6 resultados para cost of care burden
Within Africa, the burden of heart failure is significant. This arises from the increase in cardiovascular disease and associated risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes, as well as causes of heart failure which are particular to sub-Saharan Africa, such as endomyocardial fibrosis. The lack of access to echocardiography and other imaging modalities, from a cost and technical perspective, combined with the predominantly rural nature of many countries with poor transport links, means that the vast majority of people never obtain an appropriate diagnosis. Similarly, research has been limited on the causes and treatment of heart failure in Africa and in particular endemic causes such as EMF and rheumatic heart disease. This review outlines the burden of heart failure in Africa and highlights the opportunity to expand diagnosis through the use of biomarkers, in particular natriuretic peptides. This builds on the success of point-of-care testing in human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis which have been extensively deployed in community settings in Africa.
Family caregivers of patients enrolled in home-based palliative care programmes provide unpaid care and assistance with daily activities to terminally ill family members. Caregivers often experience caregiver burden, which is an important predictor of anxiety and depression that can extend into bereavement. We conducted a longitudinal, prospective cohort study to comprehensively assess modifiable and non-modifiable patient and caregiver factors that account for caregiver burden over the palliative care trajectory. Caregivers (n = 327) of patients with malignant neoplasm were recruited from two dedicated home-based palliative care programmes in Southern Ontario, Canada from 1 July 2010 to 31 August 2012. Data were obtained from bi-weekly telephone interviews with caregivers from study admission until death, and from palliative care programme and home-care agency databases. Information collected comprised patient and caregiver demographics, utilisation of privately and publicly financed resources, patient clinical status and caregiver burden. The average age of the caregivers was 59.0 years (SD: 13.2), and almost 70% were female. Caregiver burden increased over time in a non-linear fashion from study admission to patient death. Increased monthly unpaid care-giving time costs, monthly public personal support worker costs, emergency department visits and low patient functional status were associated with higher caregiver burden. Greater use of hospice care was associated with lower burden. Female caregivers tended to report more burden compared to men as death approached, and burden was higher when patients were male. Low patient functional status was the strongest predictor of burden. Understanding the influence of modifiable and non-modifiable factors on the experience of burden over the palliative trajectory is essential for the development and targeting of programmes and policies to support family caregivers and reduce burden. Supporting caregivers can have benefits such as improved caregiver health outcomes, and enhancing their ability to meet care-giving demands, thereby potentially allowing for longer patient care in the home setting.
Large (10 × 10 cm) sheets of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) active polymer have been prepared by stabilising metal nanoparticle aggregates within dry hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) films. In these films the aggregates are protected by the polymer matrix during storage but in use they are released when aqueous analyte droplets cause the films to swell to their gel form. The fact that these "Poly-SERS" films can be prepared in bulk but then cut to size and stored in air before use means that they provide a cost effective and convenient method for routine SERS analysis. Here we have tested both Ag and Au Poly-SERS films for use in point-of-care monitoring of therapeutic drugs, using phenytoin as the test compound. Phenytoin in water could readily be detected using Ag Poly-SERS films but dissolving the compound in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) to mimic body fluid samples caused loss of the drug signal due to competition for metal surface sites from Cl- ions in the buffer solution. However, with Au Poly-SERS films there was no detectable interference from Cl- and these materials allowed phenytoin to be detected at 1.8 mg L-1, even in PBS. The target range of detection of phenytoin in therapeutic drug monitoring is 10-20 mg L-1. With the Au Poly-SERS films, the absolute signal generated by a given concentration of phenytoin was lower for the films than for the parent colloid but the SERS signals were still high enough to be used for therapeutic monitoring, so the cost in sensitivity for moving from simple aqueous colloids to films is not so large that it outweighs the advantages which the films bring for practical applications, in particular their ease of use and long shelf life.
Objective. The aim of this study was to survey GPs and community pharmacists (CPs) in Ireland regarding current practices of medication management, specifically medication reconciliation, communication between health care providers and medication errors as patients transition in care.
Methods. A national cross-sectional survey was distributed electronically to 2364 GPs, 311 GP Registrars and 2382 CPs. Multivariable associations comparing GPs to CPs were generated and content analysis of free text responses was undertaken.
Results. There was an overall response rate of 17.7% (897 respondents—554 GPs/Registrars and 343 CPs). More than 90% of GPs and CPs were positive about the effects of medication reconciliation on medication safety and adherence. Sixty per cent of GPs reported having no formal system of medication reconciliation. Communication between GPs and CPs was identified as good/very good by >90% of GPs and CPs. The majority (>80%) of both groups could clearly recall prescribing errors, following a transition of care, they had witnessed in the previous 6 months. Free text content analysis corroborated the positive relationship between GPs and CPs, a frustration with secondary care communication, with many examples given of prescribing errors.
Conclusions. While there is enthusiasm for the benefits of medication reconciliation there are limited formal structures in primary care to support it. Challenges in relation to systems that support inter-professional communication and reduce medication errors are features of the primary/secondary care transition. There is a need for an improved medication management system. Future research should focus on the identified barriers in implementing medication reconciliation and systems that can improve it.
Background: Implementing effective antenatal care models is a key global policy goal. However, the mechanisms of action of these multi-faceted models that would allow widespread implementation are seldom examined and poorly understood. In existing care model analyses there is little distinction between what is done, how it is done, and who does it. A new evidence-informed quality maternal and newborn care (QMNC) framework identifies key characteristics of quality care. This offers the opportunity to identify systematically the characteristics of care delivery that may be generalizable across contexts, thereby enhancing implementation. Our objective was to map the characteristics of antenatal care models tested in Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) to a new evidence-based framework for quality maternal and newborn care; thus facilitating the identification of characteristics of effective care.
Methods: A systematic review of RCTs of midwifery-led antenatal care models. Mapping and evaluation of these models’ characteristics to the QMNC framework using data extraction and scoring forms derived from the five framework components. Paired team members independently extracted data and conducted quality assessment using the QMNC framework and standard RCT criteria.
Results: From 13,050 citations initially retrieved we identified 17 RCTs of midwifery-led antenatal care models from Australia (7), the UK (4), China (2), and Sweden, Ireland, Mexico and Canada (1 each). QMNC framework scores ranged from 9 to 25 (possible range 0–32), with most models reporting fewer than half the characteristics associated with quality maternity care. Description of care model characteristics was lacking in many studies, but was better reported for the intervention arms. Organisation of care was the best-described component. Underlying values and philosophy of care were poorly reported.
Conclusions: The QMNC framework facilitates assessment of the characteristics of antenatal care models. It is vital to understand all the characteristics of multi-faceted interventions such as care models; not only what is done but why it is done, by whom, and how this differed from the standard care package. By applying the QMNC framework we have established a foundation for future reports of intervention studies so that the characteristics of individual models can be evaluated, and the impact of any differences appraised.