10 resultados para Micoses Tratamento Teses

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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A integrao das novas tecnologias de informao e comunicao no contexto educativo proporcionou a emergncia de novos cenrios de ensino e aprendizagem onde o EaD online parte integrante. Esta realidade, recentemente implementada na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), demanda que os professores estejam preparados com conhecimentos e competncias para atuarem com sucesso no EaD online. O maior desafio que surge como tornar o professor presencial num professor online efetivo pelo facto de muitos deles desenvolverem atitudes de resistncia em relao ao EaD, permanecendo ligados s formas tradicionais de ensino. O objetivo deste estudo conceber, implementar e avaliar um modelo de desenvolvimento profissional dos professores para o EaD, da UEM, por recurso s novas TIC que possibilite a aquisio de competncias pedaggicas e tecnolgicas para ensinarem em ambientes de ensino e aprendizagem online e integrarem as novas TIC no ensino presencial. Como metodologia, trata-se de um estudo de caso qualitativo, com a unidade de anlise O desenvolvimento profissional do professor para o EaD, baseado no paradigma interpretativo, com uma vertente de investigao-ao. O estudo foi realizado na UEM, Moambique, onde foram analisadas duas aes de formao, na modalidade de blended learning com recurso a uma plataforma LMS denominada Aulanet, e envolveu 16 professores de diferentes reas disciplinares. Os dados foram recolhidos atravs de inquritos por questionrio e entrevista, do dirio e de documentos eletrnicos como mensagens de frum de debate, de chat, de correio interno e do skype. A tcnica de anlise de contedo foi utilizada para o tratamento de dados qualitativos, com suporte do Nvivo8, e os dados quantitativos recorreram ao Excel. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que a insero dos professores num ambiente virtual permitiu mudarem de atitudes em relao ao EaD e s TIC, adoptarem estratgias pedaggicas para lidar com certos aspetos do ensino online e aprenderem a utilizar as ferramentas do EaD de modo apropriado.


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A qualidade da gua degradou-se de forma relevante nas ltimas dcadas e os processos de soro tm vindo a ser investigados como mtodos promissores para o tratamento de guas contaminadas. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a capacidade de dois tipos de cortia para a remoo de diversos contaminantes, em reatores de vaso fechado e de leito fixo. Os ensaios realizados em reatores de vaso fechado permitiram (i) avaliar o efeito do pH e da granulometria na eficincia dos sorventes na remoo de mercrio e (ii) avaliar a afinidade dos sorventes para outros contaminantes, nomeadamente arsnio, cdmio, nquel e chumbo. Estruturalmente as duas cortias estudadas aparentam ser semelhantes, com uma pequena diferena de comportamento cido-base e no apresentam diferenas estatisticamente significativas na remoo de mercrio. Os resultados obtidos permitiram constatar que o processo de remoo independente do pH, tendo-se obtido percentagens de remoo da ordem dos 80% e de concentraes de mercrio na cortia na ordem dos 117 g/g. As cortias estudadas revelaram-se menos eficazes no tratamento de gua com os restantes contaminantes, atingindo percentagens de remoo mximas de 0% para As, 11% para Cd, 35% para Ni e 69% para Pb. Os ensaios em leito fixo, mesmo sem terem sido otimizados, revelam que possvel obter uma eficcia de remoo de mercrio superior a 90% nas primeiras 40 horas de trabalho, sendo a concentrao de mercrio no leito de 680 g/g. Relativamente aos mecanismos de soro, os resultados experimentais indicam que estes so possivelmente de natureza qumica e que as interaes eletrostticas tm pouca importncia.


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Strong and sometimes extreme responses in runoff and soil erosion following wildfires have been reported worldwide. However, in the case of North-Central Portugal, little research had been carried out regarding the hydrologic and erosive impacts of several land management activities in recently burnt areas (such as ground preparation, post-fire logging or post-fire mitigation treatments). This study aims to assess post-fire runoff and soil erosion response on Eucalypt and Maritime pine plantations during the first, second and third years following wildfires. The effect of several pre-fire ground preparation operations (ploughed down-slope, contour ploughed and inclined terraces), post-fire logging activities (on both the eucalypt and pine plantations), as well as the application of hydromulch (a post-fire emergency treatment) on overland flow and soil erosion were compared to burnt but undisturbed and untreated areas. The intensive monitoring of runoff, soil erosion and selected soil properties served to determine the main factors involved in post-fire runoff and soil erosion and their spatial and temporal variation. Soil water repellency deserved special attention, due to its supposed important role for overland flow generation. Repeated rainfall simulation experiments (RSEs), micro-scale runoff plots and bounded sediment fences were carried out and/or installed immediately after the wildfire on seven burnt slopes. Micro-scale runoff plots results under natural rainfall conditions were also compared to the RSEs results, which was useful for assessing the representativeness of the data obtained with artificial rainfall. The results showed comparable runoff coefficient (20-60%) but lower sediment losses (125-1000 g m-2) than prior studies in Portugal, but especially outside Portugal. Lower sediment losses were related with the historic intensive land use in the area. In evaluating these losses, however, the shallowness and stoniness of the soils, as well as the high organic matter fraction of the eroded sediments (50%) must not be overlooked. Sediment limited erosion was measured in all the ploughed sites, probably due to the time since ploughing (several years). The disturbance of the soil surface cover due to post-fire logging and wood extraction substantially increased sediment losses at both the pine and eucalypt sites. Hydromulch effectiveness in reducing the runoff (70%) and sediment losses (83%) was attributed to the protective high coverage provided by hydromulch. The hydromulch significantly affected the soil cover and other soil properties and these changes also reduced the soil erosion risk. The rainfall amount was the main factor explaining the variance in runoff. However, a shift from rainfall amount to rainfall intensity was detected when either the surface cover or the infiltration capacity (hydrophilic conditions) increased. Sediment losses were controlled by rainfall intensity and surface cover. The role of soil water repellency on runoff generation was not consistent; the overall repellency levels alone were not enough to assess its hydrological impact. Soil water repellency explained runoff generation in the specific-sites model better than in the overall model. Additionally, soil moisture content was a better predictor for soil water repellency than antecedent rainfall. The natural rainfall results confirmed that RSEs were able to capture the specific sediment losses and its organic matter content as well as the differences between the ploughed and unploughed sites. Repeated RSEs also captured the seasonal variations in runoff and sediment losses attributed to soil water repellency. These results have implications for post-fire soil erosion modelling and soil conservation practices in the region, or areas with the same land use, climate and soil characteristics. The measured sediment loss, as well as the increasing frequency of ploughing in recently burnt and unburnt eucalypt stands, suggests ploughing is not an effective as a soil conservation measure. Logging activities with less impact are recommended in order to maintain the forest litter protecting the soil surface. Due to its high effectiveness in reducing runoff and soil erosion, hydromulch is recommended for highly sensitive and vulnerable areas.


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This study aims to measure the effectiveness of four post-fire emergency techniques for reducing overland flow and soil erosion on the central-Portugal typical forest. The selection and development of these techniques was based on the review of the scientific background, but specially after checking throughout field rainfall simulation experiments which factors were the key for runoff and soil erosion on the specific case of high repellent soils. The forest residue mulch, a new treatment never tested before, was highly effective in reducing runoff and soil erosion in recently burnt eucalypt forest. The logging slash mulch had no obvious effect, but it was attributed to the small amounts of runoff and sediments that the untreated plots produced due to the extensive needle cast following a low severity fire. The hydromulch, a mixture of water, organic fibres, seeds, nutrients and a surfactant used in cutted slopes rehabilitation was also highly successful and was specially indicated for especially sensible areas. The utilization of polyacrylamides, a chemical agent with good performance in agricultural erosion, was not successful in post-fire runoff and soil erosion control, once that did not alter the most important key factor for soil erosion: the ground cover. The development of a new fibre optic turbidity sensor was a successful development on the soil erosion determination methodology, and its patent is being processed in the mean time.


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Vitis vinifera L., the most widely cultivated fruit crop in the world, was the starting point for the development of this PhD thesis. This subject was exploited following on two actual trends: i) the development of rapid, simple, and high sensitive methodologies with minimal sample handling; and ii) the valuation of natural products as a source of compounds with potential health benefits. The target group of compounds under study were the volatile terpenoids (mono and sesquiterpenoids) and C13 norisoprenoids, since they may present biological impact, either from the sensorial point of view, as regards to the wine aroma, or by the beneficial properties for the human health. Two novel methodologies for quantification of C13 norisoprenoids in wines were developed. The first methodology, a rapid method, was based on the headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry operating at selected ion monitoring mode (HS-SPME/GC-qMS-SIM), using GC conditions that allowed obtaining a C13 norisoprenoid volatile signature. It does not require any pre-treatment of the sample, and the C13 norisoprenoid composition of the wine was evaluated based on the chromatographic profile and specific m/z fragments, without complete chromatographic separation of its components. The second methodology, used as reference method, was based on the HS-SPME/GC-qMS-SIM, allowing the GC conditions for an adequate chromatographic resolution of wine components. For quantification purposes, external calibration curves were constructed with -ionone, with regression coefficient (r2) of 0.9968 (RSD 12.51 %) and 0.9940 (RSD of 1.08 %) for the rapid method and for the reference method, respectively. Low detection limits (1.57 and 1.10 g L-1) were observed. These methodologies were applied to seventeen white and red table wines. Two vitispirane isomers (158-1529 L-1) and 1,1,6-trimethyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene (TDN) (6.42-39.45 g L-1) were quantified. The data obtained for vitispirane isomers and TDN using the two methods were highly correlated (r2 of 0.9756 and 0.9630, respectively). A rapid methodology for the establishment of the varietal volatile profile of Vitis vinifera L. cv. 'Ferno-Pires' (FP) white wines by headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GCxGC-TOFMS) was developed. Monovarietal wines from different harvests, Appellations, and producers were analysed. The study was focused on the volatiles that seem to be significant to the varietal character, such as mono and sesquiterpenic compounds, and C13 norisoprenoids. Two-dimensional chromatographic spaces containing the varietal compounds using the m/z fragments 93, 121, 161, 175 and 204 were established as follows: 1tR = 255-575 s, 2tR = 0,424-1,840 s, for monoterpenoids, 1tR = 555-685 s, 2tR = 0,528-0,856 s, for C13 norisoprenoids, and 1tR = 695-950 s, 2tR = 0,520-0,960 s, for sesquiterpenic compounds. For the three chemical groups under study, from a total of 170 compounds, 45 were determined in all wines, allowing defining the "varietal volatile profile" of FP wine. Among these compounds, 15 were detected for the first time in FP wines. This study proposes a HS-SPME/GCxGC-TOFMS based methodology combined with classification-reference sample to be used for rapid assessment of varietal volatile profile of wines. This approach is very useful to eliminate the majority of the non-terpenic and non-C13 norisoprenic compounds, allowing the definition of a two-dimensional chromatographic space containing these compounds, simplifying the data compared to the original data, and reducing the time of analysis. The presence of sesquiterpenic compounds in Vitis vinifera L. related products, to which are assigned several biological properties, prompted us to investigate the antioxidant, antiproliferative and hepatoprotective activities of some sesquiterpenic compounds. Firstly, the antiradical capacity of trans,trans-farnesol, cis-nerolidol, -humulene and guaiazulene was evaluated using chemical (DPPH and hydroxyl radicals) and biological (Caco-2 cells) models. Guaiazulene (IC50= 0.73 mM) was the sesquiterpene with higher scavenger capacity against DPPH, while trans,trans-farnesol (IC50= 1.81 mM) and cis-nerolidol (IC50= 1.48 mM) were more active towards hydroxyl radicals. All compounds, with the exception of -humulene, at non-cytotoxic levels ( 1 mM), were able to protect Caco-2 cells from oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide. The activity of the compounds under study was also evaluated as antiproliferative agents. Guaiazulene and cis-nerolidol were able to more effectively arrest the cell cycle in the S-phase than trans,trans-farnesol and -humulene, being the last almost inactive. The relative hepatoprotection effect of fifteen sesquiterpenic compounds, presenting different chemical structures and commonly found in plants and plant-derived foods and beverages, was assessed. Endogenous lipid peroxidation and induced lipid peroxidation with tert-butyl hydroperoxide were evaluated in liver homogenates from Wistar rats. With the exception of -humulene, all the sesquiterpenic compounds under study (1 mM) were effective in reducing the malonaldehyde levels in both endogenous and induced lipid peroxidation up to 35% and 70%, respectively. The developed 3D-QSAR models, relating the hepatoprotection activity with molecular properties, showed good fit (R2LOO > 0.819) with good prediction power (Q2 > 0.950 and SDEP < 2%) for both models. A network of effects associated with structural and chemical features of sesquiterpenic compounds such as shape, branching, symmetry, and presence of electronegative fragments, can modulate the hepatoprotective activity observed for these compounds. In conclusion, this study allowed the development of rapid and in-depth methods for the assessment of varietal volatile compounds that might have a positive impact on sensorial and health attributes related to Vitis vinifera L. These approaches can be extended to the analysis of other related food matrices, including grapes and musts, among others. In addition, the results of in vitro assays open a perspective for the promising use of the sesquiterpenic compounds, with similar chemical structures such as those studied in the present work, as antioxidants, hepatoprotective and antiproliferative agents, which meets the current challenges related to diseases of modern civilization.


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Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo estudar e modificar as propriedades funcionais das protenas de soja de forma a otimizar e diversificar a sua aplicao industrial. Para tal, foram propostas e estudadas quatro estratgias: i) extrao do isolado de protenas de soja (IPS) a partir de diferentes matrias-primas, ii) adio de galactomananas (GM) com graus de ramificao e massas moleculares diferentes, iii) hidrlise enzimtica controlada das protenas de soja, iv) processamento por alta presso hidrosttica. O estudo e a interpretao da influncia destas estratgias sobre as propriedades funcionais das protenas de soja, nomeadamente, na capacidade gelificante e emulsionante, foram realizados recorrendo fundamentalmente a ensaios reolgicos dinmicos a baixas deformao, espectroscopia de infravermelho, electroforeses, calorimetria diferencial de varrimento e ensaios de microscopia confocal de varrimento laser. O estudo da extrao e caracterizao dos isolados de protenas de soja obtidos a partir de diferentes matrias-primas permitiu concluir que as caratersticas fsico-qumicas dos isolados so dependentes da origem da matria-prima de extrao e da severidade dos tratamentos industriais prvios extrao do isolado. Contudo, as propriedades viscoelsticas dos gis obtidos por aquecimento controlado no foram significativamente distintas embora tenha sido possvel relacionar o grau de agregao com a diminuio da temperatura de gelificao e com o aumento inicial dos mdulos viscoelsticos. As alteraes sofridas pelos isolados de origem comercial mostraram ser irreversveis resultando em gis menos rgidos e com maior carter viscoso. A adio de galactomanana alterou significativamente o mecanismo de gelificao induzido termicamente das protenas de soja, bem como as propriedades viscoelsticas dos gis e a microestrutura dos gis, demonstrando-se a ocorrncia de separao de fases, em virtude da incompatibilidade termodinmica entre os biopolmeros, resultando em gis mais rgidos e no decrscimo da temperatura de gelificao. A extenso destas alteraes foi dependente da massa molecular, grau de ramificao e da razo IPS/GM. O efeito da hidrlise enzimtica por ao da bromelina, nas propriedades gelificantes e emulsionantes das protenas de soja, mostrou ser dependente do grau de hidrlise (GH). Valores de GH inferiores a 15 % melhoraram as propriedades gelificantes das protenas de soja. Por outro lado, o aumento do GH teve um efeito negativo nas propriedades emulsionantes, o qual foi atenuado por adio da goma de alfarroba, com efeito positivo na gelificao das protenas de soja. A concentrao crtica limite de compatibilidade entre os hidrolisados de protena de soja e a goma de alfarroba aumentou com o decrscimo do GH e da massa molecular do polissacacrdeo. O efeito da AP sobre as propriedades fsico-qumicas e funcionais dos IPS foi influenciado pela origem do isolado e pelas condies de tratamento. O processamento at 100 MPa desencadeou um aumento da atividade emulsionante e considervel melhoria da capacidade gelificante. Contudo, valores de presso superiores promoveram a desnaturao das protenas constituintes dos isolados, resultando no decrscimo da temperatura de gelificao e numa re-associao das subunidades proteicas, diminuindo a elasticidade dos gis finais. Os resultados sugeriram que as alteraes nas protenas de soja promovidas durante o tratamento por AP constituem um fator limitante para o desdobramento e re-associao durante o aquecimento trmico, necessrios para a formao e fortalecimento de gel formado. O processamento por AP influenciou a estrutura secundria e a microestrutura das amostras. A presena de GA teve um papel baroprotetor. Assim, com este trabalho demonstrou-se que com as estratgias seguidas para manipulao das propriedades funcionais de protenas de soja, nomeadamente atravs da adio de um polissacardeo com propriedades estruturais controladas, da adequada combinao da adio de um polissacardeo neutro com a hidrlise controlada das protenas ou com tratamento por alta presso, possvel a criao de novas funcionalidades, com utilidade no desenvolvimento de novas formulaes alimentares, permitindo expandir a aplicao destas protenas vegetais.


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Alzheimers disease is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease and is the most common form of dementia (estimated 5060% of all cases), associated with loss of memory (in particular episodic memory), cognitive decline, and behavioural and physical disability, ultimately leading to death. Alzheimers disease is a complex disease, mostly occurring sporadically with no apparent inheritance and being the age the main risk factor. The production and accumulation of amyloid-beta peptide in the central nervous system is a key event in the development of Alzheimers disease. This project is devoted to the synthesis of amyloid-beta ligands, fluorophores and blood brain barrier-transporters for diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimers disease. Different amyloid-beta ligands will be synthesized and their ability to interact with amyloid-beta plaques will be studied with nuclear magnetic resonance techniques and a process of lead optimization will be performed. Many natural and synthetic compounds able to interact as amyloid-beta ligands have been identified. Among them, a set of small molecules in which aromatic moieties seem to play a key role to inhibit amyloid-beta aggregation, in particular heteroaromatic polycyclic compounds such as tetracyclines. Nevertheless tetracyclines suffer from chemical instability, low water solubility and possess, in this contest, undesired anti-bacterial activity. In order to overcome these limitations, one of our goals is to synthesize tetracyclines analogues bearing a polycyclic structure with improved chemical stability and water solubility, possibly lacking antibacterial activity but conserving the ability to interact with amyloid-beta peptides. Known tetracyclines have in common a fourth cycle without an aromatic character and with different functionalisations. We aim to synthesize derivatives in which this cycle is represented by a sugar moiety, thus bearing different derivatisable positions or create derivatives in which we will increase or decrease the number of fused rings. In order to generate a potential drug-tool candidate, these molecules should also possess the correct chemical-physical characteristics. The glycidic moiety, not being directly involved in the binding, it assures further possible derivatizations, such as conjugation to others molecular entities (nanoparticles, polymeric supports, etc.), and functionalization with chemical groups able to modulate the hydro/lipophilicity. In order to be useful such compounds should perform their action within the brain, therefore they have to be able to cross the blood brain barrier, and to be somehow detected for diagnostic purposes.


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Estrogens, such as 17-estradiol (E2) are essential for normal growth and differentiation of the mammary gland. There are two estrogen receptors (ERs), ER and ER which are ligand activated transcription factors. ER stimulates proliferation and is the single most powerful predictor of breast cancer prognosis and since 70% of breast cancers express ER, strategies to block this receptor are the primary breast cancer treatment. Unlike ER, the role of ER in breast cancer and its potential as alternative therapeutic target remains controversial, mainly due to the lack of correlation between results obtained in vitro and epidemiological studies. The aim of this thesis was to increase our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of estrogen signaling in normal and cancerous cells, in different cellular contexts and with focus on ER. In Paper I we characterized the effect of the flavone PD098059 - which is a commonly used MEK1 inhibitor - on activation of transcription by ER and ER. We found that the estrogenic effect of PD098059 is dose dependent in concentrations ranging from 1 10 M and that activation of transcription by ER is suppressed by the inhibitory effect of PD98059 on MEK1 at concentrations above 50 M. In agreement with its flavone nature, PD098059 had a much stronger effect on ER than on ER transcriptional activity. Therefore, use of this compound for the study of signalling events in cells expressing ER should be carefully considered. In Paper II we assessed the effect of ER agonists in vivo and administered under different conditions in vitro. In basal conditions, ER induced apoptosis; however, in vivo ER agonists stimulated proliferation and inhibited apoptosis. In vivo effects were reproduced in culture, by activation of MAPK/ERK pathway with epidermal growth factor or basement membrane extract. In addition, insulin signalling and PI3-K/AKT activation was necessary for stimulation of proliferation. These results suggest that the cellular context modulates ER activity. Manuscript presents preliminary work aimed at the set-up of a methodological strategy to isolate ERs and to identify interacting proteins in different cellular contexts and which could modulate the bi-phased effects of ER in cell growth. In conclusion, the studies presented in this thesis contribute to clarify the apparent contradictory information regarding ER function in normal and cancerous mammary epithelium and suggest that the cellular context should be considered when ER effects are studied.


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A informao inerente aos medicamentos no processo de medicao e prescrio tem revelado insuficincias relativamente s necessidades do utilizador. Este projecto aborda essas dificuldades e procura contribuir, atravs do design e avaliao de pictogramas farmacuticos, para um melhor acesso das pessoas informao, oral e escrita, prestada por mdicos, farmacuticos e pela literatura inclusa dos medicamentos. Verificmos que, nos ltimos 40 anos, se desenvolveram quase mil representaes grficas, provenientes de 20 pases, sobre mensagens relativas a perigos, precaues e informaes de como tomar o medicamento. Com base nesse conjunto mundial colectado, to alargado e diversificado, procedeu-se analise, agrupamento e comparao dessas representaes com vista a apurar a diversidade grfica e escrita das 75 mensagens farmacuticas identificadas nesta investigao. Foi seguidamente consultada uma centena de profissionais de sade dentro da rea farmacutica para seleco e definio da informao a ser projectada em pictogramas. Algumas das mensagens seleccionadas foram, por ordem de importncia: No aplicar nos olhos, No beber lcool enquanto estiver a tomar o medicamento e Guardar no frigorfico. Foi concebido um sistema PictoPharma, bilingue (Portugus e Ingls), composto por 32 pictogramas farmacuticos, com vrias possibilidades cromticas de acordo com as diversas aplicaes para suportes de impresso e ecr (Registo de Propriedade Industrial marca e design). Embora o sistema projectado possa aumentar a capacidade de recordar as informaes importantes pelas pessoas em geral, os pblicos-alvo que mais beneficiaro com o sistema so: pessoas que apresentam especiais dificuldades de leitura - analfabetos, pessoas com nenhum conhecimento ou um conhecimento limitado da lngua; pessoas com dificuldades para relembrar e / ou compreender o tratamento - populao envelhecida, sob mltiplos tratamentos ou com menores capacidades intelectuais; pessoas que no falam a lngua local ou so de uma cultura diferente - estrangeiros, turistas, imigrantes. Foram feitos testes de usabilidade com os pblicos-alvo especficos, de forma a verificar a percentagem de compreenso dos pictogramas, sem a respectiva legenda e de acordo com as normas internacionais de normalizao. Os resultados dos testes indicaram que metade do sistema atingiu os 100% de compreenso e a outra metade atingiu mais de 88%. O sistema PictoPharma criado caracteriza-se: pelo design grfico no seu contraste visual e na possibilidade de leitura numa escala reduzida; pelo conceito de familiaridade grfica representada no seu conjunto, de forma a tornar os pictogramas mais facilmente memorizveis; pelo estudo feito para minimizar especificidades culturais visuais; pelas diversas aplicaes possveis na indstria; pelas direces que aponta para futuras investigaes sobre as escolhas visuais culturais inerentes a um projecto de design com este.


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Este trabalho abordou a valorizao de um subproduto da indstria de lacticnios (soro de queijo) atravs da alterao do funcionamento de processos habitualmente utilizados no contexto do tratamento biolgico. Foi avaliada a fermentao acidognica deste subproduto para maximizar a converso do seu elevado teor de matria orgnica em cidos orgnicos volteis (AOV) que actualmente so produtos com elevada procura, nomeadamente para produo de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA). Em ensaios descontnuos e semi-contnuos foi caracterizada a produo e composio de AOV a partir de soro de queijo variando a razo food-to-microorganism (F/M) e a concentrao de alcalinidade. Recorrendo modelao dos resultados atravs de superfcies de resposta, demonstrou-se que condies de F/M = 4 gCQO g-1SSV combinadas com uma adio elevada de alcalinidade (8 g L-1 expresso como CaCO3) resultaram na converso de 72% da CQO alimentada em AOV. O acetato e o butirato foram os AOV predominantes (60%), mas elevadas razes F/M combinadas com elevadas alcalinidades promoveram o alongamento da cadeia carboxlica, tendo sido produzidos AOV de maior massa molecular (iso-valerato e n-caproato). O processo de fermentao acidognica foi posteriormente desenvolvido em modo contnuo num reactor MBBR acidognico operado a longo prazo. Cargas orgnicas entre 30 e 50 gCQO L-1d-1 permitiram obter um grau de acidificao mximo de 68% no efluente fermentado. Foi ainda demonstrado que uma adio dinmica de alcalinidade (0 4,8 g CaCO3 L-1) nestas condies estimulou a produo de AOV de cadeia mpar (propionato e n-valerato) at 42%. O efluente acidificado no processo anaerbio foi usado como substrato em reactores SBR operados para seleco de culturas microbianas mistas acumuladoras de PHA, nos quais foi aplicado um regime de alimentao dinmica em condies aerbias (fartura-fome). Estes sistemas operaram tambm a longo prazo, e demonstraram ser capazes de remover mais de 96% da CQO alimentada e simultaneamente convert-la em PHA, at 36% do peso celular seco. A velocidade de remoo de substrato (valor mximo de 1,33 gCQO g-1SSV h-1) foi proporcional ao teor de polmero acumulado, evidenciando o estabelecimento de uma fase de fome prolongada que estimulou a seleco de microrganismos com elevada capacidade de acumulao de PHA. Alm disso, o teor molar de hidroxivalerato (HV) no copolmero produzido [P(HB-co-HV)] foi directamente proporcional ao teor de AOV de cadeia mpar (propionato e n-valerato) presente no soro fermentado que serviu de substrato. Uma estratgia de operao do reactor SBR com variao da carga orgnica, aliada ao regime fartura-fome estabelecido, permitiu ainda simular a realidade dos processos de tratamento biolgico de efluentes, nos quais a composio e concentrao inicial de matria orgnica variam frequentemente. Este modo de operao do sistema estimulou notavelmente o processo de seleco de culturas acumuladoras de PHA tendo resultado num aumento da acumulao de PHA de 7% para 36%. Os resultados demonstraram com sucesso a possibilidade de valorizao do soro de queijo atravs de eco-biotecnologia, contribuindo para uma mudana de paradigma no tratamento convencional de efluentes: ao invs de serem eliminados enquanto poluentes, os componentes orgnicos presentes neste subproduto industrial podem assim ser convertidos em materiais de valor acrescentado.