6 resultados para In silico analysis of Candida albicans promoter sequences

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) or paramiloidosis is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease with onset on adult age that is characterized by mutated protein deposition in the form of amyloid substance. FAP is due to a point alteration in the transthyretin (TTR) gene and until now more than 100 amyloidogenic mutations have been described in TTR gene. FAP shows a wide variation in age-at-onset (AO) (19-82 years, in Portuguese cases) and the V30M mutation often runs through several generation of asymptomatic carriers, before expressing in a proband, but the protective effect disappear in a single generation, with offspring of late-onset cases having early onset. V30M mutation does not explain alone the symptoms and AO variability of the disease observed in the same family. Our aim in this study was to identify genetic factors associated with AO variability and reduced penetrance which can have important clinical implications. To accomplish this we genotyped 230 individuals, using a directautomated sequencing approach in order to identify possible genetic modifiers within the TTR locus. After genotyping, we assessed a putative association of the SNPs found with AO and an intensive in silico analysis was performed in order to understand a possible regulation of gene expression. Although we did not find any significant association between SNPs and AO, we found very interesting and unreported results in the in silico analysis since we observed some alterations in the mechanism of splicing, transcription factors binding and miRNAs binding. All of these mechanisms when altered can lead to dysregulation of gene expression, which can have an impact in AO and phenotypic variability. These putative mechanisms of regulation of gene expression within the TTR gene could be used in the future as potential therapeutical targets, and could improve genetic counselling and follow-up of mutation carriers.


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The Asymmetric Power Arch representation for the volatility was introduced by Ding et al.(1993) in order to account for asymmetric responses in the volatility in the analysis of continuous-valued financial time series like, for instance, the log-return series of foreign exchange rates, stock indices or share prices. As reported by Brannas and Quoreshi (2010), asymmetric responses in volatility are also observed in time series of counts such as the number of intra-day transactions in stocks. In this work, an asymmetric power autoregressive conditional Poisson model is introduced for the analysis of time series of counts exhibiting asymmetric overdispersion. Basic probabilistic and statistical properties are summarized and parameter estimation is discussed. A simulation study is presented to illustrate the proposed model. Finally, an empirical application to a set of data concerning the daily number of stock transactions is also presented to attest for its practical applicability in data analysis.


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The last decades of the 20th century defined the genetic engineering advent, climaxing in the development of techniques, such as PCR and Sanger sequencing. This, permitted the appearance of new techniques to sequencing whole genomes, identified as next-generation sequencing. One of the many applications of these techniques is the in silico search for new secondary metabolites, synthesized by microorganisms exhibiting antimicrobial properties. The peptide antibiotics compounds can be classified in two classes, according to their biosynthesis, in ribosomal or nonribosomal peptides. Lanthipeptides are the most studied ribosomal peptides and are characterized by the presence of lanthionine and methylanthionine that result from posttranslational modifications. Lanthipeptides are divided in four classes, depending on their biosynthetic machinery. In class I, a LanB enzyme dehydrate serine and threonine residues in the C-terminus precursor peptide. Then, these residues undergo a cyclization step performed by a LanC enzyme, forming the lanthionine rings. The cleavage and the transport of the peptide is achieved by the LanP and LanT enzymes, respectively. Although, in class II only one enzyme, LanM, is responsible for the dehydration and cyclization steps and also only one enzyme performs the cleavage and transport, LanT. Pedobacter sp. NL19 is a Gram-negative bacterium, isolated from sludge of an abandon uranium mine, in Viseu (Portugal). Antibacterial activity in vitro was detected against several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Sequencing and in silico analysis of NL19 genome revealed the presence of 21 biosynthetic clusters for secondary metabolites, including nonribosomal and ribosomal peptides biosynthetic clusters. Four lanthipeptides clusters were predicted, comprising the precursor peptides, the modifying enzymes (LanB and LanC), and also a bifunctional LanT. This result revealed the hybrid nature of the clusters, comprising characteristics from two distinct classes, which are poorly described in literature. The phylogenetic analysis of their enzymes showed that they clustered within the bacteroidetes clade. Furthermore, hybrid gene clusters were also found in other species of this phylum, revealing that it is a common characteristic in this group. Finally, the analysis of NL19 colonies by MALDI-TOF MS allowed the identification of a 3180 Da mass that corresponds to the predicted mass of a lanthipeptide encoded in one of the clusters. However, this result is not fully conclusive and further experiments are needed to understand the full potential of the compounds encoded in this type of clusters. In conclusion, it was determined that NL19 strain has the potential to produce diverse secondary metabolites, including lanthipeptides that were not functionally characterized so far.


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Nowadays it is still difficult to perform an early and accurate diagnosis of dementia, therefore many research focus on the finding of new dementia biomarkers that can aid in that purpose. So scientists try to find a noninvasive, rapid, and relatively inexpensive procedures for early diagnosis purpose. Several studies demonstrated that the utilization of spectroscopic techniques, such as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy could be an useful and accurate procedure to diagnose dementia. As several biochemical mechanisms related to neurodegeneration and dementia can lead to changes in plasma components and others peripheral body fluids, blood-based samples and spectroscopic analyses can be used as a more simple and less invasive technique. This work is intended to confirm some of the hypotheses of previous studies in which FTIR was used in the study of plasma samples of possible patient with AD and respective controls and verify the reproducibility of this spectroscopic technique in the analysis of such samples. Through the spectroscopic analysis combined with multivariate analysis it is possible to discriminate controls and demented samples and identify key spectroscopic differences between these two groups of samples which allows the identification of metabolites altered in this disease. It can be concluded that there are three spectral regions, 3500-2700 cm -1, 1800-1400 cm-1 and 1200-900 cm-1 where it can be extracted relevant spectroscopic information. In the first region, the main conclusion that is possible to take is that there is an unbalance between the content of saturated and unsaturated lipids. In the 1800-1400 cm-1 region it is possible to see the presence of protein aggregates and the change in protein conformation for highly stable parallel β-sheet. The last region showed the presence of products of lipid peroxidation related to impairment of membranes, and nucleic acids oxidative damage. FTIR technique and the information gathered in this work can be used in the construction of classification models that may be used for the diagnosis of cognitive dysfunction.


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Várias espécies do género Candida traduzem o codão CUG de leucine como serina. Em C. albicans este codão é traduzido pelo tRNACAG Ser de serina que é reconhecido por leucil- e seril-tRNA sintetases (LeuRS e SerRS), permitindo a incorporação de leucina ou serina em posições com CUG. Em condições padrão de crescimento os codões CUG é incorporam 3% de leucina e 97% de serina, no entanto estes valores são flexíveis uma vez que a incorporação de serina pode variar entre 0.6% e 5% em resposta a condições de stress. Estudos anteriores realizados in vivo em Escherichia coli sugeriram que a ambiguidade em codões CUG é regulada pela SerRS. De facto, o gene da SerRS de C. albicans tem um codão CUG na posição 197 (Ser197) cuja descodificação ambígua resulta na produção de duas isoformas de SerRS. A isoforma SerRS_Leu197 é mais ativa, apesar de menos estável, que a isoforma SerRS_Ser197, suportando a ideia da existência de um feedback loop negativo, envolvendo estas duas isoformas de SerRS, a enzima LeuRS e o tRNACAG Ser, que mantem os níveis de incorporação de leucina no codões CUG baixos. Nesta tese demonstramos que tal mecanismo não é operacional nas células de C. albicans. De facto, os níveis de incorporação de leucina em codões CUG flutuam drasticamente em resposta a alterações ambientais. Por exemplo, a incorporação de leucina pode chegar a níveis de 49.33% na presença de macrófagos e anfotericina B, mostrando a notória tolerância de C. albicans à ambiguidade. Para compreender a relevância biológica da ambiguidade do código genético em C. albicans construímos estirpes que incorporam serina em vários codões. Apesar da taxa crescimento ter sido negativamente afetada em condições padrão de crescimento, as estirpes construídas crescem favoravelmente em várias condições de stresse, sugerindo que a ambiguidade desempenha um papel importante na adaptação a novos nichos ecológicos. O transcriptoma das estirpes construídas de C. albicans e Saccharomyces. cerevisiae mostram que as leveduras respondem à ambiguidade dos codões de modo distinto. A ambiguidade induziu uma desregulação moderada da expressão génica de C. albicans, mas ativou uma resposta comum ao stresse em S. cerevisiae. O único processo celular que foi induzido na maioria das estirpes foi a oxidação redução. De salientar, que enriquecimento em elementos cis de fatores de transcrição que regulam a resposta à ambiguidade em ambas as leveduras foi distinta, sugerindo que ambas respondem ao stresse de modo diferente. Na globalidade, o nosso estudo aprofunda o conhecimento da elevada tolerância à ambiguidade de codões em C. albicans. Os resultados sugerem que este fungo usa a ambiguidade do codão CUG durante infeção, possivelmente para modular a sua interação com o hospedeiro e a resposta a drogas antifúngicas.


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Candida albicans is the major fungal pathogen in humans, causing diseases ranging from mild skin infections to severe systemic infections in immunocompromised individuals. The pathogenic nature of this organism is mostly due to its capacity to proliferate in numerous body sites and to its ability to adapt to drastic changes in the environment. Candida albicans exhibit a unique translational system, decoding the leucine-CUG codon ambiguously as leucine (3% of codons) and serine (97%) using a hybrid serine tRNA (tRNACAGSer). This tRNACAGSer is aminoacylated by two aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (aaRSs): leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) and seryl-tRNA synthetase (SerRS). Previous studies showed that exposure of C. albicans to macrophages, oxidative, pH stress and antifungals increases Leu misincorporation levels from 3% to 15%, suggesting that C. albicans has the ability to regulate mistranslation levels in response to host defenses, antifungals and environmental stresses. Therefore, the hypothesis tested in this work is that Leu and Ser misincorporation at CUG codons is dependent upon competition between the LeuRS and SerRS for the tRNACAGSer. To test this hypothesis, levels of the SerRS and LeuRS were indirectly quantified under different physiological conditions, using a fluorescent reporter system that measures the activity of the respective promoters. Results suggest that an increase in Leu misincorporation at CUG codons is associated with an increase in LeuRS expression, with levels of SerRS being maintained. In the second part of the work, the objective was to identify putative regulators of SerRS and LeuRS expression. To accomplish this goal, C. albicans strains from a transcription factor knock-out collection were transformed with the fluorescent reporter system and expression of both aaRSs was quantified. Alterations in the LeuRS/SerRS expression of mutant strains compared to wild type strain allowed the identification of 5 transcription factors as possible regulators of expression of LeuRS and SerRS: ASH1, HAP2, HAP3, RTG3 and STB5. Globally, this work provides the first step to elucidate the molecular mechanism of regulation of mistranslation in C. albicans.