27 resultados para polímeros de coordianción


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Esta tese descreve diversas estratégias preparativas assim como estudos de caracterização de nanocompósitos e outras nanoestruturas, para a análise em espectroscopia de Raman com intensificação por superfície (SERS). Em particular foi estudada a incorporação de nanopartículas (NPs) metálicas de Ag e Au em matrizes poliméricas visando avaliar o potencial destes materiais como novos substratos para SERS na deteção de moléculas. O primeiro capítulo consiste numa revisão bibliográfica, onde é destacado o desenvolvimento de novos substratos para SERS utilizando nomeadamente nanopartículas de Ag, Au e Cu. Numa primeira fase, esta secção apresenta uma breve descrição sobre as propriedades plasmónicas dos metais utilizados e alguns conceitos básicos de espectroscopia de difusão de Raman. Posteriormente, descreve-se em mais detalhe o efeito de SERS, revendo-se sobretudo a química de materiais descrita em trabalhos recentes tendo em conta a sua utilização como novas plataformas para análise química por SERS. O capítulo 2 descreve a síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos de poli(acrilato de butilo) obtidos através de polimerização in situ por miniemulsão na presença de nanopartículas de Ag. Os nanocompósitos Ag/PtBA foram investigados como novos substratos de SERS visando o desenvolvimento de novas plataformas versáteis para deteção molecular. Estudos como o efeito da temperatura, pH e pressão foram investigados, visando a compreensão do efeito da matriz polimérica na difusão/adsorção do analito (ácido tiossalicílico) na superfície metálica. No capítulo 3, os nanocompósitos de Ag/PtBA descritos anteriormente foram investigados detalhadamente como substratos para bio-deteção em SERS, usando a adenina como analito modelo. Os nanocompósitos foram submetidos a vários tratamentos pré-analíticos para a bio-deteção da adenina. Foram realizadas experiências nos sistemas Ag/PtBA de modo a obter informação sobre o efeito do pH na deteção deste analito em soluções aquosas diluídas. Os nanocompósitos poliméricos obtidos apresentam a vantagem de poderem ser processados utilizando tecnologia disponível. Pelo que o estudo das suas propriedades térmicas é especialmente relevante. Assim, a influência da incorporação de NPs inorgânicas na temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg) do polímero PtBA foi investigada por meio de calorimetria diferencial de varrimento (DSC) e os resultados são apresentados no capítulo 4. Estes estudos descrevem efeitos na Tg do PtBA quando analisado em nanocompósitos obtidos por diferentes métodos (métodos ex situ e in situ), contendo nanopartículas metálicas com diferentes distribuições de tamanho e presentes em quantidade variável na matriz polimérica. Estes estudos possibilitaram relacionar a influência das NPs metálicas na mobilidade das cadeias poliméricas com as propriedades térmicas observadas. O capítulo 5 descreve a preparação e caracterização de materiais compósitos de base polimérica (PtBA) e NPs de Au com morfologia de bastonetes (NRs). Estes materiais foram investigados como substratos para SERS tendo originado um bom sinal de SERS na análise de 2-2’-ditiodipiridina. Investigouse igualmente o efeito da variação da morfologia das NPs metálicas (esferas e bastonetes), a razão de aspecto (R.A.) dos bastonetes e o tipo de matriz polimérica (PtBA e PnBA) no sinal de SERS. No capítulo 6 é descrita a utilização da técnica de SERS como método alternativo para a monitorização de alterações morfológicas de coloides de NRs de Au. Os NRs de Au foram recolhidos em diferentes fases de oxidação promovida pela presença de K2S2O8 e a sua sensibilidade como substratos de SERS foi avaliada utilizando o anião dietilditiocarbamato (DTC) como analito modelo. Os estudos foram realizados utilizando as linhas de excitação a 1064 nm e 633 nm. Este estudo demonstrou que a sensibilidade dos NRs de Au como substratos de SERS diminui à medida que a sua R.A. diminui devido à competitividade do CTAB (estabilizante) e o DTC pela superfície dos NRs. É de salientar que este processo é acompanhado por um diferente comportamento em termos de adsorção dos dois tautómeros do DTC à superfície do metal. O capítulo 7 introduz um novo tipo de compósitos para SERS, utilizando matrizes biopoliméricas. Assim, descreve-se a preparação e caracterização de nanocompósitos de carragenano e NPs de Ag. Nesta secção é avaliada a utilização destes materiais como novos substratos para a análise em SERS, utilizando a 2-2’-ditiodipiridina como molécula modelo. Descrevem-se estudos pioneiros que procuram relacionar a dependência do sinal de SERS com a força do gel. Para tal, realizou-se um estudo sistemático aos nanobiocompósitos usados como substratos de SERS em diferentes condições analíticas e investigaram-se as suas propriedades reológicas. No capitulo 8 é descrita a investigação de nanocompósitos de Ag/Gelatina como substratos para SERS, utilizando o anião dietilditiocarbamato como analito modelo. Realizaram-se várias experiências para correlacionar a variação da força do gel com o aumento do sinal de SERS bem como a diferente adsorção dos dois tautómeros do DTC à superfície do metal. Ao longo desta dissertação são apresentados metodologias distintas para a preparação e obtenção de nanocompósitos com base em polímeros (sintéticos ou naturais) e NPs metálicas (Ag e Au). Esta investigação não só permitiu a síntese e estudo de novos substratos para SERS mas também a compreensão do efeito matriz/NPs metálicas no sinal de SERS e na formação de “hot spots”. Este trabalho contribui para o enriquecimento na área da Nanociência e Nanotecnologia demonstrando a eficácia e reprodutibilidade de nanocompósitos com base em polímeros como novos substratos para SERS. Embora as propriedades óticas apresentadas por estes materiais serem aqui direcionadas para a deteção molecular pela técnica de SERS, estes materiais podem ser investigados em outras área tecnológicas.


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Ao longo das últimas décadas, a micromoldação (u-moldação) por injeção de termoplásticos ganhou um lugar de destaque no mercado de equipamentos eletrónicos e de uma ampla gama de componentes mecânicos. No entanto, quando o tamanho do componente diminui, os pressupostos geralmente aceites na moldação por injeção convencional deixam de ser válidos para descrever o comportamento reológico e termomecânico do polímero na microimpressão. Por isso, a compreensão do comportamento dinâmico do polímero à escala micro bem como da sua caraterização, análise e previsão das propriedades mecânicas exige uma investigação mais alargada. O objetivo principal deste programa doutoral passa por uma melhor compreensão do fenómeno físico intrínseco ao processo da μ-moldação por injeção. Para cumprir com o objetivo estabelecido, foi efetuado um estudo paramétrico do processo de μ-moldação por injeção, cujos resultados foram comparados com os resultados obtidos por simulação numérica. A caracterização dinâmica mecânica das μ-peças foi efetuada com o objetivo de recolher os dados necessários para a previsão do desempenho mecânico das mesmas, a longo prazo. Finalmente, depois da calibração do modelo matemático do polímero, foram realizadas análises estruturais com o intuito de prever o desempenho mecânico das μ-peças no longo prazo. Verificou-se que o desempenho mecânico das μ-peças pode ser significativamente afetado pelas tensões residuais de origem mecânica e térmica. Estas últimas, resultantes do processo de fabrico e das condições de processamento, por isso, devem ser consideradas na previsão do desempenho mecânico e do tempo de serviço das u-moldações.


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During the last few decades, Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), also known as Coordination Polymers, have attracted worldwide research attentions due to their incremented fascinating architectures and unique properties. These multidimensional materials have been potential applications in distinct areas: gas storage and separation, ion exchange, catalysis, magnetism, in optical sensors, among several others. The MOF research group at the University of Aveiro has prepared MOFs from the combination of phosphonate organic primary building units (PBUs) with, mainly, lanthanides. This thesis documents the last findings in this area involving the synthesis of multidimensional MOFs based on four di- or tripodal phosphonates ligands. The organic PBUs were designed and prepared by selecting and optimizing the best reaction conditions and synthetic routes. The self-assembly between phosphonate PBUs and rare-earths cations led to the formation of several 1D, 2D and 3D families of isotypical MOFs. The preparation of these materials was achieved by using distinct synthetic approaches: hydro(solvo)thermal, microwave- and ultrasound-assisted, one-pot and ionothermal synthesis. The selection of the organic PBUs showed to have an important role in the final architectures: while flexible phosphonate ligands afforded 1D, 2D and dense 3D structures, a large and rigid organic PBU isolated a porous 3D MOF. The crystal structure of these materials was successfully unveiled by powder or single-crystal X-ray diffraction. All multidimensional MOFs were characterized by standard solid-state techniques (FT-IR, electron microscopy (SEM and EDS), solid-state NMR, elemental and thermogravimetric analysis). Some MOF materials exhibited remarkable thermal stability and robustness up to ca. 400 ºC. The intrinsic properties of some MOFs were investigated. Photoluminescence studies revealed that the selected organic PBUs are suitable sensitizers of Tb3+ leading to the isolation of intense green-emitting materials. The suppression of the O−H quenchers by deuteration or dehydration processes improves substantially the photoluminescence of the optically-active Eu3+-based materials. Some MOF materials exhibited high heterogeneous catalytic activity and excellent regioselectivity in the ring-opening reaction of styrene oxide (PhEtO) with methanol (100% conversion of PhEtO at 55 ºC for 30 min). The porous MOF material was employed in gas separation processes. This compound showed the ability to separate propane over propylene. The ionexchanged form of this material (containing K+ cations into its network) exhibited higher affinity for CO2 being capable to separate acetylene over this environment non-friendly gas.


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Bioprocesses use microorganisms or cells in order to produce and/or obtain some desired products. Nowadays these strategies appear as a fundamental alternative to the traditional chemical processes. Amongst the many advantages associated to their use in the chemical, oil or pharmaceutical industries, their low cost, easily scale-up and low environmental impact should be highlighted. This work reports two examples of bioprocesses as alternatives to traditional chemical processes used by the oil and pharmaceutical industries. In the first part of this work it was studied an example of a bioprocess based on the use of microorganisms in enhanced oil recovery. Currently, due to high costs of oil and its scarcity, the enhanced oil recovery techniques become very attractive. Between the available techniques the use of microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) has been highlighted. This process is based on the stimulation of indigenous microorganisms or by the injection of microorganism consortia to produce specific metabolites and hence increase the amount of oil recovered. In the first chapters of this work the isolation of several microorganisms from samples of paraffinic Brazilian oils is described, and their tensioactive and biodegradability properties are presented. Furthermore, the chemical structures of the biosurfactants produced by those isolates were also characterized. In the final chapter of the first part, the capabilities of some isolated bacteria to enhance the oil recovery of paraffinic Brazilian oils entrapped in sand-pack columns were evaluated. In the second part of this work it was investigated aqueous two-phase systems or aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) as extractive strategies for antibiotics directly from the fermented broth in which they are produced. To this goal, several aqueous two-phase systems composed of ionic liquids (ILs) and polymers were studied for the first time and their phase diagrams were determined. The novel ATPS appear as effective and economic methods to extract different biomolecules or/and biological products. Thus, aiming the initial antibiotics extraction purpose it was studied the influence of a wide range of ILs and polymers in the aqueous two-phase formation ability, as well as their influence in the partitioning of several type-molecules, such as amino acids, alkaloids and dyes. As a final chapter it is presented the capacity of these novel systems to extract the antibiotic tetracycline directly from the fermented broth of Streptomyces aureofaciens.


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In this thesis, 2,2’-bipyridine (bipy), di-tert-butyl-2,2’-bipyridine (di-t-Bubipy), 2,2’-bipyridine-5,5’-dicarboxylic acid (H2bpdc), 2-[3(5)-pyrazolyl]pyridine (pzpy) and 2-(1-pentyl-3-pyrazolyl)pyridine (pent-pp) ligands were used as the N,N-chelate ligands in the formation of discrete [MoO2Cl2L]-type complexes. These complexes were employed as precursors for the preparation in aqueous media of oxomolybdenum(VI) products with a wide range of structural diversity. Three distinct heating methods were studied: hydrothermal, reflux or microwave-assisted synthesis. An alternative reaction with the inorganic molybdenum(VI) trioxide (MoO3) and the ligands di-t-Bu-bipy, H2bpdc and pzpy was also investigated under hydrothermal conditions. The distinct nature of the N,N-chelate ligands and/or the heating method employed promoted the isolation of a series of new oxomolybdenum(VI) hybrid materials that clearly reflected the strong structure-directing influence of these ligands. Thus, this thesis describes the synthesis and characterization of the discrete mononuclear [MoO2Cl2(pent-pp)], the dinuclear [Mo2O6(di-t-Bu-bipy)2] and the octanuclear [Mo8O22(OH)4(di-t-Bu-bipy)4] complexes as well as the highly unique polymeric materials {[MoO3(bipy)][MoO3(H2O)]}n, (DMA)[MoO3(Hbpdc)]·nH2O, [Mo3O9(pzpy)]n and [Mo2O6(pent-pp)]n (fine structural details of compound [Mo2O6(pent-pp)]n are presently unknown; however, characterization data strongly pointed toward a polymeric oxide hybrid compound). The catalytic behaviour of the discrete complexes and the polymeric compounds was tested in olefin epoxidation reactions. Compounds [Mo3O9(pzpy)]n and [Mo2O6(pent-pp)]n acted as sources of soluble active species that where identified as the oxodiperoxido complexes [MoO(O2)2(pzpy)] and [MoO(O2)2(pent-pp)], respectively. The majority of the compounds here presented were fully characterized by using solid-state techniques, namely elemental analyses, thermogravimetry, FT-IR, solid-state NMR, electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction (both from laboratory and/or synchrotron sources).


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O objetivo desta dissertação foi o desenvolvimento de dispersões poliméricas acrílicas, passíveis de serem usadas como ligantes em esmaltes aquosos que sejam capazes de conferir características especiais como elevada resistência ao empilhamento e à nódoa, assim como reduzir o impacto no ambiente quer através da utilização de matérias-primas de fontes renováveis, quer pela substituição de esmaltes de base solvente por esmaltes de base aquosa. Depois de uma introdução em que se contextualiza o conhecimento e as práticas nas áreas de polimerização em emulsão e revestimentos decorativos, são descritos e discutidos os resultados das várias etapas de desenvolvimento efetuadas ao longo do qual foram exploradas diferentes vias: - Funcionalização de polímeros acrílicos procurando melhorar as propriedades de superfície através da introdução de monómeros com grupos funcionais amina, epóxido e acetoacetoxilo; - Formulação de dispersões poliméricas com partículas de morfologia heterogénea, otimizando-se as suas propriedades de superfície em função da variação da composição monomérica das diferentes fases, da partição entre as duas fases poliméricas e diferentes níveis de monómero funcional. Complementaram-se os resultados com seleções afinadas baseadas em ensaios delineados através de planeamento de experiências. - Modificação dos produtos obtidos para melhoria de propriedades de resistência à nódoa, através da adição de aditivos específicos; - Teste de emulsionantes com origem em fontes renováveis quer aniónicos, quer não-iónicos. Todas as dispersões aquosas foram caracterizadas de acordo com as suas características mais relevantes entre as quais a temperatura mínima de formação de filme, o tamanho médio de partícula e a formação de grumos. As formulações mais promissoras foram também caracterizadas por 1H - NMR, FTIR, DSC, STEM e AFM). Seguidamente com essas dispersões foram preparados esmaltes com as dispersões aquosas mais promissoras que foram caracterizados exaustivamente em termos de propriedades de relevo para a aplicação decorativa em madeira. Os objetivos principais do trabalho foram atingidos, tendo sido desenvolvido um produto com morfologia heterogénea que apresenta elevada resistência ao empilhamento e propriedades antinódoa aceitáveis capaz de substituir os esmaltes de base solvente. A sua produção foi validada através do fabrico industrial (scale-up) e introdução no mercado. Relativamente à utilização de matérias-primas de fontes renováveis, esta carece ainda de otimizações futuras.


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The conversion of plant biomass-derived carbohydrates (preferably non-edible) into added-value products is envisaged to be at the core of the future biorefineries. Carbohydrates are the most abundant natural organic polymers on Earth. This work deals with the chemical valorisation of plant biomass, focusing on the acid-catalysed conversion of carbohydrates (mono and polysaccharides) to furanic aldehydes, namely 2-furaldehyde (Fur) and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (Hmf), which are valuable platform chemicals that have the potential to replace a variety of oil derived chemicals and materials. The investigated reaction systems can be divided into two types depending on the solvent used to dissolve the carbohydrates in the reaction medium: water or ionic liquid-based systems. The reaction temperatures were greater than 150 ºC when the solvent was water, and lower than 150 º C in the cases of the ionic liquid-based catalytic systems. As alternatives to liquid acids (typically used in the industrial production of Fur), solid acid catalysts were investigated in these reaction systems. Aiming at the identification of (soluble and insoluble) reaction products, complementary characterisation techniques were used namely, FT-IR spectroscopy, liquid and solid state NMR spectroscopy, TGA, DSC and GC´GC-ToFMS analyses. Complex mixtures of soluble reaction products were obtained and different types of side reactions may occur. The requirements to be put on the catalysts for these reaction systems partly depend on the type of carbohydrates to be converted and the reaction conditions used. The thermal stability is important due to the fact that formation of humins and catalyst coking phenomena are characteristically inherent to these types of reactions systems leading to the need to regenerate the catalyst which can be effectively accomplished by calcination. Special attention was given to fully inorganic nanoporous solid acids, amorphous or crystalline, and consisting of nano to micro-size particles. The investigated catalysts were silicoaluminophosphates, aluminosilicates and zirconium-tungsten mixed oxides which are versatile catalysts in that their physicochemical properties can be fine-tuned to improve the catalytic performances in the conversion of different substrates (e.g. introduction of mesoporosity and modification of the acid properties). The catalytic systems consisting of aluminosilicates as solid acids and water as solvent seem to be more effective in converting pentoses and related polysaccharides into Fur, than hexoses and related polysaccharides into Hmf. The investigated solid acids exhibited fairly good hydrothermal stabilities. On the other hand, ionic liquid-based catalytic systems can allow reaching simultaneously high Fur and Hmf yields, particularly when Hmf is obtained from D-fructose and related polysaccharides; however, catalyst deactivation occurs and the catalytic reactions take place in homogeneous phase. As pointed out in a review of the state of the art on this topic, the development of truly heterogeneous ionic liquid-based catalytic systems for producing Fur and Hmf in high yields remains a challenge.


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The present work aimed to explore the potential of new nanocomposites based on carbon nanostructures and metal nanoparticles for the detection of biomolecules through surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). In a first step, polyvinyl alcohol composites were prepared incorporating silver nanoparticles by two different reduction procedures. At first without introduction of carbon nanostructures. These composites showed good results for the SERS identification of nucleic acids. Next, the synthesis and characterization of graphene oxide was studied to be used in the preparation of silver and gold nanocomposites. The reduction of this nanomaterial with different chemical agents was explored, since its reduction degree may be a determinant factor for the application envisaged (biomolecules interaction). The preparation of the nanocomposites with silver and gold was performed with different reducing agents. The SERS activity of these new nanocomposites was then explored in the presence of different analytes, varying the experimental conditions for Raman spectra acquisition. It was interesting to verify that the silver containing nanocomposites presented the particularity to intensify the graphene D and G bands. It is also important to highlight that a new eco-friendly reducing agent was tested for the synthesis of the graphene oxide composites, an Eucalyptus Globulus extract. Other variable introduced was the preparation of gold nanostars synthesized with hydroxylamine in the presence of graphene oxide, which allowed the preparation of a new nanocomposite with SERS potential. Fibrous membranes were also prepared by electrospinning with the aim to prepare SERS supports with adequate topography and porosity for the formation of nanoparticles agglomerates for the creation of the so-called hot-spots and also to allow the penetration of the analyte molecules. The polymers polyvinyl alcohol and polyacrylonitrile were selected for electrospinning. Using this technique, electrospun mantles with silver and gold nanoparticles and nanocomposites were prepared. Several variables were studied, such as the introduction of the nano-fillers during the electrospinning process, later deposition of the nano-fillers on the simple electrospun polymeric fibres and surface functionalization of the simple polymeric membranes to link the nano-fillers. At last, the potentialities of using carbon nanotubes forests, produced by chemical vapor deposition and coated with gold film by sputtering, as new SERS substrates were explored. It was found that the SERS detection of DNA bases and ADN itself is possible using these substrates.


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In recent years, the search for a environmentally friendly products has increased. One of the major challenges has been the demand for biodegradable materials that can replace plastic. If a few decades ago, plastic replaced, for example, the ivory in billiard balls, and in other products, saving the lives of thousands elephants, nowadays a replacement for that plastic is being searched, to prevent the change of the environmental conditions, essential to life in harmonly with the fauna and flora that the human specie has, in recent years, destroyed. Plastic is a petroleum derivate, whose price has been growing exponentially, mainly due to the fact of beind a cheap material and also to enable the production of products that are essential to modern life. Therefore, the petrochemical era is going to come to an end and a new environmentally sustainable era, based on biodegradable materials from renewable sources, will follow. The change to green routes only will be possible with the support of the major companies, and the implementation of drastic governmental law. Poly(lactic acid), PLA, is produced from the lactose present in the corn or sugarcane and has been intensively studied in recent years because if some limitants properties required its extrusion are overcome, it has the potential to replace the traditional polymers. PLA have high brittleness, low toughness and low tensile elongation. In this work, natural antioxidant (alpha-tocopherol) and synthetics antioxidants (BHT ant TBHQ) were added to the PLA with the aim not only to improve their flexibility, but also to create an active packaging to extend the shelf life of the foods and improve the organoleptic properties by preventing food losses. The impact of the addition of antioxidants into the PLA films, in its mechanical, thermal and barrier properties were studied by FTIR, DSC, SEM, AFM, DMA, TGA, QCM and time-lag techniques.


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Bacterial infections are an increasing problem for human health. In fact, an increasing number of infections are caused by bacteria that are resistant to most antibiotics and their combinations. Therefore, the scientific community is currently searching for new solutions to fight bacteria and infectious diseases, without promoting antimicrobial resistance. One of the most promising strategies is the disruption or attenuation of bacterial Quorum Sensing (QS), a refined system that bacteria use to communicate. In a QS event, bacteria produce and release specific small chemicals, signal molecules - autoinducers (AIs) - into the environment. At the same time that bacterial population grows, the concentration of AIs in the bacterial environment increases. When a threshold concentration of AIs is reached, bacterial cells respond to it by altering their gene expression profile. AIs regulate gene expression as a function of cell population density. Phenotypes mediated by QS (QSphenotypes) include virulence factors, toxin production, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation. In this work, two polymeric materials (linear polymers and molecularly imprinted nanoparticles) were developed and their ability to attenuate QS was evaluated. Both types of polymers should to be able to adsorb bacterial signal molecules, limiting their availability in the extracellular environment, with expected disruption of QS. Linear polymers were composed by one of two monomers (itaconic acid and methacrylic acid), which are known to possess strong interactions with the bacterial signal molecules. Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles (MIP NPs) are particles with recognition capabilities for the analyte of interest. This ability is attained by including the target analyte at the synthesis stage. Vibrio fischeri and Aeromonas hydrophila were used as model species for the study. Both the linear polymers and MIP NPs, tested free in solutions and coated to surfaces, showed ability to disrupt QS by decreasing bioluminescence of V. fischeri and biofilm formation of A. hydrophila. No significant effect on bacterial growth was detected. The cytotoxicity of the two types of polymers to a fibroblast-like cell line (Vero cells) was also tested in order to evaluate their safety. The results showed that both the linear polymers and MIP NPs were not cytotoxic in the testing conditions. In conclusion, the results reported in this thesis, show that the polymers developed are a promising strategy to disrupt QS and reduce bacterial infection and resistance. In addition, due to their low toxicity, solubility and easy integration by surface coating, the polymers have potential for applications in scenarios where bacterial infection is a problem: medicine, pharmaceutical, food industry and in agriculture or aquaculture.


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O trabalho apresentado tem por objetivo contribuir para a valorização da borracha proveniente de pneus em fim de vida, assente em princípios de sustentabilidade ambiental. A abordagem adotada para a concretização deste objetivo consiste na incorporação de borracha de pneus em formulações de base termoplástica e elastomérica (TPE), adequadas ao processo de moldação por injeção. São desenvolvidos estudos sobre a morfologia, propriedades mecânicas, térmicas e reológicas das ligas poliméricas à base de granulado de borracha de pneu (GTR). A falta de adesão entre o GTR e a matriz polimérica leva à degradação das propriedades mecânicas dos materiais obtidos. A estratégia explorada passa pela utilização de um elastómero para promover o encapsulamento do GTR e, desta forma, procurar obter ligas com propriedades mecânicas características de um TPE. São analisadas ligas ternárias (TPEGTR) compostas por polipropileno (PP) de elevada fluidez, GTR e elastómero virgem. O efeito da presença de diferentes elastómeros nas ligas é analisado neste trabalho: um elastómero de etilenopropileno- dieno (EPDM), e um novo elastómero de etileno-propileno (EPR) obtido por catálise metalocénica. O estudo da morfologia das ligas obtidas mostra haver interação entre os materiais, sendo possível inferir a viabilidade da estratégia adotada para promover a adesão do GTR. A incorporação de elastómero promove o aumento da resistência ao impacto e da extensão na rotura nas ligas, o que é atribuído, fundamentalmente, ao encapsulamento do GTR e ao aumento da tenacidade da matriz termoplástica. Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência da estrutura cristalina das ligas TPEGTR no seu comportamento mecânico, procede-se à análise do processo de cristalização sob condições isotérmicas e não isotérmicas. Neste estudo, é avaliado o efeito da presença dos materiais que constituem a fase elastomérica na cinética de cristalização. Para cada uma das ligas desenvolvidas, recorre-se ao modelo de Avrami para avaliar o efeito da temperatura no mecanismo de nucleação, na morfologia das estruturas cristalinas e na taxa de cristalização. Recorre-se à reometria capilar para estudar, sob condições estacionárias, o comportamento reológico das ligas TPEGTR. O modelo de Cross-WLF é utilizado para avaliar o comportamento reológico de todos os materiais, obtendo-se resultados similares àqueles obtidos experimentalmente. O comportamento reológico dos polímeros PP, EPR e EPDM é do tipo reofluidificante, tendo o EPR um comportamento reológico similar ao do PP e o EPDM um comportamento reo-fluidificante mais pronunciado. Em todas as ligas analisadas o comportamento reológico revela-se do tipo reo-fluidificante, sendo que a presença de GTR promove o aumento da viscosidade. Os parâmetros obtidos do modelo de Cross-WLF são utilizados para realizar a simulação da etapa de injeção recorrendo a um software comercial. Os resultados obtidos são validados experimentalmente pelo processo de moldação por injeção, evidenciando uma boa adequabilidade da aplicação deste modelo a estas ligas. O trabalho desenvolvido sobre ligas TPEGTR, constitui um contributo para a valorização da borracha proveniente de pneus em fim de vida, assente em princípios de sustentabilidade ambiental.


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The main objective of the present work is the study of a profitable process not only in the extraction and selective separation of lycopene and β-carotene, two compounds present in tomato, but also in its potential application to food industry wastes. This is one of the industries that produce larger amounts of wastes, which are rich in high value biomolecules with great economic interest. However, the conventional methods used to extract this kind of compounds are expensive which limits their application at large scale. Lycopene and βcarotene are carotenoids with high commercial value, known for their antioxidant activity and benefits to human health. Their biggest source is tomato, one of the world’s most consumed fruits, reason for which large quantities of waste is produced. This work focuses on the study of diverse solvents with a high potential to extract carotenoids from tomato, as well as the search for more environmentally benign solvents than those currently used to extract lycopene and β-carotene from biomass. Additionally, special attention was paid to the creation of a continuous process that would allow the fractionation of the compounds for further purification. Thus, the present work started with the extraction of both carotenoids using a wide range of solvents, namely, organic solvents, conventional salts, ionic liquids, polymers and surfactants. In this stage, each solvent was evaluated in what regards their capacity of extraction as well as their penetration ability in biomass. The results collected showed that an adequate selection of the solvents may lead to the complete extraction of both carotenoids in one single step, particularly acetone and tetrahydrofuran were the most effective ones. However, the general low penetration capacity of salts, ionic liquids, polymers and surfactants makes these solvents ineffective in the solid-liquid extraction process. As the organic solvents showed the highest capacity to extract lycopene and βcarotene, in particular tetrahydrofuran and acetone, the latter solvent used in the development process of fractionation, using to this by strategic use of solvents. This step was only successfully developed through the manipulation of the solubility of each compound in ethanol and n-hexane. The results confirmed the possibility of fractionating the target compounds using the correct addition order of the solvents. Approximately, 39 % of the β-carotene was dissolved in ethanol and about 64 % of lycopene was dissolved in n-hexane, thus indicating their separation for two different solvents which shows the selective character of the developed process without any prior stage optimization. This study revealed that the use of organic solvents leads to selective extraction of lycopene and β-carotene, allowing diminishing the numerous stages involved in conventional methods. At the end, it was possible to idealize a sustainable and of high industrial relevance integrated process, nevertheless existing the need for additional optimization studies in the future.