22 resultados para Twin Peaks
To elucidate the contribution of environmental versus genetic factors to the significant losses in visual function associated with normal aging.
A classical twin study.
Forty-two twin pairs (21 monozygotic and 21 dizygotic; age 57-75 years) with normal visual acuity recruited through the Australian Twin Registry.
Cone function was evaluated by establishing absolute cone contrast thresholds to flicker (4 and 14 Hz) and isoluminant red and blue colors under steady state adaptation. Adaptation dynamics were determined for both cones and rods. Bootstrap resampling was used to return robust intrapair correlations for each parameter.
Psychophysical thresholds and adaptational time constants.
The intrapair correlations for all color and flicker thresholds, as well as cone absolute threshold, were significantly higher in monozygotic compared with dizygotic twin pairs (P<0.05). Rod absolute thresholds (P = 0.28) and rod and cone recovery rate (P = 0.83; P = 0.79, respectively) did not show significant differences between monozygotic and dizygotic twins in their intrapair correlations, indicating that steady-state cone thresholds and flicker thresholds have a marked genetic contribution, in contrast with rod thresholds and adaptive processes, which are influenced more by environmental factors over a lifetime.
Genes and the environment contribute differently to important neuronal processes in the retina and the role they may play in the decline in visual function as we age. Consequently, retinal structures involved in rod thresholds and adaptive processes may be responsive to appropriate environmental manipulation. Because the functions tested are commonly impaired in the early stages of age-related macular degeneration, which is known to have a multifactorial etiology, this study supports the view that pathogenic pathways early in the disease may be altered by appropriate environmental intervention.
The term phacomatosis pigmentovascularis (PPV) refers to the occurrence of vascular nevi with melanocytic or epidermal nevi. We report on monozygotic twins (MZTs) discordant for phacomatosis cesioflammea (PPV type II) providing evidence for the mechanism of twin spotting in the development of PPV. The affected twin had a nevus flammeus on the right arm and the right maxilla, and a pigmented area on the trunk in keeping with a persistent, aberrant Mongolian spot. The affected twin had bilateral ocular melanocytosis with abnormal scleral pigmentation, iris mamillations, increased pigmentation of the trabecular meshwork, and increased fundal pigmentation and secondary glaucoma. DNA testing confirmed monozygosity. This case of MZTs discordant for PPV supports the hypothesis that PPV results from mosaicism due to a post-zygotic mutational event and the concept of twin spotting.
Despite the decline in coronary heart disease in many European countries, the disease remains an enormous public health problem. Although we know a great deal about environmental risk factors for coronary heart disease, a heritable component was recognized a long time ago. The earliest and best known examples of how our genetic constitution may determine cardiovascular risk relate to lipoprotein(a), familial hypercholesterolaemia and apolipoprotein E. In the past 20 years a fair number of polymorphisms assessed singly have shown strong associations with the disease but most are subject to poor repeatability. Twins constitute a compelling natural experiment to establish the genetic contribution to coronary heart disease and its risk factors. GenomEUtwin, a recently funded Framework 5 Programme of the European Community, affords the opportunity of comparing the heritability of risk factors in different European Twin Registries. As an illustration we present the heritabilities of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, based on data from over 4000 twin pairs from six different European countries and Australia. Heritabilities for systolic blood pressure are between 52 and 66% and for diastolic blood pressure between 44 and 66%. There is no evidence of sex differences in heritability estimates and very little to no evidence for a significant contribution of shared family environment. A non-twin based prospective case/cohort study of coronary heart disease and stroke (MORGAM) will allow hypotheses relating to cardiovascular disease, generated in the twin cohorts, to be tested prospectively in adult populations. Twin studies have also contributed to our understanding of the life course hypothesis, and GenomEUtwin has the potential to add to this.
Recent cold winters and prolonged periods of low wind speeds have prompted concerns about the increasing penetration of wind generation in the Irish and other northern European power systems. On the combined Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland system there was in excess of 1.5 GW of installed wind power in January 2010. As the penetration of these variable, non-dispatchable generators increases, power systems are becoming more sensitive to weather events on the supply side as well as on the demand side. In the temperate climate of Ireland, sensitivity of supply to weather is mainly due to wind variability while demand sensitivity is driven by space heating or cooling loads. The interplay of these two weather-driven effects is of particular concern if demand spikes driven by low temperatures coincide with periods of low winds. In December 2009 and January 2010 Ireland experienced a prolonged spell of unusually cold conditions. During much of this time, wind generation output was low due to low wind speeds. The impacts of this event are presented as a case study of the effects of weather extremes on power systems with high penetrations of variable renewable generation.
Purpose: To elucidate the heritability of peak density and spatial width of macular pigment (MP) using a Classical Twin Study.
Methods: Fundus autofluorescence images were obtained at 488?nm from 86 subjects or 43 twin pairs (21 monozygotic (MZ) and 22 dizygotic (DZ)) (27 male, 59 female) aged from 55 to 76 years (mean 62.2±5.3 years). The relative topographic distribution of MP was measured using a grey scale of intensity (0-255 units) in a 7° eccentricity around the fovea. Relative peak MP density (rPMPD) and relative spatial distribution of MP (rSDMP) were used as the main outcome measure in the statistical analysis.
Results: A significantly higher correlation was found within MZ pairs as compared with that within DZ pairs for rPMPD, (r=0.99, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.93 to 1.00) and 0.22, 95% CI -0.34 to 0.71), respectively, suggesting strong heritability of this trait. When rSDMP was compared, there was no significant difference between the correlations within MZ pairs (r=0.48, 95% CI -0.02 to 0.83) and DZ pairs (r=0.63, 95% CI 0.32 to 0.83), thus rSDMP is unlikely to have a considerable heritable component. In addition, there was no difference between any MP parameter when normal maculae were compared with early age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (rPMPD 0.36 vs 0.34, t=1.18 P=0.243, rSDMP 1.75 vs 1.75, t=0.028 P=0.977).ConclusionsrPMPD is a strongly heritable trait whereas rSDMP has minimal genetic influence and a greater influence by environmental factors. The presence of macular changes associated with early AMD did not appear to influence any of these pigment parameters. © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0950-222X/12
iological optimization of proton therapy critically depends on detailed evaluation of relative biological effectiveness (RBE) variations along the Bragg curve. The clinically accepted RBE value of 1.1 is an oversimplification, which disregards the steep rise of linear energy transfer (LET) at the distal end of the spread-out Bragg peak. We observed significant cell killing RBE variations dependent on beam modulation, intrinsic radiosensitivity, and LET in agreement with the LEM predicted values, indicating dose-averaged LET as a suitable parameter for biological effectiveness. Data have also been used to validate a RBE parameterized model.