em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
The main purpose of this study is to present an alternative benchmarking approach that can be used by national regulators of utilities. It is widely known that the lack of sizeable data sets limits the choice of the benchmarking method and the specification of the model to set price controls within incentive-based regulation. Ill-posed frontier models are the problem that some national regulators have been facing. Maximum entropy estimators are useful in the estimation of such ill-posed models, in particular in models exhibiting small sample sizes, collinearity and non-normal errors, as well as in models where the number of parameters to be estimated exceeds the number of observations available. The empirical study involves a sample data used by the Portuguese regulator of the electricity sector to set the parameters for the electricity distribution companies in the regulatory period of 2012-2014. DEA and maximum entropy methods are applied and the efficiency results are compared.
As Administrações Portuárias foram evoluindo ao longo do tempo, sendo, atualmente, organismos de capitais exclusivamente públicos. Sendo crescente a competitividade entre os Portos e as exigências em termos de qualidade na prestação de serviços, as Administrações Portuárias têm sentido a necessidade de se moldarem às necessidades dos seus clientes. No presente estudo tentou perceber-se de que modo é que a informação estatística utilizada nos Portos nacionais auxilia na tomada de decisão diária dos administradores. Com vista à concretização do objetivo proposto, foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, tendo a informação sido recolhida através da análise documental e de entrevistas de elite realizadas a administradores portuários. O presente estudo começa por apresentar o percurso dos Portos, expondo a sua evolução e os modelos de gestão utilizados. Posteriormente, são apresentadas as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio na Organização de Acolhimento – Administração do Porto de Aveiro, S.A.. De seguida, é realizado o tratamento e análise da informação recolhida através das entrevistas a administradores portuários. Por último, são expostas as considerações finais, de modo a aferir qual a importância da estatística para a gestão portuária, são identificadas as limitações encontradas durante a realização do estudo e feitas propostas de trabalho para o futuro. O estudo mostrou que, apesar de ser apenas uma parte do processo, a estatística é imprescindível para gestão dos Portos, sendo, contudo, primordial que seja desenvolvida para melhorar o processo de tomada de decisão. Algumas das mudanças sugeridas incluem obrigar os concessionários a ceder dados à Autoridade Portuária, definir indicadores globais e dinâmicos a nível nacional que permitam analisar a evolução de cada Porto, fazer benchmarking, e selecionar um conjunto de indicadores internos de performance, para que os administradores possam ter uma visão do passado, do presente e estarem preparados para o que o futuro acarreta. Acredita-se que a análise efetuada no âmbito deste estudo poderá contribuir para que se efetuem pequenas mudanças, no sentido de contribuir para uma melhor utilização da estatística na gestão portuária.
Information Visualization is gradually emerging to assist the representation and comprehension of large datasets about Higher Education Institutions, making the data more easily understood. The importance of gaining insights and knowledge regarding higher education institutions is little disputed. Within this knowledge, the emerging and urging area in need of a systematic understanding is the use of communication technologies, area that is having a transformative impact on educational practices worldwide. This study focused on the need to visually represent a dataset about how Portuguese Public Higher Education Institutions are using Communication Technologies as a support to teaching and learning processes. Project TRACER identified this need, regarding the Portuguese public higher education context, and carried out a national data collection. This study was developed within project TRACER, and worked with the dataset collected in order to conceptualize an information visualization tool U-TRACER®. The main goals of this study related to: conceptualization of the information visualization tool U-TRACER®, to represent the data collected by project TRACER; understand higher education decision makers perception of usefulness regarding the tool. The goals allowed us to contextualize the phenomenon of information visualization tools regarding higher education data, realizing the existing trends. The research undertaken was of qualitative nature, and followed the method of case study with four moments of data collection.The first moment regarded the conceptualization of the U-TRACER®, with two focus group sessions with Higher Education professionals, with the aim of defining the interaction features the U-TRACER® should offer. The second data collection moment involved the proposal of the graphical displays that would represent the dataset, which reading effectiveness was tested by end-users. The third moment involved the development of a usability test to the UTRACER ® performed by higher education professionals and which resulted in the proposal of improvements to the final prototype of the tool. The fourth moment of data collection involved conducting exploratory, semi-structured interviews, to the institutional decision makers regarding their perceived usefulness of the U-TRACER®. We consider that the results of this study contribute towards two moments of reflection. The challenges of involving end-users in the conceptualization of an information visualization tool; the relevance of effective visual displays for an effective communication of the data and information. The second relates to the reflection about how the higher education decision makers, stakeholders of the U-TRACER® tool, perceive usefulness of the tool, both for communicating their institutions data and for benchmarking exercises, as well as a support for decision processes. Also to reflect on the main concerns about opening up data about higher education institutions in a global market.