3 resultados para staffing indicator


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The initial rate of the photocatalysed oxidation of methylene blue, MB, by dissolved oxygen in solution, ri(MB), is measured for a series of titania on glass samples exhibiting a wide range of activities.  The samples used include two different types of commercial self-cleaning glass and a lab-made sol-geltitania film.  The activities of these samples are also assessed using a resazurin-based photocatalyst activity indicator ink, i.e. Rz paii, for which the initial rates of the photocatalysed reduction of Rz were measured, ri(Rz).  A plot of ri(MB)vs. ri(Rz) reveals a goodstraight line, thereby demonstrating a linear correlation (for TiO2films on glass at least) between the slow (usually hours) photocatalysed oxidation of organic materials, such as MB, and the fast (typically minutes) photocatalysed irreversible reduction of a dye, like Rz, in a paii.  The possible use of paii technology for assessing, in a simple, quick and inexpensive manner, photocatalytic films both in the laboratory and in situ is discussed briefly.  


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The photocatalytic activity of self-cleaning glass is assessed using a resazurin (Rz) photocatalyst activity indicator ink, i.e. Rz paii, via both the rate of change in the colour of the ink (blue to pink), R(Abs), and the rate of change in the fluorescence intensity, R(Fl), (λ(excitation) = 593 nm; λ(emission) = 639 nm) of the ink. In both cases the kinetics are zero order. Additional work with a range of glass samples of different photocatalytic activity reveal R(Abs) is directly related to R(Fl), thereby showing that the latter, like the former, can be used to provide a measure of the photocatalytic activity of the sample under test. The measured value of R(Fl) is found to be the same for 5 pieces of, otherwise identical, selfcleaning glass with: black, red, blue, yellow and no coloured tape stuck to their backs, which demonstrates that R(Fl) measurements can be used to measure photocatalytic activity under conditions of high colour and opacity under which R(Abs) cannot be measured. The relevance of this novel, fluorescence-based paii to the assessment of the activity of highly coloured, opaque photocatalytic samples, such as paints and tiles, is discussed briefly.


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Evaluating quality of palliative day services is essential for assessing care across diverse settings, and for monitoring quality improvement approaches.

To develop a set of quality indicators for assessment of all aspects (structure, process and outcome) of care in palliative day services.

Using a modified version of the RAND/UCLA appropriateness method (Fitch et al., 2001), a multidisciplinary panel of 16 experts independently completed a survey rating the appropriateness of 182 potential quality indicators previously identified during a systematic evidence review. Panel members then attended a one day, face-to-face meeting where indicators were discussed and subsequently re-rated. Panel members were also asked to rate the feasibility and necessity of measuring each indicator.

71 indicators classified as inappropriate during the survey were removed based on median appropriateness ratings and level of agreement. Following the panel discussions, a further 60 were removed based on appropriateness and feasibility ratings, level of agreement and assessment of necessity. Themes identified during the panel discussion and findings of the evidence review were used to translate the remaining 51 indicators into a final set of 27.

The final indicator set included information on rationale and supporting evidence, methods of assessment, risk adjustment, and recommended performance levels. Further implementation work will test the suitability of this ‘toolkit’ for measurement and benchmarking. The final indicator set provides the basis for standardised assessment of quality across services, including care delivered in community and primary care settings.


• Fitch K, Bernstein SJ, Aguilar MD, et al. The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method User’s Manual. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation; 2001. http://www.rand.org/pubs/monograph_reports/MR1269