3 resultados para biomodification


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Studies demonstrate the active and passive capability of lichens to inhibit or retard the weathering of calcareous surfaces. Lichen coverage may actively protect a surface through shielding by the thallus and the binding and waterproofing of the rock surface and subsurface by fungal hyphae. Passive protection of rock surfaces may be induced by the formation of an insoluble encrustation, such as calcium oxalate, at the lichen-rock interface. Recent research suggests that the decay of hyphae, induced by changes in microenvironmental conditions, necrosis, parasitism or the natural physiological traits of particular lichen species, may expose a chemically and physically weakened substrate to dissolution triggering relatively rapid weathering-related surface lowering. Consequently, certain epilithic crustose and endolithic lichens may induce a period of surface stability throughout the course of their lifespan, followed by a phase of instability and rapid episodic microtopographical evolution after death and decay. A series of conceptual models is proposed to illustrate this idea over short (single lichen lifespan) and long (multiple lichen lifespans) timescales. The models suggest that the microscale biogeomorphological system of lichen-rock interaction is underpinned by nonlinear dynamical system theory as it exhibits dynamical instability and is consequently difficult to predict over a long timescale. Dominance by biodeterioration or bioprotection may be altered by changes in lichen species or in environmental conditions over time.


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The exposure of historic stone to processes of lichen-induced surface biomodification is determined, first and foremost, by the bioreceptivity of those surfaces to lichen colonization. As an important component of surface bioreceptivity, spatiotemporal variation in stone surface temperature plays a critical role in the spatial distribution of saxicolous lichen on historic stone structures, especially within seasonally hot environments. The ornate limestone and tufa stairwell of the Monastery of Cartuja (1516), Granada, Spain, exhibits significant aspect-related differences in lichen distribution. Lichen coverage and
diurnal fluctuations in stone surface temperature on the stairwell were monitored and mapped, under anticyclonic conditions in summer and winter, using an infrared thermometer and Geographical Information Systems approach. This research suggests that it is not extreme high surface temperatures that
determine the presence or absence of lichen coverage on stonework. Instead, average stone surface temperatures
over the course of the year seem to play a critical role in determining whether or not surfaces are receptive to lichen colonization and subsequent biomodification. It is inferred that lichen, capable of surviving extreme surface temperatures during the Mediterranean summer in an ametabolic state, require a respite period of lower temperatures within which they can metabolize, grow and reproduce.
The higher the average annual temperature a surface experiences, the shorter the respite period for any lichen potentially inhabiting that surface. A critical average temperature threshold of approximately 21 ?C has been identified on the stairwell, with average stone surface temperatures greater than this
generally inhibiting lichen colonization. A brief visual condition assessment between lichen-covered and lichen-free surfaces on the limestone sections of the stairwell suggests relative bioprotection induced by lichen coverage, with stonework quality and sharpness remaining more defined beneath lichen-covered surfaces. The methodology employed in this paper may have further applications in the monitoring and mapping of thermal stress fatigue on historic building materials.


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The contribution of lichens to the biomodification of limestone surfaces is an area of conflict within bioweathering studies, with some researchers suggesting a protective effect induced by lichen coverage and others a deteriorative effect induced by the same organisms.Data are reported demonstrating the potential role of endolithic lichen, in particular of Bagliettoa baldensis, in the active protection of Carboniferous limestone surfaces from rainfall-induced solutional weathering. During a 12-month microcatchment exposure period in the west of Northern Ireland, average dissolutional losses of calciumare greater from a lichen-free limestone surface compared with a predominantly endolithic lichen-covered surface by just under 1.25 times. During colderwintermonths, the lichen free surface experiences calcium loss almost 1.5 times greater than the lichen-covered surface. Using extrapolation to upscale from the micro-catchment sample scale, for the year of sample exposure, the rate of calcium loss is 1.001 g m−2 a−1 from lichen-covered limestone surfaces and 1.228 gm−2 a−1 from lichen-free bare limestone surfaces. This research has implications for our understanding of karst environments, the contribution of lichens to karren development and the conservation of lichen-colonised dimension stone within a cultural setting.