4 resultados para AEROSOLS

em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal


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Water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) from atmospheric particles comprises a complex array of molecular structures that play an important role on the physic-chemical properties of atmospheric particles and, therefore, are linked to several global-relevant atmospheric processes which impact the climate and public health. Due to the large variety of sources and formation processes, adequate knowledge on WSOM composition and its effects on the properties of atmospheric aerosol are still limited. Therefore, this thesis aims at providing new insights on the molecular composition of WSOM from fine atmospheric aerosols typical of an urban area (Aveiro, Portugal). In a first step, adsorption phenomena of semivolatile organic compounds on quartz fibre filters employed in the collection of atmospheric aerosols were assessed. Afterwards, atmospheric aerosol samples were collected during fifteen months, on a weekly basis. A mass balance of aerosol samples was performed in order to set the relative contribution of elemental carbon, WSOM and water-insoluble organic matter to the aerosol mass collected at the urban area of Aveiro, with a special focus on the assessment of the influence of different meteorological conditions. In order to assess the chemical complexity of the WSOM from urban aerosols, their structural characteristics were studied by means of Fourier transform infrared infrared - Attenuated Total Reflectance (FTIR-ATR) and solid-state cross polarization with magic angle spinning 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS 13C NMR) spectroscopies, as well as their elemental composition. The structural characterization of aerosol WSOM samples collected in the urban area highlighted a highly complex mixture of functional groups. It was concluded that aliphatic and aromatic structures, hydroxyl groups and carboxyl groups are characteristic to all samples. The semi-quantitative assessment of the CPMAS 13C NMR data showed different distributions of the various functional groups between the aerosol samples collected at different seasons. Moreover, the presence of signals typical of lignin-derived structures in both CPMAS 13C NMR and FTIR-ATR spectra of the WSOM samples from the colder seasons, highlights the major contribution of biomass burning processes in domestic fireplaces, during low temperature conditions, into the bulk chemical properties of WSOM from urban aerosols. A comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC x LC) method, on-line coupled to a diode array, fluorescence, and evaporative light scattering detectors, was employed for resolving the chemical heterogeneity of the aerosol WSOM samples and, simultaneously, to map the hydrophobicity versus the molecular weight distribution of the samples. The LC x LC method employed a mixed-mode hydrophilic interaction column operating under aqueous reversed phase mode in the first dimension, and a size-exclusion column in the second dimension, which was found to be useful for separating the aerosol WSOM samples into various fractions with distinct molecular weight and hydrophobic features. The estimative of the average molecular weight (Mw) distribution of the urban aerosol WSOM samples ranged from 48 to 942 Da and from 45 to 1241 Da in terms of UV absorption and fluorescence detection, respectively. Findings suggest that smaller Mw group fractions seem to be related to a more hydrophobic nature.


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In Portugal, it was estimated that around 1.95 Mton/year of wood is used in residential wood burning for heating and cooking. Additionally, in the last decades, burnt forest area has also been increasing. These combustions result in high levels of toxic air pollutants and a large perturbation of atmospheric chemistry, interfere with climate and have adverse effects on health. Accurate quantification of the amounts of trace gases and particulate matter emitted from residential wood burning, agriculture and garden waste burning and forest fires on a regional and global basis is essential for various purposes, including: the investigation of several atmospheric processes, the reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, and quantification of the air pollution sources that affect human health at regional scales. In Southern Europe, data on detailed emission factors from biomass burning are rather inexistent. Emission inventories and source apportionment, photochemical and climate change models use default values obtained for US and Northern Europe biofuels. Thus, it is desirable to use more specific locally available data. The objective of this study is to characterise and quantify the contribution of biomass combustion sources to atmospheric trace gases and aerosol concentrations more representative of the national reality. Laboratory (residential wood combustion) and field (agriculture/garden waste burning and experimental wildland fires) sampling experiments were carried out. In the laboratory, after the selection of the most representative wood species and combustion equipment in Portugal, a sampling program to determine gaseous and particulate matter emission rates was set up, including organic and inorganic aerosol composition. In the field, the smoke plumes from agriculture/garden waste and experimental wildland fires were sampled. The results of this study show that the combustion equipment and biofuel type used have an important role in the emission levels and composition. Significant differences between the use of traditional combustion equipment versus modern equipments were also observed. These differences are due to higher combustion efficiency of modern equipment, reflecting the smallest amount of particulate matter, organic carbon and carbon monoxide released. With regard to experimental wildland fires in shrub dominated areas, it was observed that the largest organic fraction in the samples studied was mainly composed by vegetation pyrolysis products. The major organic components in the smoke samples were pyrolysates of vegetation cuticles, mainly comprising steradienes and sterol derivatives, carbohydrates from the breakdown of cellulose, aliphatic lipids from vegetation waxes and methoxyphenols from the lignin thermal degradation. Despite being a banned practice in our country, agriculture/garden waste burning is actually quite common. To assess the particulate matter composition, the smoke from three different agriculture/garden residues have been sampled into 3 different size fractions (PM2.5, PM2.5-10 and PM>10). Despite distribution patterns of organic compounds in particulate matter varied among residues, the amounts of phenolics (polyphenol and guaiacyl derivatives) and organic acids were always predominant over other organic compounds in the organosoluble fraction of smoke. Among biomarkers, levoglucosan, β-sitosterol and phytol were detected in appreciable amounts in the smoke of all agriculture/garden residues. In addition, inositol may be considered as an eventual tracer for the smoke from potato haulm burning. It was shown that the prevailing ambient conditions (such as high humidity in the atmosphere) likely contributed to atmospheric processes (e.g. coagulation and hygroscopic growth), which influenced the particle size characteristics of the smoke tracers, shifting their distribution to larger diameters. An assessment of household biomass consumption was also made through a national scale survey. The information obtained with the survey combined with the databases on emission factors from the laboratory and field tests allowed us to estimate the pollutant amounts emitted in each Portuguese district. In addition to a likely contribution to the improvement of emission inventories, emission factors obtained for tracer compounds in this study can be applied in receptor models to assess the contribution of biomass burning to the levels of atmospheric aerosols and their constituents obtained in monitoring campaigns in Mediterranean Europe.


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No âmbito do projeto CV-DUST foi desenvolvida uma campanha de medição do aerossol atmosférico na Cidade da Praia (14° 55’ N, 23°29’ W), de janeiro de 2011 a janeiro de 2012. A concentração do aerossol foi determinada com base no método gravimétrico, com a amostragem feita em termos de PM10 e em frações granulométricas, usando impactores. Complementarmente, foi usado um contador ótico de partículas que permite a monitorização em contínuo e a classificação do número de partículas em 31 frações de tamanho na gama entre 0,25 e 32 μm. A composição química do aerossol foi determinada com incidência nos seguintes componentes: iões inorgânicos solúveis em água (Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+ e Ca2+), carbonato total, elementos maioritários da crosta (Si, Na, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, Ti e Mn) e elementos vestigiais (Ba, Zn, Zr, Pb, Cu, Ce, Ni, Cr, V, Co, Sc, As, Sm e Sb), assim como a fração carbonácea (carbono elementar – EC e o carbono orgânico - OC). Durante a campanha, a concentração de PM10 apresentou uma grande variabilidade temporal, com valores médios (à escala diária) situados entre 10 μg/m3 e 507 μg/m3, sendo a concentração média anual estimada em cerca de 59 μg/m3. As concentrações mais elevadas (tipicamente acima dos 100 μg/m3) foram registadas durante os eventos de poeira proveniente do Norte de África, sendo os mais intensos observados nos meses de janeiro, fevereiro e dezembro de 2011. Os registos do contador ótico, feitos em intervalos de 5 min, revelaram que durante os eventos de poeira as concentrações médias horárias das partículas PM10 e PM2.5 podem ultrapassar os 700 μg/m3 e 200 μg/m3, respetivamente. Com base nos resultados do método ótico, as contribuições das frações granulométricas PM1, PM(1-2.5) e PM(2.5-10) para a massa de PM10 foram estimadas em cerca de 11 %, 28 % e 61 %, respetivamente. A composição química do aerossol varia consideravelmente ao longo do ano e revela a predominância das partículas minerais e do sal marinho. Com base em cálculos do balanço mássico das espécies químicas, as contribuições dos dois constituintes maioritários para a massa de PM10 foram estimadas em cerca de 47 % (partículas minerais) e 17 % (sal marinho). O aerossol secundário (NO3-, NH4+ e fração não marinha do SO42) e o aerossol carbonáceo (EC + OC) contribuem cada um com cerca de 4 % e 3 %, respetivamente. A fração mássica restante (cerca de 29 %), corresponde aos constituintes não analisados, podendo a água ser a mais importante neste grupo. A análise química das amostras segregadas por tamanho revela a seguinte composição para as partículas PM1, PM(1-2.5) e PM(2.5-10): 5,2, 11,8 e 20,7 % (constituintes do sal marinho); 8,6, 3,7 e 3,1 % (iões secundários); 8,9, 1,5 e 1,3 % (EC + OC).


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In the last decades, the effects of the air pollution have been increasing, especially in the case of the human health diseases. In order to overcome this problem, scientists have been studying the components of the air. As a part of water-soluble organic compounds, amino acids are present in the atmospheric environment as components of diverse living organisms which can be responsible for spreading diseases through the air. Liquid chromatography is one technique capable of distinguish the different amino acids from each other. In this work, aiming at separating the amino acids found in the aerosols samples collected in Aveiro, the ability of four columns (Mixed-Mode WAX-1, Mixed-Mode HILIC-1, Luna HILIC and Luna C18) to separate four amino acids (aspartic acid, lysine, glycine and tryptophan) and the way the interaction of the stationary phases of the columns with the analytes is influenced by organic solvent concentration and presence/concentration of the buffer, are being assessed. In the Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column, the chromatograms of the distinct amino acids revealed the separation was not efficient, since the retention times were very similar. In the case of lysine, in the elution with 80% (V/V) MeOH, the peaks appeared during the volume void. In the Mixed-Mode HILIC-1 column, the variation of the organic solvent concentration did not affect the elution of the four studied amino acids. Considering the Luna HILIC column, the retention times of the amino acids were too close to each other to ensure a separation among each other. Lastly, the Luna C18 column revealed to be useful to separate amino acids in a gradient mode, being the variation of the mobile phase composition in the organic solvent concentration (ACN). Luna C18 was the column used to separate the amino acids in the real samples and the mobile phase had acidified water and ACN. The gradient consisted in the following program: 0 – 2 min: 5% (V/V) ACN, 2 – 8 min: 5 – 2 % (V/V) ACN, 8 – 16 min: 2% (V/V) ACN, 16 – 20 min: 2 – 20 % (V/V) ACN, 20 – 35 min: 20 – 35 % (V/V) ACN. The aerosols samples were collected by using three passive samplers placed in two different locations in Aveiro and each sampler had two filters - one faced up and the other faced down. After the sampling, the water-soluble organic compounds was extracted by dissolution in ultra-pure water, sonication bath and filtration. The resulting filtered solutions were diluted in acidified water for the chromatographic separation. The results from liquid chromatography revealed the presence of the amino acids, although it was not possible to identify each one of them individually. The chromatograms and the fluorescence spectra showed the existence of some patterns: the samples that correspond to the up filters had more intense peaks and signals, revealing that the up filters collected more organic matter.