8 resultados para multiuser


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We consider a cooperative relaying network in which a source communicates with a group of users in the presence of one eavesdropper. We assume that there are no source-user links and the group of users receive only retransmitted signal from the relay. Whereas, the eavesdropper receives both the original and retransmitted signals. Under these assumptions, we exploit the user selection technique to enhance the secure performance. We first find the optimal power allocation strategy when the source has the full channel state information (CSI) of all links. We then evaluate the security level through: i) ergodic secrecy rate and ii) secrecy outage probability when having only the statistical knowledge of CSIs.


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We investigate the achievable ergodic sum-rate of multi-user multiple-input multiple-output systems in Ricean fading channels. We first derive a lower bound on the average signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio by utilizing the Mullen's inequality, which is then used to analyze the effect of channel mean information on the achievable sum-rate. With these results, a novel statistical-eigenmode space-division multipleaccess downlink transmission scheme is proposed. For this scheme, we derive an exact closed-form expression for the achievable ergodic sum-rate. Our results show that the achievable ergodic sum-rate converges to a saturation value in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region and reaches to a lower limit value in the lower Ricean K-factor range. In addition, we present tractable upper and lower bounds, which are shown to be tight for any SNR and Ricean K-factor value. Finally, the theoretical analysis is validated via numerical simulations.


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The performance of multiuser dual-hop relaying over mixed radio frequency/free-space optical (RF/FSO) links is investigated. RF links are used for the simultaneous data transmission from m single-antenna sources to the relay, which is equipped with n ≥ m receive antennas and a photo-aperture transmitter. The relay operates under the decode-and-forward protocol and utilizes the popular ordered V-BLAST technique to successively decode each user's transmitted stream. A common norm-based ordering approach is adopted, where the streams are decoded in an ascending order. After the V-BLAST decoding, the relay retransmits the initial information to the destination, which is equipped with a photo-detector, via a point-to-point FSO link in m consecutive timeslots. Analytical expressions for the end-to-end outage probability and average symbol error probability of each user are derived. Some engineering insights are manifested, such as the diversity order, the impact of the pointing error displacement on the FSO link and the severity on the turbulence-induced channel fading.


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In this paper, we consider a multiuser downlink wiretap network consisting of one base station (BS) equipped with AA antennas, NB single-antenna legitimate users, and NE single-antenna eavesdroppers over Nakagami-m fading channels. In particular, we introduce a joint secure transmission scheme that adopts transmit antenna selection (TAS) at the BS and explores threshold-based selection diversity (tSD) scheduling over legitimate users to achieve a good secrecy performance while maintaining low implementation complexity. More specifically, in an effort to quantify the secrecy performance of the considered system, two practical scenarios are investigated, i.e., Scenario I: the eavesdropper’s channel state information (CSI) is unavailable at the BS, and Scenario II: the eavesdropper’s CSI is available at the BS. For Scenario I, novel exact closed-form expressions of the secrecy outage probability are derived, which are valid for general networks with an arbitrary number of legitimate users, antenna configurations, number of eavesdroppers, and the switched threshold. For Scenario II, we take into account the ergodic secrecy rate as the principle performance metric, and derive novel closed-form expressions of the exact ergodic secrecy rate. Additionally, we also provide simple and asymptotic expressions for secrecy outage probability and ergodic secrecy rate under two distinct cases, i.e., Case I: the legitimate user is located close to the BS, and Case II: both the legitimate user and eavesdropper are located close to the BS. Our important findings reveal that the secrecy diversity order is AAmA and the slope of secrecy rate is one under Case I, while the secrecy diversity order and the slope of secrecy rate collapse to zero under Case II, where the secrecy performance floor occurs. Finally, when the switched threshold is carefully selected, the considered scheduling scheme outperforms other well known existing schemes in terms of the secrecy performance and complexity tradeoff


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We consider a linear precoder design for an underlay cognitive radio multiple-input multiple-output broadcast channel, where the secondary system consisting of a secondary base-station (BS) and a group of secondary users (SUs) is allowed to share the same spectrum with the primary system. All the transceivers are equipped with multiple antennas, each of which has its own maximum power constraint. Assuming zero-forcing method to eliminate the multiuser interference, we study the sum rate maximization problem for the secondary system subject to both per-antenna power constraints at the secondary BS and the interference power constraints at the primary users. The problem of interest differs from the ones studied previously that often assumed a sum power constraint and/or single antenna employed at either both the primary and secondary receivers or the primary receivers. To develop an efficient numerical algorithm, we first invoke the rank relaxation method to transform the considered problem into a convex-concave problem based on a downlink-uplink result. We then propose a barrier interior-point method to solve the resulting saddle point problem. In particular, in each iteration of the proposed method we find the Newton step by solving a system of discrete-time Sylvester equations, which help reduce the complexity significantly, compared to the conventional method. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate fast convergence and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. 


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Multiuser selection scheduling concept has been recently proposed in the literature in order to increase the multiuser diversity gain and overcome the significant feedback requirements for the opportunistic scheduling schemes. The main idea is that reducing the feedback overhead saves per-user power that could potentially be added for the data transmission. In this work, the authors propose to integrate the principle of multiuser selection and the proportional fair scheduling scheme. This is aimed especially at power-limited, multi-device systems in non-identically distributed fading channels. For the performance analysis, they derive closed-form expressions for the outage probabilities and the average system rate of the delay-sensitive and the delay-tolerant systems, respectively, and compare them with the full feedback multiuser diversity schemes. The discrete rate region is analytically presented, where the maximum average system rate can be obtained by properly choosing the number of partial devices. They optimise jointly the number of partial devices and the per-device power saving in order to maximise the average system rate under the power requirement. Through the authors’ results, they finally demonstrate that the proposed scheme leveraging the saved feedback power to add for the data transmission can outperform the full feedback multiuser diversity, in non-identical Rayleigh fading of devices’ channels.


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We study a multiuser multicarrier downlink communication system in which the base station (BS) employs a large number of antennas. By assuming frequency-division duplex operation, we provide a beam domain channel model as the number of BS antennas grows asymptotically large. With this model, we first derive a closed-form upper bound on the achievable ergodic sum-rate before developing necessary conditions to asymptotically maximize the upper bound, with only statistical channel state information at the BS. Inspired by these conditions, we propose a beam division multiple access (BDMA) transmission scheme, where the BS communicates with users via different beams. For BDMA transmission, we design user scheduling to select users within non-overlapping beams, work out an optimal pilot design under a minimum mean square error criterion, and provide optimal pilot sequences by utilizing the Zadoff-Chu sequences. The proposed BDMA scheme reduces significantly the pilot overhead, as well as, the processing complexity at transceivers. Simulations demonstrate the high spectral efficiency of BDMA transmission and the advantages in the bit error rate performance of the proposed pilot sequences.