3 resultados para Continental Population Groups

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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Nowadays, a systems biology approach is both a challenge as well as believed to be the ideal form of understanding the organisms’ mechanisms of response. Responses at different levels of biological organization should be integrated to better understand the mechanisms, and hence predict the effects of stress agents, usable in broader contexts. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the underlying mechanisms of Enchytraeus albidus responses to chemical stressors. Therefore, there was a large investment on the gene library enrichment for this species, as explained ahead. Overall, effects of chemicals from two different groups (metals and pesticides) were assessed at different levels of biological organization: from genes and biochemical biomarkers to population endpoints. Selected chemicals were: 1) the metals cadmium and zinc; 2) the insecticide dimethoate, the herbicide atrazine and the fungicide carbendazim. At the gene and sub-cellular level, the effects of time and dosage were also adressed. Traditional ecotoxicological tests - survival, reproduction and avoidance behavior - indicated that pesticides were more toxic than metals. Avoidance behaviour is extremely important from an ecological point of view, but not recommended to use for risk assessment purposes. The oxidative stress related experiment showed that metals induced significant effects on several antioxidant enzyme activities and substrate levels, as well as oxidative damage on the membrane cells. To increase the potential of our molecular tool to assess transcriptional responses, the existing cDNA library was enriched with metal and pesticide responding genes, using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization (SSH). With the sequencing information obtained, an improved Agilent custom oligonucleotide microarray was developed and an EST database, including all existing molecular data on E. albidus, was made publicly available as an interactive tool to access information. With this microarray tool, most interesting and novel information on the mechanisms of chemical toxicity was obtained, with the identification of common and specific key pathways affected by each compound. The obtained results allowed the identification of mechanisms of action for the tested compounds in E. albidus, some of which are in line with the ones known for mammals, suggesting across species conserved modes of action and underlining the usefulness of this soil invertebrate as a model species. In general, biochemical and molecular responses were influenced by time of exposure and chemical dosage and these allowed to see the evolution of events. Cellular energy allocation results confirmed the gene expression evidences of an increased energetic expenditure, which can partially explain the decrease on the reproductive output, verified at a later stage. Correlations found throughout this thesis between effects at the different levels of biological organization have further improved our knowledge on the toxicity of metals and pesticides in this species.


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The study of the Portuguese Hydrozoa fauna has been abandoned for more than half a century, except for the Azores archipelago. One of the main aims of this Ph.D. project was to contribute new hydrozoan records leading to a more accurate perception of the actual hydrozoan diversity found in Portuguese waters, including the archipelagos of Azores and Madeira, and neighbouring geographical areas, for habitats ranging from the deep sea to the intertidal. Shallow water hydroids from several Portuguese marine regions (including the Gorringe Bank) were sampled by scuba-diving. Deep-water hydroids, from the Azores, Madeira, Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea, were collected by researchers of different institutions during several oceanographic campaigns. Occasional hydroid sampling by scuba-diving was performed in the UK, Malta and Spain. Over 300 hydroid species were identified and about 600 sequences of the hydrozoan ‘DNA barcode’ 16S mRNA were generated. The families Sertulariidae, Plumulariidae, Lafoeidae, Hebellidae, Aglaopheniidae, Campanulinidae, Halopterididae, Kirchenpaueriidae, Haleciidae and Eudendriidae, were studied in greater detail. About 350 16S sequences were generated for these taxa, allowing phylogenetic, phylogeographic and evolutionary inferences, and also more accurate taxonomic identifications. Phylogenetic analyses integrated molecular and morphological characters. Subsequent results revealed: particularly high levels of cryptic biodiversity, polyphyly in many taxonomic groups, pairs of species that were synonymous, the identity of several varieties as valid species, and highlighted phylogeographic associations of hydroids in deep and shallow-water areas of the NE Atlantic and W Mediterranean. It was proved that many (but not all) marine hydroid species with supposedly widespread vertical and/or horizontal geographical distributions, correspond in fact to complexes of cryptic taxa. This study further revealed that, in the NE Atlantic, shallow environments sustain higher hydrozoan diversity and abundance, but the importance of bathyal habitats as a source of phylogenetic diversity was also revealed. The Azorean seamounts were shown to be particularly important in the segregation of populations of hydroids with reduced dispersive potential. The bathyal habitats of the Gulf of Cadiz proved to harbour a considerably high number of cryptic species, which may mainly be a consequence of habitat heterogeneity and convergence of various water masses in the Gulf. The main causes proposed for speciation and population divergence of hydroids were: species population size, dispersal mechanisms and plasticity to inhabit different environmental conditions, but also the influence of oceanic currents (and its properties), habitat heterogeneity, climate change and continental drift. Higher phylogenetic resolution obtained for the family Plumulariidae revealed particularly that glacial cycles likely facilitated population divergence, ultimately speciation, and also faunal evolutionary transitions from deep to shallow waters.


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Durante o último século, as populações de cervídeos têm aumentado substancialmente um pouco por toda a Europa. O veado Cervus elaphus não foi exceção, apresentando atualmente uma ampla distribuição geográfica. Após a quase extinção de todas as populações selvagens desta espécie em Portugal, o número de efetivos de veado e a área de distribuição da espécie têm aumentado significativamente nas últimas décadas. Esta proliferação deveu-se fundamentalmente aos processos de reintrodução implementados em algumas zonas do país, como foi o caso da Serra da Lousã. Dez anos após a reintrodução, a expansão geográfica e demográfica é já uma realidade e a espécie assume um papel relevante tanto do ponto de vista cinegético como turístico. Com o aumento das populações de ungulados, surge a necessidade de aumentar o conhecimento existente sobre estas espécies, particularmente ao nível das estimativas populacionais, do uso e seleção de habitat, do comportamento e da fisiologia das populações. Neste sentido, um dos objetivos foi comparar quatro métodos de contagem de excrementos em termos de estimativa populacional, aplicabilidade e eficiência. Face aos resultados obtidos, o método de transectos lineares com distance sampling revelou-se o mais eficiente, providenciando uma boa precisão num menor tempo. Relativamente ao uso e seleção do habitat, recorrendo a transectos de contagem de excrementos e a observações diretas, verificou-se que o veado seleciona positivamente habitats que lhe proporcionam simultaneamente alimento e refúgio, como é o caso das áreas de ecótono. A preferência por áreas de ecótono evidencia um comportamento adaptativo de maximização de energia, no qual os animais optam por procurar refúgio na proximidade das áreas de alimentação de forma a minimizarem os dispêndios energéticos. Em termos de dinâmica populacional, verificou-se uma relação entre a densidade de veado e o tamanho dos seus grupos, bem como o efeito nos mesmos do coberto vegetal. Contudo, dado o seu alto dimorfismo sexual em termos de tamanho corporal, as preferências de habitat podem também ser em parte responsáveis pela segregação sexual fora da época de reprodução. Face aos resultados obtidos através do método de observação direta de animais, a segregação sexual surge como consequência da interação entre fatores sociais e de habitat, que resultam de diferentes estratégias reprodutivas por parte de ambos os sexos. As diferentes estratégias reprodutivas são também notórias em termos de condição física e imunológica, com os machos a aumentarem a sua condição durante as épocas de primavera e verão de forma a melhorarem a sua performance durante o cio, e as fêmeas a viverem grande parte do ano no limiar da condição física devido ao seu investimento na sobrevivência da sua descendência. Globalmente, o veado apresenta uma boa adaptação à Serra da Lousã e representa um importante recurso natural para esta região. Contudo, para que a proliferação desta população selvagem continue, é necessária a implementação de medidas de gestão adequadas a este ecossistema mediterrâneo.