7 resultados para LEVERAGE

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivos a identificação de uma estratégia e o desenvolvimento de um modelo que permita às operadoras de telecomunicações a sua sustentabilidade, bem como a identificação de caminhos para a adaptação a uma realidade sempre em mudança como é a da indústria das telecomunicações. Numa primeira parte do trabalho elaborou-se uma revisão de literatura do atual estado da arte das principais estratégias relevantes e com aplicação à indústria de telecomunicações. A pesquisa realizada investigou a estrutura atual da indústria de telecomunicações e o estado da competitividade das operadoras de telecomunicações. Dos resultados desta foi possível constatar uma evolução constante da tecnologia e dos modelos de negócio neste ecossistema, assim como a presença de uma pressão concorrencial significativa exercida sobre as operadoras, quer por parte das empresas já existentes no mercado quer por parte das emergentes. As operadoras têm de transformar o seu modelo de rede e de negócios para se adaptarem às mudanças e às tendências da indústria e do mercado. Com base na revisão de literatura, elegeu-se a metodologia baseada num inquérito de pesquisa empírica para aferir o estado da indústria e derivar as estratégias possíveis. Este inquérito foi efetuado a especialistas da área de telecomunicações de diferentes subsectores e países para abordar todos os elementos estratégicos do modelo de negócio futuro. Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que as empresas que operam no mercado da Internet (Over The Top - OTT) representam a maior ameaça sobre o futuro dos operadores de telecomunicações. Os operadores só vão conseguir responder através da modernização de sua rede, melhorando a qualidade, reduzindo o custo global, e investindo em produtos inovadores e diferenciados e em serviços. Os resultados do inquérito revelam-se de acordo com os pressupostos da Blue Ocean Strategy. A aplicabilidade da Blue Ocean Strategy foi aprofundada permitindo concluir que o valor inovador obtido simultaneamente através da redução de custos e da diferenciação permitem aumentar as vantagens dos operadores existentes em termos das infra-estruturas físicas detidas e das relações estabelecidas com os clientes. O caso particular da fibra óptica até casa (FTTH) foi considerado como aplicação da Blue Ocean Strategy a uma nova tecnologia que as operadoras podem implementar para criar novas soluções e abrir segmentos de mercado inexplorados. Os resultados do inquérito e da investigação realizada à aplicação da Blue Ocean Strategy foram combinados para propor um novo modelo de negócio para as operadoras de telecomunicações que lhes permite, não só responder aos desafios existentes, mas, também, ter uma melhor posição competitiva no futuro. Foi, ainda, realizado um estudo de caso que destacou como a Verizon Communications foi capaz de transformar a sua rede e o modelo de negócio em resposta ao aumento da pressão competitiva. Através do valor da inovação transferida aos seus clientes, a Verizon foi capaz de aumentar significativamente as suas receitas e satisfação do cliente.


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The expectations of citizens from the Information Technologies (ITs) are increasing as the ITs have become integral part of our society, serving all kinds of activities whether professional, leisure, safety-critical applications or business. Hence, the limitations of the traditional network designs to provide innovative and enhanced services and applications motivated a consensus to integrate all services over packet switching infrastructures, using the Internet Protocol, so as to leverage flexible control and economical benefits in the Next Generation Networks (NGNs). However, the Internet is not capable of treating services differently while each service has its own requirements (e.g., Quality of Service - QoS). Therefore, the need for more evolved forms of communications has driven to radical changes of architectural and layering designs which demand appropriate solutions for service admission and network resources control. This Thesis addresses QoS and network control issues, aiming to improve overall control performance in current and future networks which classify services into classes. The Thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, we propose two resource over-reservation algorithms, a Class-based bandwidth Over-Reservation (COR) and an Enhanced COR (ECOR). The over-reservation means reserving more bandwidth than a Class of Service (CoS) needs, so the QoS reservation signalling rate is reduced. COR and ECOR allow for dynamically defining over-reservation parameters for CoSs based on network interfaces resource conditions; they aim to reduce QoS signalling and related overhead without incurring CoS starvation or waste of bandwidth. ECOR differs from COR by allowing for optimizing control overhead minimization. Further, we propose a centralized control mechanism called Advanced Centralization Architecture (ACA), that uses a single state-full Control Decision Point (CDP) which maintains a good view of its underlying network topology and the related links resource statistics on real-time basis to control the overall network. It is very important to mention that, in this Thesis, we use multicast trees as the basis for session transport, not only for group communication purposes, but mainly to pin packets of a session mapped to a tree to follow the desired tree. Our simulation results prove a drastic reduction of QoS control signalling and the related overhead without QoS violation or waste of resources. Besides, we provide a generic-purpose analytical model to assess the impact of various parameters (e.g., link capacity, session dynamics, etc.) that generally challenge resource overprovisioning control. In the second part of this Thesis, we propose a decentralization control mechanism called Advanced Class-based resource OverpRovisioning (ACOR), that aims to achieve better scalability than the ACA approach. ACOR enables multiple CDPs, distributed at network edge, to cooperate and exchange appropriate control data (e.g., trees and bandwidth usage information) such that each CDP is able to maintain a good knowledge of the network topology and the related links resource statistics on real-time basis. From scalability perspective, ACOR cooperation is selective, meaning that control information is exchanged dynamically among only the CDPs which are concerned (correlated). Moreover, the synchronization is carried out through our proposed concept of Virtual Over-Provisioned Resource (VOPR), which is a share of over-reservations of each interface to each tree that uses the interface. Thus, each CDP can process several session requests over a tree without requiring synchronization between the correlated CDPs as long as the VOPR of the tree is not exhausted. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate that aggregate over-reservation control in decentralized scenarios keep low signalling without QoS violations or waste of resources. We also introduced a control signalling protocol called ACOR Protocol (ACOR-P) to support the centralization and decentralization designs in this Thesis. Further, we propose an Extended ACOR (E-ACOR) which aggregates the VOPR of all trees that originate at the same CDP, and more session requests can be processed without synchronization when compared with ACOR. In addition, E-ACOR introduces a mechanism to efficiently track network congestion information to prevent unnecessary synchronization during congestion time when VOPRs would exhaust upon every session request. The performance evaluation through analytical and simulation results proves the superiority of E-ACOR in minimizing overall control signalling overhead while keeping all advantages of ACOR, that is, without incurring QoS violations or waste of resources. The last part of this Thesis includes the Survivable ACOR (SACOR) proposal to support stable operations of the QoS and network control mechanisms in case of failures and recoveries (e.g., of links and nodes). The performance results show flexible survivability characterized by fast convergence time and differentiation of traffic re-routing under efficient resource utilization i.e. without wasting bandwidth. In summary, the QoS and architectural control mechanisms proposed in this Thesis provide efficient and scalable support for network control key sub-systems (e.g., QoS and resource control, traffic engineering, multicasting, etc.), and thus allow for optimizing network overall control performance.


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Desde que surgiu há mais de 50 anos, a televisão sofreu muitas transformações, tanto ao nível tecnológico (por exemplo com a passagem da emissão a preto/branco para cor, o som analógico para digital, a difusão digital) como a nível da sua influência nas sociedades. Entre outros fatores de ordem tecnológica, a consolidação da Internet com o seu elevado nível de personalização, da experiência de utilização, e a sua enorme quantidade de conteúdos disponíveis, catapultou a televisão no sentido de esta se tornar mais interativa. Assim, o telespectador passou a poder usufruir de uma experiência televisiva que pode, por um lado, ser mais participativa, sendo-lhe possível, por exemplo, alvitrar sobre a qualidade de um programa enquanto assiste à sua exibição, e, por outro, ser mais personalizada, possibilitando-lhe, por exemplo, receber conteúdos automaticamente adequados ao seu perfil e contexto. No entanto, esta experiência mais participativa e personalizável carece de uma identificação, idealmente automática e não intrusiva, de quem pode beneficiar da mesma – o telespectador. Contudo, e apesar de significativos avanços na área da televisão interativa, tanto ao nível da infraestrutura de suporte como ao nível dos serviços disponibilizados, a identificação dos utilizadores é, ainda, uma área de estudo com muitos aspetos por compreender. Os seniores, em particular, são grandes consumidores de televisão e representam uma fatia muito considerável das pessoas que podem beneficiar das potencialidades disponibilizadas pela interatividade presente em muitos serviços atuais. Um número crescente destes serviços são desenhados com o objetivo de promoverem um envelhecimento ativo e um concreto apoio à vida, pelo que os seniores podem beneficiar, em vários aspetos do seu quotidiano, se os utilizarem. Nesta faixa etária, a identificação de utilizadores tem, como elemento potenciador da experiência de utilização, um papel especialmente importante ao nível de um aproveitamento personalizado e dirigido destes serviços. No entanto, atendendo às diferentes combinações de características físicas, sensoriais, cognitivas e, mesmo, de literacia digital que tipificam os seniores, perspetivou-se existir uma dependência do perfil do utilizador na seleção do método de identificação mais adequado, os quais podem ser baseados, por exemplo, num leitor de impressões digitais, instalado no telecomando; na leitura de uma wearable tag ou de um cartão RFiD; no reconhecimento da face e, eventualmente, na voz do utilizador. Assim, a inerente investigação desenrolou-se em várias fases, no sentido de permitir alicerçar a construção de uma matriz de decisão tecnológica que, em função do perfil de utilizador, selecione o sistema de identificação mais adequado. O procedimento metodológico inerente à construção desta matriz de decisão, passou por um longo processo envolvendo utilizadores reais, que se iniciou com a realização de entrevistas exploratórias com o objetivo de permitir conhecer melhor os seniores e a forma como estes encaram a tecnologia e, mais concretamente, a televisão interativa. Foi depois implementado um protótipo de alta-fidelidade, completamente funcional, para a realização de testes com o objetivo de perceber qual a preferência relativamente a um subconjunto de tecnologias de identificação. Estes testes, uma vez que não permitiram testar todas as tecnologias em estudo, revelaram-se inconclusivos, porém permitiram reforçar a necessidade de identificar e caracterizar os referidos aspetos do perfil do utilizador que podem interferir na sua preferência relativamente ao sistema de identificação. As características identificadas constituíram-se como os parâmetros de entrada da matriz, sendo que para preencher as respetivas células realizaramse testes de aceitação, com um conjunto de seniores, tendo por base um protótipo, wizard of oz, especificamente implementado para permitir experienciar todas as tecnologias em estudo. Estes testes foram precedidos pela avaliação das capacidades funcionais dos participantes, nos diversos parâmetros definidos. Este texto relata, assim, todo o processo de investigação que foi conduzido, terminando com uma descrição de exemplos de utilização da matriz de decisão implementada e com a identificação de potenciais caminhos de desenvolvimento deste trabalho.


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Este artigo visa identificar os determinantes da liquidez das pequenas e médias empresas (PME) portuguesas, assim como analisar até que ponto estes se alteram quando analisamos períodos de estabilidade ou de recessão financeira. Para tal, recorremos a uma amostra de dados em painel, considerando 4.355 PME, e analisando o período compreendido entre 2002 e 2011. De um modo geral, os resultados confirmam a existência de uma relação significativa entre algumas das variáveis independentes e a liquidez das empresas. Mais especificamente, os resultados evidenciam uma relação positiva entre a dimensão, a rendibilidade e a probabilidade de existência de problemas financeiros, e a liquidez das empresas, bem como uma relação negativa entre o grau de endividamento e a maturidade da dívida, e a liquidez das PME. Os resultados mostram ainda que a liquidez das empresas é afetada em períodos de crise financeira, verificando-se, nomeadamente, uma redução da dívida de curto prazo e um aumento da duração do ciclo de conversão de caixa.


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Over the last years, operations in Pharmaceutical Companies have become more complex, trying to adapt to new demands of the market environment. Overall, the observed change of paradigm requires adapting, mainly by the setting of new priorities, diversification of investments, cost containment strategies, exploring new markets and developping new sets of skills. In this context, new functions have been created, the relevance of some has diminished, and the importance of others has arisen. Amongst these, the medical structure within a Pharmaceutical Company, increased to meet demands, with companies adopting different models to respond to these needs, and becoming a pillar to the business. Assuming the leading role within a medical department, the medical director function often lies in the shadow. It is a key function within Pharma Industry, either on a country or on a Global basis. It has evolved and changed in the past years to meet the constant demands of a changing environment. The Medical Director is a highly skilled and differeniated professional who provides medical and scientific governance within a Pharmaceutical company, since early stages of drug development and up to loss of exclusivity, not only but also by leading a team of other physicians, pharmacists or life scientists whose functions comprise specificities that the medical director needs to understand, provide input to, oversee and lead. As the organization of Pharmaceutical Companies tends to be different, in accordance to values, culture, markets and strategies, the scope of activities of a Medical Director can be broader or may be limited, depending on size of the organization and governance model, but they must fulfil a large set of requirements in order to leverage impact on internal and internal customers. Key technical competencies for medical directors such as an MD degree, a strong clinical foundation, knowledge of drug development, project and team management experience and written and verbal skills are relatively easy to define, but underlying behavioural competencies are more difficult to ascertain, and these are more often the true predictors of success in the role. Beyond seamless proficiency in technical skills, at this level interpersonal skills become far more important, as they are the driver and the distinctive factor between a good and an excelent medical director. And this has impact in the business and in the people doing it.


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Alkali tantalates and niobates, including K(Ta / Nb)O3, Li(Ta / Nb)O3 and Na(Ta / Nb)O3, are a very promising ferroic family of lead-free compounds with perovskite-like structures. Their versatile properties make them potentially interesting for current and future application in microelectronics, photocatalysis, energy and biomedics. Among them potassium tantalate, KTaO3 (KTO), has been raising interest as an alternative for the well-known strontium titanate, SrTiO3 (STO). KTO is a perovskite oxide with a quantum paraelectric behaviour when electrically stimulated and a highly polarizable lattice, giving opportunity to tailor its properties via external or internal stimuli. However problems related with the fabrication of either bulk or 2D nanostructures makes KTO not yet a viable alternative to STO. Within this context and to contribute scientifically to the leverage tantalate based compounds applications, the main goals of this thesis are: i) to produce and characterise thin films of alkali tantalates by chemical solution deposition on rigid Si based substrates, at reduced temperatures to be compatible with Si technology, ii) to fulfil scientific knowledge gaps in these relevant functional materials related to their energetics and ii) to exploit alternative applications for alkali tantalates, as photocatalysis. In what concerns the synthesis attention was given to the understanding of the phase formation in potassium tantalate synthesized via distinct routes, to control the crystallization of desired perovskite structure and to avoid low temperature pyrochlore or K-deficient phases. The phase formation process in alkali tantalates is far from being deeply analysed, as in the case of Pb-containing perovskites, therefore the work was initially focused on the process-phase relationship to identify the driving forces responsible to regulate the synthesis. Comparison of phase formation paths in conventional solid-state reaction and sol-gel method was conducted. The structural analyses revealed that intermediate pyrochlore K2Ta2O6 structure is not formed at any stage of the reaction using conventional solid-state reaction. On the other hand in the solution based processes, as alkoxide-based route, the crystallization of the perovskite occurs through the intermediate pyrochlore phase; at low temperatures pyrochlore is dominant and it is transformed to perovskite at >800 °C. The kinetic analysis carried out by using Johnson-MehlAvrami-Kolmogorow model and quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrated that in sol-gel derived powders the crystallization occurs in two stages: i) at early stage of the reaction dominated by primary nucleation, the mechanism is phase-boundary controlled, and ii) at the second stage the low value of Avrami exponent, n ~ 0.3, does not follow any reported category, thus not permitting an easy identification of the mechanism. Then, in collaboration with Prof. Alexandra Navrotsky group from the University of California at Davis (USA), thermodynamic studies were conducted, using high temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry. The enthalpies of formation of three structures: pyrochlore, perovskite and tetragonal tungsten bronze K6Ta10.8O30 (TTB) were calculated. The enthalpies of formation from corresponding oxides, ∆Hfox, for KTaO3, KTa2.2O6 and K6Ta10.8O30 are -203.63 ± 2.84 kJ/mol, - 358.02 ± 3.74 kJ/mol, and -1252.34 ± 10.10 kJ/mol, respectively, whereas from elements, ∆Hfel, for KTaO3, KTa2.2O6 and K6Ta10.8O30 are -1408.96 ± 3.73 kJ/mol, -2790.82 ± 6.06 kJ/mol, and -13393.04 ± 31.15 kJ/mol, respectively. The possible decomposition reactions of K-deficient KTa2.2O6 pyrochlore to KTaO3 perovskite and Ta2O5 (reaction 1) or to TTB K6Ta10.8O30 and Ta2O5 (reaction 2) were proposed, and the enthalpies were calculated to be 308.79 ± 4.41 kJ/mol and 895.79 ± 8.64 kJ/mol for reaction 1 and reaction 2, respectively. The reactions are strongly endothermic, indicating that these decompositions are energetically unfavourable, since it is unlikely that any entropy term could override such a large positive enthalpy. The energetic studies prove that pyrochlore is energetically more stable phase than perovskite at low temperature. Thus, the local order of the amorphous precipitates drives the crystallization into the most favourable structure that is the pyrochlore one with similar local organization; the distance between nearest neighbours in the amorphous or short-range ordered phase is very close to that in pyrochlore. Taking into account the stoichiometric deviation in KTO system, the selection of the most appropriate fabrication / deposition technique in thin films technology is a key issue, especially concerning complex ferroelectric oxides. Chemical solution deposition has been widely reported as a processing method to growth KTO thin films, but classical alkoxide route allows to crystallize perovskite phase at temperatures >800 °C, while the temperature endurance of platinized Si wafers is ~700 °C. Therefore, alternative diol-based routes, with distinct potassium carboxylate precursors, was developed aiming to stabilize the precursor solution, to avoid using toxic solvents and to decrease the crystallization temperature of the perovskite phase. Studies on powders revealed that in the case of KTOac (solution based on potassium acetate), a mixture of perovskite and pyrochlore phases is detected at temperature as low as 450 °C, and gradual transformation into monophasic perovskite structure occurs as temperature increases up to 750 °C, however the desired monophasic KTaO3 perovskite phase is not achieved. In the case of KTOacac (solution with potassium acetylacetonate), a broad peak is detected at temperatures <650 °C, characteristic of amorphous structures, while at higher temperatures diffraction lines from pyrochlore and perovskite phases are visible and a monophasic perovskite KTaO3 is formed at >700 °C. Infrared analysis indicated that the differences are due to a strong deformation of the carbonate-based structures upon heating. A series of thin films of alkali tantalates were spin-coated onto Si-based substrates using diol-based routes. Interestingly, monophasic perovskite KTaO3 films deposited using KTOacac solution were obtained at temperature as low as 650 °C; films were annealed in rapid thermal furnace in oxygen atmosphere for 5 min with heating rate 30 °C/sec. Other compositions of the tantalum based system as LiTaO3 (LTO) and NaTaO3 (NTO), were successfully derived as well, onto Si substrates at 650 °C as well. The ferroelectric character of LTO at room temperature was proved. Some of dielectric properties of KTO could not be measured in parallel capacitor configuration due to either substrate-film or filmelectrode interfaces. Thus, further studies have to be conducted to overcome this issue. Application-oriented studies have also been conducted; two case studies: i) photocatalytic activity of alkali tantalates and niobates for decomposition of pollutant, and ii) bioactivity of alkali tantalate ferroelectric films as functional coatings for bone regeneration. Much attention has been recently paid to develop new type of photocatalytic materials, and tantalum and niobium oxide based compositions have demonstrated to be active photocatalysts for water splitting due to high potential of the conduction bands. Thus, various powders of alkali tantalates and niobates families were tested as catalysts for methylene blue degradation. Results showed promising activities for some of the tested compounds, and KNbO3 is the most active among them, reaching over 50 % degradation of the dye after 7 h under UVA exposure. However further modifications of powders can improve the performance. In the context of bone regeneration, it is important to have platforms that with appropriate stimuli can support the attachment and direct the growth, proliferation and differentiation of the cells. In lieu of this here we exploited an alternative strategy for bone implants or repairs, based on charged mediating signals for bone regeneration. This strategy includes coating metallic 316L-type stainless steel (316L-SST) substrates with charged, functionalized via electrical charging or UV-light irradiation, ferroelectric LiTaO3 layers. It was demonstrated that the formation of surface calcium phosphates and protein adsorption is considerably enhanced for 316L-SST functionalized ferroelectric coatings. Our approach can be viewed as a set of guidelines for the development of platforms electrically functionalized that can stimulate tissue regeneration promoting direct integration of the implant in the host tissue by bone ingrowth and, hence contributing ultimately to reduce implant failure.


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Este relatório tem como objetivo descrever todas as atividades desenvolvidas durante o período de estágio na Miranda & Irmão, Lda, e apresentar um estudo detalhado das estratégias implementadas para a retenção de clientes, contribuindo, assim, para a criação de valor através do Marketing Relacional. O Marketing Relacional tem vindo a ganhar destaque na criação de estratégias de negócio, contribuindo para a fomentação de relações estáveis e duradouras entre as empresas e os seus clientes. Inserido nesta estratégia, a “Infinium” é um produto premium criado para alavancar a marca “Miranda” com recurso a produtos tecnologicamente transcendentes e para dar resposta a um novo nicho de mercado.