3 resultados para Contract and incentives

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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The PhD project addresses the potential of using concentrating solar power (CSP) plants as a viable alternative energy producing system in Libya. Exergetic, energetic, economic and environmental analyses are carried out for a particular type of CSP plants. The study, although it aims a particular type of CSP plant – 50 MW parabolic trough-CSP plant, it is sufficiently general to be applied to other configurations. The novelty of the study, in addition to modeling and analyzing the selected configuration, lies in the use of a state-of-the-art exergetic analysis combined with the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The modeling and simulation of the plant is carried out in chapter three and they are conducted into two parts, namely: power cycle and solar field. The computer model developed for the analysis of the plant is based on algebraic equations describing the power cycle and the solar field. The model was solved using the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software; and is designed to define the properties at each state point of the plant and then, sequentially, to determine energy, efficiency and irreversibility for each component. The developed model has the potential of using in the preliminary design of CSPs and, in particular, for the configuration of the solar field based on existing commercial plants. Moreover, it has the ability of analyzing the energetic, economic and environmental feasibility of using CSPs in different regions of the world, which is illustrated for the Libyan region in this study. The overall feasibility scenario is completed through an hourly analysis on an annual basis in chapter Four. This analysis allows the comparison of different systems and, eventually, a particular selection, and it includes both the economic and energetic components using the “greenius” software. The analysis also examined the impact of project financing and incentives on the cost of energy. The main technological finding of this analysis is higher performance and lower levelized cost of electricity (LCE) for Libya as compared to Southern Europe (Spain). Therefore, Libya has the potential of becoming attractive for the establishment of CSPs in its territory and, in this way, to facilitate the target of several European initiatives that aim to import electricity generated by renewable sources from North African and Middle East countries. The analysis is presented a brief review of the current cost of energy and the potential of reducing the cost from parabolic trough- CSP plant. Exergetic and environmental life cycle assessment analyses are conducted for the selected plant in chapter Five; the objectives are 1) to assess the environmental impact and cost, in terms of exergy of the life cycle of the plant; 2) to find out the points of weakness in terms of irreversibility of the process; and 3) to verify whether solar power plants can reduce environmental impact and the cost of electricity generation by comparing them with fossil fuel plants, in particular, Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) plant and oil thermal power plant. The analysis also targets a thermoeconomic analysis using the specific exergy costing (SPECO) method to evaluate the level of the cost caused by exergy destruction. The main technological findings are that the most important contribution impact lies with the solar field, which reports a value of 79%; and the materials with the vi highest impact are: steel (47%), molten salt (25%) and synthetic oil (21%). The “Human Health” damage category presents the highest impact (69%) followed by the “Resource” damage category (24%). In addition, the highest exergy demand is linked to the steel (47%); and there is a considerable exergetic demand related to the molten salt and synthetic oil with values of 25% and 19%, respectively. Finally, in the comparison with fossil fuel power plants (NGCC and Oil), the CSP plant presents the lowest environmental impact, while the worst environmental performance is reported to the oil power plant followed by NGCC plant. The solar field presents the largest value of cost rate, where the boiler is a component with the highest cost rate among the power cycle components. The thermal storage allows the CSP plants to overcome solar irradiation transients, to respond to electricity demand independent of weather conditions, and to extend electricity production beyond the availability of daylight. Numerical analysis of the thermal transient response of a thermocline storage tank is carried out for the charging phase. The system of equations describing the numerical model is solved by using time-implicit and space-backward finite differences and which encoded within the Matlab environment. The analysis presented the following findings: the predictions agree well with the experiments for the time evolution of the thermocline region, particularly for the regions away from the top-inlet. The deviations observed in the near-region of the inlet are most likely due to the high-level of turbulence in this region due to the localized level of mixing resulting; a simple analytical model to take into consideration this increased turbulence level was developed and it leads to some improvement of the predictions; this approach requires practically no additional computational effort and it relates the effective thermal diffusivity to the mean effective velocity of the fluid at each particular height of the system. Altogether the study indicates that the selected parabolic trough-CSP plant has the edge over alternative competing technologies for locations where DNI is high and where land usage is not an issue, such as the shoreline of Libya.


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Socio-economic changes, alterations in societal expectations and new public policies have put pressures on higher education public funding, bringing the issue of funding diversification to the forefront. Income diversification, namely, generation of funds from private, as well as from competitive public sources, has become increasingly important in European higher education due to a complex financial environment and perceived deficit of innovation transfer. Although there are numerous studies about changes in national funding systems and allocation mechanisms, few have focused on diversification of funding sources, especially in the European context, making Portugal no exception. Thus, this study aims at exploring income diversification at the institutional level and its influence on the internal organisational structures. For this purpose two Portuguese public universities were chosen as case studies. The empirical material was collected through semi-structured interviews with top management and middle management of each university and through documentary analysis. Data analysis demonstrated that both universities are in the process of institutionalizing and formalising practices of income diversification, notably by getting more professional in how they are dealing with external stakeholders, such as businesses, local community, and students. However, the study also revealed that there is no formal, organised strategy to deal with income diversification. In general, the universities are reacting to external demands rather than pro-actively exploring opportunities. In this respect, the analysis determined several factors that promote or inhibit income diversification activities. Quality and favourable organizational culture were named by the interviewees as the most relevant factors for successful income diversification. External factors such as legal arrangements and funding conditions were cited as major constraints. This research has also revealed that revenue diversification activities tend to develop along the continuum towards higher sophistication and systematisation of activities that are supported by a powerful infrastructure. Together with efforts at the institutional level, the role of government policies proves to be crucial in providing tools and incentives to higher education institutions and creating a harmonious higher education system.


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A crescente dinamização de blogues no contexto escolar português, resultante das mais-valias e dos respetivos incentivos à utilização de ferramentas tecnológicas da Web 2.0, assumiu uma prática frequente a partir dos inícios do século XXI. Uma rápida pesquisa na Internet permite-nos verificar um número considerável de blogues usados na lecionação do Português, bem como uma diversidade no que diz respeito a propósitos e finalidades de utilização. Com a nossa investigação pretendemos estudar de que forma se processa o ensino-aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa/Português em alunos do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB), através do recurso a esta ferramenta, colocando o foco de análise no domínio da escrita. Procuramos percecionar as motivações e as dinâmicas privilegiadas e recorrentes na utilização pedagógica dos blogues no âmbito do ensino-aprendizagem da escrita a alunos do 3.º CEB. O nosso percurso de investigação foi delineado de acordo com duas fases de atuação. Numa primeira, fizemos um levantamento de “blogues estratégia” associados à prática docente da disciplina de Português no 3.º CEB, optando, nesta etapa, por uma análise quantitativa. A pesquisa e o contacto mais aprofundado que fomos fazendo conduziram-nos à definição de critérios de seleção e à construção e reformulação de uma grelha de identificação e caracterização geral dos blogues, que nos orientou nesta recolha. Elaborámos e aplicámos também um questionário a professores dinamizadores de blogues no âmbito do nosso trabalho que permitiu o alargamento do nosso corpus documental, bem como definir outros elementos para posterior análise. Tendo em conta a diversidade de objetivos e finalidades, muitas vezes referidos nos próprios blogues, optámos por definir três categorias, de forma a favorecer a recolha e a amostra no âmbito no nosso trabalho, designadamente “Blogue Cartolina", “Blogue Turma” e “Blogue Projeto”. Numa segunda fase, e depois da seleção dos posts no âmbito do ensinoaprendizagem da escrita que fazem parte da nossa base documental, partimos para uma análise mais aprofundada do conteúdo publicado. Para tal, elaborámos uma segunda grelha com indicadores para recolha de dados, tendo definido quatro práticas de escrita (Divulgação, Solicitação, Reformulação e Partilha), e uma terceira grelha, com tipos de interação, para uma análise da participação através de comentários que se desencadeia a partir das publicações. No fundo, o nosso propósito consistiu em aferir a organização e as dinâmicas de funcionamento dos “blogues estratégia” ligados ao ensino-aprendizagem da escrita do 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e, neste sentido, percecionarmos de que forma estas funcionalidades tecnológicas poderão contribuir para o desenvolvimento da escrita junto dos alunos.