6 resultados para gain with selection


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In this paper, we investigate the secrecy outage performance of spectrum sharing multiple-input multiple-output networks using generalized transmit antenna selection with maximal ratio combining over Nakagami-m channels. In particular, the outdated channel state information is considered at the process of antenna selection due to feedback delay. Considering a practical passive eavesdropper scenario, we derive the exact and asymptotic closed-form expressions of secrecy outage probability, which enable us to evaluate the secrecy performance with high efficiency and present a new design insight into the impact of key parameters on the secrecy performance. In addition, the analytical results demonstrate that the achievable secrecy diversity order is only determined by the parameters of the secondary network, while other parameters related to primary or eavesdropper’s channels have a significantly impact on the secrecy coding gain


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This study considers a dual-hop cognitive inter-vehicular relay-assisted communication system where all
communication links are non-line of sight ones and their fading is modelled by the double Rayleigh fading distribution.
Road-side relays (or access points) implementing the decode-and-forward relaying protocol are employed and one of
them is selected according to a predetermined policy to enable communication between vehicles. The performance of
the considered cognitive cooperative system is investigated for Kth best partial and full relay selection (RS) as well as
for two distinct fading scenarios. In the first scenario, all channels are double Rayleigh distributed. In the second
scenario, only the secondary source to relay and relay to destination channels are considered to be subject to double
Rayleigh fading whereas, channels between the secondary transmitters and the primary user are modelled by the
Rayleigh distribution. Exact and approximate expressions for the outage probability performance for all considered RS
policies and fading scenarios are presented. In addition to the analytical results, complementary computer simulated
performance evaluation results have been obtained by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The perfect match between
these two sets of results has verified the accuracy of the proposed mathematical analysis.


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Multiuser selection scheduling concept has been recently proposed in the literature in order to increase the multiuser diversity gain and overcome the significant feedback requirements for the opportunistic scheduling schemes. The main idea is that reducing the feedback overhead saves per-user power that could potentially be added for the data transmission. In this work, the authors propose to integrate the principle of multiuser selection and the proportional fair scheduling scheme. This is aimed especially at power-limited, multi-device systems in non-identically distributed fading channels. For the performance analysis, they derive closed-form expressions for the outage probabilities and the average system rate of the delay-sensitive and the delay-tolerant systems, respectively, and compare them with the full feedback multiuser diversity schemes. The discrete rate region is analytically presented, where the maximum average system rate can be obtained by properly choosing the number of partial devices. They optimise jointly the number of partial devices and the per-device power saving in order to maximise the average system rate under the power requirement. Through the authors’ results, they finally demonstrate that the proposed scheme leveraging the saved feedback power to add for the data transmission can outperform the full feedback multiuser diversity, in non-identical Rayleigh fading of devices’ channels.


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We investigate the secrecy performance of dualhop amplify-and-forward (AF) multi-antenna relaying systems over Rayleigh fading channels, by taking into account the direct link between the source and destination. In order to exploit the available direct link and the multiple antennas for secrecy improvement, different linear processing schemes at the relay and different diversity combining techniques at the destination are proposed, namely, 1) Zero-forcing/Maximal ratio combining (ZF/MRC), 2) ZF/Selection combining (ZF/SC), 3) Maximal ratio transmission/MRC (MRT/MRC) and 4) MRT/Selection combining (MRT/SC). For all these schemes, we present new closed-form approximations for the secrecy outage probability. Moreover, we investigate a benchmark scheme, i.e., cooperative jamming/ZF (CJ/ZF), where the secrecy outage probability is obtained in exact closed-form. In addition, we present asymptotic secrecy outage expressions for all the proposed schemes in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime, in order to characterize key design parameters, such as secrecy diversity order and secrecy array gain. The outcomes of this paper can be summarized as follows: a) MRT/MRC and MRT/SC achieve a full diversity order of M + 1, ZF/MRC and ZF/SC achieve a diversity order of M, while CJ/ZF only achieves unit diversity order, where M is the number of antennas at the relay. b) ZF/MRC (ZF/SC) outperforms the corresponding MRT/MRC (MRT/SC) in the low SNR regime, while becomes inferior to the corresponding MRT/MRC (MRT/SC) in the high SNR. c) All of the proposed schemes tend to outperform the CJ/ZF with moderate number of antennas, and linear processing schemes with MRC attain better performance than those with SC.