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Nowadays, communication environments are already characterized by a myriad of competing and complementary technologies that aim to provide an ubiquitous connectivity service. Next Generation Networks need to hide this heterogeneity by providing a new abstraction level, while simultaneously be aware of the underlying technologies to deliver richer service experiences to the end-user. Moreover, the increasing interest for group-based multimedia services followed by their ever growing resource demands and network dynamics, has been boosting the research towards more scalable and exible network control approaches. The work developed in this Thesis enables such abstraction and exploits the prevailing heterogeneity in favor of a context-aware network management and adaptation. In this scope, we introduce a novel hierarchical control framework with self-management capabilities that enables the concept of Abstract Multiparty Trees (AMTs) to ease the control of multiparty content distribution throughout heterogeneous networks. A thorough evaluation of the proposed multiparty transport control framework was performed in the scope of this Thesis, assessing its bene ts in terms of network selection, delivery tree recon guration and resource savings. Moreover, we developed an analytical study to highlight the scalability of the AMT concept as well as its exibility in large scale networks and group sizes. To prove the feasibility and easy deployment characteristic of the proposed control framework, we implemented a proof-of-concept demonstrator that comprehends the main control procedures conceptually introduced. Its outcomes highlight a good performance of the multiparty content distribution tree control, including its local and global recon guration. In order to endow the AMT concept with the ability to guarantee the best service experience by the end-user, we integrate in the control framework two additional QoE enhancement approaches. The rst employs the concept of Network Coding to improve the robustness of the multiparty content delivery, aiming at mitigating the impact of possible packet losses in the end-user service perception. The second approach relies on a machine learning scheme to autonomously determine at each node the expected QoE towards a certain destination. This knowledge is then used by di erent QoE-aware network management schemes that, jointly, maximize the overall users' QoE. The performance and scalability of the control procedures developed, aided by the context and QoE-aware mechanisms, show the advantages of the AMT concept and the proposed hierarchical control strategy for the multiparty content distribution with enhanced service experience. Moreover we also prove the feasibility of the solution in a practical environment, and provide future research directions that bene t the evolved control framework and make it commercially feasible.
A investigação sobre a promoção do questionamento na relação pedagógica revela ser uma estratégia que valoriza o papel do aluno enquanto aquele que aprende, alterando a forma como as aulas são vividas por alunos e professores. Perante a inexistência de estudos que ensaiem o estímulo ao questionamento e, simultaneamente, integrem a Web 2.0 no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem no Ensino Básico, delineou-se a presente investigação. O estudo situa-se, assim, na interseção de dois campos: por um lado, as potencialidades do incentivo ao questionamento no processo pedagógico e, por outro, a integração educativa das TIC. A questão de Investigação que orientou este estudo foi a de avaliar de que forma é que o incentivo ao questionamento poderia contribuir para integrar o blogue de disciplina no trabalho em sala de aula de Ciências Naturais. Assim, concebemos, implementámos e avaliámos uma intervenção didática centrada na promoção da competência de questionamento, dando voz aos alunos, estimulando-os a formularem perguntas sobre os conteúdos, tanto presencialmente como no blogue da disciplina, denominado por “Mentes Curiosas”, utilizando essas perguntas como elementos integradores dos dois espaços. O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de investigação-ação e envolveu 36 alunos do 9.º ano de escolaridade, divididos em duas turmas, na disciplina de Ciências Naturais. Os instrumentos e métodos de recolha de dados foram diversificados, tendo todos os dados sido submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo. O estudo revela que os alunos utilizaram o blogue respondendo aos desafios colocados escrevendo comentários, respostas e, sobretudo, fazendo perguntas para as quais gostariam de obter respostas. O docente integrou essas perguntas na prática letiva dando continuidade às discussões de um ambiente para o outro, utilizando, desta forma, as perguntas dos alunos para a integração dos dois ambientes. A análise do questionamento registado revela que as perguntas online estão mais centradas nos conteúdos científicos e apresentam maior qualidade cognitiva quando comparadas com as formuladas em sala de aula. Por sua vez, no contexto presencial, as perguntas escritas são de maior nível de complexidade do que as perguntas orais. Através das diversas estratégias implementadas, quer para a promoção da capacidade de escrever perguntas, quer no trabalho realizado com o blogue, transformou-se a dinâmica do trabalho em sala de aula, melhorando-se o empenhamento dos alunos na aprendizagem. A estratégia de incentivo ao questionamento pelos alunos revelou-se, assim, como um fator que permite integrar de forma profícua o ambiente online no ambiente presencial neste nível de ensino. Por fim, a reflexão que fomos fazendo sobre as potencialidades do questionamento na relação professor-alunos-conteúdos, tanto no ambiente presencial como no virtual, levou-nos a perspetivar as perguntas segundo duas dimensões: Competência Cognitiva e Estratégia Didática. Enquanto Competência, o questionamento assume a função de ferramenta cognitiva e de regulador do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Enquanto Estratégia, a pergunta pode ser encarada como uma ferramenta didática na relação dialógica que se estabelece entre professor e alunos.
The massive adoption of sophisticated mobile devices and applications led to the increase of mobile data in the last decade, which it is expected to continue. This increase of mobile data negatively impacts the network planning and dimension, since core networks are heavy centralized. Mobile operators are investigating atten network architectures that distribute the responsibility of providing connectivity and mobility, in order to improve the network scalability and performance. Moreover, service providers are moving the content servers closer to the user, in order to ensure high availability and performance of content delivery. Besides the e orts to overcome the explosion of mobile data, current mobility management models are heavy centralized to ensure reachability and session continuity to the users connected to the network. Nowadays, deployed architectures have a small number of centralized mobility anchors managing the mobile data and the mobility context of millions of users, which introduces issues related to performance and scalability that require costly network mechanisms. The mobility management needs to be rethought out-of-the box to cope with atten network architectures and distributed content servers closer to the user, which is the purpose of the work developed in this Thesis. The Thesis starts with a characterization of mobility management into well-de ned functional blocks, their interaction and potential grouping. The decentralized mobility management is studied through analytical models and simulations, in which di erent mobility approaches distinctly distribute the mobility management functionalities through the network. The outcome of this study showed that decentralized mobility management brings advantages. Hence, it was proposed a novel distributed and dynamic mobility management approach, which is exhaustively evaluated through analytical models, simulations and testbed experiments. The proposed approach is also integrated with seamless horizontal handover mechanisms, as well as evaluated in vehicular environments. The mobility mechanisms are also speci ed for multihomed scenarios, in order to provide data o oading with IP mobility from cellular to other access networks. In the pursuing of the optimized mobile routing path, a novel network-based strategy for localized mobility is addressed, in which a replication binding system is deployed in the mobility anchors distributed through the access routers and gateways. Finally, we go further in the mobility anchoring subject, presenting a context-aware adaptive IP mobility anchoring model that dynamically assigns the mobility anchors that provide the optimized routing path to a session, based on the user and network context. The integration of dynamic and distributed concepts in the mobility management, such as context-aware adaptive mobility anchoring and dynamic mobility support, allow the optimization of network resources and the improvement of user experience. The overall outcome demonstrates that decentralized mobility management is a promising direction, hence, its ideas should be taken into account by mobile operators in the deployment of future networks.
This dissertation introduces several methodological approaches which integrate a proposed coastal management model in an interdisciplinary perspective. The research presented herein is displayed as a set of publications comprising different thematic outlooks. The thesis develops an integrated coastal geoengineering approach which is intrinsically linked to the studied maritime environments. From sandy coasts and marine works to rocky platforms and sea cliffs, this study includes field work between Caminha – Figueira da Foz (NW Portugal) and Galicia (NW Spain). The research also involves an analysis and geological-geotechnical characterisation of natural rock (armourstone) and artificial units (concrete blocks) applied to coastal structures. The main goal is to contribute to the characterisation and re-evaluation of georesources and to determine armourstone suitability and availability from its source (quarry). It was also important to diagnose the geomaterials in situ concerning their degradation/deterioration level on the basis of the current status of the coastal protection works in order to facilitate more efficient monitoring and maintenance, with economic benefits. In the rocky coast approach the coastal blocks were studied along the platform, but also the geoforms were studied from a coastal morphodynamics point of view. A shoreline evolution analysis was developed for sandy coasts through Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) extension. In addition, the spatial and statistical analysis applied to sea cliffs allowed the establishment of susceptibility zones to erosion and hazardous areas. All of these studies have different purposes and results however, there is a common denominator – GIS mapping. Hence, apart from the studied coastal environment, there is an integrated system which includes a sequence of procedures and methodologies that persisted during the research period. This is a step forward in the study of different coastal environments by using almost the same methodologies. This will allow the characterisation, monitoring and assessment of coastal protection works, rocky coasts, and shore platforms. With such data, it is possible to propose or recommend strategies for coastal and shoreline management based on several justifications in terms of social, economic, and environmental questions, or even provide a GIS-based planning support system reinforced by geocartographic decisions. Overall the development of the applied cartography embraces six stages which will allow the production of detailed maps of the maritime environment: (1) high-resolution aerial imagery surveys; (2) visual inspection and systematic monitoring; (3) applied field datasheet; (4) in situ evaluation; (5) scanline surveying; and (6) GIS mapping. This thesis covers fundamental matters that were developed over the course of scientific publication and as a consequence they represent the results obtained and discussed. The subjects directly related to the thesis architecture are: (i) cartography applied to coastal dynamics (including an art historical analysis as a tool to comprehend the coastal evolution and the littoral zone); (ii) georesources assessment (the role of cartography in georesources zoning, assessment and armourstone durability); (iii) coastal geoengineering applications and monitoring (Espinho pilot site in NW Portugal as an experimental field); (iv) rocky coast and shore platform studies and characterisation; (v) sandy and mixed environment approaches; (vi) coastal geosciences GIS mapping and photogrammetric surveying (coastal geoengineering); and (vii) shoreline change mapping and coastal management strategies (the CartGalicia Project as an example – NW Spain). Finally, all of these thematic areas were crucial to generate the conceptual models proposed and to shape the future of integrated coastal coastal geoengineering management.