53 resultados para exponential decay
When operated with a metallic tip and sample the scanning tunnelling microscope constitutes a nanoscale, plasmonic light source yielding broadband emission up to a photon energy determined by the applied bias. The emission is due to tunnelling electron excitation and subsequent radiative decay of localized plasmon modes, which can be on the lateral scale of a single metal grain (similar to 25 nm) or less. For a Au-tip/Au-polycrystalline sample under ambient conditions it is found that the intensity and spectral content of the emitted light are not dependent on the lateral grain dimension, but are predominantly determined by the tip geometry. However, the intensity increases strongly with increasing film thickness (grain depth) up to 20-25 nm or approximately the skin depth of the Au film. Photon maps can show less emissive grains and two classes of this occurrence are distinguished. The first is geometrical in origin - a double-tip structure in this case - while the second is due to a contamination-induced lowering of the local work function that causes the tunnel gap to increase. It is suggested that differences in work-function lowering between grains presenting different crystalline facets, combined with an exponential decay in emitted light intensity with tip - sample distance, leads to grain contrast. These results are relevant to tip-enhanced Raman scattering and the fabrication of micro/nano-scale planar, light-emitting tunnel devices.
Prothrombin interacts with phosphatidylserine containing platelet membranes via its N-terminal, gamma-carboxyglutamate (gla) residue-rich domain. Once bound it is cleaved to form the active protease, thrombin (factor IIa). Human prothrombin was cleaved with cathepsin G in the absence of calcium and magnesium ions. Under these conditions, the gla domain was removed. Phospholipid protected the protein from this proteolytic event, and this suggests that a conformational change may be induced by interaction with phospholipids. Binding of prothrombin to a surface containing 20% phosphatidylserine/80% phosphatidylcholine was detected by surface plasmon resonance, whereas no interaction with gla-domainless prothrombin was observed. Binding of intact prothrombin in the presence of calcium ions showed complex association kinetics, suggesting multiple modes of initial interaction with the surface. The kinetics of the dissociation phase could be fitted to a two-phase, exponential decay. This implies that there are at least two forms of the protein on the surface one of which dissociates tenfold more slowly than the other. Taken together, these data suggest that, on binding to a membrane surface, prothrombin undergoes a conformational change to a form which binds more tightly to the membrane.
The influence of liming on rhizosphere microbial biomass C and incorporation of root exudates was studied in the field by in situ pulse labelling of temperate grassland vegetation with (13)CO(2) for a 3-day period. In plots that had been limed (CaCO(3) amended) annually for 3 years, incorporation into shoots and roots was, respectively, greater and lower than in unlimed plots. Analysis of chloroform-labile C demonstrated lower levels of (13)C incorporation into microbial biomass in limed soils compared to unlimed soils. The turnover of the recently assimilated (13)C compounds was faster in microbial biomass from limed than that from unlimed soils, suggesting that liming increases incorporation by microbial communities of root exudates. An exponential decay model of (13)C in total microbial biomass in limed soils indicated that the half-life of the tracer within this carbon pool was 4.7 days. Results are presented and discussed in relation to the absolute values of (13)C fixed and allocated within the plant-soil system.
We present a Bayesian-odds-ratio-based algorithm for detecting stellar flares in light-curve data. We assume flares are described by a model in which there is a rapid rise with a half-Gaussian profile, followed by an exponential decay. Our signal model also contains a polynomial background model required to fit underlying light-curve variations in the data, which could otherwise partially mimic a flare. We characterize the false alarm probability and efficiency of this method under the assumption that any unmodelled noise in the data is Gaussian, and compare it with a simpler thresholding method based on that used in Walkowicz et al. We find our method has a significant increase in detection efficiency for low signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) flares. For a conservative false alarm probability our method can detect 95 per cent of flares with S/N less than 20, as compared to S/N of 25 for the simpler method. We also test how well the assumption of Gaussian noise holds by applying the method to a selection of 'quiet' Kepler stars. As an example we have applied our method to a selection of stars in Kepler Quarter 1 data. The method finds 687 flaring stars with a total of 1873 flares after vetos have been applied. For these flares we have made preliminary characterizations of their durations and and S/N.
Evidence has accumulated of high temperature (> 4 MK) coronal emission in active region cores that corresponds to structures in equilibrium. Other studies have found evidence of evolving loops. We investigate the EUV intensity and temperature variations of short coronal loops observed in the core of NOAA Active Region 11250 on 13 July 2011. The loops, which run directly between the AR opposite polarities, are first detectable in the 94Å band of Fe XVIII, implying an effective temperature ~ 7 MK. The low temperature component of the 94 Å signal is modeled in terms of a linear superposition of the 193 Å and 171 Å signals in order to separate the hot component. After identifying the loops we have used contemporaneous HMI observations to identify the corresponding inter-moss regions, and we have investigated their time evolution in six AIA EUV channels. The results can be separated into two classes. Group 1 (94Å, 335Å, 211Å) is characterized by hotter temperatures (~2-7 MK), and Group 2 (193Å, 171Å, 131Å) by cooler temperatures (0.4 - 1.6 MK). For Group 1 the intensity peaks in the 94Å channel are followed by maxima in the 335 Å channel with a time lag of ~8 min, suggestive of a cooling pattern with an exponential decay. While the 211Å maxima follow those in the 335 Å channel, there is no systematic relation which would indicate a progressive cooling process through the lower temperatures, as has been observed in other investigations. In Group 2 the signals in the 171 and 131Å channels track each other closely, and lag behind the 193Å. In the inter-moss region of the loop the peak temperature and peak emission measure have opposite trends. The hot 94Å brightenings occur in the central part of the loops with maximum temperatures ~7 MK. Subsequently the loops appear to fill with plasma with an emission measure compatible with the 193 Å signal and temperature in the range ~ 1.5-2 MK. Although the exact details of the time evolution are still under investigation, these non static loops show high levels of intermittency in the 94Å signal (please see poster "Intermittent and Scale-Invariant Intensity Fluctuations in Hot Coronal Loops," by Lawrence et al. in this session).
Previous researchers use the velocity decay as an input to investigate the ship’s propeller jet induced scour. A researcher indicated that most of the equations used to predict the stability of various protection systems are often missing a physical background. The momentum decay and energy decay are currently proposed as an initial input for seabed scouring investigation, which are more sensible in physics. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) experiments are used to obtain the velocity data and then transforming into momentum and energy decays. The findings proposed several exponential equations of velocity, momentum and energy decays to estimate the region exposed to the seabed scouring.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether there are inward currents in interstitial cells (IC) isolated from the guinea-pig detrusor and if so, to characterise them using the patch-clamp technique and pharmacological agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique, inward currents were studied in IC enzymatically isolated from the detrusor of the guinea-pig bladder. Currents were evoked by stepping positively from a holding potential of - 80 mV. RESULTS: Outward K+ currents were blocked by Cs+ internal solution to reveal inward currents, which activated at voltages more positive than - 50 mV, peaked at 0 mV, reversed near + 50 mV and were half-maximally activated at - 27 mV. The inward currents showed voltage-dependent inactivation and were half-maximally inactivated at - 36 mV. Fitting the activation and inactivation data with a Boltzmann function revealed a window current between - 40 mV and + 20 mV. The decay of the current evoked at 0 mV could be fitted with a single exponential with a mean time-constant of 88 ms. Replacing external Ca2+ with Ba2+ significantly increased this to 344 ms. The current amplitude was augmented by Ba2+, and by Bay K 8644. Inward currents were significantly reduced by 1 microm nifedipine, across the voltage range, but the blockade was more effective on the current evoked at 0 mV than that evoked by a step to - 20 mV, perhaps indicating voltage-dependence of the action of nifedipine or another component of inward current. Increasing the concentration of the drug to 10 microm caused no further significant reduction either at 0 mV or at -20 mV. However, in the presence of 1 microm nifedipine the latter current was significantly reduced by 100 microm Ni2+. Both currents were significantly reduced in Ca2+-free solution. CONCLUSIONS: IC from the guinea-pig detrusor possess inward currents with typical characteristics of L-type Ca2+ current. They also have a component of inward Ca2+ current, which was resistant to nifedipine, but sensitive to Ni2+. Further work is needed to characterise the latter conductance. PMID: 16686735 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Novel surface-modified hydrogel materials have been prepared by binding charged porphyrins TMPyP (tetrakis-(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphyrin) and TPPS (tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin) to copolymers of HEMA (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) with either MAA (methacrylic acid) or DEAEMA (2-(diethylamino)ethylmethacrylate). The charged hydrogels display strong electrostatic interactions with the appropriate cationic or anionic porphyrins to give materials which are intended to be used to generate cytotoxic singlet oxygen (1O2) on photoexcitation and can therefore be used to reduce postoperative infection of the intraocular hydrogel-based replacement lenses that are used in cataract surgery. The UV/vis spectra of TMPyP in MAA:HEMA copolymers showed a small shift in the Soret band and a change from single exponential (161 Ã?�Ã?Âs) triplet decay lifetime in solution to a decay that could be fitted to a biexponential fit with two approximately equal components with Ã?�Ã?´ ) 350 and 1300 Ã?�Ã?Âs. O2 bubbling reduced the decay to a dominant (90%) component with a much reduced lifetime of 3 Ã?�Ã?Âs and a minor, longer lived (20 Ã?�Ã?Âs) component. With D2O solvent the 1O2 lifetime was measured by 1270 nm fluorescence as 35 Ã?�Ã?Âs in MAA:HEMA, compared to 67 Ã?�Ã?Âs in solution, although absorbance-matched samples showed similar yield of 1O2 in the polymers and in aqueous solution. In contrast to the minor perturbation in photophysical properties caused by binding TMPyP to MAA:HEMA, TPPS binding to DEAEMA:HEMA copolymers profoundly changed the 1O2 generating ability of the TPPS. In N2-bubbled samples, the polymer-bound TPPS behaved in a similar manner to TMPyP in its copolymer host; however, O2 bubbling had only a very small effect on the triplet lifetime and no 1O2 generation could be detected. The difference in behavior may be linked to differences in binding in the two systems. With TMPyP in MAA:HEMA, confocal fluorescence microscopy showed significant penetration of the porphyrin into the core of the polymer film samples (>150 Ã?�Ã?Âm). However, for TPPS in DEAEMA:HEMA copolymers, although the porphyrin bound much more readily to the polymer, it remained localized in the first 20 Ã?�Ã?Âm, even in heavily loaded samples. It is possible that the resulting high concentration of TPPS may have cross-linked the hydrogels to such an extent that it significantly reduced the solubility and/or diffusion rate of oxygen into the doped polymers. This effect is significant since it demonstrates that even simple electrostatic binding of charged porphyrins to hydrogels can have an unexpectedly large effect on the properties of the system as a whole. In this case it makes the apparently promising TPPS/DEAEMA:HEMA system a poor candidate for clinical application as a postoperative antibacterial treatment for intraocular lenses while the apparently equivalent cationic system TMPyP/MAA:HEMA displays all the required properties.
Extensive contour scaling of a 200 year old granite church is associated with the breaching of an apparently iron-rich crust and the widespread deposition of atmospheric dust within the canyon-like streetscape of Rio de Janeiro. Contemporary dust, accumulated dust from within the a depression on the building surface, the surface crust and the underlying granite are examined by a combination of total element analysis and sequential extraction, X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence. Results indicate an increase in total organic carbon and a marked decrease in pH within the accumulated dust, and a rapid mobilization of anions and cations from the water-soluble and carbonate phases. It is considered that the latter is linked to salt accumulation within and eventual salt weathering of the granite. Post-depositional alteration of the dust is also linked with the de-silicification of clay minerals (Illite to kaolinite) and the loss of silica from the amorphous Fe/Mn phase of the accumulated dust under the initially saline and progressively more acidic conditions experienced at the stone - atmosphere interface. This mobilization of silica is associated with the formation of what is, in effect, a thin silica-rich surface crust or glaze. Within the glaze, assessory amounts of extractable iron are concentrated within the amorphous and crystalline Fe/Mn phases at levels that are significantly elevated with respect to the underlying granite, but much lower than the equivalent phases of the accumulated dust from which it is principally assumed to derive. The protection afforded to the stone work by the crust is not, however, permanent and within the last 15 years it has been possible to observe a rapid increase in the surface delamination of the church close to street level.