5 resultados para Índice de massa corporal
em Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Aveiro - Portugal
Os factores de risco nos adultos jovens são fortes preditores da incidência de doença cardiovascular e mortalidade na idade mais avançada. Em Portugal, desconhecem-se estudos que avaliem os factores de risco para as doenças crónicas, em jovens adultos, na transição do ensino secundário para o universitário. Este estudo pretendeu contribuir para a promoção do conhecimento dos determinantes sócioculturais e ambientais no diagnóstico e detecção de factores de risco para as doenças crónicas, nomeadamente as doenças cardiovasculares, em estudantes universitários. Teve como objectivo principal a investigação do efeito da vida académica nos factores de risco modificáveis, estilos de vida e determinantes da saúde. Teve como objectivos específicos identificar a(s) prevalência(s) dos factores de risco cardiovascular numa população universitária, a identificação dos intervalos de referência para a homocisteína total no soro de adultos jovens portugueses, a determinação do perfil lípidico, comportamentos de saúde e dieta alimentar de tipo mediterrânico entre os estudantes universitários de acordo com o género e a área científica de frequência e a avaliação longitudinal do impacto da exposição à vida académica no estado de saúde dos estudantes universitários Participaram no estudo 781 estudantes sendo a média de idades de 20,6. Os factores de risco estudados para as doenças crónicas, foram o hábito tabágico, a pressão arterial, o índice de massa corporal, a composição do sangue (lípidos, homocisteina e glicose), a alimentação e a actividade física. O estudo mostra que a prevalência de: sedentarismo é significativamente mais elevada nos rapazes (p<0,001); dislipidemia e a hipertrigliceridemia é significativamente mais elevada nas raparigas. Mais de um quarto dos estudantes tem colesterol elevado sendo a hipercolesterolemia significativamente mais elevada nas raparigas (p<0,001); a hipertensão verificou-se em ambos os sexos (6,0%) mas foi significativamente mais elevada nos rapazes (p=0,001). O estudo identificou o intervalo de referência para a homocisteína em adultos jovens portugueses independentemente do sexo (6,2 a 11,6 μmol/) sendo que, acima de 11,6 μmol/l é condição para vigilância médica em populações jovens adultas. Quando se estudou a exposição à vida académica comparada com aqueles que acabaram de entrar na universidade, verificou-se uma associação significativa no que respeita às concentrações de lípidos no sangue, à pressão arterial sistólica e à actividade física, tendo sido as raparigas aquelas que mais se afastavam dos padrões saudáveis (p<0,001). No que respeita à adesão à dieta mediterranica, não foram encontradas associações entre este tipo de alimentação e os vários factores de risco independentemente do género. Os resultados forneceram, evidências empíricas acerca da importância da detecção dos principais factores de risco na idade adulta (jovem) na prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares e vieram corroborar as orientações do Plano de Desenvolvimento Estratégico do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Português para as doenças crónicas, nomeadamente o estabelecimento de valores de referência nacionais para análises biológicas e as orientações do Plano de Acção Estratégica Global para a Prevenção e Controle das Doenças Não-Transmissíveis-2008/2013 da Organização Mundial de Saúde.
The incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) has been increasing according to the European and global statistics. Thus, the development of new analytical devices, such as biosensors for assessing the risk of CVD could become a valuable approach for the improvement of healthcare service. In latest years, the nanotechnology has provided new materials with improved electronic properties which have an important contribution in the transduction mechanism of biosensors. Thus, in this thesis, biosensors based on field effect transistors with single-walled carbon nanotubes (NTFET) were developed for the detection of C-reactive protein (CRP) in clinical samples, that is, blood serum and saliva from a group of control patients and a group of CVD risk patients. CRP is an acute-phase protein, which is commonly known as the best validated biomarker for the assessment of CVD, the single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) were applied as transduction components, and the immunoreaction (interaction between the CRP antigen and the antibodies specific to CRP) was used as the mechanism of molecular recognition for the label-free detection of CRP. After the microfabrication of field effect transistors (FET), the screening of the most important variables for the dispersion of SWCNT, the assemblage of NTFET, and their application on standard solutions of CRP, it was found that NTFET respond accurately to CRP both in saliva and in serum samples, since similar CRP levels were found with the NTFET and the traditional methodology (ELISA technique). On the other hand, a strong correlation between salivary and serum CRP was found with NTFET, which means that saliva could be used, based on non-invasive sampling, as an alternative fluid to blood serum. It was also shown that NTFET could discriminate control patients from CVD risk patients, allowing the determination of a cut-off value for salivary CRP of 1900 ng L-1, which corresponds to the well established cut-off of 3 mg L-1 for CRP in serum, constituting an important finding for the possible establishment of a new range of CRP levels based on saliva. According to the data provided from the volunteer patients regarding their lipoprotein profile and lifestyle factors, it was concluded that the control and the CVD risk patients could be separated taking into account the various risk factors established in literature as strong contributors for developing a CVD, such as triglycerides, serum CRP, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, body mass index, Framingham risk score, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus. Thus, this work could provide an additional contribution to the understanding of the association of biomarkers levels in serum and saliva samples, and above all, cost-effective, rapid, label-free, and disposable NTFET were developed, based on a noninvasive sampling, for the assessment of CVD risk, thus constituting a potential point-of-care technology.
O presente estudo tem como objetivo a caraterização acústica da voz normal para os falantes do Português Europeu, em termos de frequência fundamental, jitter, shimmer e relação sinal-ruído. São também analisadas as caraterísticas individuais que possam ter influência sobre a qualidade vocal, nomeadamente idade, género, índice de massa corporal, hábitos tabágicos e uso da voz no canto. Para tal, foram recolhidas amostras de fala de 363 indivíduos com uma voz avaliada como normal: 113 homens e 250 mulheres com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 91 anos. Amostras da produção sustentada da vogal /a/ foram analisadas acusticamente com o programa Praat, tendo sido extraídos os valores da média, mediana e desvio-padrão da frequência fundamental, jitter (ppq5), shimmer (apq11) e relação sinal-ruído. Os resultados obtidos apontam no sentido do género e a idade do indivíduo serem os fatores que maior influência exercem na voz, sendo que ambos os géneros apresentam um declínio da qualidade vocal ao longo da vida. As mulheres, globalmente, apresentam valores de frequência fundamental de 193,4±28,5 Hz (média ± desvio padrão da média), significativamente mais elevados que os homens, com valores de 120,7±22,3 Hz. Em termos de jitter, as mulheres obtiveram valores de 0,214±0,126 %, significativamente mais reduzidos que os 0,247±0,190 % obtidos para os homens. O shimmer não apresentou diferenças significativas entre géneros, sendo que os valores apresentados foram de 5,403±2,652 % para homens e 5,174±2,696 % para as mulheres. Relativamente à relação sinal-ruído, foram obtidos valores significativamente mais elevados nas mulheres, com 17,335±3,958 dB, tendo-se obtido para os homens 16,315±3,267 dB. Não foi encontrado um efeito significativo do índice de massa corporal, hábitos tabágicos e uso da voz no canto. Este trabalho disponibiliza novos dados para que a avaliação da voz em contexto clínico seja mais objetiva e eficaz.
Background: Currently, under half of the adolescents reach recommended daily levels of physical activity (PA). It is known that higher levels of PA lead to higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and therefore, a health-related CRF criterion value could contribute to identify the target population for primary cardiovascular disease prevention. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the relation between PA levels and CRF factors in healthy adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional exploratory study with healthy adolescents aged 12-18 years old was conducted. Socio-demographic and body composition data were collected using a questionnaire. PA level was scored with the Physical Activity Index (PAI) and CRF assessment included lung function (LF) measured with spirometry and exercise tolerance measured with Incremental Shuttle Walking Test (ISWT). According to PAI scores the sample was divided in two groups: 1 (sedentary, low and moderately active); 2 (vigorously active (VA)). Descriptive statistics were applied to characterise the sample. Independent sample t-tests assessed differences between groups and simple logistic regressions identified the predictors of being VA. Results: The study included 115 adolescents (14.63±1.70 years old; 56.52% female). Adolescents presented a normal body mass index=21.19±3.14 Kg.m-2) and LF (forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1)=105.58±12.73% of the predicted). Significant differences were found between groups in height (G1–163.44±8.01; G2–167±8.65; p=0.024), LF (FEV1/ forced vital capacity (FVC); G1–97.58±10.66; G2–94.04±8.04; p=0.049), ISWT distance (G1– 1089.81±214.04; G2–1173.60±191.86; p=0.038); heart rate (HR) at rest (G1– 84.61±13.68; G2–79.23±13.81; p=0.038), HR at the end of the best ISWT (G1– 124.71±37.57; G2–133.54±33.61; p=0.041) and percentage of the maximal HR achieved during ISWT (G1–63.09±19.03; G2–67.53±17.08; p=0.043). Simple logistic regressions showed that height (OR–1.054; 95%CI 1.006-1.104), ISWT distance (OR–1.002; 95%CI 1.000-1.004) and HR at rest (OR–0.971; 95%CI 0.945-0.999) were predictors of being VA. Conclusions: Results suggest that more physically active adolescents have a better CRF profile. The findings suggest that PA is important to adolescents’ health status and it should be encouraged since childhood. Clinical practice will benefit from the use of PAI, ISWT and HR findings, allowing physiotherapists to use it for prescribing exercise.
Both skeletal and cardiac muscles daily burn tremendous amounts of ATP to meet the energy requirements for contraction. So, it is not surprising that the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology, number, distribution and functionality in striated muscle are important for muscle homeostasis. In these tissues mitochondria present the added dimension of two populations, the intermyofibrillar (IMF) and the subsarcolemmal (SS) mitochondria, being IMF the most abundant one. In the present thesis, the molecular mechanisms harboured in mitochondria of striated muscles were studied using animal models, to better comprehend the role of mitochondrial plasticity in several pathophysiological conditions such as aging, diabetes mellitus and bladder cancer. The comparative analysis of IMF and SS populations isolated from heart evidenced a higher respiratory chain activity of mitochondria interspersed in the contractile apparatus. The higher susceptible of SS respiratory chain complexes subunits to carbonylation, but not to nitration, seems to justify the lower respiratory chain activity observed in this mitochondrial population. Our results showed that in heart from aged mice there is an accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria. The age-related decrease of oxidative phosphorylation activity seems to be justified, at least partially, by the increased proneness of mitochondrial proteins as OXPHOS subunits and MnSOD to oxidative modifications. Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle seems to worsen the functional consequences of aging in heart by increasing mitochondrial proteins susceptibility to nitration. In skeletal muscle from rats with type 1 diabetes mellitus induced by streptozotocin administration, we verified the accumulation of dysfunctional mitochondria due, at least in part, to the impairment of PQC system. Indeed, the decreased activity of AAA proteases was accompanied by the accumulation of oxidatively modified mitochondrial proteins with impact in respiratory chain activity. The diminishing of mitochondria activity also underlies cancer-induced muscle wasting. Indeed, using a rat model of chemically induced urothelial carcinoma we verified that the loss of gastrocnemius mass was related to mitochondrial dysfunction due to, at least partially, the down-regulation of PQC system involving the mitochondrial proteases paraplegin and Lon. PQC impairment resulted in the accumulation of oxidatively modified mitochondrial proteins. In overall, regardless the pathophysiological stimuli that promote mitochondrial alterations, there are similarities in the pattern of disease-related mitochondrial plasticity. The diminished capacity for ATP production in striated muscle seems to be due to increased oxidative damage of mitochondrial proteins, namely subunits of respiratory chain complexes, metabolic proteins and MnSOD. Our data highlighted, for the first time, the impact of mitochondrial PQC system impairment in the accumulation of oxidized proteins, exacerbating the dysfunction of this organelle in striated muscle in several pathophysiological conditions.