3 resultados para ALGAS
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
agricultural, pharmaceutical, cosmetic or bioenergy applications. They contain bioactive compounds, namely, polysaccharides Fucoidan. These polysaccharides are mainly constituted by fucose residues and sulfate esters, and have been reported to possess a broad variety of bioactivities, such as anticoagulant, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antiviral and antioxidant. In this work, the fucoidans from brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus from “Ria de Aveiro” were isolated and characterized in order to add value to this natural resource of the region. The polysaccharides from the algae were extracted with hot water and fractioned by ethanol precipitation and calcium chloride salts. They were further purified by using anion-exchange chromatography, allowing to separate the neutral polysaccharides (laminaranas) from those negatively charged (sulfated fucoidans and alginate). The purified polysaccharides showed high content of fucose (41 mol%) and sulfates (50 mol%), having also galactose residues (6 mol%), which confirm the presence of only sulfated fucoidans. Glycosidic linkages analysis show the presence of high amounts of terminal fucose (25%) and (1→3,4)-Fuc (26%), allowing to infer that the fucoidans were highly branched. These fucoidans are composed also by (1→2)-Fuc (14%) and (1→3)-Fuc linkages (10-16%). In this work it was also tested an alternative extraction technology, the microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity system, where it was possible to extract sugars, although in low yields. However, this methodology allowed to extract polysaccharides, constituted mainly by fucose and uronic acids, as well as mannitol, without the need to add any solvent, obtaining at the end the dry alga. The current work allowed to characterize the structure of the fucoidans isolated from “Ria de Aveiro” F. vesiculosus. The presence of high content of sulfate residues and the high branch degree of the purified fucoidans allow to infer that these polysaccharides could have potential to be studied for biomedical applications, according to their biological activities.
O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo caracterizar os metabolitos secundários, compostos lipofílicos e compostos mais polares, de três macroalgas existentes na costa portuguesa, nomeadamente da H. elongata, L. ochroleuca e U. pinnatifida, de forma a contribuir para a sua valorização. Foram realizadas extrações Soxhlet com diclorometano para extrair os compostos lipofílicos, enquanto as frações mais polares foram obtidas por extrações convencionais sólido-líquido, usando diferentes misturas de solventes (acetona:H2O e metanol:H2O:AcOH). Os extratos foram analisados por GC-MS e HPLC-MS. Os extratos polares foram ainda avaliados quanto à sua atividade antioxidante e quanto ao teor de fenóis totais (método de Folin-Ciocâlteau) e florotaninos (método DMBA). A fração lipofílica das três macroalgas estudadas é composta principalmente por ácidos gordos, álcoois alifáticos de cadeia longa e esteróis. O ácido hexadecanóico mostrou ser o composto maioritário das três espécies de algas, seguido dos ácidos octadeca-9-enóico e tetradecanóico. O fucosterol foi o esterol mais abundante encontrado para a H. elongata, enquanto que na L. ochroleuca e na U. pinnatifida foi o 24-metilenocolesterol. Os extratos polares obtidos a partir das duas metodologias de extração apresentaram rendimentos de extração elevados, tendo os extratos acetona:H2O apresentado rendimentos de extração superiores (88.73-92.33 %). Estes extratos mostraram ainda teores de fenóis e florotaninos totais mais elevados, com valores entre 524.03-635.69 g EAG/kg de peso seco e 1.48-1.55 g EFG/kg de peso seco, respetivamente. Os extratos de acetona:H2O no ensaio DPPH apresentaram valores de IC50 entre 6.57-7.64 μg/mL. Estes valores, apesar de serem inferiores ao IC50 do ácido ascórbico, são superiores ao determinado para o antioxidante sintético butil-hidroxitolueno (BHT). O extrato da acetona:H2O da L. ochroleuca foi o que apresentou melhor atividade antioxidante, com um IC50 de 6.57 ± 0.71 μg/mL. A análise por HPLC-DAD-MSn não permitiu até ao momento detetar compostos fenólicos nos extratos obtidos. Estes resultados são uma contribuição relevante para a valorização destas espécies de macroalgas como fonte de fitoquímicos valiosos.
Perturbation of natural ecosystems, namely by increasing freshwater use and its degradative use, as well as topsoil erosion by water of land-use production systems, have been emerging as topics of high environmental concern. Freshwater use has become a focus of attention in the last few years for all stakeholders involved in the production of goods, mainly agro-industrial and forest-based products, which are freshwater-intensive consumers, requiring large inputs of green and blue water. This thesis presents a global review on the available Water Footprint Assessment and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)-based methods for measuring and assessing the environmental relevance of freshwater resources use, based on a life cycle perspective. Using some of the available midpoint LCA-based methods, the freshwater use-related impacts of a Portuguese wine (white ‘vinho verde’) were assessed. However, the relevance of environmental green water has been neglected because of the absence of a comprehensive impact assessment method associated with green water flows. To overcome this constraint, this thesis helps to improve and enhance the LCA-based methods by providing a midpoint and spatially explicit Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) method for assessing impacts on terrestrial green water flow and addressing reductions in surface blue water production caused by reductions in surface runoff due to land-use production systems. The applicability of the proposed method is illustrated by a case study on Eucalyptus globulus conducted in Portugal, as the growth of short rotation forestry is largely dependent on local precipitation. Topsoil erosion by water has been characterised as one of the most upsetting problems for rivers. Because of this, this thesis also focuses on the ecosystem impacts caused by suspended solids (SS) from topsoil erosion that reach freshwater systems. A framework to conduct a spatially distributed SS delivery to freshwater streams and a fate and effect LCIA method to derive site-specific characterisation factors (CFs) for endpoint damage on aquatic ecosystem diversity, namely on algae, macrophyte, and macroinvertebrates organisms, were developed. The applicability of this framework, combined with the derived site-specific CFs, is shown by conducting a case study on E. globulus stands located in Portugal as an example of a land use based system. A spatially explicit LCA assessment was shown to be necessary, since the impacts associated with both green water flows and SS vary greatly as a function of spatial location.