8 resultados para Carlota Joaquina de Bourbon, queen of Portugal, 1775-1830.
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
This report is the result of the curricular internship carried out in Bizpartner, a company from Slovakia, for the Master’s degree in Languages and Business Relations. The objective of this report is to present the activities developed during the internship, as well as a brief study of how Bizpartner internationalizes and the different results obtained from Portugal, Greece and the United Kingdom. There is a contextualization of Slovakia, Bizpartner and Internationalization, followed by the specific cases of Portugal, Greece and the United Kingdom. Finally, there is a reflection on all the work done, attempting to relate the internship with the knowledge acquired during the course.
Remote Sensing has been used for decades, and more and more applications are added to its repertoire. With this study we aim to show the use of Remote Sensing in the field of vegetation recovery monitoring in burned areas and the added value of data with a high spatial resolution. This was done by analysing both Landsat 7 and 8 scenes, after the forest fire of summer 2012 in the parish of Calde, in the central region of Portugal, as well as an orthophoto produced with images acquired by an unmanned aerial vehicle.
Rin de Aveiro is a coastal lagoon located at the Central Region of Portugal subjected to the influence of the tides, resulting in a set of characteristic biotopes favouring anthropic and natural processes. Once managed and controlled correctly, each of these biotopes will allow simultaneously the biodiversity and integration in the making of the wetland landscape. In 1998, one of the final conclusions of the "MARIA" Demonstration Programme for the Integrated Management of Ria de Aveiro was that the poor current state of the environment area resulted from a set of interrelated factors. The Programme selected four (4) pilot-projects towards the integrated management of the lagoon biotopes as possible scenarios for an intervention. This selection was based in criteria related to environmental priorities and the maintenance of traditional economic activities in the region. The idea of choosing projects that would involve the whole geographic space of the Ria, without forgetting the other important themes interrelated with the Management Structure, emerged as a relevant aspect for their definition. Thus, and as a first test of this Management Structure functionality, the following task forces were put forward: Recovery and valorisation of the piers; Recovery of the former salt pans; Management of the agricultural fields of Baixo-Vouga; Implementation of measures for the classification of the Protected Landscape Area of the River Caster Mouth. This payer will report the main results of these pilot-projects attained during their first year period, especially the intervention strategies defined by the Partnership created for this aim.
Palheiros are traditional timber constructions existing in the littoral centre region of Portugal. This is particularly the case of the Aveiro lagoon region where for many years many such constructions have existed. They were originally built to store working tools related with lagoon activity (fishing and sea salt extraction) and to give shelter for the fishermen during the fishing season. These constructions were built with superimposed veneers in vertical or horizontal directions. Since they are mostly located near the sea, they have started to be used as holiday houses and are often painted in vivid colours. Most of these buildings are being replaced by concrete constructions, since their preservation state is rather unsatisfactory or simply because there is a need to increase their size. Additionally, little knowledge about the possibilities of maintenance and building in timber structures exists. In some cases, although the structures were changed from timber to concrete, the exterior appearance of the palheiros remains the same, which might be interesting from the pictorial point of view but it isn’t certainly from a heritage preservation perspective. However in many other situations, they are being substituted by “modern” constructions that were not valuable in any of the previous viewpoints. Fortunately, there are also cases where palheiros have been preserved and remain in good condition. For how long these examples will remain is certainly the major question that must be answered since these are only on the dependence of owner’s will and not based on local authorities concern. A consciousness of local authorities and citizens is mandatory in order to preserve this heritage because it is perfectly possible to preserve the traditional constructions offering all the comfort of modern houses. Keywords: timber construction, vernacular construction, preservation.
O complexo batolítico das Beiras está localizado na Zona Centro Ibérica (ZCI), no centro norte de Portugal. É predominantemente composto por rochas granitóides instaladas em metassedimentos de idade Neoproterozóica - Câmbrica Inferior, Ordovícica e Carbonífera Superior, durante ou após a última fase de deformação dúctil varisca (D3). No seu conjunto, as rochas granitóides do Batólito das Beiras cobrem um amplo espectro de idades (sin-, tardi- e tardi-pós-D3) e tipologias (tipo S e transicionais I-S). Neste trabalho apresentam-se dados petrográficos, mineralógicos, geoquímicos e isotópicos para estas intrusões e discutem-se os principais processos envolvidos na sua génese.
The Mediterranean species Cynara cardunculus L. is recognized in the traditional medicine, for their hepatoprotective and choleretic effects. Biomass of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC), or cultivated cardoon, may be explored not only for the production of energy and pulp fibers, but also for the extraction of bioactive compounds. The chemical characterization of extractable components, namely terpenic and phenolic compounds, may valorize the cultivated cardoon plantation, due to their antioxidant, antitumoral and antimicrobial activities. In this study, the chemical composition of lipophilic and phenolic fractions of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC), cultivated in the south of Portugal (Baixo Alentejo region) was characterized in detail, intending the integral valorization of its biomass. The biological activity of cultivated cardoon extracts was evaluated in terms of antioxidant, human tumor cell antiproliferative and antibacterial effects. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for the chemical analysis of lipophilic compounds. Sixty-five lipophilic compounds were identified, from which 1 sesquiterpene lactone and 4 pentacyclic triterpenes were described, for the first time, as cultivated cardoon components, such as: deacylcynaropicrin, acetates of β- and α-amyrin, lupenyl acetate and ψ-taraxasteryl acetate. Sesquiterpene lactones were the major family of lipophilic components of leaves (≈94.5 g/kg), mostly represented by cynaropicrin (≈87.4 g/kg). Pentacyclic triterpenes were also detected, in considerably high contents, in the remaining parts of cultivated cardoon, especially in the florets (≈27.5 g/kg). Taraxasteryl acetate was the main pentacyclic triterpene (≈8.9 g/kg in florets). High pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) was utilized for the chemical analysis of phenolic compounds. Among the identified 28 phenolic compounds, eriodictyol hexoside was reported for the first time as C. cardunculus L. component, and 6 as cultivated cardoon components, namely 1,4-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid, naringenin 7-O-glucoside, naringenin rutinoside, naringenin, luteolin acetylhexoside and apigenin acetylhexoside. The highest content of the identified phenolic compounds was observed in the florets (≈12.6 g/kg). Stalks outer part contained the highest hydroxycinnamic acids abundance (≈10.3 g/kg), and florets presented the highest flavonoids content (≈10.3 g/kg). The antioxidant activity of phenolic fraction was examined through 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay. Stalks outer part, and receptacles and bracts extracts demonstrated the highest antioxidant effect on DPPH (IC50 of 34.35 μg/mL and 35.25 μg/mL, respectively). (cont.) abstract (cont.) The DPPH scavenging effect was linearly correlated with the total contents of hydroxycinnamic acids (r = -0.990). The in vitro antiproliferative activity of cultivated cardoon lipophilic and phenolic extracts was evaluated on a human tumor cells line of triple-negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231), one of the most refractory human cancers to conventional therapeutics. After 48 h of exposition, leaves lipophilic extract showed higher inhibitory effect (IC50 = 10.39 μg/mL) than florets lipophilic extract (IC50 = 315.22 μg/mL), upon MDA-MB-231 cellular viability. Pure compound of cynaropicrin, representative of the main compound identified in leaves lipophilic extract, also prevented the cell proliferation of MDA-MB-231 (IC50 = 17.86 μM). MDA-MB-231 cells were much more resistant to the 48 h- treatment with phenolic extracts of stalks outer part (IC50 = 3341.20 μg/mL) and florets (IC50 > 4500 μg/mL), and also with the pure compound of 1,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (IC50 = 1741.69 μM). MDA-MB-231 cells were exposed, for 48 h, to the respective IC50 concentrations of leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin, in order to understand their ability in modelling cellular responses, and consequently important potentially signaling pathways for the cellular viability decrease. Leaves lipophilic extract increased the caspase-3 enzymatic activity, contrarily to pure compound of cynaropicrin. Additionally, leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin caused G2 cell cycle arrest, possibly by upregulating the p21Waf1/Cip1 and the accumulation of phospho-Tyr15-CDK1 and cyclin B1. The inhibitory effects of leaves lipophilic extract and cynaropicrin pure compound, against the MDA-MB-231 cell proliferation, may also be related to the downregulation of phospho-Ser473-Akt. The antibacterial activity of cultivated cardoon lipophilic and phenolic extracts was assessed, for the first time, on two multidrug-resistant bacteria, such as the Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and the Gram-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), two of the main bacteria responsible for health care-associated infections. Accordingly, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined. Lipophilic and phenolic extracts of florets did not have antibacterial activity on P. aeruginosa PAO1 and MRSA (MIC > 2048 μg/mL). Leaves lipophilic extract did not prevent the P. aeruginosa PAO1 growth, but pure compound of cynaropicrin was slightly active (MIC = 2048 μg/mL). Leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin blocked MRSA growth (MIC of 1024 and 256 μg/mL, respectively). The scientific knowledge revealed in this thesis, either by the chemical viewpoint, or by the biological viewpoint, contributes for the valorization of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC) biomass. Cultivated cardoon has potential to be exploited as source of bioactive compounds, in conciliation with other valorization pathways, and Portuguese traditional cheeses manufacturing.
O caráter competitivo dos mercados na área do turismo tem-se acentuado nas últimas décadas e, por conseguinte, cada vez mais os destinos têm de conseguir demonstrar a sua diferenciação. Ao desempenhar um papel fundamental no comportamento dos consumidores e, em particular, na tomada de decisão sobre os destinos a visitar, a imagem do destino na mente dos consumidores finais e dos intermediários que os comercializam é fundamental para o sucesso dos destinos. Desta forma, a imagem dos destinos turísticos tem sido alvo de extensa investigação, uma vez que a compreensão da imagem percebida dos destinos e também da imagem projetada através dos diversos canais de promoção poderá permitir a identificação de aspetos a melhorar nas suas estratégias de marketing, uma maior eficiência dos recursos financeiros investidos no estímulo da procura turística e uma maior eficácia na atração dos turistas que, consecutivamente, avaliam potenciais novos destinos a visitar. A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo o destino turístico Portugal e debruça-se sobre a análise da imagem percebida, na perspetiva dos intermediários turísticos dos cinco países que mais enviam turistas para Portugal, e da imagem projetada no portal oficial de promoção deste destino. Os seus objetivos centrais prendem-se com a comparação destas duas vertentes da imagem, no sentido de apurar as suas diferenças e semelhanças e, assim, apurar contributos relevantes para as estratégias de promoção do destino Portugal, e ainda a identificação dos fatores determinantes da imagem percebida de Portugal pelos intermediários turísticos analisados e das suas consequências ao nível da lealdade atitudinal. De uma forma global, conclui-se que a imagem percebida e a imagem projetada de Portugal como destino turístico apresentam semelhanças em alguns aspetos e diferenças noutros. Além disso, verifica-se que um conjunto de fatores determinantes exerce influência sobre a imagem percebida de Portugal como destino turístico e que esta tem efeito sobre a lealdade atitudinal dos intermediários turísticos, traduzida nas intenções de recomendação do destino.
O objetivo principal desta dissertação é relacionar o enoturismo com o maior mercado emissor de turistas do mundo – a China, nomeadamente no que diz respeito às potencialidades de Portugal como destino enoturístico para este mercado. Para o efeito, estruturou-se o trabalho de forma a dedicar um capítulo à caracterização do enoturismo, um segundo capítulo à caracterização do mercado emissor de turistas chinês com destaque para a caracterização do enoturismo na China e do enoturista chinês. Reservou-se um terceiro capítulo para proceder à caracterização de Portugal como destino de enoturismo, fazendo a caracterização da oferta e da procura, com particular enfoque para a procura chinesa. A metodologia de pesquisa desta dissertação assentou em revisão bibliográfica e na análise de dados fornecidos por fontes secundárias e terciárias, como estudos já conduzidos sobre o tema ou temas relacionados e dados quantitativos recolhidos junto das principais instituições nacionais e internacionais de referência. Apresentou-se a caracterização do enoturismo, em termos concetuais, mas sobretudo no contexto dos seus principais mercados de oferta. Com base na análise da oferta nestes mercados procedeu-se à recolha e apresentação de uma série de boas práticas internacionais, tanto no que toca ao enoturismo, como no que diz respeito a iniciativas de captação do turismo emissor chinês. Procedeu-se à caracterização do desenvolvimento do turismo emissor na China, da realidade do enoturismo na China e construiu-se um perfil do enoturista chinês.