8 resultados para Heuslerverbindungen, Alkali-Sesquioxide, Supraleitung, Ferrimagnete, Korrelationen

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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Bioactive glasses and glass-ceramics are a class of third generation biomaterials which elicit a special response on their surface when in contact with biological fluids, leading to strong bonding to living tissues. The purpose of the present study was to develop diopside based alkali-free bioactive glasses in order to achieve good sintering behaviour, high bioactivity, and a dissolution/ degradation rates compatible with the target applications in bone regeneration and tissue engineering. Another aim was to understand the structure-property relationships in the investigated bioactive glasses. In this quest, various glass compositions within the Diopside (CaMgSi2O6) – Fluorapatite (Ca5(PO4)3F) – Tricalcium phosphate (3CaO•P2O5) system have been investigated. All the glasses were prepared by melt-quenching technique and characterized by a wide array of complementary characterization techniques. The glass-ceramics were produced by sintering of glass powders compacts followed by a suitable heat treatment to promote the nucleation and crystallization phenomena. Furthermore, selected parent glass compositions were doped with several functional ions and an attempt to understand their effects on the glass structure, sintering ability and on the in vitro bio-degradation and biomineralization behaviours of the glasses was made. The effects of the same variables on the devitrification (nucleation and crystallization) behaviour of glasses to form bioactive glass-ceramics were also investigated. Some of the glasses exhibited high bio-mineralization rates, expressed by the formation of a surface hydroxyapatite layer within 1–12 h of immersion in a simulated body fluid (SBF) solution. All the glasses showed relatively lower degradation rates in comparison to that of 45S5 Bioglass®. Some of the glasses showed very good in vitro behaviour and the glasses co-doped with zinc and strontium showed an in vitro dose dependent behaviour. The as-designed bioactive glasses and glass–ceramic materials are excellent candidates for applications in bone regeneration and for the fabrication of scaffolds for tissue engineering.


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Alkali tantalates and niobates, including K(Ta / Nb)O3, Li(Ta / Nb)O3 and Na(Ta / Nb)O3, are a very promising ferroic family of lead-free compounds with perovskite-like structures. Their versatile properties make them potentially interesting for current and future application in microelectronics, photocatalysis, energy and biomedics. Among them potassium tantalate, KTaO3 (KTO), has been raising interest as an alternative for the well-known strontium titanate, SrTiO3 (STO). KTO is a perovskite oxide with a quantum paraelectric behaviour when electrically stimulated and a highly polarizable lattice, giving opportunity to tailor its properties via external or internal stimuli. However problems related with the fabrication of either bulk or 2D nanostructures makes KTO not yet a viable alternative to STO. Within this context and to contribute scientifically to the leverage tantalate based compounds applications, the main goals of this thesis are: i) to produce and characterise thin films of alkali tantalates by chemical solution deposition on rigid Si based substrates, at reduced temperatures to be compatible with Si technology, ii) to fulfil scientific knowledge gaps in these relevant functional materials related to their energetics and ii) to exploit alternative applications for alkali tantalates, as photocatalysis. In what concerns the synthesis attention was given to the understanding of the phase formation in potassium tantalate synthesized via distinct routes, to control the crystallization of desired perovskite structure and to avoid low temperature pyrochlore or K-deficient phases. The phase formation process in alkali tantalates is far from being deeply analysed, as in the case of Pb-containing perovskites, therefore the work was initially focused on the process-phase relationship to identify the driving forces responsible to regulate the synthesis. Comparison of phase formation paths in conventional solid-state reaction and sol-gel method was conducted. The structural analyses revealed that intermediate pyrochlore K2Ta2O6 structure is not formed at any stage of the reaction using conventional solid-state reaction. On the other hand in the solution based processes, as alkoxide-based route, the crystallization of the perovskite occurs through the intermediate pyrochlore phase; at low temperatures pyrochlore is dominant and it is transformed to perovskite at >800 °C. The kinetic analysis carried out by using Johnson-MehlAvrami-Kolmogorow model and quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrated that in sol-gel derived powders the crystallization occurs in two stages: i) at early stage of the reaction dominated by primary nucleation, the mechanism is phase-boundary controlled, and ii) at the second stage the low value of Avrami exponent, n ~ 0.3, does not follow any reported category, thus not permitting an easy identification of the mechanism. Then, in collaboration with Prof. Alexandra Navrotsky group from the University of California at Davis (USA), thermodynamic studies were conducted, using high temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry. The enthalpies of formation of three structures: pyrochlore, perovskite and tetragonal tungsten bronze K6Ta10.8O30 (TTB) were calculated. The enthalpies of formation from corresponding oxides, ∆Hfox, for KTaO3, KTa2.2O6 and K6Ta10.8O30 are -203.63 ± 2.84 kJ/mol, - 358.02 ± 3.74 kJ/mol, and -1252.34 ± 10.10 kJ/mol, respectively, whereas from elements, ∆Hfel, for KTaO3, KTa2.2O6 and K6Ta10.8O30 are -1408.96 ± 3.73 kJ/mol, -2790.82 ± 6.06 kJ/mol, and -13393.04 ± 31.15 kJ/mol, respectively. The possible decomposition reactions of K-deficient KTa2.2O6 pyrochlore to KTaO3 perovskite and Ta2O5 (reaction 1) or to TTB K6Ta10.8O30 and Ta2O5 (reaction 2) were proposed, and the enthalpies were calculated to be 308.79 ± 4.41 kJ/mol and 895.79 ± 8.64 kJ/mol for reaction 1 and reaction 2, respectively. The reactions are strongly endothermic, indicating that these decompositions are energetically unfavourable, since it is unlikely that any entropy term could override such a large positive enthalpy. The energetic studies prove that pyrochlore is energetically more stable phase than perovskite at low temperature. Thus, the local order of the amorphous precipitates drives the crystallization into the most favourable structure that is the pyrochlore one with similar local organization; the distance between nearest neighbours in the amorphous or short-range ordered phase is very close to that in pyrochlore. Taking into account the stoichiometric deviation in KTO system, the selection of the most appropriate fabrication / deposition technique in thin films technology is a key issue, especially concerning complex ferroelectric oxides. Chemical solution deposition has been widely reported as a processing method to growth KTO thin films, but classical alkoxide route allows to crystallize perovskite phase at temperatures >800 °C, while the temperature endurance of platinized Si wafers is ~700 °C. Therefore, alternative diol-based routes, with distinct potassium carboxylate precursors, was developed aiming to stabilize the precursor solution, to avoid using toxic solvents and to decrease the crystallization temperature of the perovskite phase. Studies on powders revealed that in the case of KTOac (solution based on potassium acetate), a mixture of perovskite and pyrochlore phases is detected at temperature as low as 450 °C, and gradual transformation into monophasic perovskite structure occurs as temperature increases up to 750 °C, however the desired monophasic KTaO3 perovskite phase is not achieved. In the case of KTOacac (solution with potassium acetylacetonate), a broad peak is detected at temperatures <650 °C, characteristic of amorphous structures, while at higher temperatures diffraction lines from pyrochlore and perovskite phases are visible and a monophasic perovskite KTaO3 is formed at >700 °C. Infrared analysis indicated that the differences are due to a strong deformation of the carbonate-based structures upon heating. A series of thin films of alkali tantalates were spin-coated onto Si-based substrates using diol-based routes. Interestingly, monophasic perovskite KTaO3 films deposited using KTOacac solution were obtained at temperature as low as 650 °C; films were annealed in rapid thermal furnace in oxygen atmosphere for 5 min with heating rate 30 °C/sec. Other compositions of the tantalum based system as LiTaO3 (LTO) and NaTaO3 (NTO), were successfully derived as well, onto Si substrates at 650 °C as well. The ferroelectric character of LTO at room temperature was proved. Some of dielectric properties of KTO could not be measured in parallel capacitor configuration due to either substrate-film or filmelectrode interfaces. Thus, further studies have to be conducted to overcome this issue. Application-oriented studies have also been conducted; two case studies: i) photocatalytic activity of alkali tantalates and niobates for decomposition of pollutant, and ii) bioactivity of alkali tantalate ferroelectric films as functional coatings for bone regeneration. Much attention has been recently paid to develop new type of photocatalytic materials, and tantalum and niobium oxide based compositions have demonstrated to be active photocatalysts for water splitting due to high potential of the conduction bands. Thus, various powders of alkali tantalates and niobates families were tested as catalysts for methylene blue degradation. Results showed promising activities for some of the tested compounds, and KNbO3 is the most active among them, reaching over 50 % degradation of the dye after 7 h under UVA exposure. However further modifications of powders can improve the performance. In the context of bone regeneration, it is important to have platforms that with appropriate stimuli can support the attachment and direct the growth, proliferation and differentiation of the cells. In lieu of this here we exploited an alternative strategy for bone implants or repairs, based on charged mediating signals for bone regeneration. This strategy includes coating metallic 316L-type stainless steel (316L-SST) substrates with charged, functionalized via electrical charging or UV-light irradiation, ferroelectric LiTaO3 layers. It was demonstrated that the formation of surface calcium phosphates and protein adsorption is considerably enhanced for 316L-SST functionalized ferroelectric coatings. Our approach can be viewed as a set of guidelines for the development of platforms electrically functionalized that can stimulate tissue regeneration promoting direct integration of the implant in the host tissue by bone ingrowth and, hence contributing ultimately to reduce implant failure.


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O Mercúrio é um dos metais pesados mais tóxicos existentes no meio ambiente, é persistente e caracteriza-se por bioamplificar e bioacumular ao longo da cadeia trófica. A poluição com mercúrio é um problema à escala global devido à combinação de emissões naturais e emissões antropogénicas, o que obriga a políticas ambientais mais restritivas sobre a descarga de metais pesados. Consequentemente o desenvolvimento de novos e eficientes materiais e de novas tecnologias para remover mercúrio de efluentes é necessário e urgente. Neste contexto, alguns materiais microporosos provenientes de duas famílias, titanossilicatos e zirconossilicatos, foram investigados com o objectivo de avaliar a sua capacidade para remover iões Hg2+ de soluções aquosas. De um modo geral, quase todos os materiais estudados apresentaram elevadas percentagens de remoção, confirmando que são bons permutadores iónicos e que têm capacidade para serem utilizados como agentes descontaminantes. O titanossilicato ETS-4 foi o material mais estudado devido à sua elevada eficiência de remoção (>98%), aliada à pequena quantidade de massa necessária para atingir essa elevada percentagem de remoção. Com apenas 4 mg⋅dm-3 de ETS-4 foi possível tratar uma solução com uma concentração igual ao valor máximo admissível para descargas de efluentes em cursos de água (50 μg⋅dm-3) e obter água com qualidade para consumo humano (<1.0 μg⋅dm-3), de acordo com a legislação Portuguesa (DL 236/98). Tal como para outros adsorbentes, a capacidade de remoção de Hg2+ do ETS- 4 depende de várias condições experimentais, tais como o tempo de contacto, a massa, a concentração inicial de mercúrio, o pH e a temperatura. Do ponto de vista industrial as condições óptimas para a aplicação do ETS-4 são bastante atractivas, uma vez que não requerem grandes quantidades de material e o tratamento da solução pode ser feito à temperatura ambiente. A aplicação do ETS-4 torna-se ainda mais interessante no caso de efluentes hospitalares, de processos de electro-deposição com níquel, metalúrgica, extracção de minérios, especialmente ouro, e indústrias de fabrico de cloro e soda cáustica, uma vez que estes efluentes apresentam valores de pH semelhantes ao valor de pH óptimo para a aplicação do ETS-4. A cinética do processo de troca iónica é bem descrita pelo modelo Nernst-Planck, enquanto que os dados de equilíbrio são bem ajustados pelas isotérmicas de Langmuir e de Freundlich. Os parâmetros termodinâmicos, ΔG° and ΔH° indicam que a remoção de Hg2+ pelo ETS-4 é um processo espontâneo e exotérmico. A elevada eficiência do ETS-4 é confirmada pelos valores da capacidade de remoção de outros materiais para os iões Hg2+, descritos na literatura. A utilização de coluna de ETS-4 preparada no nosso laboratório, para a remoção em contínuo de Hg2+ confirma que este material apresenta um grande potencial para ser utilizado no tratamento de águas. ABSTRACT: Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals, exhibiting a persistent character in the environment and biota as well as bioamplification and bioaccumulation along the food chain. Natural inputs combined with the global anthropogenic sources make mercury pollution a planetary-scale problem, and strict environmental policies on metal discharges have been enforced. The development of efficient new materials and clean-up technologies for removing mercury from effluents is, thus, timely. In this context, in my study, several microporous materials from two families, titanosilicates and zirconosilicates were investigated in order to assess their Hg2+ sorption capacity and removal efficiency, under different operating conditions. In general, almost all microporous materials studied exhibited high removal efficiencies, confirming that they are good ion exchangers and have potential to be used as Hg2+ decontaminant agents. Titanosilicate ETS-4 was the material most studied here, by its highest removal efficiency (>98%) and lowest mass necessary to attain it. Moreover, according with the Portuguese legislation (DL 236/98) it is possible to attain drinking water quality (i.e. [Hg2+]< 1.0 μg⋅dm-3) by treating a solution with a Hg2+ concentration equal to the maximum value admissible for effluents discharges into water bodies (50 μg⋅dm-3), using only 4 mg⋅dm-3 of ETS-4. Even in the presence of major freshwater cations, ETS-4 removal efficiency remains high. Like for other adsorbents, the sorption capacity of ETS-4 for Hg2+ ions is strongly dependent on the operating conditions, such as contact time, mass, initial Hg2+ concentration and solution pH and, to a lesser extent, temperature. The optimum operating conditions found for ETS-4 are very attractive from the industrial point of view because the application of ETS-4 for the treatment of wastewater and/or industrial effluents will not require larges amounts of adsorbent, neither energy supply for temperature adjustments becoming the removal process economically competitive. These conditions become even more interesting in the case of medical institutions liquid, nickel electroplating process, copper smelter, gold ore tailings and chlor-alkali effluents, since no significant pH adjustments to the effluent are necessary. The ion exchange kinetics of Hg2+ uptake is successfully described by the Nernst-Planck based model, while the ion exchange equilibrium is well fitted by both Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Moreover, the feasibility of the removal process was confirmed by the thermodynamic parameters (ΔG° and ΔH°) which indicate that the Hg2+ sorption by ETS-4 is spontaneous and exothermic. The higher efficiency of ETS-4 for Hg2+ ions is corroborate by the values reported in literature for the sorption capacity of other adsorbents for Hg2+ ions. The use of an ETS-4 fixed-bed ion exchange column, manufactured in our laboratory, in the continuous removal of Hg2+ ions from solutions confirms that this titanosilicate has potential to be used in industrial water treatment.


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A aplicação de simulações de mecânica e dinâmica molecular ao estudo de sistemas supramoleculares tem adquirido, ao longo dos últimos anos, enorme relevância. A sua utilização não só tem levado a uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de formação desses mesmos sistemas, como também tem fornecido um meio para o desenvolvimento de novas arquitecturas supramoleculares. Nesta tese são descritos os trabalhos de mecânica e dinâmica molecular desenvolvidos no âmbito do estudo de associações supramoleculares entre aniões e receptores sintéticos do tipo [2]catenano, [2]rotaxano e pseudorotaxano. São ainda estudados complexos supramoleculares envolvendo receptores heteroditópicos do tipo calix[4]diquinona e pares iónicos formados por aniões halogeneto e catiões alcalinos e amónio. Os estudos aqui apresentados assentam essencialmente em duas vertentes: no estudo das propriedades dinâmicas em solução dos vários complexos supramoleculares considerados e no cálculo das energias livres de Gibbs de associação relativas dos vários iões aos receptores sintéticos. As metodologias utilizadas passaram por dinâmica molecular convencional e REMD (Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics), para o estudo das propriedades em solução, e por cálculos de integração termodinâmica e MMPBSA (Molecular Mechanics – Poisson Boltzmann Surface Area), para a computação das energias livres de associação relativas. Os resultados obtidos, além de terem permitido uma visão mais detalhada dos mecanismos envolvidos no reconhecimento e associação dos vários receptores aos aniões e pares iónicos abordados, encontram-se, globalmente, de acordo com os análogos determinados experimentalmente, validando assim as metodologias empregadas. Em jeito de conclusão, investigou-se ainda a capacidade de um dos receptores heteroditópicos estudados para assistir favoravelmente na migração do par iónico KCl através da interface água-clorofórmio. Para tal, foram utilizadas simulações SMD (Steered Molecular Dynamics) para a computação do perfil de energia livre de Gibbs associada à migração do par iónico através da interface.


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In recent years, pressures on global environment and energy security have led to an increasing demand on renewable energy sources, and diversification of Europe’s energy supply. Among these resources the biomass could exert an important role, since it is considered a renewable and CO2 neutral energy resource once the consumption rate is lower than the growth rate, and can potentially provide energy for heat, power and transports from the same installation. Currently, most of the biomass ash produced in industrial plants is either disposed of in landfill or recycled on agricultural fields or forest, and most times this goes on without any form of control. However, considering that the disposal cost of biomass ashes are raising, and that biomass ash volumes are increasing worldwide, a sustainable ash management has to be established. The main objective of the present study is the effect of biomass fly ashes in cement mortars and concretes in order to be used as a supplementary cementitious material. The wastes analyzed in the study were collected from the fluidized bed boilers and grate boilers available in the thermal power plants and paper pulp plants situated in Portugal. The physical as well as chemical characterisations of the biomass fly ashes were investigated. The cement was replaced by the biomass fly ashes in 10, 20 and 30% (weight %) in order to investigate the fresh properties as well as the hardened properties of biomass fly ash incorporated cement mortar and concrete formulations. Expansion reactions such as alkali silica reaction (ASR), sulphate attack (external and internal) were conducted in order to check the durability of the biomass fly ash incorporated cement mortars and concretes. Alternative applications such as incorporation in lime mortars and alkali activation of the biomass fly ashes were also attempted. The biomass fly ash particles were irregular in shape and fine in nature. The chemical characterization revealed that the biomass fly ashes were similar to a class C fly ash. The mortar results showed a good scope for biomass fly ashes as supplementary cementitious materials in lower dosages (<20%). The poor workability, concerns about the organic content, alkalis, chlorides and sulphates stand as the reasons for preventing the use of biomass fly ash in high content in the cement mortars. The results obtained from the durability tests have shown a clear reduction in expansion for the biomass fly ash mortars/concretes and the binder blend made with biomass fly ash (20%) and metakaolin (10%) inhibited the ASR reaction effectively. The biomass fly ash incorporation in lime mortars did not improve the mortar properties significantly though the carbonation was enhanced in the 15-20% incorporation. The biomass fly ash metakaolin blend worked well in the alkali activated complex binder application also. Portland cement free binders (with 30-40 MPa compressive strength) were obtained on the alkali activation of biomass fly ashes (60-80%) blended with metakaolin (20-40%).


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As galactomananas das infusões de café apresentam atividade imunoestimuladora in vitro, sendo esta atividade semelhante à das mananas acetiladas extraídas de Aloe vera. As galactomananas presentes no resíduo de café também possuem atividade imunoestimuladora in vitro quando são parcialmente acetiladas. Como as galactomananas são o componente maioritário do resíduo de café e como o café é um produto de largo consumo a nível mundial, o reaproveitamento deste resíduo como fonte de galactomananas com atividade imunoestimuladora deve ser considerado. Esta dissertação procura dar resposta a duas questões: 1. Quais são as estruturas das galactomananas responsáveis pela atividade imunoestimuladora destes polissacarídeos; e 2. Como é que as galactomananas podem ser extraídas quantitativamente do resíduo de café de modo a serem solúveis em água à temperatura ambiente e, assim, poderem ser utilizadas como ingredientes alimentares com atividade imunoestimuladora. A questão 1 foi respondida pela caracterização estrutural de quatro galactomananas, de três origens: a) as galactomananas das infusões de café e do resíduo que apresentaram atividade imunoestimuladora; b) a galactomanana da goma de alfarroba (LBG), que não apresentou atividade imunoestimuladora; e c) a manana acetilada de Aloe vera, que apresentou atividade imunoestimuladora. Estes polissacarídeos foram submetidos à análise de açúcares e de ligações glicosídicas e a hidrólise por endo-β-D- (1→4)-mananase. Os fragmentos de oligossacarídeos mais pequenos foram ainda analisados por espetrometria de massa por ionização de electrospray e espetrometria de massa tandem. As galactomananas das infusões de café, do resíduo de café e do Aloe vera apresentaram grau de ramificação e peso molecular semelhantes, enquanto as galactomananas da LBG apresentaram grau de ramificação e de polimerização maiores. Todas as galactomananas apresentaram resíduos de arabinose como ramificação. O grau de acetilação das galactomananas da LBG foi vestigial enquanto as galactomananas do Aloe vera apresentaram um grau de acetilação de 2,08; para as galactomananas do resíduo de café o grau de acetilação foi de 0,98 e para as infusões foi de 0,08. A localização dos grupos acetilo foi irregular em todos os polímeros. Os resultados obtidos permitem inferir que baixos níveis de ramificação, cadeias pequenas e alguma acetilação parecem promover a atividade imunoestimuladora atribuída às galactomananas. Para responder à questão 2, foi testada uma metodologia que envolveu a torra do resíduo de café a 160 ºC e a 220 ºC e a sua extração com água quente e com soluções de 4 M NaOH à temperatura de 20, 60 e 120 ºC. A torra do resíduo a 160 ºC e a extração sequencial permitiu extrair 56% das galactomananas presentes no resíduo de café e, simultaneamente, 54% das arabinogalactanas. As galactomananas mantiveram a sua estrutura caraterística de polissacarídeo acetilado composto por uma cadeira principal de resíduos de manose em ligação β-(1→4) e resíduos de Gal e Ara nas cadeias laterais. A 220 ºC, as galactomananas foram parcialmente degradadas e o rendimento de extração foi muito menor do que a 160 ºC. No entanto, mesmo a esta temperatura as galactomananas apresentaram resíduos acetilados e a presença de pentoses nas cadeias laterais, o que permite inferir a elevada resistência destes polissacarídeos à temperatura e aos reagentes alcalinos. De forma a melhor compreender a estabilidade térmica das galactomananas do resíduo de café e a influência que a presença de arabinogalactanas pode ter na sua estabilidade, foi feita uma análise termogravimétrica aos polissacarídeos extraídos do resíduo de café assim como a polissacarídeos relacionados estruturalmente com estes, como a celulose, a galactomanana de LBG e a goma arábica, uma arabinogalactana. As galactomananas são termicamente estáveis durante 3 h a 200 ºC, enquanto as arabinogalactanas são estáveis a 180 ºC. De acordo com os perfis dos termogramas obtidos, e pelo cálculo das energias de ativação da degradação térmica, o resíduo de café apresenta uma estabilidade térmica menor do que a galactomanana, possivelmente devido à presença de arabinogalactanas. Apesar de não se ter verificado alterações no termograma da galactomanana do café submetida a um tratamento térmico de 200 ºC durante 3 h, verificam-se alterações estruturais que envolvem a formação de novas ligações glicosídicas, nomeadamente, a formação de resíduos de manose ligados em O-2 e em O-6, reações de transglicosilação, despolimerização, formação de resíduos de anidro-hexoses no terminal redutor e isomerização manose-glucose. Estas alterações promovem a solubilização das galactomananas. Os resultados obtidos permitem propor que o resíduo de café possa ser submetido a uma torra seguida de extração com reagentes alcalinos a quente para obtenção das galactomananas com rendimentos elevados. Estes polissacarídeos podem tornar-se solúveis em água após tratamento térmico a 200 ºC, permitindo assim a sua utilização em formulações alimentares, nomeadamente, por preparação de compostos acetilados com baixos níveis de ramificação e cadeias pequenas de modo a promover a sua atividade imunoestimuladora.


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Os vidros bioativos constituem um material apropriado para o preenchimento de defeitos ósseos, como alternativa a enxertos autólogos, uma vez que, quando expostos a fluidos fisiológicos promovem a formação de uma ligação com o tecido ósseo sob a forma de uma camada de hidroxiapatite carbonatada. No presente trabalho caracterizaram-se vidros bioativos sem conteúdo alcalino, cuja composição incide no sistema binário de diópsido (CaMgSi2O6) e fosfato de tricálcio (3CaO·P2O5), em função da sua molhabilidade, carga superficial, perfil de degradação, carácter bioativo em fluido fisiológico simulado e do seu comportamento in vitro em contacto com células estaminais mesenquimais humanas (hMSCs). A medição do ângulo de contacto inicial de água sobre os vidros demonstrou o carácter hidrofílico dos vidros investigados. A determinação do potencial zeta mostrou que a carga superficial dos vidros é negativa, sendo mais negativa na composição Di-70. O estudo da biodegradação dos vidros, efetuado através da sua imersão em Tris-HCl, permitiu concluir que a perda de peso dos vidros foi reduzida. A caraterização in vitro em meio acelular foi efetuada através da imersão dos vidros numa solução de fluido fisiológico simulado (SBF) e verificou-se que estes possuem capacidade de formar uma camada de hidroxiapatite carbonatada à sua superfície após 7 dias, detetável por XRD, FTIR e SEM/EDS, sugerindo que este conjunto de vidros é potencialmente bioativo, e poderá estimular a proliferação e diferenciação celular. A resposta das hMSCs em cultura aos vidros bioativos foi avaliada em termos de atividade metabólica, morfologia, viabilidade, proliferação e diferenciação osteogénica e conclui-se que os biovidros Di-60 e Di-70 poderão constituir um suporte viável para a proliferação e diferenciação de hMSCs.


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Bioactive glasses and glass–ceramics are a class of biomaterials which elicit special response on their surface when in contact with biological fluids, leading to strong bonding to living tissue. This particular trait along with good sintering ability and high mechanical strength make them ideal materials for scaffold fabrication. The work presented in this thesis is directed towards understanding the composition-structure-property relationships in potentially bioactive glasses designed in CaOMgOP2O5SiO2F system, in some cases with added Na2O. The main emphasis has been on unearthing the influence of glass composition on molecular structure, sintering ability and bioactivity of phosphosilicate glasses. The parent glass compositions have been designed in the primary crystallization field of the pseudo-ternary system of diopside (CaO•MgO•2SiO2) – fluorapatite (9CaO•3P2O5•CaF2) – wollastonite (CaO•SiO2), followed by studying the impact of compositional variations on the structure-property relationships and sintering ability of these glasses. All the glasses investigated in this work have been synthesized via melt-quenching route and have been characterized for their molecular structure, sintering ability, chemical degradation and bioactivity using wide array of experimental tools and techniques. It has been shown that in all investigated glass compositions the silicate network was mainly dominated by Q2 units while phosphate in all the glasses was found to be coordinated in orthophosphate environment. The glass compositions designed in alkali-free region of diopside – fluorapatite system demonstrated excellent sintering ability and good bioactivity in order to qualify them as potential materials for scaffold fabrication while alkali-rich bioactive glasses not only hinder the densification during sintering but also induce cytotoxicity in vitro, thus, are not ideal candidates for in vitro tissue engineering. One of our bioglass compositions with low sodium content has been tested successfully both in vivo and in preliminary clinical trials. But this work needs to be continued and deepened. The dispersing of fine glass particles in aqueous media or in other suitable solvents, and the study of the most important factors that affect the rheology of the suspensions are essential steps to enable the manufacture of porous structures with tailor-made hierarchical pores by advanced processing techniques such as Robocasting.