49 resultados para Redes de comunicações sem fios


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Este trabalho focou-se no estudo do impacte das condições ambientais, de instalação e de utilização na degradação da fibra ótica, que frequentemente resultam na redução do desempenho das fibras óticas. Entre este fatores, foram estudados os efeitos de ambientes agressivos para o revestimento da fibra, nomeadamente no tempo de vida e resistência. Foi também estudado o efeito da propagação de sinais óticos de elevadas potências em curvaturas apertadas e a sua influência na degradação do desempenho da fibra ótica. Ainda neste âmbito, foi também estudado o desempenho de fibras óticas insensíveis a curvtura e fibras dopadas com Érbio, sendo analisada a dinâmica do efeito rastilho nestas fibras. Como parte integrante das redes óticas, os conetores óticos são de extrema importância na sua estrutura. O seu desempenho será refletido na qualidade do serviço da rede, e por isso é determinante estudar os fatores que contribuem para a sua degradação e mau funcionamento. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um estudo do comportamento de conetores óticos perante situações de mau manuseamento (como são limpeza insuficiente e degradação física da face final). Em adição foi também dado ênfase à reutilização de fibra danificada pelo efeito rastilho no desenvolvimento de sensores, passíveis de serem utilizados na monitorização de índice de refração, pressão hidrostática, tensão ou alta temperatura. Este procedimento surge como uma solução de baixo custo para o desenvolvimento de sensores em fibra ótica a partir de fibra danificada e inutilizável para as suas habituais aplicações em transmissão e/ou reflexão de sinais óticos.


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Na última década tem-se assistido a um crescimento exponencial das redes de comunicações sem fios, nomeadamente no que se refere a taxa de penetração do serviço prestado e na implementação de novas infra-estruturas em todo o globo. É ponto assente neste momento que esta tendência irá não só continuar como se fortalecer devido à convergência que é esperada entre as redes móveis sem fio e a disponibilização de serviços de banda larga para a rede Internet fixa, numa evolução para um paradigma de uma arquitectura integrada e baseada em serviços e aplicações IP. Por este motivo, as comunicações móveis sem fios irão ter um papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da sociedade de informação a médio e longo prazos. A estratégia seguida no projecto e implementação das redes móveis celulares da actual geração (2G e 3G) foi a da estratificação da sua arquitectura protocolar numa estrutura modular em camadas estanques, onde cada camada do modelo é responsável pela implementação de um conjunto de funcionalidades. Neste modelo a comunicação dá-se apenas entre camadas adjacentes através de primitivas de comunicação pré-estabelecidas. Este modelo de arquitectura resulta numa mais fácil implementação e introdução de novas funcionalidades na rede. Entretanto, o facto das camadas inferiores do modelo protocolar não utilizarem informação disponibilizada pelas camadas superiores, e vice-versa acarreta uma degradação no desempenho do sistema. Este paradigma é particularmente importante quando sistemas de antenas múltiplas são implementados (sistemas MIMO). Sistemas de antenas múltiplas introduzem um grau adicional de liberdade no que respeita a atribuição de recursos rádio: o domínio espacial. Contrariamente a atribuição de recursos no domínio do tempo e da frequência, no domínio espacial os recursos rádio mapeados no domínio espacial não podem ser assumidos como sendo completamente ortogonais, devido a interferência resultante do facto de vários terminais transmitirem no mesmo canal e/ou slots temporais mas em feixes espaciais diferentes. Sendo assim, a disponibilidade de informação relativa ao estado dos recursos rádio às camadas superiores do modelo protocolar é de fundamental importância na satisfação dos critérios de qualidade de serviço exigidos. Uma forma eficiente de gestão dos recursos rádio exige a implementação de algoritmos de agendamento de pacotes de baixo grau de complexidade, que definem os níveis de prioridade no acesso a esses recursos por base dos utilizadores com base na informação disponibilizada quer pelas camadas inferiores quer pelas camadas superiores do modelo. Este novo paradigma de comunicação, designado por cross-layer resulta na maximização da capacidade de transporte de dados por parte do canal rádio móvel, bem como a satisfação dos requisitos de qualidade de serviço derivados a partir da camada de aplicação do modelo. Na sua elaboração, procurou-se que o standard IEEE 802.16e, conhecido por Mobile WiMAX respeitasse as especificações associadas aos sistemas móveis celulares de quarta geração. A arquitectura escalonável, o baixo custo de implementação e as elevadas taxas de transmissão de dados resultam num processo de multiplexagem de dados e valores baixos no atraso decorrente da transmissão de pacotes, os quais são atributos fundamentais para a disponibilização de serviços de banda larga. Da mesma forma a comunicação orientada à comutação de pacotes, inenente na camada de acesso ao meio, é totalmente compatível com as exigências em termos da qualidade de serviço dessas aplicações. Sendo assim, o Mobile WiMAX parece satisfazer os requisitos exigentes das redes móveis de quarta geração. Nesta tese procede-se à investigação, projecto e implementação de algoritmos de encaminhamento de pacotes tendo em vista a eficiente gestão do conjunto de recursos rádio nos domínios do tempo, frequência e espacial das redes móveis celulares, tendo como caso prático as redes móveis celulares suportadas no standard IEEE802.16e. Os algoritmos propostos combinam métricas provenientes da camada física bem como os requisitos de qualidade de serviço das camadas superiores, de acordo com a arquitectura de redes baseadas no paradigma do cross-layer. O desempenho desses algoritmos é analisado a partir de simulações efectuadas por um simulador de sistema, numa plataforma que implementa as camadas física e de acesso ao meio do standard IEEE802.16e.


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Uma das áreas de investigação em Telecomunicações de interesse crescente prende-se com os futuros sistemas de comunicações móveis de 4a geração e além destes. Nos últimos anos tem sido desenvolvido o conceito de redes comunitárias, no qual os utilizadores se agregam de acordo com interesses comuns. Estes conceitos têm sido explorados de uma forma horizontal em diferentes camadas da comunicação, desde as redes comunitárias de comunicação (Seattle Wireless ou Personal Telco, p.ex.) até às redes de interesses peer-to-peer. No entanto, estas redes são usualmente vistas como redes de overlay, ou simplesmente redes de associação livre. Na prática, a noção de uma rede auto-organizada, completamente orientada ao serviço/comunidade, integralmente suportada em termos de arquitetura, não existe. Assim este trabalho apresenta uma realização original nesta área de criação de redes comunitárias, com uma arquitetura subjacente orientada a serviço, e que suporta integralmente múltiplas redes comunitárias no mesmo dispositivo, com todas as características de segurança, confiança e disponibilização de serviço necessárias neste tipo de cenários (um nó pode pertencer simultaneamente a mais do que uma rede comunitária). Devido à sua importância para os sistemas de redes comunitárias, foi dado particular atenção a aspetos de gestão de recursos e controlo de acessos. Ambos realizados de uma forma descentralizada e considerando mecanismos dotados de grande escalabilidade. Para isso, é apresentada uma linguagem de políticas que suporta a criação de comunidades virtuais. Esta linguagem não é apenas utilizada para o mapeamento da estrutura social dos membros da comunidade, como para, gerir dispositivos, recursos e serviços detidos pelos membros, de uma forma controlada e distribuída.


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Nowadays there is a huge evolution in the technological world and in the wireless networks. The electronic devices have more capabilities and resources over the years, which makes the users more and more demanding. The necessity of being connected to the global world leads to the arising of wireless access points in the cities to provide internet access to the people in order to keep the constant interaction with the world. Vehicular networks arise to support safety related applications and to improve the traffic flow in the roads; however, nowadays they are also used to provide entertainment to the users present in the vehicles. The best way to increase the utilization of the vehicular networks is to give to the users what they want: a constant connection to the internet. Despite of all the advances in the vehicular networks, there were several issues to be solved. The presence of dedicated infrastructure to vehicular networks is not wide yet, which leads to the need of using the available Wi-Fi hotspots and the cellular networks as access networks. In order to make all the management of the mobility process and to keep the user’s connection and session active, a mobility protocol is needed. Taking into account the huge number of access points present at the range of a vehicle for example in a city, it will be beneficial to take advantage of all available resources in order to improve all the vehicular network, either to the users and to the operators. The concept of multihoming allows to take advantage of all available resources with multiple simultaneous connections. This dissertation has as objectives the integration of a mobility protocol, the Network-Proxy Mobile IPv6 protocol, with a host-multihoming per packet solution in order to increase the performance of the network by using more resources simultaneously, the support of multi-hop communications, either in IPv6 or IPv4, the capability of providing internet access to the users of the network, and the integration of the developed protocol in the vehicular environment, with the WAVE, Wi-Fi and cellular technologies. The performed tests focused on the multihoming features implemented on this dissertation, and on the IPv4 network access for the normal users. The obtained results show that the multihoming addition to the mobility protocol improves the network performance and provides a better resource management. Also, the results show the correct operation of the developed protocol in a vehicular environment.


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In recent years, a new paradigm for communication called cooperative communications has been proposed for which initial information theoretic studies have shown the potential for improvements in capacity over traditional multi-hop wireless networks. Extensive research has been done to mitigate the impact of fading in wireless networks, being mostly focused on Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems. Recently, cooperative relaying techniques have been investigated to increase the performance of wireless systems by using diversity created by different single antenna devices, aiming to reach the same level of performance of MIMO systems with low cost devices. Cooperative communication is a promising method to achieve high spectrum efficiency and improve transmission capacity for wireless networks. Cooperative communications is the general idea of pooling the resources of distributed nodes to improve the overall performance of a wireless network. In cooperative networks the nodes cooperate to help each other. A cooperative node offering help is acting like a middle man or proxy and can convey messages from source to destination. Cooperative communication involves exploiting the broadcast nature of the wireless medium to form virtual antenna arrays out of independent singleantenna network nodes for transmission. This research aims at contributing to the field of cooperative wireless networks. The focus of this research is on the relay-based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol. Specifically, I provide a framework for cooperative relaying called RelaySpot which comprises on opportunistic relay selection, cooperative relay scheduling and relay switching. RelaySpot-based solutions are expected to minimize signaling exchange, remove estimation of channel conditions, and improve the utilization of spatial diversity, minimizing outage and increasing reliability.


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In this work several techniques to monitor the performance of optical networks were developed. These techniques are dedicated either to the measurement of the data signal parameters (optical signal to noise ratio and dispersion) or to the detection of physical failures on the network infrastructure. The optical signal to noise ratio of the transmitted signal was successfully monitored using methods based on the presence of Bragg gratings imprinted on high birefringent fibres that allowed the distinction of the signal from the noise due to its polarization properties. The monitoring of the signal group-velocity dispersion was also possible. In this case, a method based on the analysis of the electric spectrum of the signal was applied. It was experimentally demonstrated that this technique is applicable on both amplitude and phase modulated signals. It was also developed a technique to monitor the physical infrastructure of an optical access network. Once again, the application of Bragg gratings (this time imprinted on standard single mode fibres) was the basis of the developed method.


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Future emerging market trends head towards positioning based services placing a new perspective on the way we obtain and exploit positioning information. On one hand, innovations in information technology and wireless communication systems enabled the development of numerous location based applications such as vehicle navigation and tracking, sensor networks applications, home automation, asset management, security and context aware location services. On the other hand, wireless networks themselves may bene t from localization information to improve the performances of di erent network layers. Location based routing, synchronization, interference cancellation are prime examples of applications where location information can be useful. Typical positioning solutions rely on measurements and exploitation of distance dependent signal metrics, such as the received signal strength, time of arrival or angle of arrival. They are cheaper and easier to implement than the dedicated positioning systems based on ngerprinting, but at the cost of accuracy. Therefore intelligent localization algorithms and signal processing techniques have to be applied to mitigate the lack of accuracy in distance estimates. Cooperation between nodes is used in cases where conventional positioning techniques do not perform well due to lack of existing infrastructure, or obstructed indoor environment. The objective is to concentrate on hybrid architecture where some nodes have points of attachment to an infrastructure, and simultaneously are interconnected via short-range ad hoc links. The availability of more capable handsets enables more innovative scenarios that take advantage of multiple radio access networks as well as peer-to-peer links for positioning. Link selection is used to optimize the tradeo between the power consumption of participating nodes and the quality of target localization. The Geometric Dilution of Precision and the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound can be used as criteria for choosing the appropriate set of anchor nodes and corresponding measurements before attempting location estimation itself. This work analyzes the existing solutions for node selection in order to improve localization performance, and proposes a novel method based on utility functions. The proposed method is then extended to mobile and heterogeneous environments. Simulations have been carried out, as well as evaluation with real measurement data. In addition, some speci c cases have been considered, such as localization in ill-conditioned scenarios and the use of negative information. The proposed approaches have shown to enhance estimation accuracy, whilst signi cantly reducing complexity, power consumption and signalling overhead.


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Wireless communication technologies have become widely adopted, appearing in heterogeneous applications ranging from tracking victims, responders and equipments in disaster scenarios to machine health monitoring in networked manufacturing systems. Very often, applications demand a strictly bounded timing response, which, in distributed systems, is generally highly dependent on the performance of the underlying communication technology. These systems are said to have real-time timeliness requirements since data communication must be conducted within predefined temporal bounds, whose unfulfillment may compromise the correct behavior of the system and cause economic losses or endanger human lives. The potential adoption of wireless technologies for an increasingly broad range of application scenarios has made the operational requirements more complex and heterogeneous than before for wired technologies. On par with this trend, there is an increasing demand for the provision of cost-effective distributed systems with improved deployment, maintenance and adaptation features. These systems tend to require operational flexibility, which can only be ensured if the underlying communication technology provides both time and event triggered data transmission services while supporting on-line, on-the-fly parameter modification. Generally, wireless enabled applications have deployment requirements that can only be addressed through the use of batteries and/or energy harvesting mechanisms for power supply. These applications usually have stringent autonomy requirements and demand a small form factor, which hinders the use of large batteries. As the communication support may represent a significant part of the energy requirements of a station, the use of power-hungry technologies is not adequate. Hence, in such applications, low-range technologies have been widely adopted. In fact, although low range technologies provide smaller data rates, they spend just a fraction of the energy of their higher-power counterparts. The timeliness requirements of data communications, in general, can be met by ensuring the availability of the medium for any station initiating a transmission. In controlled (close) environments this can be guaranteed, as there is a strict regulation of which stations are installed in the area and for which purpose. Nevertheless, in open environments, this is hard to control because no a priori abstract knowledge is available of which stations and technologies may contend for the medium at any given instant. Hence, the support of wireless real-time communications in unmanaged scenarios is a highly challenging task. Wireless low-power technologies have been the focus of a large research effort, for example, in the Wireless Sensor Network domain. Although bringing extended autonomy to battery powered stations, such technologies are known to be negatively influenced by similar technologies contending for the medium and, especially, by technologies using higher power transmissions over the same frequency bands. A frequency band that is becoming increasingly crowded with competing technologies is the 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical band, encompassing, for example, Bluetooth and ZigBee, two lowpower communication standards which are the base of several real-time protocols. Although these technologies employ mechanisms to improve their coexistence, they are still vulnerable to transmissions from uncoordinated stations with similar technologies or to higher power technologies such as Wi- Fi, which hinders the support of wireless dependable real-time communications in open environments. The Wireless Flexible Time-Triggered Protocol (WFTT) is a master/multi-slave protocol that builds on the flexibility and timeliness provided by the FTT paradigm and on the deterministic medium capture and maintenance provided by the bandjacking technique. This dissertation presents the WFTT protocol and argues that it allows supporting wireless real-time communication services with high dependability requirements in open environments where multiple contention-based technologies may dispute the medium access. Besides, it claims that it is feasible to provide flexible and timely wireless communications at the same time in open environments. The WFTT protocol was inspired on the FTT paradigm, from which higher layer services such as, for example, admission control has been ported. After realizing that bandjacking was an effective technique to ensure the medium access and maintenance in open environments crowded with contention-based communication technologies, it was recognized that the mechanism could be used to devise a wireless medium access protocol that could bring the features offered by the FTT paradigm to the wireless domain. The performance of the WFTT protocol is reported in this dissertation with a description of the implemented devices, the test-bed and a discussion of the obtained results.


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The digital revolution of the 21st century contributed to stem the Internet of Things (IoT). Trillions of embedded devices using the Internet Protocol (IP), also called smart objects, will be an integral part of the Internet. In order to support such an extremely large address space, a new Internet Protocol, called Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) is being adopted. The IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) has accelerated the integration of WSNs into the Internet. At the same time, the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) has made it possible to provide resource constrained devices with RESTful Web services functionalities. This work builds upon previous experience in street lighting networks, for which a proprietary protocol, devised by the Lighting Living Lab, was implemented and used for several years. The proprietary protocol runs on a broad range of lighting control boards. In order to support heterogeneous applications with more demanding communication requirements and to improve the application development process, it was decided to port the Contiki OS to the four channel LED driver (4LD) board from Globaltronic. This thesis describes the work done to adapt the Contiki OS to support the Microchip TM PIC24FJ128GA308 microprocessor and presents an IP based solution to integrate sensors and actuators in smart lighting applications. Besides detailing the system’s architecture and implementation, this thesis presents multiple results showing that the performance of CoAP based resource retrievals in constrained nodes is adequate for supporting networking services in street lighting networks.


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A evolução observada nas redes de comunicações durante a última década traduziu-se na diversificação de serviços que utilizam a rede, no aumento das taxas de transferência e na massificação da utilização de serviços de acesso à Internet e de comunicações celulares. Durante esta década, várias organizações, das quais se destacam os operadores de telecomunicações, têm dedicado consideráveis esforços no sentido de definir e normalizar arquitecturas de redes de próxima geração. A principal característica deste tipo de rede reside no facto de possuir uma arquitectura modular capaz de fornecer serviços multimédia a clientes de uma rede de acesso com características tecnológicas heterogéneas. Os trabalhos de normalização das arquitecturas de rede NGN têm-se limitado, até ao momento, a especificar detalhes relativos ao funcionamento da rede não tendo ainda sido definida a arquitectura de gestão. Em termos de tecnologias de gestão de redes, foram propostos nas últimas duas décadas novos paradigmas de gestão, novos modelos de dados, novos protocolos de transporte e várias linguagens de definição de informação de gestão. Os modelos de dados têm vindo a ser enriquecidos, os protocolos são mais flexíveis e poderosos, as soluções de gestão oferecem interoperabilidade acrescida e as linguagens permitem definir formatos de configuração mais ricos. Simultaneamente tem crescido a complexidade das soluções de gestão, aumentado a sobrecarga causada pelo aumento de complexidade nos equipamentos bem como nas plataformas computacionais que suportam os sistemas de gestão. O presente trabalho propõe uma solução de gestão para redes NGN capaz de gerir os recursos de rede garantindo Qualidade de Serviço. A solução de gestão proposta inclui uma plataforma de execução de políticas que utiliza os eventos ocorridos na rede para empreender acções de configuração, autonomizando o processo de gestão. Inclui uma avaliação da complexidade de várias tecnologias de gestão estudando a sobrecarga causada pela tecnologia tanto no processo de gestão como na operação da rede. É ainda estudada a escalabilidade das várias tecnologias e analisado o seu comportamento num cenário da rede de um operador de telecomunicações. O trabalho propõe ainda uma metodologia de configuração integrada dos elementos de gestão, através de uma interface de configuração amigável para o administrador do sistema.


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Internet Tra c, Internet Applications, Internet Attacks, Tra c Pro ling, Multi-Scale Analysis abstract Nowadays, the Internet can be seen as an ever-changing platform where new and di erent types of services and applications are constantly emerging. In fact, many of the existing dominant applications, such as social networks, have appeared recently, being rapidly adopted by the user community. All these new applications required the implementation of novel communication protocols that present di erent network requirements, according to the service they deploy. All this diversity and novelty has lead to an increasing need of accurately pro ling Internet users, by mapping their tra c to the originating application, in order to improve many network management tasks such as resources optimization, network performance, service personalization and security. However, accurately mapping tra c to its originating application is a di cult task due to the inherent complexity of existing network protocols and to several restrictions that prevent the analysis of the contents of the generated tra c. In fact, many technologies, such as tra c encryption, are widely deployed to assure and protect the con dentiality and integrity of communications over the Internet. On the other hand, many legal constraints also forbid the analysis of the clients' tra c in order to protect their con dentiality and privacy. Consequently, novel tra c discrimination methodologies are necessary for an accurate tra c classi cation and user pro ling. This thesis proposes several identi cation methodologies for an accurate Internet tra c pro ling while coping with the di erent mentioned restrictions and with the existing encryption techniques. By analyzing the several frequency components present in the captured tra c and inferring the presence of the di erent network and user related events, the proposed approaches are able to create a pro le for each one of the analyzed Internet applications. The use of several probabilistic models will allow the accurate association of the analyzed tra c to the corresponding application. Several enhancements will also be proposed in order to allow the identi cation of hidden illicit patterns and the real-time classi cation of captured tra c. In addition, a new network management paradigm for wired and wireless networks will be proposed. The analysis of the layer 2 tra c metrics and the di erent frequency components that are present in the captured tra c allows an e cient user pro ling in terms of the used web-application. Finally, some usage scenarios for these methodologies will be presented and discussed.


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O presente trabalho tem por objectivo estudar a caracterização e modelação de arquitecturas de rádio frequência para aplicações em rádios definidos por software e rádios cognitivos. O constante aparecimento no mercado de novos padrões e tecnologias para comunicações sem fios têm levantado algumas limitações à implementação de transceptores rádio de banda larga. Para além disso, o uso de sistemas reconfiguráveis e adaptáveis baseados no conceito de rádio definido por software e rádio cognitivo assegurará a evolução para a próxima geração de comunicações sem fios. A ideia base desta tese passa por resolver alguns problemas em aberto e propor avanços relevantes, tirando para isso partido das capacidades providenciadas pelos processadores digitais de sinal de forma a melhorar o desempenho global dos sistemas propostos. Inicialmente, serão abordadas várias estratégias para a implementação e projecto de transceptores rádio, concentrando-se sempre na aplicabilidade específica a sistemas de rádio definido por software e rádio cognitivo. Serão também discutidas soluções actuais de instrumentação capaz de caracterizar um dispositivo que opere simultaneamente nos domínios analógico e digital, bem como, os próximos passos nesta área de caracterização e modelação. Além disso, iremos apresentar novos formatos de modelos comportamentais construídos especificamente para a descrição e caracterização não-linear de receptores de amostragem passa-banda, bem como, para sistemas nãolineares que utilizem sinais multi-portadora. Será apresentada uma nova arquitectura suportada na avaliação estatística dos sinais rádio que permite aumentar a gama dinâmica do receptor em situações de multi-portadora. Da mesma forma, será apresentada uma técnica de maximização da largura de banda de recepção baseada na utilização do receptor de amostragem passa-banda no formato complexo. Finalmente, importa referir que todas as arquitecturas propostas serão acompanhadas por uma introdução teórica e simulações, sempre que possível, sendo após isto validadas experimentalmente por protótipos laboratoriais.


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In the modern society, new devices, applications and technologies, with sophisticated capabilities, are converging in the same network infrastructure. Users are also increasingly demanding in personal preferences and expectations, desiring Internet connectivity anytime and everywhere. These aspects have triggered many research efforts, since the current Internet is reaching a breaking point trying to provide enough flexibility for users and profits for operators, while dealing with the complex requirements raised by the recent evolution. Fully aligned with the future Internet research, many solutions have been proposed to enhance the current Internet-based architectures and protocols, in order to become context-aware, that is, to be dynamically adapted to the change of the information characterizing any network entity. In this sense, the presented Thesis proposes a new architecture that allows to create several networks with different characteristics according to their context, on the top of a single Wireless Mesh Network (WMN), which infrastructure and protocols are very flexible and self-adaptable. More specifically, this Thesis models the context of users, which can span from their security, cost and mobility preferences, devices’ capabilities or services’ quality requirements, in order to turn a WMN into a set of logical networks. Each logical network is configured to meet a set of user context needs (for instance, support of high mobility and low security). To implement this user-centric architecture, this Thesis uses the network virtualization, which has often been advocated as a mean to deploy independent network architectures and services towards the future Internet, while allowing a dynamic resource management. This way, network virtualization can allow a flexible and programmable configuration of a WMN, in order to be shared by multiple logical networks (or virtual networks - VNs). Moreover, the high level of isolation introduced by network virtualization can be used to differentiate the protocols and mechanisms of each context-aware VN. This architecture raises several challenges to control and manage the VNs on-demand, in response to user and WMN dynamics. In this context, we target the mechanisms to: (i) discover and select the VN to assign to an user; (ii) create, adapt and remove the VN topologies and routes. We also explore how the rate of variation of the user context requirements can be considered to improve the performance and reduce the complexity of the VN control and management. Finally, due to the scalability limitations of centralized control solutions, we propose a mechanism to distribute the control functionalities along the architectural entities, which can cooperate to control and manage the VNs in a distributed way.


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This work investigates low cost localization systems (LS) based on received signal strength (RSS) and integrated with different types of antennas with main emphasis on sectorial antennas. The last few years have witnessed an outstanding growth in wireless sensor networks (WSN). Among its various possible applications, the localization field became a major area of research. The localization techniques based on RSS are characterized by simplicity and low cost of integration. The integration of LS based on RSS and sectorial antennas (SA) was proven to provide an effective solution for reducing the number of required nodes of the networks and allows the combination of several techniques, such as RSS and angle of arrival (AoA). This PhD thesis focuses on studying techniques, antennas and protocols that best meet the needs of each LS with main focus on low cost systems based on RSS and AoA. Firstly there are studied localization techniques and system that best suit the requirements of the user and the antennas that are most appropriate according to the nature of the signal. In this step it is intended to provide a fundamental understanding of the undertaken work. Then the developed antennas are presented according to the following categories: sectorial and microstrip antennas. Two sectorial antennas are presented: a narrowband antenna operating at 2.4 to 2.5 GHz and a broadband antenna operating at 800MHz-2.4GHz. The low cost printed antennas were designed to operate at 5 GHz, which may be used for vehicular communication. After presenting the various antennas, several prototypes of indoor/outdoor LS are implemented and analyzed. Localization protocols are also proposed, one based on simplicity and low power, and the other on interoperability with different types of antennas and system requirements.


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The performance of real-time networks is under continuous improvement as a result of several trends in the digital world. However, these tendencies not only cause improvements, but also exacerbates a series of unideal aspects of real-time networks such as communication latency, jitter of the latency and packet drop rate. This Thesis focuses on the communication errors that appear on such realtime networks, from the point-of-view of automatic control. Specifically, it investigates the effects of packet drops in automatic control over fieldbuses, as well as the architectures and optimal techniques for their compensation. Firstly, a new approach to address the problems that rise in virtue of such packet drops, is proposed. This novel approach is based on the simultaneous transmission of several values in a single message. Such messages can be from sensor to controller, in which case they are comprised of several past sensor readings, or from controller to actuator in which case they are comprised of estimates of several future control values. A series of tests reveal the advantages of this approach. The above-explained approach is then expanded as to accommodate the techniques of contemporary optimal control. However, unlike the aforementioned approach, that deliberately does not send certain messages in order to make a more efficient use of network resources; in the second case, the techniques are used to reduce the effects of packet losses. After these two approaches that are based on data aggregation, it is also studied the optimal control in packet dropping fieldbuses, using generalized actuator output functions. This study ends with the development of a new optimal controller, as well as the function, among the generalized functions that dictate the actuator’s behaviour in the absence of a new control message, that leads to the optimal performance. The Thesis also presents a different line of research, related with the output oscillations that take place as a consequence of the use of classic co-design techniques of networked control. The proposed algorithm has the goal of allowing the execution of such classical co-design algorithms without causing an output oscillation that increases the value of the cost function. Such increases may, under certain circumstances, negate the advantages of the application of the classical co-design techniques. A yet another line of research, investigated algorithms, more efficient than contemporary ones, to generate task execution sequences that guarantee that at least a given number of activated jobs will be executed out of every set composed by a predetermined number of contiguous activations. This algorithm may, in the future, be applied to the generation of message transmission patterns in the above-mentioned techniques for the efficient use of network resources. The proposed task generation algorithm is better than its predecessors in the sense that it is capable of scheduling systems that cannot be scheduled by its predecessor algorithms. The Thesis also presents a mechanism that allows to perform multi-path routing in wireless sensor networks, while ensuring that no value will be counted in duplicate. Thereby, this technique improves the performance of wireless sensor networks, rendering them more suitable for control applications. As mentioned before, this Thesis is centered around techniques for the improvement of performance of distributed control systems in which several elements are connected through a fieldbus that may be subject to packet drops. The first three approaches are directly related to this topic, with the first two approaching the problem from an architectural standpoint, whereas the third one does so from more theoretical grounds. The fourth approach ensures that the approaches to this and similar problems that can be found in the literature that try to achieve goals similar to objectives of this Thesis, can do so without causing other problems that may invalidate the solutions in question. Then, the thesis presents an approach to the problem dealt with in it, which is centered in the efficient generation of the transmission patterns that are used in the aforementioned approaches.