4 resultados para iron accumulation, maternal effect
The splicing factor SF3B1 is the most frequently mutated gene in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and is strongly associated with the presence of ring sideroblasts (RS). We have performed a systematic analysis of cryptic splicing abnormalities from RNA sequencing data on hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) of SF3B1-mutant MDS cases with RS. Aberrant splicing events in many downstream target genes were identified and cryptic 3' splice site usage was a frequent event in SF3B1-mutant MDS. The iron transporter ABCB7 is a well-recognized candidate gene showing marked downregulation in MDS with RS. Our analysis unveiled aberrant ABCB7 splicing, due to usage of an alternative 3' splice site in MDS patient samples, giving rise to a premature termination codon in the ABCB7 mRNA. Treatment of cultured SF3B1-mutant MDS erythroblasts and a CRISPR/Cas9-generated SF3B1-mutant cell line with the nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) inhibitor cycloheximide showed that the aberrantly spliced ABCB7 transcript is targeted by NMD. We describe cryptic splicing events in the HSCs of SF3B1-mutant MDS, and our data support a model in which NMD-induced downregulation of the iron exporter ABCB7 mRNA transcript resulting from aberrant splicing caused by mutant SF3B1 underlies the increased mitochondrial iron accumulation found in MDS patients with RS.Leukemia advance online publication, 17 June 2016; doi:10.1038/leu.2016.149.
One of the most important components in electrochemical storage devices (batteries and supercapacitors) is undoubtedly the electrolyte. The basic function of any electrolyte in these systems is the transport of ions between the positive and negative electrodes. In addition, electrochemical reactions occurring at each electrode/electrolyte interface are the origin of the current generated by storage devices. In other words, performances (capacity, power, efficiency and energy) of electrochemical storage devices are strongly related to the electrolyte properties, as well as, to the affinity for the electrolyte to selected electrode materials. Indeed, the formulation of electrolyte presenting good properties, such as high ionic conductivity and low viscosity, is then required to enhance the charge transfer reaction at electrode/electrolyte interface (e.g. charge accumulation in the case of Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor, EDLC). For practical and safety considerations, the formulation of novel electrolytes presenting a low vapor pressure, a large liquid range temperature, a good thermal and chemical stabilities is also required.
This lecture will be focused on the effect of the electrolyte formulation on the performances of electrochemical storage devices (Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors). During which, a summary of the physical, thermal and electrochemical data obtained by our group, recently, on the formulation of novel electrolyte-based on the mixture of an ionic liquid (such as EmimNTf2 and Pyr14NTf2) and carbonate or dinitrile solvents will be presented and commented. The impact of the electrolyte formulation on the storage performances of EDLC and Li-ion batteries will be also discussed to further understand the relationship between electrolyte formulation and electrochemical performances. This talk will also be an opportunity to further discuss around the effects of additives (SEI builder: fluoroethylene carbonate and vinylene carbonate), ionic liquids, structure and nature of lithium salt (LiTFSI vs LiPF6) on the cyclability of negative electrode to then enhance the electrolyte formulation. For that, our recent results on TiSnSb and graphite negative electrodes will be presented and discussed, for example 1,2.
1-C. Marino, A. Darwiche1, N. Dupré, H.A. Wilhelm, B. Lestriez, H. Martinez, R. Dedryvère, W. Zhang, F. Ghamouss, D. Lemordant, L. Monconduit “ Study of the Electrode/Electrolyte Interface on Cycling of a Conversion Type Electrode Material in Li Batteries” J. Phys.chem. C, 2013, 117, 19302-19313
2- Mouad Dahbi, Fouad Ghamouss, Mérièm Anouti, Daniel Lemordant, François Tran-Van “Electrochemical lithiation and compatibility of graphite anode using glutaronitrile/dimethyl carbonate mixtures containing LiTFSI as electrolyte” 2013, 43, 4, 375-385.
Treatment of hepatocellular cancer with chemotherapeutic agents has limited successin clinical practice and their efficient IC50 concentration would require extremely highdoses of drug administration which could not be tolerated due to systemic side effects.In order to potentiate the efficacy of anticancer agents we explored the potentialof co-treatment with pro-apoptotic Cytochrome c which activates the apoptoticpathway downstream of p53 that is frequently mutated in cancer. To this end weused hybrid iron oxide-gold nanoparticles as a drug delivery system to facilitate theinternalisation of Cytochrome c into cultured HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells.Our results showed that Cytochrome c can be easily conjugated to the gold shell ofthe nanoparticles which are readily taken up by the cells. We used Cytochrome cin concentration (0.2μgmL-1) below the threshold required to induce apoptosis onits own. When the conjugate was administered to cells treated by doxorubicin, itsignificantly reduced its IC50 concentration from 9μgmL-1 to 3.5μgmL-1 as detectedby cell viability assay, and the efficiency of doxorubicin on decreasing viability ofHepG2 cells was significantly enhanced in the lower concentration range between0.01μgmL-1 to 5μgmL-1. The results demonstrate the potential of the application oftherapeutic proteins in activating the apoptotic pathway to complement conventionalchemotherapy to increase its efficacy. The application of hybrid iron oxide-goldnanoparticles can also augment the specificity of drug targeting and could serve as amodel drug delivery system for pro-apoptotic protein targeting and delivery.
Gate-tunable two-dimensional (2D) materials-based quantum capacitors (QCs) and van der Waals heterostructures involve tuning transport or optoelectronic characteristics by the field effect. Recent studies have attributed the observed gate-tunable characteristics to the change of the Fermi level in the first 2D layer adjacent to the dielectrics, whereas the penetration of the field effect through the one-molecule-thick material is often ignored or oversimplified. Here, we present a multiscale theoretical approach that combines first-principles electronic structure calculations and the Poisson–Boltzmann equation methods to model penetration of the field effect through graphene in a metal–oxide–graphene–semiconductor (MOGS) QC, including quantifying the degree of “transparency” for graphene two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) to an electric displacement field. We find that the space charge density in the semiconductor layer can be modulated by gating in a nonlinear manner, forming an accumulation or inversion layer at the semiconductor/graphene interface. The degree of transparency is determined by the combined effect of graphene quantum capacitance and the semiconductor capacitance, which allows us to predict the ranking for a variety of monolayer 2D materials according to their transparency to an electric displacement field as follows: graphene > silicene > germanene > WS2 > WTe2 > WSe2 > MoS2 > phosphorene > MoSe2 > MoTe2, when the majority carrier is electron. Our findings reveal a general picture of operation modes and design rules for the 2D-materials-based QCs.