4 resultados para Medical informatics applications
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
In Portugal, there is an old tradition in using clayey materials for therapeutic purposes. They are applied in pelotherapy, at several beaches of the Atlantic coast in the form of clay-sea water mixtures (peloids) to treat skin and rheumatic diseases. During many generations, peloids have been applied without scienti c studies that prove their therapeutic validity. In the last decade, the Portuguese scienti c community has become increasingly more interested in assessing the properties that make clayey materials suitable for therapeutic purposes. The abundance of clayey formations and the established practices of medical hydrology in our country turned this interest into a new perspective of application. The studied materials include di erent clays (in age and origin) mainly collected from well-known Mesozoic-Cenozoic formations, in some cases outcropping at beaches where empirical applications occur. This thesis focus in the study of silt-clay fraction (< 63 m).To determine their suitability for therapy, compositional, physicochemical, technological, thermal and rheological properties were assessed. Conventional techniques (XRD, XRF and Sedigraph) were used to assess compositional features of silt-clay fraction. Electron microscopy (SEM, VPSEM, HREM) was used to study the micromorphology and composition of clay fraction (< 2 m). Physicochemical properties (cation exchange and speci c surface) were assessed using the Ammonium Acetate and BET methods. Technological properties (plasticity and abrasivity indices) were assessed using the Atterberg limits and Einlehner abrasion tests. Thermal properties (speci c heat and cooling kinetics) were estimated by DSC analysis and cooling tests. Pharmacotechnical tests (compressibility index, sediment volume and Brook eld viscosity) were used to assess the powder owability as well as the physical stability and viscosity of clay-water dispersions. We selected as suitable Portuguese clays for health applications the samples A-Pe, A-Be2, A-Sd, J-Fr , M-To, C-Lu1, C-Lu2, Pl-Ba, M-Ga and J-Ab because they represent safe materials, with an adequate composition, good technological, physicochemical and thermal properties for application, also presenting an adequate rheology when dispersed in water. Their most relevant characteristics are the high clay minerals content, abundant smectite, illite and kaolinite, and safe hazardous concentrations. They also showed moderate capacity to exchange Ca 2+, high plasticity, low abrasivity, high speci c heat and slow cooling kinetics. They evidenced fair powder owability and good potential to formulate viscous dispersions when stabilized. Because the majority of the assessed characteristics are in accordance with those presented by clays applied in European spas for pelotherapy, we considered this group of clays also suitable for medical hydrology treatments in Portuguese spas.
The electronic storage of medical patient data is becoming a daily experience in most of the practices and hospitals worldwide. However, much of the data available is in free-form text, a convenient way of expressing concepts and events, but especially challenging if one wants to perform automatic searches, summarization or statistical analysis. Information Extraction can relieve some of these problems by offering a semantically informed interpretation and abstraction of the texts. MedInX, the Medical Information eXtraction system presented in this document, is the first information extraction system developed to process textual clinical discharge records written in Portuguese. The main goal of the system is to improve access to the information locked up in unstructured text, and, consequently, the efficiency of the health care process, by allowing faster and reliable access to quality information on health, for both patient and health professionals. MedInX components are based on Natural Language Processing principles, and provide several mechanisms to read, process and utilize external resources, such as terminologies and ontologies, in the process of automatic mapping of free text reports onto a structured representation. However, the flexible and scalable architecture of the system, also allowed its application to the task of Named Entity Recognition on a shared evaluation contest focused on Portuguese general domain free-form texts. The evaluation of the system on a set of authentic hospital discharge letters indicates that the system performs with 95% F-measure, on the task of entity recognition, and 95% precision on the task of relation extraction. Example applications, demonstrating the use of MedInX capabilities in real applications in the hospital setting, are also presented in this document. These applications were designed to answer common clinical problems related with the automatic coding of diagnoses and other health-related conditions described in the documents, according to the international classification systems ICD-9-CM and ICF. The automatic review of the content and completeness of the documents is an example of another developed application, denominated MedInX Clinical Audit system.
A exigente inovação na área das aplicações biomédicas tem guiado a evolução das tecnologias de informação nas últimas décadas. Os desafios associados a uma gestão, integração, análise e interpretação eficientes dos dados provenientes das mais modernas tecnologias de hardware e software requerem um esforço concertado. Desde hardware para sequenciação de genes a registos electrónicos de paciente, passando por pesquisa de fármacos, a possibilidade de explorar com precisão os dados destes ambientes é vital para a compreensão da saúde humana. Esta tese engloba a discussão e o desenvolvimento de melhores estratégias informáticas para ultrapassar estes desafios, principalmente no contexto da composição de serviços, incluindo técnicas flexíveis de integração de dados, como warehousing ou federação, e técnicas avançadas de interoperabilidade, como serviços web ou LinkedData. A composição de serviços é apresentada como um ideal genérico, direcionado para a integração de dados e para a interoperabilidade de software. Relativamente a esta última, esta investigação debruçou-se sobre o campo da farmacovigilância, no contexto do projeto Europeu EU-ADR. As contribuições para este projeto, um novo standard de interoperabilidade e um motor de execução de workflows, sustentam a sucesso da EU-ADR Web Platform, uma plataforma para realizar estudos avançados de farmacovigilância. No contexto do projeto Europeu GEN2PHEN, esta investigação visou ultrapassar os desafios associados à integração de dados distribuídos e heterogéneos no campo do varíoma humano. Foi criada uma nova solução, WAVe - Web Analyses of the Variome, que fornece uma coleção rica de dados de variação genética através de uma interface Web inovadora e de uma API avançada. O desenvolvimento destas estratégias evidenciou duas oportunidades claras na área de software biomédico: melhorar o processo de implementação de software através do recurso a técnicas de desenvolvimento rápidas e aperfeiçoar a qualidade e disponibilidade dos dados através da adopção do paradigma de web semântica. A plataforma COEUS atravessa as fronteiras de integração e interoperabilidade, fornecendo metodologias para a aquisição e tradução flexíveis de dados, bem como uma camada de serviços interoperáveis para explorar semanticamente os dados agregados. Combinando as técnicas de desenvolvimento rápidas com a riqueza da perspectiva "Semantic Web in a box", a plataforma COEUS é uma aproximação pioneira, permitindo o desenvolvimento da próxima geração de aplicações biomédicas.
COMPASS is an experiment at CERN’s SPS whose goal is to study hadron structure and spectroscopy. The experiment includes a wide acceptance RICH detector, operating since 2001 and subject to a major upgrade of the central region of its photodetectors in 2006. The remaining 75% of the photodetection area are still using MWPCs from the original design, who suffer from limitations in gain due to aging of the photocathodes from ion bombardment and due to ion-induced instabilities. Besides the mentioned limitations, the increased luminosity conditions expected for the upcoming years of the experiment make an upgrade to the remaining detectors pertinent. This upgrade should be accomplished in 2016, using hybrid detectors composed of ThGEMs and MICROMEGAS. This work presents the study, development and characterization of gaseous photon detectors envisaging the foreseen upgrade, and the progress in production and evaluation techniques necessary to reach increasingly larger area detectors with the performances required. It includes reports on the studies performed under particle beam environment of such detectors. MPGD structures can also be used in a variety of other applications, of which nuclear medical imaging is a notorious example. This work includes, additionally, the initial steps in simulating, assembling and characterizing a prototype of a gaseous detector for application as a Compton Camera.