudomonas species and endophytic communities revealed sitespecific effects related to the level of OH contamination in the sediment. In order to determine the effects of oil contamination on plant condition and on the responses in terms of structure and function of the bacterial community associated with plant roots (rhizosphere, endosphere), a microcosms approach was set up. The salt marsh plant Halimione portulacoides was inoculated with a previous isolated Pseudomonas sp. endophytic degrader and the 2-methylnaphthalene was used as model PAH contaminant. The results showed that H. portulacoides health and growth were not affected by the contamination with the tested concentration. Moreover, the decrease of 2-methylnaphthalene at the end of experiment, can suggest that H. portulacoides can be considered as a potential plant for future uses in phytoremedition approaches of contaminated salt marsh. The acceleration of hydrocarbon degradation by inoculation of the plants with the hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas sp. could not, however, be demonstrated, although the effects of inoculation on the structure of the endophytic community observed at the end of the experiment indicate that the strain may be an efficient colonizer of H. portulacoides roots. The results obtained in this work suggest that H. portulacoides tolerates moderate concentrations of 2-methylnaphthalene and can be regarded as a promising agent for phytoremedition approaches in salt marshes contaminated with oil hydrocarbons. Plant/microbe interactions may have an important role in the degradation process, as plants support a diverse endophytic bacterial community, enriched in genetic factors (genes and plasmids) for hydrocarbon degradation.