2 resultados para índice de velocidade de germinação
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
Efectuou-se um estudo prospectivo e observacional em 1200 doentes, maiores de 18 anos, com hipertensão essencial e sem eventos cardiovasculares (CV) prévbs que foram referenciados entre 1991 e 1998 para realização de MAPA no Serviço de Cardiologia do Hospital Infante D. Pedro, Aveiro (HIP), na Unidade de Hipertensão e Risco CV do Hospital Pedro Hispano (HPH), Matosinhos e na Clínica Cross/Moss do Porto. O objectivo principal deste estudo foi avaliar, nesta população, seguida durante 8- 12 anos, o valor preditivo de morbi-mortalidade CV da pressurometria ambulatória de 24 horas (MAPA), nomeadamente de diversos índices e valores dela extraída, tais como: (i) valores médios da pressão arterial (PA) de 24-h, diurna e nocturna; (ii) queda tensional noctuma, (iii) diferentes padrões de queda tensional nocturna em particular do padrão Non Dipper; (iv) PA diferencial de 24h, diurna e nodurna; (v) frequência cardíaca de 24 horas (vi) Ambulatory Arterial Stifness. Foram incluídos registos de MAPA de 1200 doentes, de um total de 2644, dos quais 53,8% eram mulheres e 10,2% eram diabéticos. Ao longo de um follow up médio de 8,2+3,0 anos, verificaram-se 62 óbitos e 152 eventos CV fatais e não fatais compreendendo 79 AVC, 51 eventos coronários e 22 classificados de outros eventos cardiovasculares. O estudo permitiu concluir que: 1- A MAPA foi superior a PA casual como preditor de eventos CV globais e de acidentes cerebrovasculares (AVC). 2 - De entre os valores da MAPA, o valor preditivo dos valores sistólicos (de 24 h, diurnos e nocturnos) foi superior ao dos respectivos valores diastólicos e o dos valores nocturnos foi superior ao dos valores diurnos. 3 - 0s eventos CV totais e os eventos coronários foram mais frequentes nos homens do que nas mulheres, sem diferença relativamente ao AVC. O valor preditivo independente da MAPA (sobretudo da PAS e da PP24h) foi superior nas mulheres vs homens relativamente aos eventos globais e AVC. 4- 0s padrões non-dipper e reverted-dipper de queda tensional nocturna associaram-se a pior prognóstico cardiovascular, relativamente ao padrão dipper. Contudo, dentro do padrão non-dipper, somente os doentes com queda tensional nocturna entre 0-4,9% -non-dippers 1 (mas não os doentes com queda tensional nocturna entre 5,O-9,9% -non-dippers 2) apresentaram risco CV superior ao do padrão dipper e semelhante ao do padrão reverted-dipper. Este achado poderá implicar a reclassificação do padrão non-dipper e do risco CV a ele associado. 5- O índice de rigidez arterial derivado da MAPA (AASI) correlaciona-se com outros índices (ex. a velocidade da onda de pulso) e contribui para estratificar o risco CV (eventos CV e AVC). O valor preditivo CV do AASI não é globalmente superior ao da PP 24h, embora em alguns casos o AASI possa acrescentar informação prognostica adicional a PP.
This thesis aims at improving the knowledge on the post-fire vegetation regeneration. For that, forests and shrublands were studied, after forest fires and experimental fires. Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster) recruitment after fire was studied. Fire severity was evidenced as a major effect on this process. High crown fire severity can combust the pines, destroying the seed bank and impeding post fire pine recruitment. However, crown combustion also influences the post-fire conditions on the soil surface, since high crown combustion (HCC) will decrease the postfire needle cast. After low crown combustion (LCC) (scorched rather than torched crowns), a considerable needle cover was observed, along with a higher density of pine seedlings. The overall trends of post-fire recruitment among LCC and HCC areas could be significantly attributed to cover by needles, as well by the estimation of fire severity using the diameters of the burned twigs (TSI). Fire increased the germination from the soil seed bank of a Pinus pinaster forest, and the effects were also related with fire severity. The densities of seedlings of the dominant taxa (genus Erica and Calluna vulgaris) were contrastingly affected in relation to the unburned situation, depending on fire severity, as estimated from the degree of fire-induced crown damage (LCC/HCC), as well as using a severity index based on the diameters of remaining twigs (TSI). Low severity patches had an increase in germination density relatively to the control, while high severity patches suffered a reduction. After an experimental fire in a heathland dominated by Pterospartum tridentatum, Erica australis and E. umbellata, no net differences in seedling emergence were observed, in relation to the pre-fire situation. However, rather than having no effect, the heterogeneity of temperatures caused by fire promoted caused divergent effects over the burned plot in terms of Erica australis germination – a progressive increased was observed in the plots were maximum temperature recorded ranged from 29 to 42.5ºC and decreased in plots with maximum temperature ranging from 51.5 to 74.5ºC. In this heathland, the seed density of two of the main species (E. australis and E. umbellata) was higher under their canopies, but the same was not true for P. tridentatum. The understory regeneration in pine and eucalypt stands, 5 to 6 years post fire, has been strongly associated with post-fire management practices. The effect of forest type was, comparatively, insignificant. Soil tilling, tree harvesting and shrub clearance, were linked to lower soil cover percentages. However, while all these management operations negatively affected the cover of resprouters, seeders were not affected by soil tilling. A strong influence of biogeographic region was identified, suggesting that more vulnerable regions may suffer higher effects of management, even under comparatively lower management pressure than more productive regions. This emphasizes the need to adequate post-fire management techniques to the target regions.