82 resultados para composite structures
Simulation of the autoclave manufacturing technique of composites can yield a preliminary estimation of induced residual thermal stresses and deformations that affect component fatigue life, and required tolerances for assembly. In this paper, an approach is proposed to simulate the autoclave manufacturing technique for unidirectional composites. The proposed approach consists of three modules. The first module is a Thermo-chemical model to estimate the temperature and the degree of cure distributions in the composite part during the cure cycle. The second and third modules are a sequential stress analysis using FE-Implicit and FE-Explicit respectively. User-material subroutine is used to model the Viscoelastic properties of the material based on theory of micromechanics.
Fatigue damage calculations of unidirectional polymer composites is presented applying micromechanics theory. An orthotropic micromechanical damage model is integrated with an isotropic fatigue evolution model to predict the micromechanical fatigue damage of the composite structure. The orthotropic micromechanical damage model is used to predict the orthotropic damage evolution within a single cycle. The isotropic fatigue model is used to predict the magnitude of fatigue damage accumulated as a function of the number of cycles. The advantage of using this approach is the cheap determination of model parameters since the orthotropic damage model parameters can be determined using available data from quasi-static loading tests. Decomposition of the state variables down to the constituent scale is accomplished by micromechanics theory. Phenomenological damage evolution models are then postulated for each constituent and for interphase among them. Comparison between model predictions and experimental data is presented.
Virtual manufacturing of composites can yield an initial early estimation of the induced residual thermal stresses that affect component fatigue life, and deformations that affect required tolerances for assembly. Based on these estimation, the designer can make early decisions, which can help in reducing cost, regarding changes in part design or material properties. In this paper, an approach is proposed to simulate the autoclave manufacturing technique for unidirectional composites. The proposed approach consists of three modules. The first module is a Thermochemical model to estimate temperature and the degree of cure distributions in the composite part during the cure cycle. The second and third modules are stress analysis using FE-Implicit and FE-Explicit respectively. User-material subroutine will be used to model the Viscoelastic properties of the material based on micromechanical theory. Estimated deformation of the composite part can be corrected during the autoclave process by modifying the process-tool design. The deformed composite surface is sent to CATIA for design modification of the process-tool.
Numerous studies have shown that postbuckling stiffened panels may undergo abrupt changes in buckled mode
shape when loaded in uniaxial compression. This phenomenon is often referred to as a mode jump or secondary
instability. The resulting sudden release of stored energy may initiate damage in vulnerable regions within a
structure, for example, at the skin-stiffener interface of a stiffened composite panel. Current design practice is to
remove a mode jump by increasing the skin thickness of the postbuckling region. A layup optimization methodology,
based on a genetic algorithm, is presented, which delays the onset of secondary instabilities in a composite structure
while maintaining a constant weight and subject to a number of design constraints. A finite element model was
developed of a stiffened panel’s skin bay, which exhibited secondary instabilities. An automated numerical routine
extracted information directly from the finite element displacement results to detect the onset of initial buckling and
secondary instabilities. This routine was linked to the genetic algorithm to find a revised layup for the skin bay, within
appropriate design constraints, to delay the onset of secondary instabilities. The layup optimization methodology,
resulted in a panel that had a higher buckling load, prebuckling stiffness, and secondary instability load than the
baseline design.
This paper presents a three-dimensional continuum damage mechanics-based material model which was implemented in an implicit finite element code to simulate the progressive intralaminar degradation of fibre reinforced laminates. The damage model is based on ply failure mechanisms and uses seven damage variables assigned to tensile, compressive and shear damage at a ply level. Non-linear behaviour and irreversibility were taken into account and modelled. Some issues on the numerical implementation of the damage model are discussed and solutions proposed. Applications of the methodology are presented in Part II
Numerical analysis of intralaminar failure mechanisms in composite structures, Part II: Applications
A three-dimensional continuum damage mechanics-based material model was implemented in an implicit Finite Element code to simulate the progressive intralaminar degradation of fibre reinforced laminates based on ply failure mechanisms. This paper presents some structural applications of the progressive failure model implemented. The focus is on the non-linear response of the shear failure mode and its interaction with other failure modes. Structural applications of the damage model show that the proposed model is able to reproduce failure loads and patterns observed experimentally.
This paper gives an overview of the work carried out in a GARTEUR (Group for Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe) program, under the chairmanship of the author, to develop and validate analytical and numerical methods to characterise real impact damage in composite structures, particularly those designed to sustain load in a postbuckled state, and to study the durability of bonded repairs. GARTEUR is an inter-governmental agreement between the seven European countries with the largest direct employment in the Aerospace industry, to mobilise scientific and technical knowledge between the member countries. A number of Action Groups have been launched, since GARTEUR’s inception in the early 1970s, to address specific technical issues of interest to the participating members. The research presented in this paper was performed under Action Group 28 with partners from ONERA, EADS-CCR (France), DLR, AIRBUS-Deutschland, EADS-M (Germany), CIRA (Italy), INTA (Spain), SICOMP, Saab, (Sweden), NLR (The Netherlands), QinetiQ, BAE Systems, Imperial College London and the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom). The Action Group tasks were divided into four Work Elements (WEs): WE1-Prediction and characterisation of impact damage, WE2- Postbuckling with delamination, WE3-Repair and WE4-Fatigue. This paper outlines the main developments and achievements within each Work Element.
A simple non-linear global-local finite element methodology is presented. A global coarse model, using 2-D shell elements, is solved non-linearly and the displacements and rotations around a region of interest are applied, as displacement boundary conditions, to a refined local 3-D model using Kirchhoff plate assumptions. The global elements' shape functions are used to interpolate between nodes. The local model is then solved non-linearly with an incremental scheme independent of that used for the global model.
Delaying the onset of secondary instabilities in composite structures through numerical optimization