3 resultados para Nankai Trough
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
Nowadays it is still difficult to perform an early and accurate diagnosis of dementia, therefore many research focus on the finding of new dementia biomarkers that can aid in that purpose. So scientists try to find a noninvasive, rapid, and relatively inexpensive procedures for early diagnosis purpose. Several studies demonstrated that the utilization of spectroscopic techniques, such as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy could be an useful and accurate procedure to diagnose dementia. As several biochemical mechanisms related to neurodegeneration and dementia can lead to changes in plasma components and others peripheral body fluids, blood-based samples and spectroscopic analyses can be used as a more simple and less invasive technique. This work is intended to confirm some of the hypotheses of previous studies in which FTIR was used in the study of plasma samples of possible patient with AD and respective controls and verify the reproducibility of this spectroscopic technique in the analysis of such samples. Through the spectroscopic analysis combined with multivariate analysis it is possible to discriminate controls and demented samples and identify key spectroscopic differences between these two groups of samples which allows the identification of metabolites altered in this disease. It can be concluded that there are three spectral regions, 3500-2700 cm -1, 1800-1400 cm-1 and 1200-900 cm-1 where it can be extracted relevant spectroscopic information. In the first region, the main conclusion that is possible to take is that there is an unbalance between the content of saturated and unsaturated lipids. In the 1800-1400 cm-1 region it is possible to see the presence of protein aggregates and the change in protein conformation for highly stable parallel β-sheet. The last region showed the presence of products of lipid peroxidation related to impairment of membranes, and nucleic acids oxidative damage. FTIR technique and the information gathered in this work can be used in the construction of classification models that may be used for the diagnosis of cognitive dysfunction.
A preocupação com a qualidade do ensino online tem vindo a aumentar, emconsequência da expansão de cursos na Internet que, frequentemente, possuem um fraco ou nulo interesse de aprendizagem. Com o desígnio demudar o rumo é necessário avaliar para que se tome consciência dos errosque se cometem e das verdadeiras potencialidades deste modelo de ensino. O intuito desta dissertação foi elaborar uma avaliação da parte curricular doMestrado em Multimédia em Educação 2002/2004, que decorreu naUniversidade de Aveiro e, com suporte nesse trabalho, propor um referencial para a avaliação de acções de pós-graduação que utilizem um modelo de ensino baseado em tecnologias eLearning. A avaliação do presente Mestrado surge da necessidade de aferir qual o realimpacto do modelo de ensino utilizado, pois pela primeira vez em Portugal foi leccionado um curso de pós-graduação com base em suportes tecnológicos, que permitiam, aos alunos e professores, a construção de conhecimento sema necessidade permanente da presença física numa sala de aula. Para possibilitar esta avaliação foi necessário construir um referencial contendo aspectos que influenciaram no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O estudo foi efectuado tendo em conta a percepção dos intervenientes, que foirecolhida através de questionários, e da análise dos registos da plataforma,que suportou, em termos tecnológicos, a maioria das comunicações viaInternet. Para avaliar é fundamental saber o que se pretende analisar, por conseguinteao longo deste projecto foi elaborado um referencial que suporta todo oprocesso de avaliação. As suas categorias são as seguintes: perfil dos alunos, modelo de aprendizagem, atitudes dos intervenientes, pedagogia, tecnologia, aspectos logísticos e apreciação global. Para especificar cada categoria foram delineadas algumas dimensões,que, por sua vez, foram mensuradas a partir de um conjunto de indicadores. Esta dissertação tem a pretensão de oferecer uma ferramenta avaliativa para todos aqueles que de alguma forma interfiram no processo de ensino online, possibilitando a tomada de consciência dos aspectos críticos que devem ser ponderados em toda a acção educativa. ABSTRACT: The concern with the quality of education online has come to increase, inconsequence of the expansion of courses in the Internet that, frequently, possess a weak or null interest of learning. With the design to change the pathit is necessary to evaluate so that if it takes conscience of the errors that ifcommit and the true potentialities of this model of education. The intentionof this dissertation was to elaborate an evaluation of curricularpart of the Master’s in Multimedia in Education 2002/2004, that it elapsed in the University of Aveiro and, with base in this work, to consider a referential for theevaluation of after-graduation eventsthat use a model of education based on technologies eLearning. The evaluation of the Master’s appears of the necessity to survey which the real impact of the model of used education, therefore in Portugal a after-graduation course was teach for the first time on the basis of technological supports, that the student and teachers allowed to the construction ofknowledge without the permanent necessity of the physical presence in aclassroom. To make possible this evaluation was necessary to construct a referential contend aspects that had influenced in the teaching/apprenticeship process. The study it was realize having in account the perception of the intervenient,that it was collected through questionnaire, and the analysis of the registers of the platform,that it supported, in technological terms, the majority of thecommunications trough Internet. To evaluate it is basic to know what if it intends to analyze, therefore to long ofthis project was elaborated a referential that supports the evaluation process all. Its categories are the following ones: profile of the students, attitudes ofintervenient, model of learning, pedagogy, technology, logistic aspects, and global appreciation. To specify each category some dimensions had been delineated, which,for its time, had been observed from a set of indicators. This dissertation has the pretension to offer to a tool for all those that of someform intervene with the education process online, making possible the taking of conscience of the critical aspects that must be weighed in the entire educativeevents.
Numa sociedade cada vez mais permeada pelo desenvolvimento científicotecnológico emerge o reconhecimento da importância da Educação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS). Neste sentido, investigações estão a ser produzidas sobre a relação existente entre as concepções dos professores sobre CTS e suas práticas de ensino, mas os resultados são controversos. Assim, o presente estudo procurou contribuir para compreensão da relação entre as concepções sobre CTS e as práticas didáctico-pedagógicas desenvolvidas por professores de uma escola portuguesa considerada inovadora. Através de um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa, a investigação envolveu dois professores que trabalham com alunos do 3º ao 6º ano de escolaridade e utilizou diversas técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados. As concepções sobre CTS foram levantadas com a aplicação do questionário VOSTS “Views on Science-Technology-Society” (versão portuguesa adaptada por Canavarro, 2000). As práticas didáctico-pedagógicas dos professores caracterizaram-se com o apoio do “Instrumento de Caracterização das Práticas Pedagógico-Didácticas CTS” (Vieira, 2003) e do registo das observações das aulas dos professores através do Diário do Investigador e de áudio-gravações. O processo de análise dos dados aponta para concepções ingénuas sobre CTS dos professores, onde a Ciência e a Tecnologia foi vista como, por exemplo, “domínios interligados que nem sempre repercutem na sociedade”. Relativamente às práticas didáctico-pedagógicas, evidencia-se um ensino que valoriza o conhecimento e, embora inserido num contexto sócio-construtivista de Escola, este não contempla explicitamente uma orientação CTS. Sobre a relação entre as concepções sobre CTS dos professores e suas práticas didáctico-pedagógicas implementadas no ensino de Ciências, os resultados obtidos não permitem estabelecer conclusivamente uma relação ou a ausência dela. Contudo, os resultados trazem contributos, ainda que modestos, para a compreensão desta questão e salientam a complexidade da problemática abordada. Quanto ao contexto escolar inovador em que se realizou a investigação, os resultados apontam algumas divergências entre a proposta teórica do projecto pedagógico e as práticas implementadas em sala de aula. Portanto, uma proposta pedagógica que apresenta potenciais para um ensino com orientação CTS não se consolida se os professores não forem preparados para explorar este potencial. Salienta-se, assim, a necessidade de formação inicial e continuada de professores no Ensino das Ciências com Orientação CTS. ABSTRACT: In one society more and more promoted by scientific and technological development emerges the recognition of the importance of the Science, Society, and Technology (STS) in our Education. In these sense, investigations are being follow up about the existing relation between the conceptions of the teachers about STS and their practices in education, but the results are controversial. Thus, the present study it looked forward to contribute for the knowledge of relations between the conceptions of STS and their didacticpedagogical issues developed by teachers of one portuguese school considered innovative. Through a study of a case, of qualitative nature, an investigation involving two teachers which work with students of the third and sixth year of scholarship and using a broad of diverse techniques and instruments of data acquire. Conceptions about STS where taken in account with the use a questionnaire VOSTS " Views on Science-Technology-Society " (Portuguese version adapted by Canavarro, 2000). The didactic-pedagogical practices used by teachers are characterized by the support of " Instruments of characterization of didacticpedagogical practices STS" (Vieira, 2003) and of the registry of class observations by the teachers through the Investigator Diary as well as audio recordings. The process of analysis of data acquire leads to ingénues conceptions about the STS of the teachers, where Science and Technology was seen as, for example, "inter ligated domains which not always have repercussions in society". Relatively to didactic-pedagogical issues, it is proven that one education that embraces knowledge but insert in a context of socialconstructiveness of School will not contemplate an explicit orientation towards STS. About relation between the conceptions related to STS used by the teachers and their didactic-pedagogical issues implemented in education of Science, the results do not allow to establish a conclusive connection them or the lack of it. However, the results bring modest contributes for the comprehension of these question and they point out the complexity of the topic taken in account. To sum up, in relation to the innovative school context in which the investigation was taken the results lead to some divergences between the theoretical proposal of the pedagogic project and the practices implemented in the school class. So, one pedagogical proposal, which shows potential positive issues for one education STS oriented, does not get consolidated if the teachers are not prepared to explore this issue. It is lined out, the necessity of initial formation and trough life by the teachers in Education of Sciences with orientation to STS.