Antonio y Gabriel de Sancha, libreros de la Ilustración, y sus relaciones comerciales con Inglaterra
In this article we take as our point of departure the booksellers' catalogues printed by the Sanchas during the reigns of Charles III and Charles IV, as well as the catalogues issued by their London correspondents the booksellers Thomas Payne and Benjamin White. We contextualize the business relationship which developed between the Sanchas and the London booksellers as a direct result of Gabriel de Sancha's visit to London in the Summer of 1784. This study highlights the significance of a parallel offer of recently published books in English and Spanish in some of the most renowned bookshops in Madrid and London between the mid 1780s and the years immediately before the Peninsular War, a circumstance that no doubt stimulated curiosity on both sides and sped up the transfert culturel between both countries. Notwithstanding their business and private troubles, Antonio and Gabriel de Sancha, self-reliant entrepreneurs and cultural intermediaries, were able to establish a dynamic book trade flow which did not imply the subordination of Spain to England.
El presente estudio fue realizado en tres clases del Centro de Educación Primaria "Filósofo Séneca" de Madrid. El objetivo fue determinar la forma en que los niños de 5º y 6º de educación primaria procesan la información social y su relación con el nivel de ajuste social manifestado, expresado en términos de agresividad y victimización. El estudio, se basa en el Modelo de Procesamiento de la Información Social propuesto por Crick y Dodge (1994) y examina el cuarto paso de éste, la generación de respuestas alternativas. Se recogieron datos de forma individualizada de n=55 niños, 24 niños y 31 niñas. La hipótesis principal, formulada como que un déficit en el procesamiento de la información social se relacionará con unos niveles más altos de agresión y victimización, se mantiene.
The following study was implemented in three classes of the Primary EducationCentre «Filósofo Séneca». Its aim was to determine the way that children of this age processsocial information and the relation between this and the level of aggression or victimizationthey show.The study is based on the Model of Social Information Processing proposed byCrick and Dodge in 1994, and examines the fourth step of this model, the generation of alternative responses. The principal hypothesis, that a deficit in social information process-ing will be related to higher levels of aggression and victimization, is supported.