37 resultados para Condomínios - Localização
O presente trabalho de investigação centra-se no estudo das reclamações em matéria de ambiente submetidas às Câmaras dos municípios envolventes à Ria de Aveiro entre os anos de 2000 e 2007. Pretendeu compreender-se de que forma podem ser caracterizadas as reclamações, nomeadamente a análise temporal, os principais atores envolvidos na apresentação e na resolução das reclamações, os imputados pelos problemas ambientais levantados, as tipologias de problemas de ambiente associadas às reclamações, o padrão territorial que assumem e as resoluções aplicadas. Procurou ainda compreender-se até que ponto a existência de um ecossistema em comum aos municípios, a Ria de Aveiro, influencia os tipos de problemas ambientais que têm sido alvo de reclamações e quais são os fatores que determinam as semelhanças e as diferenças encontradas no estudo das reclamações por municípios. A metodologia do trabalho consistiu, sumariamente, na revisão da literatura da especialidade com o objetivo de identificar o que tem sido desenvolvido nesse ramo de investigação, na caracterização da área de estudo e no desenvolvimento de uma estrutura metodológica para a identificação e a análise das reclamações e para a ponderação dos resultados com as perceções dos líderes locais através da realização de entrevistas. O enquadramento teórico do estudo salientou os principais aspetos referidos no domínio dos protestos ambientais e das reclamações do público sobre o ambiente, bem como o quadro concetual relativo à governação ambiental local. Adicionalmente, descreveram-se um breve panorama dos protestos ambientais em Portugal, dos quadros legislativos Europeu e nacional assentes no direito de acesso à informação ambiental e no princípio da participação, bem como os procedimentos locais para a apresentação de reclamações ambientais. Apresentou-se também a caracterização dos municípios abrangidos, destacando-se os principais aspetos socioeconómicos, ambientais, de infraestruturação, os instrumentos de planeamento e de gestão do território e do ambiente e o enquadramento institucional relativo à gestão ambiental nos municípios, constituindo informações relevantes para o enquadramento da área de estudo e um suporte útil para a análise e a interpretação dos resultados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram evidenciar que, no geral, há um aumento do número de reclamações ao longo dos anos. Como principais atores envolvidos, foi possível destacar os munícipes como os mais participativos, tendo se revelado também como os principais responsáveis pelos problemas ambientais observados. Para além das Câmaras Municipais, as instituições policiais surgem como as principais entidades requeridas na resolução dos problemas. As reclamações refletem sobretudo problemas localizados e que interferem com o quotidiano dos cidadãos, tais como a limpeza de terrenos, os depósitos de lixo a céu aberto ou o saneamento básico. Os problemas enunciados tendem a concentrar-se nas áreas mais urbanizadas e com maior densidade populacional. A intensidade, a tipologia e a distribuição territorial das reclamações são também determinadas pelas fronteiras administrativas. Contrariamente ao esperado, a Ria não constitui um fator mobilizador de reclamações ambientais dirigidas às Câmaras Municipais. Os diferentes mecanismos de submissão de reclamações, as políticas e prioridades de gestão ambiental local, a par da perceção ambiental das populações, influenciam esses resultados. A análise da resolução das reclamações mostrou que, embora a maior parte tenha sido equacionada pelos governos locais, uma percentagem significativa permaneceu em aberto. Apesar de ter sido detetada uma relevante concordância entre os principais problemas de ambiente referidos nos planos municipais de ambiente ou das Agendas 21 Locais existentes, as reclamações informam sobre problemas que nem sempre estão considerados naqueles instrumentos e que requerem atenção por parte dos governos locais. Adicionalmente, a ponderação entre os resultados obtidos a partir do estudo as reclamações e as perceções dos líderes locais acerca das exposições do público mostra que, apesar de uma perceção consistente sobre os problemas ambientais dominantes, há ainda um caminho relevante a percorrer para consolidar os sistemas municipais de receção, tratamento e análise das reclamações. O estudo desenvolvido ressalta o potencial que as reclamações ambientais incorporam enquanto fontes de informação sobre a tipologia de problemas ambientais persistentes, a sua localização e os principais atores envolvidos. Essa informação é crucial no momento em que se desenvolvem ou reveem instrumentos locais de gestão e de planeamento ambiental. Ao destacar o potencial das reclamações em matéria de ambiente, o trabalho propõe um conjunto de recomendações que permitem às Câmaras Municipais enriquecerem o sistema de gestão da informação proporcionada pelas reclamações, a sua utilização, e, em consequência, melhorar as relações de confiança entre o público e a Autarquia e a própria a governação ambiental local.
Wireless communication technologies have become widely adopted, appearing in heterogeneous applications ranging from tracking victims, responders and equipments in disaster scenarios to machine health monitoring in networked manufacturing systems. Very often, applications demand a strictly bounded timing response, which, in distributed systems, is generally highly dependent on the performance of the underlying communication technology. These systems are said to have real-time timeliness requirements since data communication must be conducted within predefined temporal bounds, whose unfulfillment may compromise the correct behavior of the system and cause economic losses or endanger human lives. The potential adoption of wireless technologies for an increasingly broad range of application scenarios has made the operational requirements more complex and heterogeneous than before for wired technologies. On par with this trend, there is an increasing demand for the provision of cost-effective distributed systems with improved deployment, maintenance and adaptation features. These systems tend to require operational flexibility, which can only be ensured if the underlying communication technology provides both time and event triggered data transmission services while supporting on-line, on-the-fly parameter modification. Generally, wireless enabled applications have deployment requirements that can only be addressed through the use of batteries and/or energy harvesting mechanisms for power supply. These applications usually have stringent autonomy requirements and demand a small form factor, which hinders the use of large batteries. As the communication support may represent a significant part of the energy requirements of a station, the use of power-hungry technologies is not adequate. Hence, in such applications, low-range technologies have been widely adopted. In fact, although low range technologies provide smaller data rates, they spend just a fraction of the energy of their higher-power counterparts. The timeliness requirements of data communications, in general, can be met by ensuring the availability of the medium for any station initiating a transmission. In controlled (close) environments this can be guaranteed, as there is a strict regulation of which stations are installed in the area and for which purpose. Nevertheless, in open environments, this is hard to control because no a priori abstract knowledge is available of which stations and technologies may contend for the medium at any given instant. Hence, the support of wireless real-time communications in unmanaged scenarios is a highly challenging task. Wireless low-power technologies have been the focus of a large research effort, for example, in the Wireless Sensor Network domain. Although bringing extended autonomy to battery powered stations, such technologies are known to be negatively influenced by similar technologies contending for the medium and, especially, by technologies using higher power transmissions over the same frequency bands. A frequency band that is becoming increasingly crowded with competing technologies is the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical band, encompassing, for example, Bluetooth and ZigBee, two lowpower communication standards which are the base of several real-time protocols. Although these technologies employ mechanisms to improve their coexistence, they are still vulnerable to transmissions from uncoordinated stations with similar technologies or to higher power technologies such as Wi- Fi, which hinders the support of wireless dependable real-time communications in open environments. The Wireless Flexible Time-Triggered Protocol (WFTT) is a master/multi-slave protocol that builds on the flexibility and timeliness provided by the FTT paradigm and on the deterministic medium capture and maintenance provided by the bandjacking technique. This dissertation presents the WFTT protocol and argues that it allows supporting wireless real-time communication services with high dependability requirements in open environments where multiple contention-based technologies may dispute the medium access. Besides, it claims that it is feasible to provide flexible and timely wireless communications at the same time in open environments. The WFTT protocol was inspired on the FTT paradigm, from which higher layer services such as, for example, admission control has been ported. After realizing that bandjacking was an effective technique to ensure the medium access and maintenance in open environments crowded with contention-based communication technologies, it was recognized that the mechanism could be used to devise a wireless medium access protocol that could bring the features offered by the FTT paradigm to the wireless domain. The performance of the WFTT protocol is reported in this dissertation with a description of the implemented devices, the test-bed and a discussion of the obtained results.
Muitas são as teorias que sugerem uma explicação para a realização do comércio internacional, tentando justificar porque é que determinados países são mais atrativos para Investimento Direto Estrangeiro (IDE) do que outros. A revisão de literatura realizada no âmbito desta investigação permitiu perceber que, embora sejam muitas as teorias existentes, os autores são unânimes ao afirmar que a internacionalização das empresas, através de IDE, é influenciada por fatores de atração relacionados com as características específicas dos países de acolhimento (meio envolvente contextual e transacional) e por fatores impulsionadores relacionados com características específicas das empresas e do país de origem das mesmas. Apesar do número existente de estudos sobre IDE ser vasto, são poucos aqueles que analisam este tipo de investimento no setor do Turismo e inexistentes os que analisam o IDE no setor do Turismo português. A presente investigação pretende colmatar essa lacuna e tem como objetivo identificar os principais fatores de atratividade para IDE no setor do Turismo português. Para o efeito, foi construído um modelo teórico onde foram considerados como fatores de atração seis fatores relacionados com o meio envolvente de Portugal e cinco fatores relacionados com o setor do Turismo. Como fatores impulsionadores consideraram-se aspetos relativos ao país de origem das empresas estrangeiras e às características endógenas das mesmas. A metodologia utilizada para validar o modelo e respetivas hipóteses assentou, numa primeira fase, na elaboração de entrevistas exploratórias semiestruturadas à Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal e ao Turismo de Portugal. Numa segunda fase, foram aplicados inquéritos por questionário aos investidores estrangeiros a explorar empreendimentos turísticos e unidades de alojamento local em Portugal continental. Foram considerados válidos para análise 53 questionários, representando 63,9% do universo de investidores estrangeiros em Portugal (subsetor do Alojamento), responsáveis pela exploração de 20.999 camas. Os resultados obtidos no âmbito deste estudo permitem concluir que a localização geográfica de Portugal, a imagem/marca do setor do Turismo português e a oferta turística portuguesa são considerados os fatores de atração mais importantes para IDE. As afinidades culturais e históricas foram consideradas fatores de atração pelos investidores de pequena dimensão, enquanto a procura turística foi considerada atrativa pelos investidores de média/grande dimensão. Este estudo identificou claramente que os maiores entraves ao IDE são a burocracia, a carga fiscal e a atual situação económica do país. Conclui-se, ainda, que os países que mais investem no setor do Turismo português são também os principais emissores de turistas para Portugal e que investidores provenientes de diferentes mercados de origem procuram diferentes regiões em Portugal para investir. Por fim, apresentam-se as principais contribuições da investigação do ponto de vista teórico e prático, indicam-se algumas limitações e sugerem-se recomendações para investigações futuras.
When developing software for autonomous mobile robots, one has to inevitably tackle some kind of perception. Moreover, when dealing with agents that possess some level of reasoning for executing their actions, there is the need to model the environment and the robot internal state in a way that it represents the scenario in which the robot operates. Inserted in the ATRI group, part of the IEETA research unit at Aveiro University, this work uses two of the projects of the group as test bed, particularly in the scenario of robotic soccer with real robots. With the main objective of developing algorithms for sensor and information fusion that could be used e ectively on these teams, several state of the art approaches were studied, implemented and adapted to each of the robot types. Within the MSL RoboCup team CAMBADA, the main focus was the perception of ball and obstacles, with the creation of models capable of providing extended information so that the reasoning of the robot can be ever more e ective. To achieve it, several methodologies were analyzed, implemented, compared and improved. Concerning the ball, an analysis of ltering methodologies for stabilization of its position and estimation of its velocity was performed. Also, with the goal keeper in mind, work has been done to provide it with information of aerial balls. As for obstacles, a new de nition of the way they are perceived by the vision and the type of information provided was created, as well as a methodology for identifying which of the obstacles are team mates. Also, a tracking algorithm was developed, which ultimately assigned each of the obstacles a unique identi er. Associated with the improvement of the obstacles perception, a new algorithm of estimating reactive obstacle avoidance was created. In the context of the SPL RoboCup team Portuguese Team, besides the inevitable adaptation of many of the algorithms already developed for sensor and information fusion and considering that it was recently created, the objective was to create a sustainable software architecture that could be the base for future modular development. The software architecture created is based on a series of di erent processes and the means of communication among them. All processes were created or adapted for the new architecture and a base set of roles and behaviors was de ned during this work to achieve a base functional framework. In terms of perception, the main focus was to de ne a projection model and camera pose extraction that could provide information in metric coordinates. The second main objective was to adapt the CAMBADA localization algorithm to work on the NAO robots, considering all the limitations it presents when comparing to the MSL team, especially in terms of computational resources. A set of support tools were developed or improved in order to support the test and development in both teams. In general, the work developed during this thesis improved the performance of the teams during play and also the e ectiveness of the developers team when in development and test phases.
This thesis describes the design and implementation of a reliable centimeter-level indoor positioning system fully compatible with a conventional smartphone. The proposed system takes advantage of the smartphone audio I/O and processing capabilities to perform acoustic ranging in the audio band using non-invasive audio signals and it has been developed having in mind applications that require high accuracy, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, gaming and audio guides. The system works in a distributed operation mode, i.e. each smartphone is able to obtain its own position using only acoustic signals. To support the positioning system, a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) of synchronized acoustic beacons is used. To keep the infrastructure in sync we have developed an Automatic Time Synchronization and Syntonization (ATSS) protocol with a standard deviation of the sync offset error below 1.25 μs. Using an improved Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) estimation approach (which takes advantage of the beacon signals’ periodicity) and by performing Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) mitigation, we were able to obtain very stable and accurate position estimates with an absolute mean error of less than 10 cm in 95% of the cases and a mean standard deviation of 2.2 cm for a position refresh period of 350 ms.
Salt marshes are highly productive intertidal habitats that serve as nursery grounds for many commercially and economically important species. Because of their location and physical and biological characteristics, salt marshes are considered to be particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic inputs of oil hydrocarbons. Sediment contamination with oil is especially dangerous for salt marsh vegetation, since low molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons can affect plants at all stages of development. However, the use of vegetation for bioremediation (phytoremediation), by removal or sequestration of contaminants, has been intensively studied. Phytoremediation is an efficient, inexpensive and environmental friendly approach for the removal of aromatic hydrocarbons, through direct incorporation by the plant and by the intervention of degrading microbial populations in the rhizosphere (microbe-assisted phytoremediation). Rhizosphere microbial communities are enriched in important catabolic genotypes for degradation of oil hydrocarbons (OH) which may have a potential for detoxification of the sediment surrounding the roots. In addition, since rhizosphere bacterial populations may also internalize into plant tissues (endophytes), rhizocompetent AH degrading populations may be important for in planta AH degradation and detoxification. The present study involved field work and microcosms experiments aiming the characterization of relevant plant-microbe interactions in oilimpacted salt marshes and the understanding of the effect of rhizosphere and endosphere bacteria in the role of salt marsh plants as potential phytoremediation agents. In the field approach, molecular tools were used to assess how plant species- and OH pollution affect sediment bacterial composition [bulk sediment and sediment surrounding the roots (rhizosphere) of Halimione portulacoides and Sarcocornia perennis subsp. perennis] in a temperate estuary (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) chronically exposed to OH pollution. In addition, the 16S rRNA gene sequences retrieved in this study were used to generate in silico metagenomes and to evaluate the distribution of potential bacterial traits in different microhabitats. Moreover, a combination of culture-dependent and -independent approaches was used to investigate the effect of oil hydrocarbons contamination on the structure and function of endophytic bacterial communities of salt marsh plants.Root systems of H. portulacoides and S. perennis subsp. perennis appear to be able to exert a strong influence on bacterial composition and in silico metagenome analysis showed enrichment of genes involved in the process of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) degradation in the rhizosphere of halophyte plants. The culturable fraction of endophytic degraders was essentially closely related to known OH-degrading Pseudomonas species and endophytic communities revealed sitespecific effects related to the level of OH contamination in the sediment. In order to determine the effects of oil contamination on plant condition and on the responses in terms of structure and function of the bacterial community associated with plant roots (rhizosphere, endosphere), a microcosms approach was set up. The salt marsh plant Halimione portulacoides was inoculated with a previous isolated Pseudomonas sp. endophytic degrader and the 2-methylnaphthalene was used as model PAH contaminant. The results showed that H. portulacoides health and growth were not affected by the contamination with the tested concentration. Moreover, the decrease of 2-methylnaphthalene at the end of experiment, can suggest that H. portulacoides can be considered as a potential plant for future uses in phytoremedition approaches of contaminated salt marsh. The acceleration of hydrocarbon degradation by inoculation of the plants with the hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas sp. could not, however, be demonstrated, although the effects of inoculation on the structure of the endophytic community observed at the end of the experiment indicate that the strain may be an efficient colonizer of H. portulacoides roots. The results obtained in this work suggest that H. portulacoides tolerates moderate concentrations of 2-methylnaphthalene and can be regarded as a promising agent for phytoremedition approaches in salt marshes contaminated with oil hydrocarbons. Plant/microbe interactions may have an important role in the degradation process, as plants support a diverse endophytic bacterial community, enriched in genetic factors (genes and plasmids) for hydrocarbon degradation.
Systems equipped with multiple antennas at the transmitter and at the receiver, known as MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) systems, offer higher capacities, allowing an efficient exploitation of the available spectrum and/or the employment of more demanding applications. It is well known that the radio channel is characterized by multipath propagation, a phenomenon deemed problematic and whose mitigation has been achieved through techniques such as diversity, beamforming or adaptive antennas. By exploring conveniently the spatial domain MIMO systems turn the characteristics of the multipath channel into an advantage and allow creating multiple parallel and independent virtual channels. However, the achievable benefits are constrained by the propagation channel’s characteristics, which may not always be ideal. This work focuses on the characterization of the MIMO radio channel. It begins with the presentation of the fundamental results from information theory that triggered the interest on these systems, including the discussion of some of their potential benefits and a review of the existing channel models for MIMO systems. The characterization of the MIMO channel developed in this work is based on experimental measurements of the double-directional channel. The measurement system is based on a vector network analyzer and a two-dimensional positioning platform, both controlled by a computer, allowing the measurement of the channel’s frequency response at the locations of a synthetic array. Data is then processed using the SAGE (Space-Alternating Expectation-Maximization) algorithm to obtain the parameters (delay, direction of arrival and complex amplitude) of the channel’s most relevant multipath components. Afterwards, using a clustering algorithm these data are grouped into clusters. Finally, statistical information is extracted allowing the characterization of the channel’s multipath components. The information about the multipath characteristics of the channel, induced by existing scatterers in the propagation scenario, enables the characterization of MIMO channel and thus to evaluate its performance. The method was finally validated using MIMO measurements.