39 resultados para magnetohydrodynamics: MHD
We investigate the generation mechanisms of MHD Poynting flux in the magnetized solar photosphere. Using radiative MHD modeling of the solar photosphere with initial magnetic configurations that differ in their field strength and geometry, we show the presence of two different mechanisms for MHD Poynting flux generation in simulations of solar photospheric magnetoconvection. The weaker mechanism is connected to vertical transport of weak horizontal magnetic fields in the convectively stable layers of the upper photosphere, while the stronger is the production of Poynting flux in strongly magnetized intergranular lanes experiencing horizontal vortex motions. These mechanisms may be responsible for the energy transport from the solar convection zone to the higher layers of the solar atmosphere.
The self-consistent interaction between energetic particles and self-generated hydromagnetic waves in a cosmic ray pressure dominated plasma is considered. Using a three-dimensional hybrid magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)-kinetic code, which utilizes a spherical harmonic expansion of the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation, high-resolution simulations of the magnetic field growth including feedback on the cosmic rays are carried out. It is found that for shocks with high cosmic ray acceleration efficiency, the magnetic fields become highly disorganized, resulting in near isotropic diffusion, independent of the initial orientation of the ambient magnetic field. The possibility of sub-Bohm diffusion is demonstrated for parallel shocks, while the diffusion coefficient approaches the Bohm limit from below for oblique shocks. This universal behaviour suggests that Bohm diffusion in the root-mean-squared field inferred from observation may provide a realistic estimate for the maximum energy acceleration time-scale in young supernova remnants. Although disordered, the magnetic field is not self-similar suggesting a non-uniform energy-dependent behaviour of the energetic particle transport in the precursor. Possible indirect radiative signatures of cosmic ray driven magnetic field amplification are discussed.
Aims: On 13 June 1998, the TRACE satellite was fortuitously well placed to observe the effects of a flare-induced EIT wave in the corona, and its subsequent interaction with coronal magnetic loops. In this study, we use these TRACE observations to corroborate previous theoretical work, which determined the response of a coronal loop to a harmonic driver in the context of ideal magnetohydrodynamics, as well as estimate the magnetic field strength and the degree of longitudinal inhomogeneity. Methods: Loop edges are tracked, both spatially and temporally, using wavelet modulus maxima algorithms, with corresponding loop displacements from its quiescent state analysed by fitting scaled sinusoidal functions. The physical parameters of the coronal loop are subsequently determined using seismological techniques. Results: The studied coronal loop is found to oscillate with two distinct periods, 501 ± 5 s and 274 ± 7 s, which could be interpreted as belonging to the fundamental kink mode and first harmonic, or could reflect the stage of an overdriven loop. Additional scenarios for explaining the two periods are listed, each resulting in a different value of the magnetic field and the intrinsic and sub-resolution properties of the coronal loop. When assuming the periods belong to the fundamental kink mode and its first harmonic, we obtain a magnetic field strength inside the oscillating coronal loop of 2.0 ± 0.7 G. In contrast, interpreting the oscillations as a combination of the loop's natural kink frequency and a harmonic EIT wave provides a magnetic field strength of 5.8 ± 1.5 G. Using the ratio of the two periods, we find that the gravitational scale height in the loop is 73 ± 3 Mm. Conclusions: We show that the observation of two distinct periods in a coronal loop does not necessarily lead to a unique conclusion. Multiple plausible scenarios exist, suggesting that both the derived strength of the magnetic field and the sub-resolution properties of the coronal loop depend entirely on which interpretation is chosen. The interpretation of the observations in terms of a combination of the natural kink mode of the coronal loop, driven by a harmonic EIT wave seems to result in values of the magnetic field consistent with previous findings. Other interpretations, which are realistic, such as kink fundamental mode/first harmonic and the oscillations of two sub-resolution threads result in magnetic field strengths that are below the average values found before.
In this Letter, we demonstrate how the observation of broadband frequency propagating torsional Alfvén waves in chromospheric magnetic flux tubes can provide valuable insight into their magnetic field structure. By implementing a full nonlinear three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulation with a realistic vortex driver, we demonstrate how the plasma structure of chromospheric magnetic flux tubes can act as a spatially dependent frequency filter for torsional Alfvén waves. Importantly, for solar magnetoseismology applications, this frequency filtering is found to be strongly dependent on magnetic field structure. With reference to an observational case study of propagating torsional Alfvén waves using spectroscopic data from the Swedish Solar Telescope, we demonstrate how the observed two-dimensional spatial distribution of maximum power Fourier frequency shows a strong correlation with our forward model. This opens the possibility of beginning an era of chromospheric magnetoseismology, to complement the more traditional methods of mapping the magnetic field structure of the solar chromosphere.
We introduce the equations of magneto-quantum-radiative hydrodynamics. By rewriting them in a dimensionless form, we obtain a set of parameters that describe scale-dependent ratios of characteristic hydrodynamic quantities. We discuss how these dimensionless parameters relate to the scaling between astrophysical observations and laboratory experiments.
We analyze high temporal and spatial resolution time-series of spectralscans of the Hα line obtained with the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter instrument mounted on the Swedish Solar Telescope.The data reveal highly dynamic, dark, short-lived structures known asRapid Redshifted and Blueshifted Excursions (RREs, RBEs) that areon-disk absorption features observed in the red and blue wings ofspectral lines formed in the chromosphere. We study the dynamics of RREsand RBEs by tracking their evolution in space and time, measuring thespeed of the apparent motion, line of sight (LOS) Doppler velocity, andtransverse velocity of individual structures. A statistical study oftheir measured properties shows that RREs and RBEs have similaroccurrence rates, lifetimes, lengths, and widths. They also displaynon-periodic, nonlinear transverse motions perpendicular to their axesat speeds of 4-31 km s-1. Furthermore, both typesof structures either appear as high speed jets and blobs that aredirected outwardly from a magnetic bright point with speeds of50-150 km s-1, or emerge within a few seconds. Astudy of the different velocity components suggests that the transversemotions along the LOS of the chromospheric flux tubes are responsiblefor the formation and appearance of these redshifted/blueshiftedstructures. The short lifetime and fast disappearance of the RREs/RBEssuggests that, similar to type II spicules, they are rapidly heated totransition region or even coronal temperatures. We speculate that theKelvin-Helmholtz instability triggered by observed transversemotions of these structures may be a viable mechanism for their heating.
We present observational evidence of compressible MHD wave modes propagating from the solar photosphere through to the base of the transition region in a solar magnetic pore. High cadence images were obtained simultaneously across four wavelength bands using the Dunn Solar Telescope. Employing Fourier and wavelet techniques, sausage-mode oscillations displaying significant power were detected in both intensity and area fluctuations. The intensity and area fluctuations exhibit a range of periods from 181 to 412 s, with an average period∼290 s, consistent with the global p-mode spectrum. Intensity and area oscillations present in adjacent band passes were found to be out of phase with one another, displaying phase angles of 6.°12, 5.°82,and 15.°97 between the 4170 Å continuum–G-band,G-band–Na i D1, and Na i D1–Ca ii K heights, respectively, reiterating the presence of upwardly propagating sausage-mode waves. A phase relationship of ∼0° between same-bandpass emission and area perturbations of the pore best categorizes the waves as belonging to the “slow” regime of a dispersion diagram. Theoretical calculations reveal that the waves are surface modes, with initial photospheric energies in excess of 35,000 Wm‑2. The wave energetics indicate a substantial decrease in energy with atmospheric height, confirming that magnetic pores are able to transport waves that exhibit appreciable energy damping, which may release considerable energy into the local chromospheric plasma.
Aims: We aim to calculate the kinetic, magnetic, thermal, and total energy densities and the flux of energy in axisymmetric sausage modes. The resulting equations should contain as few parameters as possible to facilitate applicability for different observations.
Methods: The background equilibrium is a one-dimensional cylindrical flux tube model with a piecewise constant radial density profile. This enables us to use linearised magnetohydrodynamic equations to calculate the energy densities and the flux of energy for axisymmetric sausage modes.
Results: The equations used to calculate the energy densities and the flux of energy in axisymmetric sausage modes depend on the radius of the flux tube, the equilibrium sound and Alfvén speeds, the density of the plasma, the period and phase speed of the wave, and the radial or longitudinal components of the Lagrangian displacement at the flux tube boundary. Approximate relations for limiting cases of propagating slow and fast sausage modes are also obtained. We also obtained the dispersive first-order correction term to the phase speed for both the fundamental slow body mode under coronal conditions and the slow surface mode under photospheric conditions.
Using advanced numerical magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of the magnetized solar photosphere, including non-gray radiative transport and a non-ideal equation of state, we analyze plasma motions in photospheric magnetic vortices. We demonstrate that apparent vortex-like motions in photospheric magnetic field concentrations do not exhibit "tornado"-like behavior or a "bath-tub" effect. While at each time instance the velocity field lines in the upper layers of the solar photosphere show swirls, the test particles moving with the time-dependent velocity field do not demonstrate such structures. Instead, they move in a wave-like fashion with rapidly changing and oscillating velocity field, determined mainly by magnetic tension in the magnetized intergranular downflows. Using time-distance diagrams, we identify horizontal motions in the magnetic flux tubes as torsional Alfvén perturbations propagating along the nearly vertical magnetic field lines with local Alfvén speed.
We study the magnetospheric structure and the ionospheric Joule Heating of planets orbiting M-dwarf stars in the habitable zone using a set of magnetohydrodynamic models. The stellar wind solution is used to drive a model for the planetary magnetosphere, which is coupled with a model for the planetary ionosphere. Our simulations reveal that the space environment around close-in habitable planets is extreme, and the stellar wind plasma conditions change from sub- to super-Alfvénic along the planetary orbit. As a result, the magnetospheric structure changes dramatically with a bow shock forming in the super-Alfvénic sectors, while no bow shock forms in the sub-Alfvénic sectors. The planets reside most of the time in the sub-Alfvénic sectors with poor atmospheric protection. A significant amount of Joule Heating is provided at the top of the atmosphere as a result of the intense stellar wind. For the steady-state solution, the heating is about 0.1%-3% of the total incoming stellar irradiation, and it is enhanced by 50% for the time-dependent case. The significant Joule Heating obtained here should be considered in models for the atmospheres of habitable planets in terms of the thickness of the atmosphere, the top-side temperature and density, the boundary conditions for the atmospheric pressure, and particle radiation and transport. Here we assume constant ionospheric Pedersen conductance similar to that of the Earth. The conductance could be greater due to the intense EUV radiation leading to smaller heating rates. We plan to quantify the ionospheric conductance in future study.
The process of diffusive shock acceleration relies on the efficacy with which hydromagnetic waves can scatter charged particles in the precursor of a shock. The growth of self-generated waves is driven by both resonant and non-resonant processes. We perform high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the non-resonant cosmic ray driven instability, in which the unstable waves are excited beyond the linear regime. In a snapshot of the resultant field, particle transport simulations are carried out. The use of a static snapshot of the field is reasonable given that the Larmor period for particles is typically very short relative to the instability growth time. The diffusion rate is found to be close to, or below, the Bohm limit for a range of energies. This provides the first explicit demonstration that self-excited turbulence reduces the diffusion coefficient and has important implications for cosmic-ray transport and acceleration in supernova remnants.
The chromosphere is a thin layer of the solar atmosphere that bridges the relatively cool photosphere and the intensely heated transition region and corona. Compressible and incompressible waves propagating through the chromosphere can supply significant amounts of energy to the interface region and corona. In recent years an abundance of high-resolution observations from state-of-the-art facilities have provided new and exciting ways of disentangling the characteristics of oscillatory phenomena propagating through the dynamic chromosphere. Coupled with rapid advancements in magnetohydrodynamic wave theory, we are now in an ideal position to thoroughly investigate the role waves play in supplying energy to sustain chromospheric and coronal heating. Here, we review the recent progress made in characterising, categorising and interpreting oscillations manifesting in the solar chromosphere, with an impetus placed on their intrinsic energetics.
Within the last decade, due to significant improvements in the spatial and temporal resolution of chromospheric data, magneto hydrodynamic (MHD)wave studies in this fascinating region of the Sun's atmosphere have risen to the forefront of solar physics research. In this review we begin by reviewing the challenges and debates that have manifested in relation to MHD wave mode identification in fine-scale chromosphericmagnetic structures, including spicules, fibrils and mottles. Next we goon to discuss how the process of accurately identifying MHD wave modes also has a crucial role to play in estimating their wave energy flux.This is of cardinal importance for estimating what the possible contribution of MHD waves is to solar atmospheric heating. Finally, we detail how such advances in chromospheric MHD wave studies have also allowed us, for the first time, to implement cutting-edge magneto seismological techniques that provide new insight into the sub-resolution plasma structuring of the lower solar atmosphere.
Here we review the recent progress made in the detection, examination, characterisation and interpretation of oscillations manifesting in small-scale magnetic elements in the solar photosphere. This region of the Sun's atmosphere is especially dynamic, and importantly, permeated with an abundance of magnetic field concentrations. Such magnetic features can span diameters of hundreds to many tens of thousands of km, and are thus commonly referred to as the `building blocks' of the magnetic solar atmosphere. However, it is the smallest magnetic elements that have risen to the forefront of solar physics research in recent years. Structures, which include magnetic bright points, are often at the diffraction limit of even the largest of solar telescopes. Importantly, it is the improvements in facilities, instrumentation, imaging techniques and processing algorithms during recent years that have allowed researchers to examine the motions, dynamics and evolution of such features on the smallest spatial and temporal scales to date. It is clear that while these structures may demonstrate significant magnetic field strengths, their small sizes make them prone to the buffeting supplied by the ubiquitous surrounding convective plasma motions. Here, it is believed that magnetohydrodynamic waves can be induced, which propagate along the field lines, carrying energy upwards to the outermost extremities of the solar corona. Such wave phenomena can exist in a variety of guises, including fast and slow magneto-acoustic modes, in addition to Alfven waves. Coupled with rapid advancements in magnetohydrodynamic wave theory, we are now in an ideal position to thoroughly investigate how wave motion is generated in the solar photosphere, which oscillatory modes are most prevalent, and the role that these waves play in supplying energy to various layers of the solar atmosphere.