25 resultados para Antioxidantes


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The Brazilian Cerrado houses a hugely diverse biota and is considered a conservation hotspot. One of the greatest threats to the integrity of this ecosystem is introduced African grasses, which can competitively exclude native grasses and cause changes in the microclimate and other disturbances. The Cerrado is a mosaic vegetation that provides different combinations, both spatially and temporally, of conditions that can become natural stressors to the herbaceous vegetation (water, nutrient and light availability). These mosaics are reflected in differences in relationships among native and invasive species, affecting competition and creating situations (place/season) that are more, or less, susceptible to invasion. The present study aimed to identify the different biological responses of native (Aristida recurvata, Aristida setifolia, Axonopus barbigerus, Echinolaena inflexa, Gymnopogon spicatus, Paspalum gardnerianum, Paspalum stellatum, Schizachyrium microstachyum, Schizachyrium sanguineum) and invasive (Melinis minutiflora and Andropogon gayanus) grasses to variations in natural stressors and to disturbance (fire and clipping), in order to understand changes in ecosystem functioning and competition processes between the grasses, and to understand invasion dynamics in this ecosystem. The presence of invasive species proved to affect the ecosystem functioning by increasing soil feeding activity. These differences were no longer observed in the dry season or when fires were frequent, showing that water availability and fire are more detrimental to soil feeding activity than is the vegetation. Laboratory experiments showed that both drought and flood simulated scenarios damaged both species, although the invasive species performed better under all watering conditions and responded better to fertilization. Underlying mechanisms such as the efficiency of photosynthesis and antioxidant mechanisms helped to explain this behavior. The invasive species grew faster and showed less cellular damage and a healthier photosystem, reflected in higher assimilation rates under stress. These differences between the native and invasive species were reduced with clipping, especially in dry soil with no fertilization, where the native species recovered better in relation to the pre-clipping levels. Flooding was as stressful as drought, but the invasive species can bypass this issue by growing an extensive root system, especially in the better-drained soils. Fire is more detrimental than clipping, with a slower recovery, while post-fire temperatures affect the germination of both invasive and native seeds and may be an important factor influencing the persistence of a diverse biota. This approach will finally contribute to the choice of the appropriate management techniques to preserve the Cerrado’s biodiversity.


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The use of plants with medicinal purposes is an ancient practice still very common in developing regions, and is rapidly spreading in industrialized countries. This fact is evidenced by the large number of ethnobotanical studies found in the literature referring that these plants are often used as decoctions and infusions. In most studies the reported biological activities are attributed to the presence of phenolic compounds, due to their antioxidant properties, and to polysaccharides, with its anti-tumoral properties. In “Trás-os-Montes” region, some of the most popular infusions used by the popular medicine are prepared with the dried leaves of Fraxinus angustifolia, the dried shoots of Mentha suaveolens, and the dried inflorescences of Pterospartum tridentatum. However, there are no studies about the polysaccharides present in these infusions. Thus, through the structural characterization of the polysaccharides present in the infusions of F. angustifolia, M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum, the present PhD thesis intends to evaluate the possible relation between polysaccharides and the immunostimulatory activity that these infusions might present. In a preliminary phase, infusions of F. angustifolia were prepared according to the popular tradition, and it was observed that the obtained water soluble material contained approximately 85% of material non-retained in C18 cartridges, with hydrophilic characteristics, with the remaining 15% comprising retained-material with hydrophobic characteristics. It was also shown that the infusions only contained between 2 and 4% of high molecular weight material (HMWM), which comprised approximately 30% of carbohydrate material. Sugar and methylation analysis of the HMWM suggested the presence of pectic polysaccharides, together with type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. However, the amount of material obtained is to low for the fractionation, and structural analysis of the polysaccharides present. The 4 h decoction, divided in two periods of 2 h, with water renewal, allowed to increase the HMWM yield, relatively to the infusions traditional infusions. It was also observed that the decoction also allowed to increase the HMWM proportion of carbohydrate material, due to an increase in the proportion of uronic acid present, although the neutral sugar residues seemed to be detected in similar proportions. Therefore, in all the experiments subsequently performed, the HMWM used was obtained through the decoction of F. angustifolia dried leaves, M. suaveolens dried shoots, and P. tridentatum dried inflorescences. x After the fractionation, through ethanol precipitation, and anion exchange chromatography, of the polysaccharides from the HMWM obtained by the decoction of the vegetable material of the distinct studied plants, it was observed the presence of high proportions of pectic polysaccharides, containing type I arabinogalactans, together with minor proportions of type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. The presence of pectic polysaccharides in the extracts from F. angustifolia was also evidenced through endo-polygalacturonase treatment, and ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS experiments. The detection of linked pentose and uronic acid residues, also seemed to suggest the presence of xylogalacturonan domains in the pectic polysaccharides from F. angustifolia. The extracts from F. angustifolia dried leaves also contained type II arabinogalactans that exhibited a higher structural diversity than those detected in the M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum extracts, particularly in the substitution degree of the galactan backbone, and in the extension of the (1→5)-Araf side chains. Moreover, for all the plants studied, it was also observed that the type II arabinogalactans, extracted during the 2nd 2h of the extraction process, exhibited a substitution degree of the galactan backbone higher than those extracted during the 1st 2h. The extracts from P. tridentatum dried inflorescences contained higher proportions of mannans, and also of xyloglucans, both presenting a substitution degree higher than those, which were detected in lower proportion in the extracts of F. angustifolia and M. suaveolens. Through ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS it was possible to evidence that the mannans present in the extracts of P. tridentatum presented acetyl groups on the O-2 of the mannosyl residues. It was also evidenced that the P. tridentatum mannans were more extensively acetylated than the mannans detected in the coffee infusion, LBG, and other non-conventional mannan sources. Moreover, it was detected the presence of oligosaccharides comprising hexose residues linked to non acetylated pentose residues, suggesting the possible presence of arabinose residues in the mannans from P. tridentatum extracts. The immunostimulatory activity of three fractions isolated from the extracts of F. angustifolia, M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum, was tested and an increase in the NO production by macrophages, without compromising their cellular viability, was observed. The type I, and type II arabinogalactans detected in the extracts from F. angustifolia, and M. suaveolens seem to have contributed for the observed immunostimulatory activity. For the fraction from P. tridentatum, the mannans acetylation, and the presence of type I, and type II arabinogalactans seemed to contribute for the macrophage immunostimulatory activity observed. The possible presence of storage xyloglucans from the inflorescences seeds, also seems to have contributed for the immunostimulatory activity registered when the macrophages were stimulated with higher extract concentrations. The results obtained allow to conclude that the extracts of F. angustifolia dried leaves, M. suaveolens dried shoots, and P. tridentatum dried inflorescences contained high proportions of pectic polysaccharides, exhibiting type I arabinogalactans, together with other polysaccharides, such as type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. This polysaccharide mixture seems to have contributed to the immunostimulatory activity of fractions isolated from the extracts of the studied plants. Therefore, as the same type of polysaccharides seem to be present in the decoctions and in the infusions, it seems possible that the polysaccharides might contribute for the therapeutic properties frequently associated by the popular tradition to the infusions of these plants.


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In recent years, the search for a environmentally friendly products has increased. One of the major challenges has been the demand for biodegradable materials that can replace plastic. If a few decades ago, plastic replaced, for example, the ivory in billiard balls, and in other products, saving the lives of thousands elephants, nowadays a replacement for that plastic is being searched, to prevent the change of the environmental conditions, essential to life in harmonly with the fauna and flora that the human specie has, in recent years, destroyed. Plastic is a petroleum derivate, whose price has been growing exponentially, mainly due to the fact of beind a cheap material and also to enable the production of products that are essential to modern life. Therefore, the petrochemical era is going to come to an end and a new environmentally sustainable era, based on biodegradable materials from renewable sources, will follow. The change to green routes only will be possible with the support of the major companies, and the implementation of drastic governmental law. Poly(lactic acid), PLA, is produced from the lactose present in the corn or sugarcane and has been intensively studied in recent years because if some limitants properties required its extrusion are overcome, it has the potential to replace the traditional polymers. PLA have high brittleness, low toughness and low tensile elongation. In this work, natural antioxidant (alpha-tocopherol) and synthetics antioxidants (BHT ant TBHQ) were added to the PLA with the aim not only to improve their flexibility, but also to create an active packaging to extend the shelf life of the foods and improve the organoleptic properties by preventing food losses. The impact of the addition of antioxidants into the PLA films, in its mechanical, thermal and barrier properties were studied by FTIR, DSC, SEM, AFM, DMA, TGA, QCM and time-lag techniques.


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Mitochondria are central organelles for cell survival with particular relevance in energy production and signalling, being mitochondrial fatty acid β–oxidation (FAO) one of the metabolic pathways harboured in this organelle. FAO disorders (FAOD) are among the most well studied inborn errors of metabolism, mainly due to their impact in health. Nevertheless, some questions remain unsolved, as their prevalence in certain European regions and how pathophysiological determinants combine towards the phenotype. Analysis of data from newborn screening programs from Portugal and Spain allowed the estimation of the birth prevalence of FAOD revealing that this group of disorders presents in Iberia (and particularly in Portugal) one of the highest European birth prevalence, mainly due to the high birth prevalence of medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. These results highlight the impact of this group of genetic disorders in this European region. The characterization of mitochondrial proteome, from patients fibroblasts with FAOD, namely multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) and long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (LCHADD), provided a global perspective of the mitochondrial proteome plasticity in these disorders and highlights the main molecular pathways involved in their pathogenesis. Severe MADD forms show an overexpression of chaperones, antioxidant enzymes (MnSOD), and apoptotic proteins. An overexpression of glycolytic enzymes, which reflects cellular adaptation to energy deficiency due to FAO blockage, was also observed. When LCHADD fibroblasts were analysed a metabolic switching to glycolysis was also observed with overexpression of apoptotic proteins and modulation of the antioxidant defence system. Severe LCHADD present increased ROS alongside with up regulation of MnSOD while moderate forms have lower ROS and down-regulation of MnSOD. This probably reflects the role of MnSOD in buffering cellular ROS, maintain them at levels that allow cells to avoid damage and start a cellular response towards survival. When ROS levels are very high cells have to overexpress MnSOD for detoxifying proposes. When severe forms of MADD were compared to moderate forms no major differences were noticed, most probably because ROS levels in moderate MADD are high enough to trigger a response similar to that observed in severe forms. Our data highlights, for the first time, the differences in the modulation of antioxidant defence among FAOD spectrum. Overall, the data reveals the main pathways modulated in FAOD and the importance of ROS levels and antioxidant defence system modulation for disease severity. These results highlight the complex interaction between phenotypic determinants in FAOD that include genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors. The development of future better treatment approaches is dependent on the knowledge on how all these determinants interact towards phenotype.!


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As estirilflavonas poli-hidroxiladas são compostos heterocíclicos de natureza polifenólica que suscitam interesse devido à atividade biológica que possuem atuando, por exemplo, como antioxidantes. O desenvolvimento de novas rotas de síntese de estirilflavonas constitui um desafio e é neste contexto que se têm efetuado vários estudos sobre a aplicação de reações de acoplamento cruzado catalisadas por paládio, como a reação de Heck, na preparação deste tipo de compostos. Nesta dissertação reporta-se a síntese de (E)-8-estirilflavonas através da reação de Heck de 8-iodoflavonas com derivados de estireno com rendimentos excelentes, descrevendo-se um estudo no qual se optimizaram as condições experimentais desta reação. Adicionalmente, descrevem-se duas tentativas de desmetilação da (E)-8-[2-(4-metoxifenil)vinil]-4’,5,7-trimetoxiflavona. As 8- iodoflavonas foram preparadas com elevada regiosseletividade através da ciclização oxidativa/iodação das (E)-2’-hidroxicalconas correspondentes por aplicação do sistema de reagentes I2/DMSO. A propósito, descreve-se um estudo de ciclização oxidativa/iodação da (E)-2’-hidroxi-4,4’,6’- trimetoxicalcona, no qual se testou a aplicação do sistema de reagentes I2/DMSO na síntese de iodoflavonas em reações one-pot. As (E)-2’- hidroxicalconas foram sintetizadas através da condensação aldólica catalisada por base entre a 2’-hidroxi-4’,6’-dimetoxiacetofenona, previamente preparada, e derivados de benzaldeído. A caraterização estrutural da maioria dos compostos obtidos neste trabalho foi efetuada com base em estudos de espetroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN), nomeadamente de 1H e 13C, e, sempre que possível, em estudos bidimensionais de correlação espetroscópica heteronuclear (HSQC e HMBC), bem como em estudos de espetrometria de massa (EM).


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As algas do género Nannochloropsis são microalgas marinhas que apresentam um perfil bioquímico único, principalmente no que é respeitante a lípidos, e uma vasta gama de compostos bioativos que possibilitam a sua aplicabilidade comercial em várias áreas biotecnológicas, destacando-se a alimentação e nutrição humana, indústria cosmética e farmacêutica, produção de biocombustíveis e a sua utilização em aquacultura. Em aquacultura, são usadas maioritariamente microalgas vivas, cuja produção representa elevados custos. Tem havido assim uma pesquisa de dietas alternativas, entre as quais os concentrados de microalgas se apresentam promissores. Os desafios atuais das empresas produtoras de concentrados de microalgas prendem-se com a conservação e armazenamento destes concentrados. Assim, neste trabalho foi proposto o estudo da influência da refrigeração, congelação e adição de conservantes a PhytoBloom Green Formula®, concentrado de Nannochloropsis sp. comercializado pela empresa Necton S.A., com o objetivo de averiguar a variação de parâmetros bioquímicos e organoléticos com a exposição do concentrado aos diferentes métodos de conservação. Pretendia-se assim observar se estes processos podem ser usados para aumentar o tempo de prateleira do concentrado em estudo. Para tal, foram avaliadas amostras recolhidas em três pontos temporais e analisados os seguintes parâmetros: perfil de ácidos gordos, quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos, quantificação espectrofotométrica de clorofila a e carotenóides, bem como parâmetros organoléticos. Inicialmente, foi efetuada uma avaliação de diferentes parâmetros organoléticos, não se observando variações relevantes entre amostras das diferentes condições. Assim, foi posteriormente realizada a avaliação bioquímica. Primeiramente, foi efetuada a quantificação de ácidos gordos por GC-FID das diferentes amostras, nas quais não se observou diferenças significativas entre as condições experimentais. Foi também efetuado um ensaio de FOX II, que permitiu avaliar o grau de peroxidação lipídica de cada amostra por quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos formados. As amostras nas quais houve adição de conservantes apresentaram um teor menor de hidropéroxidos lipídicos, permitindo inferir que a ação dos conservantes com propriedades antioxidantes permitiu uma melhor conservação da amostra. Quando se determinou a concentração de clorofila a e de carotenóides verificou-se que, em ambos os casos, a congelação conduziu a uma estabilização da concentração destes pigmentos. No entanto, os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando a combinação de congelação com adição de conservantes. Estes resultados, embora promissores, carecem de uma confirmação por um novo estudo, completando com análises com maior rigor e sensibilidade associados, no sentido de se verificar qual o método mais vantajoso para a extensão do tempo de prateleira de PhytoBloom Green Formula®.


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As algas do género Nannochloropsis são microalgas marinhas que apresentam um perfil bioquímico único, principalmente no que é respeitante a lípidos, e uma vasta gama de compostos bioativos que possibilitam a sua aplicabilidade comercial em várias áreas biotecnológicas, destacando-se a alimentação e nutrição humana, indústria cosmética e farmacêutica, produção de biocombustíveis e a sua utilização em aquacultura. Em aquacultura, são usadas maioritariamente microalgas vivas, cuja produção representa elevados custos. Tem havido assim uma pesquisa de dietas alternativas, entre as quais os concentrados de microalgas se apresentam promissores. Os desafios atuais das empresas produtoras de concentrados de microalgas prendem-se com a conservação e armazenamento destes concentrados. Assim, neste trabalho foi proposto o estudo da influência da refrigeração, congelação e adição de conservantes a PhytoBloom Green Formula®, concentrado de Nannochloropsis sp. comercializado pela empresa Necton S.A., com o objetivo de averiguar a variação de parâmetros bioquímicos e organoléticos com a exposição do concentrado aos diferentes métodos de conservação. Pretendia-se assim observar se estes processos podem ser usados para aumentar o tempo de prateleira do concentrado em estudo. Para tal, foram avaliadas amostras recolhidas em três pontos temporais e analisados os seguintes parâmetros: perfil de ácidos gordos, quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos, quantificação espectrofotométrica de clorofila a e carotenóides, bem como parâmetros organoléticos. Inicialmente, foi efetuada uma avaliação de diferentes parâmetros organoléticos, não se observando variações relevantes entre amostras das diferentes condições. Assim, foi posteriormente realizada a avaliação bioquímica. Primeiramente, foi efetuada a quantificação de ácidos gordos por GC-FID das diferentes amostras, nas quais não se observou diferenças significativas entre as condições experimentais. Foi também efetuado um ensaio de FOX II, que permitiu avaliar o grau de peroxidação lipídica de cada amostra por quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos formados. As amostras nas quais houve adição de conservantes apresentaram um teor menor de hidropéroxidos lipídicos, permitindo inferir que a ação dos conservantes com propriedades antioxidantes permitiu uma melhor conservação da amostra. Quando se determinou a concentração de clorofila a e de carotenóides verificou-se que, em ambos os casos, a congelação conduziu a uma estabilização da concentração destes pigmentos. No entanto, os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando a combinação de congelação com adição de conservantes. Estes resultados, embora promissores, carecem de uma confirmação por um novo estudo, completando com análises com maior rigor e sensibilidade associados, no sentido de se verificar qual o método mais vantajoso para a extensão do tempo de prateleira de PhytoBloom Green Formula®.


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O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo caracterizar os metabolitos secundários, compostos lipofílicos e compostos mais polares, de três macroalgas existentes na costa portuguesa, nomeadamente da H. elongata, L. ochroleuca e U. pinnatifida, de forma a contribuir para a sua valorização. Foram realizadas extrações Soxhlet com diclorometano para extrair os compostos lipofílicos, enquanto as frações mais polares foram obtidas por extrações convencionais sólido-líquido, usando diferentes misturas de solventes (acetona:H2O e metanol:H2O:AcOH). Os extratos foram analisados por GC-MS e HPLC-MS. Os extratos polares foram ainda avaliados quanto à sua atividade antioxidante e quanto ao teor de fenóis totais (método de Folin-Ciocâlteau) e florotaninos (método DMBA). A fração lipofílica das três macroalgas estudadas é composta principalmente por ácidos gordos, álcoois alifáticos de cadeia longa e esteróis. O ácido hexadecanóico mostrou ser o composto maioritário das três espécies de algas, seguido dos ácidos octadeca-9-enóico e tetradecanóico. O fucosterol foi o esterol mais abundante encontrado para a H. elongata, enquanto que na L. ochroleuca e na U. pinnatifida foi o 24-metilenocolesterol. Os extratos polares obtidos a partir das duas metodologias de extração apresentaram rendimentos de extração elevados, tendo os extratos acetona:H2O apresentado rendimentos de extração superiores (88.73-92.33 %). Estes extratos mostraram ainda teores de fenóis e florotaninos totais mais elevados, com valores entre 524.03-635.69 g EAG/kg de peso seco e 1.48-1.55 g EFG/kg de peso seco, respetivamente. Os extratos de acetona:H2O no ensaio DPPH apresentaram valores de IC50 entre 6.57-7.64 μg/mL. Estes valores, apesar de serem inferiores ao IC50 do ácido ascórbico, são superiores ao determinado para o antioxidante sintético butil-hidroxitolueno (BHT). O extrato da acetona:H2O da L. ochroleuca foi o que apresentou melhor atividade antioxidante, com um IC50 de 6.57 ± 0.71 μg/mL. A análise por HPLC-DAD-MSn não permitiu até ao momento detetar compostos fenólicos nos extratos obtidos. Estes resultados são uma contribuição relevante para a valorização destas espécies de macroalgas como fonte de fitoquímicos valiosos.


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The Mediterranean species Cynara cardunculus L. is recognized in the traditional medicine, for their hepatoprotective and choleretic effects. Biomass of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC), or cultivated cardoon, may be explored not only for the production of energy and pulp fibers, but also for the extraction of bioactive compounds. The chemical characterization of extractable components, namely terpenic and phenolic compounds, may valorize the cultivated cardoon plantation, due to their antioxidant, antitumoral and antimicrobial activities. In this study, the chemical composition of lipophilic and phenolic fractions of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC), cultivated in the south of Portugal (Baixo Alentejo region) was characterized in detail, intending the integral valorization of its biomass. The biological activity of cultivated cardoon extracts was evaluated in terms of antioxidant, human tumor cell antiproliferative and antibacterial effects. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used for the chemical analysis of lipophilic compounds. Sixty-five lipophilic compounds were identified, from which 1 sesquiterpene lactone and 4 pentacyclic triterpenes were described, for the first time, as cultivated cardoon components, such as: deacylcynaropicrin, acetates of β- and α-amyrin, lupenyl acetate and ψ-taraxasteryl acetate. Sesquiterpene lactones were the major family of lipophilic components of leaves (≈94.5 g/kg), mostly represented by cynaropicrin (≈87.4 g/kg). Pentacyclic triterpenes were also detected, in considerably high contents, in the remaining parts of cultivated cardoon, especially in the florets (≈27.5 g/kg). Taraxasteryl acetate was the main pentacyclic triterpene (≈8.9 g/kg in florets). High pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) was utilized for the chemical analysis of phenolic compounds. Among the identified 28 phenolic compounds, eriodictyol hexoside was reported for the first time as C. cardunculus L. component, and 6 as cultivated cardoon components, namely 1,4-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid, naringenin 7-O-glucoside, naringenin rutinoside, naringenin, luteolin acetylhexoside and apigenin acetylhexoside. The highest content of the identified phenolic compounds was observed in the florets (≈12.6 g/kg). Stalks outer part contained the highest hydroxycinnamic acids abundance (≈10.3 g/kg), and florets presented the highest flavonoids content (≈10.3 g/kg). The antioxidant activity of phenolic fraction was examined through 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay. Stalks outer part, and receptacles and bracts extracts demonstrated the highest antioxidant effect on DPPH (IC50 of 34.35 μg/mL and 35.25 μg/mL, respectively). (cont.) abstract (cont.) The DPPH scavenging effect was linearly correlated with the total contents of hydroxycinnamic acids (r = -0.990). The in vitro antiproliferative activity of cultivated cardoon lipophilic and phenolic extracts was evaluated on a human tumor cells line of triple-negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231), one of the most refractory human cancers to conventional therapeutics. After 48 h of exposition, leaves lipophilic extract showed higher inhibitory effect (IC50 = 10.39 μg/mL) than florets lipophilic extract (IC50 = 315.22 μg/mL), upon MDA-MB-231 cellular viability. Pure compound of cynaropicrin, representative of the main compound identified in leaves lipophilic extract, also prevented the cell proliferation of MDA-MB-231 (IC50 = 17.86 μM). MDA-MB-231 cells were much more resistant to the 48 h- treatment with phenolic extracts of stalks outer part (IC50 = 3341.20 μg/mL) and florets (IC50 > 4500 μg/mL), and also with the pure compound of 1,5-di-O-caffeoylquinic acid (IC50 = 1741.69 μM). MDA-MB-231 cells were exposed, for 48 h, to the respective IC50 concentrations of leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin, in order to understand their ability in modelling cellular responses, and consequently important potentially signaling pathways for the cellular viability decrease. Leaves lipophilic extract increased the caspase-3 enzymatic activity, contrarily to pure compound of cynaropicrin. Additionally, leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin caused G2 cell cycle arrest, possibly by upregulating the p21Waf1/Cip1 and the accumulation of phospho-Tyr15-CDK1 and cyclin B1. The inhibitory effects of leaves lipophilic extract and cynaropicrin pure compound, against the MDA-MB-231 cell proliferation, may also be related to the downregulation of phospho-Ser473-Akt. The antibacterial activity of cultivated cardoon lipophilic and phenolic extracts was assessed, for the first time, on two multidrug-resistant bacteria, such as the Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and the Gram-positive methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), two of the main bacteria responsible for health care-associated infections. Accordingly, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined. Lipophilic and phenolic extracts of florets did not have antibacterial activity on P. aeruginosa PAO1 and MRSA (MIC > 2048 μg/mL). Leaves lipophilic extract did not prevent the P. aeruginosa PAO1 growth, but pure compound of cynaropicrin was slightly active (MIC = 2048 μg/mL). Leaves lipophilic extract and pure compound of cynaropicrin blocked MRSA growth (MIC of 1024 and 256 μg/mL, respectively). The scientific knowledge revealed in this thesis, either by the chemical viewpoint, or by the biological viewpoint, contributes for the valorization of C. cardunculus L. var. altilis (DC) biomass. Cultivated cardoon has potential to be exploited as source of bioactive compounds, in conciliation with other valorization pathways, and Portuguese traditional cheeses manufacturing.


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Rapid climatic changes are taking place in Arctic, subarctic and cold temperate regions, where predictions point to an increase in freeze-thaw events, changes in precipitation, evaporation and salinity patterns. Climate change may therefore result in large impacts in ecosystem functioning and dynamics, especially in the presence of contaminants due to intense anthropogenic activities. Even though multiple stress approaches have received increasing interest in the last decades, the number of such studies is limited. In particular, knowledge on the effect of freezethaw events and salinity fluctuations on ecotoxicology of soil invertebrates is lacking, especially important when considering supralittoral species. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the effects of low temperature and salinity fluctuations, singly and in combination with contaminants, in the freeze-tolerant and euryhaline enchytraeid Enchytraeus albidus. The assessment of population level endpoints (survival and reproduction), along with physiological and biochemical parameters such as levels of cryoprotectants, ice/water content, oxidative stress biomarkers, cellular energy allocation, and tissue concentration of chemicals (when applied), provided new and valuable knowledge on the effects of selected physical and chemical stressors in E. albidus, and allowed the understanding of adjustments in the primary response mechanisms that enable worms to maintain homeostasis and survival in harsh environments such as polar and temperate-cold regions. The presence of moderate levels of salinity significantly increased freeze-tolerance (mainly evaluated as survival, cryoprotection and ice fraction) and reproduction of E. albidus. Moreover, it contributed to the readjustments of cryoprotectant levels, restoration of antioxidant levels and changed singnificantly the effect and uptake of chemicals (copper cadmium, carbendazim and 4-nonylphenol). Temperature fluctuations (simulated as daily freeze-thaw cycles, between -2ºC and -4ºC) caused substancial negative effect on survival of worms previsouly exposed to non-lethal concentrations of 4-nonylphenol, as compared with constant freezing (-4ºC) and control temperature (2ºC). The decrease in cryoprotectants, increase in energy consumption and the highest concentration of 4-nonylphenol in the tissues have highlighted the high energy requirements and level of toxicity experienced by worms exposed to the combined effect of contaminants and freezing-thawing events. The findings reported on this thesis demonstrate that natural (physical) and chemical stressors, singly or in combination, may alter the dynamics of E. albidus, affecting not only their survival and reproduction (and consequent presence/distribution) but also their physiological and biochemical adaptations. These alterations may lead to severe consequences for the functioning of the ecosystems along the Arctic, subarctic and cold temperate regions, where they play an important role for decomposition of dead organic matter. This thesis provides a scientific basis for improving the setting of safety factors for natural soil ecosystems, and to underline the integration of similar investigations in ecotoxicology, and eventually in risk assessment of contaminants.