5 resultados para Conceptual change model
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
Database schemas, in many organizations, are considered one of the critical assets to be protected. From database schemas, it is not only possible to infer the information being collected but also the way organizations manage their businesses and/or activities. One of the ways to disclose database schemas is through the Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) expressions. In fact, their use can follow strict security rules or be unregulated by malicious users. In the first case, users are required to master database schemas. This can be critical when applications that access the database directly, which we call database interface applications (DIA), are developed by third party organizations via outsourcing. In the second case, users can disclose partially or totally database schemas following malicious algorithms based on CRUD expressions. To overcome this vulnerability, we propose a new technique where CRUD expressions cannot be directly manipulated by DIAs any more. Whenever a DIA starts-up, the associated database server generates a random codified token for each CRUD expression and sends it to the DIA that the database servers can use to execute the correspondent CRUD expression. In order to validate our proposal, we present a conceptual architectural model and a proof of concept.
Os estudos sobre astronomia e educação em astronomia com professores em serviço são escassos e o seu aumento significativo, nos últimos anos, denota a importância desta área na literacia científica dos cidadãos. Há uma necessidade de divulgar esse conhecimento para superar algumas dificuldades, tais como, a prevalência de conceções alternativas e a falta de implementação de atividades práticas no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste contexto, foi implementado um estudo quasi-experimental com professores e alunos dos 3º e 4º anos de escolaridade de escolas da costa norte de Portugal, que integrou aplicação de questionários diagnósticos em mais de um momento, e uma ação de formação sobre astronomia, para professores. A intenção era verificar se as conceções em relação à astronomia, de professores e alunos, estavam em conformidade com as descritas na literatura, e se a ação de formação, com base em atividades práticas, concebidas com materiais acessíveis e adequadas para colocar em prática com os alunos, foi resposta para melhorar os seus conhecimentos científicos e a prática docente. A análise dos dados a partir do pré-teste revelou conceções alternativas de acordo com a literatura. Os resultados verificados no pós-teste, administrado um ano mais tarde, para o grupo experimental de professores, e comparados com os do grupo de controlo, mostraram que a totalidade dos elementos do grupo experimental evidenciaram uma melhoria significativa no conhecimento científico e uma mudança concetual, devido ao desenvolvimento profissional implementado. Também se verificou que a realização de atividades práticas, através de metodologia de investigação, permitiu que os alunos pudessem compreender como funciona a ciência, o que se traduziu em progresso ao nível das aprendizagens e atitudes. A prática efetiva de atividades hands-on e minds-on parece ser uma maneira apropriada para construir e reforçar o conhecimento científico nesta área, acerca de fenómenos não observáveis. Advoga-se, assim, a importância da formação de professores ao longo da carreira docente como forma de atualizar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, tendo em vista uma escola capaz de preparar os alunos para uma sociedade cada vez mais exigente e influenciada pela constante mudança no conhecimento proporcionado pelo desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico.
The main goal of this thesis is to propose a conceptual theoretical model of critical success factors of International Development Cooperation programmes that are based in knowledge transfer approaches in the context of tourism development. The research was structured around three main theoretical pillars: international development cooperation (IDC), tourism as a tool for development, and knowledge transfer (KT). By exploring these pillars´ main interrelations, it was possible to gather the necessary background to develop the theoretical model and apply it to a real context. It was adopted a qualitative research approach using as a case study an IDC programme in tourism - the UNWTO.Volunteers programme. The key contribution of this thesis in the theoretical realm is the bridging of fields of study that are insufficiently covered in the scientific literature. The resulting model proposal applied to a real context of an IDC programme implementation permitted to test it partially providing useful insights for future research. It is postulated that IDC programmes in these contexts constitute a process rather than an end in itself. Therefore, they should be seen as a way of changing the state of the art of the tourism system in a sustainable manner so that it potentially generates positive development changes. This study suggested that it is not possible to achieve positive results if, instead of encouraging a KT and learning environment, it is simply disseminated knowledge in a linear, static, north-south approach. The characteristics of these interventions should be reviewed in that it was found that it is very difficult to guarantee the maintenance of the development changes induced by them if it is not safeguarded the necessary conditions and accountability to implement the recommended actions. While it was perceived a great potential for development changes to be induced by some IDC programmes in tourism destinations, it was concluded that these processes are too much dependent on the local political systems and existing power relations, as well as on the level of tourism development of the destination. However, more research is needed to examine the ability to generalise the findings to other IDC programmes and different destinations of developing countries.
This thesis focuses on the processes of narrative change in psychotherapy. Previous reviews of the processes of narrative change in psychotherapy concluded that a general theory that details narrative concepts appropriate to understand psychotherapy processes, explains the dynamic processes between narratives, and how they relate to positive outcomes is needed. This thesis addresses this issue by suggesting a multi-layered model that accounts for transformations in different layers of narrative organization. Accordingly, a model was specified that considers three layers of narrative organization: a micro-layer of narrative innovations that disrupt the clients’ usual way of construct meaning from life situations (innovative moments), a meso-layer of narrative scripts that integrate these narrative innovations in narrative scripts that consolidate its transformative potential (protonarratives), and, finally, a macro-layer of clients’ life story (self-narrative). Globally, the empirical studies provided support for the conceptual plausibility of this model and to the specific hypothesis that were formulated on its basis. Our observations complement previous research that had underlined the integrative processes either by emphasizing thematic coherence or integration, by emphasizing the role of dynamicity and differentiation of narrative contents and processes. Additionally, they also contribute to expand previous accounts of narrative innovation through insights on the processes that characterize narrative innovation development across psychotherapy. These studies also emphasize the role of quantitative procedures in the study of narrative processes of change as they allow us to accommodate the complexity and dynamic properties of narrative processes.
There is clear evidence that in typically developing children reasoning and sense-making are essential in all mathematical learning and understanding processes. In children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), however, these become much more significant, considering their importance to successful independent living. This paper presents a preliminary proposal of a digital environment, specifically targeted to promote the development of mathematical reasoning in students with ASD. Given the diversity of ASD, the prototyping of this environment requires the study of dynamic adaptation processes and the development of activities adjusted to each user’s profile. We present the results obtained during the first phase of this ongoing research, describing a conceptual model of the proposed digital environment. Guidelines for future research are also discussed.