17 resultados para Signal propagation
Mobile ad hoc networking of dismounted combat personnel is expected to play an important role in the future of network-centric operations. High-speed, short-range, soldier-to-soldier wireless communications will be required to relay information on situational awareness, tactical instructions, and covert surveillance related data during special operations reconnaissance and other missions. This article presents some of the work commissioned by the U. K. Ministry of Defence to assess the feasibility of using 60 GHz millimeter-wave smart antenna technology to provide covert communications capable of meeting these stringent networking needs. Recent advances in RF front-end technology, alongside physical layer transmission schemes that could be employed in millimeter-wave soldier-mounted radio, are discussed. The introduction of covert communications between soldiers will require the development of a bespoke directive medium access layer. A number of adjustments to the IEEE 802.11 distribution coordination function that will enable directional communications are suggested. The successful implementation of future smart antenna technologies and direction of arrival-based protocols will be highly dependent on thorough knowledge of transmission channel characteristics prior to deployment. A novel approach to simulating dynamic soldier-to-soldier signal propagation using state-of-the-art animation-based technology developed for computer game design is described, and important channel metrics such as root mean square angle and delay spread for a team of four networked infantry soldiers over a range of indoor and outdoor environments is reported.
The use of pulsed radar for investigating the integrity of structural elements is gaining popularity and becoming firmly established as a nondestructive test method in civil engineering. Difficulties can often arise in the interpretation of results obtained, particularly where internal details are relatively complex. One approach that can be used to understand and evaluate radar results is through numerical modeling of signal propagation and reflection. By comparing the results of a numerical modeling with those from field measurements, engineers can gain valuable insight into the probable features embedded beneath the surface of a structural element. This paper discusses a series of numerical techniques for modeling subsurface radar and compares the precision of the results with those taken from real field data. It is found that more complex problems require more sophisticated analysis techniques to obtain realistic results, with a consequential increase in the computational resources to carry out the modeling.
In recent years, the embracement of smart devices carried or worn by people have transformed how society interact with one another. This trend has also been observed in the advancement of vehicular networks. Here, developments in wireless technologies for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications are leading to a new generation of vehicular networks. A natural extension of both types of networks will be their eventual wireless integration. Both people and vehicles will undoubtedly form integral parts of future mobile networks of people and things. Central to this will be the person-to-vehicle (P2V) communications channel. As the P2V channel will be subject to different signal propagation characteristics than either type of communication system considered in isolation, it is imperative the characteristics of the wireless channel must first be fully understood. To the best of the author's knowledge, this is a topic which has not yet been addressed in the open literature. In this paper we will present our most recent research on the statistical characterization of the 5.8 GHz person-to-vehicle channel in an urban environment.
Both experimental and theoretical information regarding the scattering and phase conjugate mixing properties of a 2D double-periodic array of wires loaded with nonlinear/linear lumped elements have been provided. An experimental means for assessing the phase conjugate energy production capability for the array is given. These investigations enable identification of the fundamental operational characteristics and underlying mechanisms associated with the production of phase conjugate energy by this type of artificial electromagnetic media. Means for enhancing the phase conjugate energy production capability of the structure by using additional linear lumped loads is examined theoretically and limits on the production of phase conjugate energy established. Theoretical far-field prediction of the behaviour of the structure indicates that retro-directive reflector action as well as negative refraction should be possible.
Modeling of on-body propagation channels is of paramount importance to those wishing to evaluate radio channel performance for wearable devices in body area networks (BANs). Difficulties in modeling arise due to the highly variable channel conditions related to changes in the user's state and local environment. This study characterizes these influences by using time-series analysis to examine and model signal characteristics for on-body radio channels in user stationary and mobile scenarios in four different locations: anechoic chamber, open office area, hallway, and outdoor environment. Autocorrelation and cross-correlation functions are reported and shown to be dependent on body state and surroundings. Autoregressive (AR) transfer functions are used to perform time-series analysis and develop models for fading in various on-body links. Due to the non-Gaussian nature of the logarithmically transformed observed signal envelope in the majority of mobile user states, a simple method for reproducing the failing based on lognormal and Nakagami statistics is proposed. The validity of the AR models is evaluated using hypothesis testing, which is based on the Ljung-Box statistic, and the estimated distributional parameters of the simulator output compared with those from experimental results.
One of the attractive features of sound synthesis by physical modeling is the potential to build acoustic-sounding digital instruments that offer more flexibility and different options in its design and control than their real-life counterparts. In order to develop such virtual-acoustic instruments, the models they are based on need to be fully parametric, i.e., all coefficients employed in the model are functions of physical parameters that are controlled either online or at the (offline) design stage. In this letter we show how propagation losses can be parametrically incorporated in digital waveguide string models with the use of zero-phase FIR filters. Starting from the simplest possible design in the form of a three-tap FIR filter, a higher-order FIR strategy is presented and discussed within the perspective of string sound synthesis with digital waveguide models.
The authors consider a point percolation lattice representation of a large-scale wireless relay sensor network (WRSN) deployed in a cluttered environment. Each relay sensor corresponds to a grid point in the random lattice and the signal sent by the source is modelled as an ensemble of photons that spread in the space, which may 'hit' other sensors and are 'scattered' around. At each hit, the relay node forwards the received signal to its nearest neighbour through direction-selective relaying. The authors first derive the distribution that a relay path reaches a prescribed location after undergoing certain number of hops. Subsequently, a closed-form expression of the average received signal strength (RSS) at the destination can be computed as the summation of all signal echoes' energy. Finally, the effect of the anomalous diffusion exponent ß on the mean RSS in a WRSN is studied, for which it is found that the RSS scaling exponent e is given by (3ß-1)/ß. The results would provide useful insight into the design and deployment of large-scale WRSNs in future. © 2011 The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Free space transmission of an on-off modulated sinusoidal signal through a phase conjugating lens (PCL) is theoretically examined using a combined time/frequency domain approach. The on-off keyed (OOK) signal is generated by a dipole antenna located in the far-field zone of the lens. The PCL consists of a dual layer of antenna elements interconnected via phase conjugating circuitry. We demonstrate that electromagnetic interference between antenna elements creates spatially localised areas of good-quality reception and zones where the signal is significantly denigrated by interference. Next, it is shown that destructive interference and packet desynchronisation effects critically depend on bit rate. It is also shown that a circular concave lens can be used to produce high-quality signal reception in a given direction while suppressing signal reception in all other directions. The effect that the bandwidth of the phase conjugating unit has on the transmitted signal properties for the cases of high and low bit rate OOK modulation are studied and a signal quality characterisation scheme is proposed which uses cross-correlation. The results of the study yields understanding of the performance of phase conjugating arrays under OOK modulation. The work suggests a novel approach for realising a secure communication wireless system.
In this paper we conduct a number of experiments to assess the impact of typical human body movements on the signal characteristics of outdoor body-to-body communications channels using flexible patch antennas. A modified log-distance path loss model which accounts for body shadowing and signal fading due to small movements is used to model the measured data. For line of sight channels, in which both ends of the body-to-body link are stationary, the path loss exponent is close to that for free space, although the received signal is noticeably affected by involuntary or physiological-related movements of both persons. When one person moves to obstruct the direct signal path between nodes, attenuation by the person's body can be as great as 40 dB, with even greater variation observed due to fading. The effects of movements such as rotation, tilt, walking in line of sight and non-line of sight on body-to-body communications channels are also investigated in this study. © 2011 IEEE.
In this paper, we investigate the potential improvement in signal reliability for indoor off-body communications when using spatial diversity at the base station. In particular, we utilize two hypothetical indoor base stations operating at 5.8 GHz each featuring four antennas which are spaced at either half- or one-wavelength apart. Three on-body locations are considered along with four types of user movement. The cross-correlation between the received signal envelopes observed at each base station antenna element was calculated and found to be always less than 0.5. Selection, maximal ratio, and equal gain combining of the received signal has shown that the greatest improvement is obtained when the user is mobile, with a maximum diversity gain of 11.34 dB achievable when using a four branch receiver. To model the fading envelope obtained at the output of the virtual combiners, we use diversity specific, theoretical probability density functions for multi-branch receivers operating in Nakagami-m fading channels. It is shown that these equations provide an excellent fit to the measured channel data.
In this paper we investigate the received signal characteristics of a mobile chest-worn transmitter at 5.8 GHz within a high multipath indoor environment. The off-body channel measurements considered both the co- and cross-polarized received signal for both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) conditions. A straightforward channel model based upon the estimated path loss, a lognormal slow fading component and Ricean small-scale fading contribution is developed and used to perform simulations which allow the generation of first order received signal power characteristics.
It has previously been shown that human body shadowing can have a considerable impact on body-to-body communications channels in low multipath environments. Signal degradation directly attributable to shadowing when one user's body obstructs the main line of sight can be as great as 40 dB. When both people's bodies obstruct the direct line of sight path, the communications link can be lost altogether even at very short distances of a few metres. In this paper, using front and back positioned antennas, we investigate the utility of a simple selection combination diversity combining scheme with the aim of mitigating human body shadowing in outdoor body-to-body communications channels at 2.45 GHz. Early results from this work are extremely promising, indicating substantial diversity gains, as great as 29 dB, may be achieved in a number of everyday scenarios likely to be encountered in body-to-body networking. © 2012 IEEE.
This paper investigates the potential improvement in signal reliability for outdoor short-range off-body communications channels at 868 MHz using the macro-diversity offered by multiple co-located base stations. In this study, ten identical hypothetical base stations were positioned equidistantly around the perimeter of a rectangle of length 6.67 m and width 3.3 m. A body worn node was placed on the central chest region of an adult male. Five scenarios, each considering different user trajectories, were then analyzed to test the efficacy of using macro-diversity when the desired link is subject to shadowing caused by the human body. A number of selection combining based macro-diversity configurations consisting of four and then ten base stations were considered. It was found that using a macro-diversity system consisting of four base stations (or equivalently signal branches), a maximum diversity gain of 22.5 dB could be obtained while implementing a 10-base station setup this figure could be improved to 25.2 dB.
Mutual variation of the received signal which occurs as a consequence of the channel reciprocity property has recently been proposed as a viable method for secret key generation. However, this cannot be strictly maintained in practice as the property is applicable only in the absence of interference. To ensure the propagation defined key remains secret, one requirement is that there remain high degrees of uncertainty between the legitimate users channel response and that of any eavesdropper's. In this paper, we investigate whether such de-correlation occurs for an indoor point-to-point link at 2.45 GHz. This is achieved by computing the localized correlation coefficient between the simultaneous channel response measured by the legitimate users and that of multiple distributed eavesdroppers for static and dynamic scenarios.